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Fix PointcutRewriterTest, add LogicalPointcutStructure test helper class

After WildTypePattern.hashCode was fixed in the previous commit,
PointcutRewriterTest started failing, because in many places it was
falsely relying on a specific order of hash codes, which cannot be
guaranteed, especially since more instance fields are part of the hash
code now in accordance with 'equals'.

The new test helper class LogicalPointcutStructure is able to recognise
chained '&&' and '||' pointcuts of the same logical nesting level,
un-nesting them from the actual pointcut structure and making them
comparable, disregarding their order. I.e., something like
  ((A && B) && C) && D
is actually recognised to logically be
  A && B && C && D
and equivalent to e.g. either of
  D && B && A && C
  A && B && D && C
  C && A && D && B

This helps to compare rewritten pointcuts, as long as their logical
structure has not been altered.

Relates to #24.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kriegisch <>
Alexander Kriegisch 1 year ago

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org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023 Contributors
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

* Test helper class reflecting nesting structure for AND ('&&'), OR ('||') and NOT ('!') pointcuts, enabling
* comparisons disregarding order of AND/OR pointcuts on the same nesting level. For this class, there is no difference
* between 'A && B && C', 'A && C && B', 'C && B '&& A' etc., i.e. the commutative law is respected.
* @author Alexander Kriegisch
public class LogicalPointcutStructure {

private enum PointcutType { NOT, AND, OR, TEXT }

private final PointcutType type;
private final List<LogicalPointcutStructure> children = new ArrayList<>();
private final Set<LogicalPointcutStructure> childrenSet = new HashSet<>();
private final String text;

private LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType type, LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
this(type, null, children);

private LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType type, String text) {
this(type, text, (LogicalPointcutStructure[]) null);

private LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType type, String text, LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
if (type == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pointcutType must be != null");
if (text == null && children == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("either text or children must be != null");
if (text != null && children != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot have both text and children, one must be null");
if (text != null && type != PointcutType.TEXT)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("if text is given, type must match to be TEXT");
if (children != null && type == PointcutType.TEXT)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("if children are given, type must be != TEXT");

this.type = type;
this.text = text;
if (children != null) {

public PointcutType getType() {
return type;

public List<LogicalPointcutStructure> getChildren() {
return children;

public String getText() {
return text;

public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;

LogicalPointcutStructure that = (LogicalPointcutStructure) o;

if (type != that.type)
return false;
if (!childrenSet.equals(that.childrenSet))
return false;
return Objects.equals(text, that.text);

public int hashCode() {
int result = type.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + childrenSet.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (text != null ? text.hashCode() : 0);
return result;

public String toString() {
return type == PointcutType.TEXT
? "\"" + text + "\""
: type + "(" + children.toString().replaceFirst("^.(.*).$", "$1") + ")";

public static LogicalPointcutStructure NOT(LogicalPointcutStructure child) {
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.NOT, child);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure NOT(Object childObject) {
LogicalPointcutStructure child;
if (childObject instanceof LogicalPointcutStructure)
child = (LogicalPointcutStructure) childObject;
else if (childObject instanceof String)
child = TEXT((String) childObject);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("each child must be either LogicalPointcutStructure or String");
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.NOT, child);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure AND(LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.AND, children);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure AND(Object... childObjects) {
LogicalPointcutStructure[] children = new LogicalPointcutStructure[childObjects.length];
LogicalPointcutStructure child;
Object childObject;
for (int i = 0; i < childObjects.length; i++) {
childObject = childObjects[i];
if (childObject instanceof LogicalPointcutStructure)
child = (LogicalPointcutStructure) childObject;
else if (childObject instanceof String)
child = TEXT((String) childObject);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("each child must be either LogicalPointcutStructure or String");
children[i] = child;
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.AND, children);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure OR(LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.OR, children);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure OR(Object... childObjects) {
LogicalPointcutStructure[] children = new LogicalPointcutStructure[childObjects.length];
LogicalPointcutStructure child;
Object childObject;
for (int i = 0; i < childObjects.length; i++) {
childObject = childObjects[i];
if (childObject instanceof LogicalPointcutStructure)
child = (LogicalPointcutStructure) childObject;
else if (childObject instanceof String)
child = TEXT((String) childObject);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("each child must be either LogicalPointcutStructure or String");
children[i] = child;
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.OR, children);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure TEXT(String text) {
return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.TEXT, text);

