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<h1>AspectJ 1.6.9 Readme</h1>

<h2>Features of 1.6.9 milestone 2</h2>

<p>Mostly bug fixes, some important fixes around the use of Method ITDs with private fields
(bug <a href="">307120</a>)</p>

<h3>Transparent weaving: <a href="">309743</a></h3>
<p>In a further step towards transparent weaving, support for the AjType reflection system is now being made optional.
This means if intending to use the AjTypeSystem to reflect on woven code, then the code must be built with the
option -makeAjReflectable. This change is being made because the reflection supporting metadata that
enables the AjTypeSystem to work can break other tools that are just using regular reflection on the classes. These
days many more users are processing classes using standard reflection than are using AjTypeSystem. The related bugzilla
discussing this issue is <a href="">309743</a>.</p>

<h3>Overweaving: <a href="">293450</a></h3>

<p>Preliminary support for overweaving was added in AspectJ 1.6.7, but now in AspectJ 1.6.9m2 it is much more reliable.
Basically it is an alternative to reweaving when needing to weave a class multiple times. Overweaving can cope with
'other tools' modifying the bytecode in between AspectJ weaves, whereas reweaving cannot. More details are in the related
bugzilla <a href="">293450</a> and in this
<a href="">blog article</a>. A weaver is switched
into overweaving mode by the option -Xset:overWeaving=true - which can be specified on the command line or in the weaver
options section of aop.xml. There is still more work to be done on this feature - any feedback is welcome.</p>

<h3>AOP Scoping: <a href="">124460</a></h3>

<p>Another feature that had preliminary support a while ago is aspect scoping in aop.xml. This has also been improved in
AspectJ1.6.9m2. For those not aware of it, it is the ability to specify a scope against aspects defined in your loadtime
weaving aop.xml file. A scope effectively enables the user to limit the applicability of your aspect to some subset of all those
types included by the weaver include section. Why is it needed? It can be useful when taking an aspect that did not
originally scope itself properly (using a within clause) and needing to limit its effect in a load time weaving context.
Think of it as a within
pattern that you can put into the aop.xml that augments all the pointcuts defined in the original aspect.</p>

<p>Here is an example:</p>
&lt;aspect name="X"/&gt;
&lt;aspect name="Y" scope="*"/&gt;
&lt;include within="com..*"/&gt;
<p>In this example the weaver include section specifies all the types in com..* should be woven and the
aspects to be used are X and Y. The new 'scope' setting on aspect Y's definition allows finer control, and specifies that
Y should in fact only be applied to* types.</p>

<h2>Features of 1.6.9 milestone 1</h2>

<h3>Message inserts for declare warning/error messages</h3>
