Kaynağa Gözat

more updates, esp. for sourceforge. Still need mail list, home page, etc.

wisberg 21 yıl önce
1 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 42 ekleme ve 53 silme
  1. 42

+ 42
- 53
docs/dist/doc/index.html Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -28,21 +28,25 @@
<a href="devguide/index.html">development</a> guides,
<a href="api/overview-summary.html">API</a> and
<!-- start strip -->
(<a href="../examples/">local</a>)
(<a href="examples/">local</a>)
<!-- end strip -->
<tr><td><a href="#distributions">distributions</a></td><td>
compiler, AJDE, docs, and Ant taskdefs
(<a href="@aspectj.home.url@/dl">binary</a>
- <a href="@aspectj.home.url@/sources">source</a>)
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@/dist">AspectJ</a> itself
and development environment support for
<a href="http://eclipse.org/ajdt">Eclipse</a>,
<a href="http://aspectj4emacs.sourceforge.net">Emacs</a>,
<a href="http://aspectj4jbuildr.sourceforge.net">JBuilder</a>,
<a href="http://aspectj4netbean.sourceforge.net">Netbeans</a>.
<tr><td><a href="#resources">resources</a></td><td>
<a href="http://aosd.net">aosd.net</a>;
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@">aspectj.org</a>
bug <a href="@aspectj.home.url@/bugs">db</a> and
<a href="mailto:jitterbug@aspectj.org">email</a>,
mail <a href="@aspectj.home.url@/lists">lists</a> for
<a href="mailto:users@aspectj.org">users</a> and
<a href="mailto:support@aspectj.org">support</a>
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@">AspectJ project</a>
the bug <a href="@aspectj.home.url@/bugs">db</a>,
and mailing lists for
<a href="mailto:aspectj-users@eclipse.org">users</a> and
<a href="mailto:aspectj-dev@eclipse.org">developers</a>.
<tr><td><a href="#paths">paths</a> </td><td>for those new to AspectJ
@@ -141,7 +145,7 @@

<tr> <td>Examples
<!-- start strip -->
(<a href="../examples/">local</a>)
(<a href="examples/">local</a>)
<!-- end strip -->
<td>AspectJ code to demonstrate some language features and implement
@@ -215,44 +219,34 @@
<table border="1">
<tr> <th>Resources</th><th>Description</th>
<tr> <td>
<a href="mailto:users@aspectj.org">email</a>
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@/lists">list</a>
<td>Developers use the
<a href="mailto:users@aspectj.org">users@aspectj.org</a>
mail list to discuss tips and
best practices for developing with AspectJ.
</td> </tr>

<tr> <td>
<a href="mailto:announce@aspectj.org">email</a>
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@/lists">list</a>
<a href="mailto:announce@aspectj.org">announce@aspectj.org</a>
has notices about releases and AspectJ team events.
</td> </tr>

<tr> <td>
<a href="mailto:support@aspectj.org">email</a> us
<tr> <td>Mail lists
Email <a href="mailto:support@aspectj.org">support@aspectj.org</a>
to contact the AspectJ team directly.
(As a small team, we cannot reply as fast as
<a href="mailto:users@aspectj.org">users</a>
can for usage questions.)
</td> </tr>
AspectJ users
discuss tips and
best practices for writing AspectJ programs
on the
<a href="mailto:aspectj-users@dev.eclipse.org">
aspectj-users@dev.eclipse.org</a> mail list.
AspectJ Developers discuss issues with developing
AspectJ on the
<a href="mailto:aspectj-developers@dev.eclipse.org">
aspectj-developers@dev.eclipse.org</a> list.
You can subscribe to the announce list
to get occasional emails about AspectJ releases
and relevant events.

<tr> <td>Bug
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@/bugs">DB</a>
and <a href="mailto:jitterbug@aspectj.org">email</a>
<tr> <td><a href="http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs">Bug database</a>
<td>Please send AspectJ bugs! (as a small program
that reproduces the problem)
<td>Use Bugzilla to submit bugs against the AspectJ
product components
<tt>compiler</tt> (for the ajc compiler)
<tt>ide</tt> (for AJBrowser and AJDE bugs),
<tt>ant</tt> (for Ant tasks)
<tt>docs</tt> (for the documentation).
</td> </tr>

<tr> <td> <a href="http://aosd.net">http://aosd.net</a> - the AOSD web site
@@ -307,16 +301,11 @@
<a href="faq.html#adoption">Deciding to adopt AspectJ</a>,
the Development tools sections
(<a href="faq.html#q:integrateWithDevTools">one</a>,
<a href="faq.html#devtools">two</a>),
<a href="faq.html#q:opensource">AspectJ as open-source</a> and
<a href="faq.html#q:consulting">available support and consulting</a>.
<a href="faq.html#devtools">two</a>), and
<a href="faq.html#q:opensource">AspectJ as open-source</a>.
Otherwise, see
the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>,
<a href="@aspectj.home.url@/lists">view</a> or
<a href="mailto:users@aspectj.org">email</a> the
AspectJ users list, and enjoy the language!
Enjoy the language!
The AspectJ Team