public static LogicalPointcutStructure fromPointcut(Pointcut pointcut) {
if (pointcut instanceof NotPointcut) {
NotPointcut notPointcut = (NotPointcut) pointcut;
return NOT(fromPointcut(notPointcut.getNegatedPointcut()));
else if (pointcut instanceof AndPointcut) {
List<LogicalPointcutStructure> children = new ArrayList<>();
AndPointcut andPointcut = (AndPointcut) pointcut;
while (andPointcut.getLeft() instanceof AndPointcut) {
andPointcut = (AndPointcut) andPointcut.getLeft();
return AND(children.toArray(new LogicalPointcutStructure[0]));
else if (pointcut instanceof OrPointcut) {
List<LogicalPointcutStructure> children = new ArrayList<>();
OrPointcut orPointcut = (OrPointcut) pointcut;
while (orPointcut.getLeft() instanceof OrPointcut) {
orPointcut = (OrPointcut) orPointcut.getLeft();
return OR(children.toArray(new LogicalPointcutStructure[0]));
else {
return TEXT(pointcut.toString());

public static void main(String[] args) {
// true
OR("A", NOT(OR("B", "C"))),
"OR(\"A\", NOT(OR(\"B\", \"C\")))"
// true
OR(AND("A", NOT(OR("B", "C")), "D"), NOT(OR("E", "F"))),
"OR(AND(\"A\", NOT(OR(\"B\", \"C\")), \"D\"), NOT(OR(\"E\", \"F\")))"

// true
OR("A", NOT(OR("B", "C"))),
OR(NOT(OR("C", "B")), "A")
// true
OR(AND("A", NOT(OR("B", "C")), "D"), NOT(OR("E", "F"))),
OR(NOT(OR("F", "E")), AND("A", NOT(OR("C", "B")), "D"))
// false
OR(AND("A", NOT(OR("B", "C")), "D"), NOT(OR("E", "F"))),
OR(NOT(OR("F", "E")), AND(NOT(OR("C", "B", "D")), "A"))

private static boolean verifyToString(LogicalPointcutStructure structure, String toStringExpected) {
System.out.println("Expected: " + toStringExpected);
System.out.println("Actual: " + structure);
return toStringExpected.equals(structure.toString());

private static boolean verifyEquals(LogicalPointcutStructure structure1, LogicalPointcutStructure structure2) {
System.out.println("Structure 1: " + structure1);
System.out.println("Structure 2: " + structure2);
return structure1.equals(structure2);


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org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/ View File

@@ -10,17 +10,19 @@
package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;

import static org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.LogicalPointcutStructure.*;

* Testing the pointcut rewriter.
* @author Adrian Colyer
* @author Andy Clement
* @author Alexander Kriegisch
public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {

@@ -60,157 +62,112 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
Pointcut notNotNOT = getPointcut("!!!this(Foo)");
assertEquals("!this(Foo)", prw.rewrite(notNotNOT).toString());
Pointcut and = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && this(Goo))");
assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || !this(Goo))", prw.rewrite(and, true).toString());
assertEquals(OR(NOT("this(Foo)"), NOT("this(Goo)")), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(and, true)));
Pointcut or = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) || this(Goo))");
assertEquals("(!this(Foo) && !this(Goo))", prw.rewrite(or, true).toString());
assertEquals(AND(NOT("this(Foo)"), NOT("this(Goo)")), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(or, true)));
Pointcut nestedNot = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && !this(Goo))");
assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || this(Goo))", prw.rewrite(nestedNot, true).toString());
assertEquals(OR(NOT("this(Foo)"), "this(Goo)"), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(nestedNot, true)));

public void testPullUpDisjunctions() {
Pointcut aAndb = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo)");
assertEquals("Unchanged", aAndb, prw.rewrite(aAndb));
Pointcut aOrb = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Moo)");
assertEquals("Unchanged", aOrb, prw.rewrite(aOrb));

Pointcut leftOr = getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))");
assertEquals("or%anyorder%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Goo)", prw.rewrite(leftOr));
// assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftOr).toString());

Pointcut rightOr = getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)");
// assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightOr).toString());
assertEquals("or%anyorder%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Goo)%this(Boo)", prw.rewrite(rightOr));

Pointcut leftAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))");
// assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftAnd).toString());
assertEquals("or%anyorder%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Foo)%this(Goo)", prw.rewrite(leftAnd));

Pointcut rightAnd = getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
// assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightAnd).toString());
assertEquals("or%anyorder%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Foo)%this(Goo)", prw.rewrite(rightAnd));

Pointcut nestedOrs = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Goo) || this(Boo)");
// assertEquals("((this(Boo) || this(Foo)) || this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(nestedOrs).toString());
assertEquals("or%anyorder%this(Goo)%or%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)", prw.rewrite(nestedOrs));

Pointcut nestedAnds = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && (this(Boo) && (this(Goo) || this(Moo))))");
// t(F) && (t(B) && (t(G) || t(M)))
// ==> t(F) && ((t(B) && t(G)) || (t(B) && t(M)))
// ==> (t(F) && (t(B) && t(G))) || (t(F) && (t(B) && t(M)))
// assertEquals("(((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Goo)) || ((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Moo)))",
// prw.rewrite(nestedAnds).toString());
AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo)")))
OR("this(Foo)", "this(Moo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Moo)")))

* spec is reverse polish notation with operators and, or , not, anyorder, delimiter is "%" (not whitespace).
* @param spec
* @param pc
private void assertEquals(String spec, Pointcut pc) {
StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(spec, "%");
String[] tokens = new String[strTok.countTokens()];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
tokens[i] = strTok.nextToken();
tokenIndex = 0;
assertTrue(spec, equals(pc, tokens));
OR("this(Foo)", AND("this(Goo)", "this(Boo)")),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))")))
OR(AND("this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"), "this(Foo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)")))
// The previous two are semantically identical
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))"))),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)")))

private int tokenIndex = 0;
OR(AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)"), AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)")),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))")))
OR(AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)"), AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)")),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)")))
// The previous two are semantically identical
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))"))),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)")))

private boolean equals(Pointcut pc, String[] tokens) {
if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("and")) {
if (!(pc instanceof AndPointcut)) {
return false;
AndPointcut apc = (AndPointcut) pc;
Pointcut left = apc.getLeft();
Pointcut right = apc.getRight();
if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("anyorder")) {
int restorePoint = tokenIndex;
boolean leftMatchFirst = equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
if (leftMatchFirst) {
return true;
tokenIndex = restorePoint;
boolean rightMatchFirst = equals(right, tokens) && equals(left, tokens);
return rightMatchFirst;
} else {
return equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
} else if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("or")) {
if (!(pc instanceof OrPointcut)) {
return false;
OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) pc;
Pointcut left = opc.getLeft();
Pointcut right = opc.getRight();
if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("anyorder")) {
int restorePoint = tokenIndex;
boolean leftMatchFirst = equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
if (leftMatchFirst) {
return true;
tokenIndex = restorePoint;
boolean rightMatchFirst = equals(right, tokens) && equals(left, tokens);
return rightMatchFirst;
} else {
return equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
OR("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Goo) || this(Boo)")))
OR("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) || this(Goo) || this(Foo)")))
OR("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) || this(Foo) || this(Goo)")))

} else if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("not")) {
if (!(pc instanceof NotPointcut)) {
return false;
NotPointcut np = (NotPointcut) pc;
return equals(np.getNegatedPointcut(), tokens);
} else {
return tokens[tokenIndex++].equals(pc.toString());
AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo) && this(Boo)")))
AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) && this(Goo) && this(Foo)")))
AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) && this(Foo) && this(Goo)")))

// public void testSplitOutWithins() {
// Pointcut simpleExecution = getPointcut("execution(* *.*(..))");
// assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleExecution,prw.rewrite(simpleExecution));
// Pointcut simpleWithinCode = getPointcut("withincode(* *.*(..))");
// assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleWithinCode,prw.rewrite(simpleWithinCode));
// Pointcut execution = getPointcut("execution(@Foo Foo (@Goo*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
// assertEquals("(within((@(Goo)*)) && execution(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
// prw.rewrite(execution).toString());
// Pointcut withincode = getPointcut("withincode(@Foo Foo (@Goo*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
// assertEquals("(within((@(Goo)*)) && withincode(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
// prw.rewrite(withincode).toString());
// Pointcut notExecution = getPointcut("!execution(Foo BankAccount+.*(..))");
// assertEquals("(!within(BankAccount+) || !execution(Foo *(..)))",
// prw.rewrite(notExecution).toString());
// Pointcut andWithincode = getPointcut("withincode( && this(Foo)");
// assertEquals("((within(Foo) && withincode(new(..))) && this(Foo))",
// prw.rewrite(andWithincode).toString());
// Pointcut orExecution = getPointcut("this(Foo) || execution(Goo Foo.moo(Baa))");
// assertEquals("((within(Foo) && execution(Goo moo(Baa))) || this(Foo))",
// prw.rewrite(orExecution).toString());
// }
OR(AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)", "this(Moo)"), AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)", "this(Goo)")),
fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Foo) && (this(Boo) && (this(Goo) || this(Moo))))")))

public void testSplitOutWithins() {
Pointcut simpleExecution = getPointcut("execution(* *.*(..))");
assertEquals("Unchanged", simpleExecution, prw.rewrite(simpleExecution));
Pointcut simpleWithinCode = getPointcut("withincode(* *.*(..))");
assertEquals("Unchanged", simpleWithinCode, prw.rewrite(simpleWithinCode));
Pointcut execution = getPointcut("execution(@Foo Foo (@Goo*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
assertEquals("(within((@(Goo)*)) && execution(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))", prw.rewrite(execution).toString());
Pointcut withincode = getPointcut("withincode(@Foo Foo (@Goo*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
assertEquals("(within((@(Goo)*)) && withincode(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))", prw.rewrite(withincode).toString());
Pointcut notExecution = getPointcut("!execution(Foo BankAccount+.*(..))");
assertEquals("(!within(BankAccount+) || !execution(Foo *(..)))", prw.rewrite(notExecution).toString());
Pointcut andWithincode = getPointcut("withincode( && this(Foo)");
assertEquals("((within(Foo) && withincode(new(..))) && this(Foo))", prw.rewrite(andWithincode).toString());
Pointcut orExecution = getPointcut("this(Foo) || execution(Goo Foo.moo(Baa))");
assertEquals("((within(Foo) && execution(Goo moo(Baa))) || this(Foo))", prw.rewrite(orExecution).toString());

public void testRemoveDuplicatesInAnd() {
Pointcut dupAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Foo)");
assertEquals("this(Foo)", prw.rewrite(dupAnd).toString());
Pointcut splitdupAnd = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && target(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
assertEquals("(target(Boo) && this(Foo))", prw.rewrite(splitdupAnd).toString());
assertEquals(AND("target(Boo)", "this(Foo)"), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(splitdupAnd)));

public void testNotRemoveNearlyDuplicatesInAnd() {
Pointcut toAndto = getPointcut("this(Object+) && this(Object)");
// Pointcut rewritten =
assertEquals(AND("this(Object+)", "this(Object)"), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(toAndto)));

public void testAAndNotAinAnd() {
@@ -308,10 +265,9 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {

public void testKindSetOfThis() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(Foo)");
Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Object o : matches) {
Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) o;
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", kind.neverHasThis());
Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Shadow.Kind o : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", o.neverHasThis());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
@@ -321,9 +277,8 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
// + @
p = getPointcut("@this(Foo)");
matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Object match : matches) {
Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) match;
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", kind.neverHasThis());
for (Shadow.Kind match : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", match.neverHasThis());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
@@ -334,10 +289,9 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {

public void testKindSetOfTarget() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("target(Foo)");
Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Object o : matches) {
Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) o;
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", kind.neverHasTarget());
Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Shadow.Kind o : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", o.neverHasTarget());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
@@ -347,9 +301,8 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
// + @
p = getPointcut("@target(Foo)");
matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Object match : matches) {
Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) match;
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", kind.neverHasTarget());
for (Shadow.Kind match : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", match.neverHasTarget());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
@@ -360,32 +313,31 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {

public void testKindSetOfArgs() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("args(..)");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
// + @
p = getPointcut("@args(..)");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);

public void testKindSetOfAnnotation() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("@annotation(Foo)");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);

public void testKindSetOfWithin() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("within(*)");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
// + @
p = getPointcut("@within(Foo)");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);

public void testKindSetOfWithinCode() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("withincode(* foo(..))");
Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Object o : matches) {
Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) o;
Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Shadow.Kind o : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing",
(kind.isEnclosingKind() && kind != Shadow.ConstructorExecution && kind != Shadow.Initialization));
(o.isEnclosingKind() && o != Shadow.ConstructorExecution && o != Shadow.Initialization));
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
@@ -397,9 +349,8 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
// + @
p = getPointcut("@withincode(Foo)");
matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
for (Object match : matches) {
Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) match;
assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing", kind.isEnclosingKind());
for (Shadow.Kind match : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing", match.isEnclosingKind());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
@@ -410,41 +361,41 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {

public void testKindSetOfIf() {
Pointcut p = new IfPointcut(null, 0);
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
p = IfPointcut.makeIfTruePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
p = IfPointcut.makeIfFalsePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
assertTrue("Nothing", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.NO_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("Nothing", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.NO_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);

public void testKindSetOfCflow() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo))");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
// [below]
p = getPointcut("cflowbelow(this(Foo))");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);

public void testKindSetInNegation() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("!execution(new(..))");
assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);

public void testKindSetOfOr() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("execution(new(..)) || get(* *)");
Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
assertEquals("2 kinds", 2, matches.size());
assertTrue("ConstructorExecution", matches.contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
assertTrue("FieldGet", matches.contains(Shadow.FieldGet));

public void testOrderingInAnd() {
Pointcut bigLongPC = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo)) && @args(X) && args(X) && @this(Foo) && @target(Boo) && this(Moo) && target(Boo) && @annotation(Moo) && @withincode(Boo) && withincode(new(..)) && set(* *)&& @within(Foo) && within(Foo)");
Pointcut bigLongPC = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo)) && @args(X) && args(X) && @this(Foo) && @target(Boo) && this(Moo) && target(Boo) && @annotation(Moo) && @withincode(Boo) && withincode(new(..)) && set(* *) && @within(Foo) && within(Foo)");
Pointcut rewritten = prw.rewrite(bigLongPC);
"((((((((((((within(Foo) && @within(Foo)) && set(* *)) && withincode(new(..))) && @withincode(Boo)) && target(Boo)) && this(Moo)) && @annotation(Moo)) && @this(Foo)) && @target(Boo)) && args(X)) && @args(X)) && cflow(this(Foo)))",
AND("cflow(this(Foo))", "@args(X)", "args(X)", "@target(Boo)", "@this(Foo)", "@annotation(Moo)", "this(Moo)", "target(Boo)", "@withincode(Boo)", "withincode(new(..))", "set(* *)", "@within(Foo)", "within(Foo)"),

public void testOrderingInSimpleOr() {
