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268419: testcode: dynamic proxies and generics

aclement 15 years ago

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org.aspectj.matcher/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ View File

@@ -22,12 +22,10 @@ import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute;

* @author colyer Instances of this class are created by
* ResolvedMember.getSignatures() when collating all of the signatures
* for a member. We need to create entries in the set for the "gaps" in
* the hierarchy. For example:
* @author colyer Instances of this class are created by ResolvedMember.getSignatures() when collating all of the signatures for a
* member. We need to create entries in the set for the "gaps" in the hierarchy. For example:
* class A { void foo(); }
* class A { void foo(); }
* class B extends A {}
@@ -35,8 +33,7 @@ import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute;
* has signatures:
* AND will be created as a
* ResolvedMemberWithSubstituteDeclaringType
* AND will be created as a ResolvedMemberWithSubstituteDeclaringType
* Oh for a JDK 1.4 dynamic proxy.... we have to run on 1.3 :(
@@ -206,18 +203,14 @@ public class JoinPointSignature implements ResolvedMember {
return realMember.getGenericParameterTypes();

public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(
UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
boolean isParameterized) {
return realMember.parameterizedWith(typeParameters, newDeclaringType,
return realMember.parameterizedWith(typeParameters, newDeclaringType, isParameterized);

public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(
UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
boolean isParameterized, List aliases) {
return realMember.parameterizedWith(typeParameters, newDeclaringType,
isParameterized, aliases);
return realMember.parameterizedWith(typeParameters, newDeclaringType, isParameterized, aliases);

public void setTypeVariables(TypeVariable[] types) {
@@ -232,8 +225,8 @@ public class JoinPointSignature implements ResolvedMember {
return realMember.getTypeVariableNamed(name);

public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch) {
return realMember.matches(aCandidateMatch);
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch, boolean ignoreGenerics) {
return realMember.matches(aCandidateMatch, ignoreGenerics);

public ResolvedMember resolve(World world) {
@@ -309,8 +302,7 @@ public class JoinPointSignature implements ResolvedMember {

public Collection getDeclaringTypes(World world) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Adrian doesn't think you should be calling this...");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Adrian doesn't think you should be calling this...");

public Iterator getJoinPointSignatures(World world) {
@@ -375,8 +367,7 @@ public class JoinPointSignature implements ResolvedMember {

public int hashCode() {
return 17 + (37 * realMember.hashCode())
+ (37 * substituteDeclaringType.hashCode());
return 17 + (37 * realMember.hashCode()) + (37 * substituteDeclaringType.hashCode());

public boolean hasBackingGenericMember() {

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org.aspectj.matcher/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ View File

@@ -21,27 +21,27 @@ import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

* Iterates over the signatures of a join point, calculating new signatures
* lazily to minimize processing and to avoid unneccessary "can't find type"
* errors. Iterator can be cached and reused by calling the "reset" method
* between iterations.
* Iterates over the signatures of a join point, calculating new signatures lazily to minimize processing and to avoid unneccessary
* "can't find type" errors. Iterator can be cached and reused by calling the "reset" method between iterations.
public class JoinPointSignatureIterator implements Iterator {
private Member signaturesOfMember;
private ResolvedMember firstDefiningMember;
ResolvedType firstDefiningType;
private World world;
private List /*JoinPointSignature*/ discoveredSignatures = new ArrayList();
private List /* JoinPointSignature */discoveredSignatures = new ArrayList();
private List additionalSignatures = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
private Iterator discoveredSignaturesIterator = null;
private Iterator superTypeIterator = null;
private boolean isProxy = false;
private Set visitedSuperTypes = new HashSet();
private List /*SearchPair*/ yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers = null;//new ArrayList();
private List /* SearchPair */yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers = null;// new ArrayList();
private boolean iteratingOverDiscoveredSignatures = true;
private boolean couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = true;
private final static UnresolvedType jlrProxy = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Ljava/lang/reflect/Proxy;");

@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ public class JoinPointSignatureIterator implements Iterator {
this.signaturesOfMember = joinPointSignature; = inAWorld;
if (!shouldWalkUpHierarchy()) couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;
if (!shouldWalkUpHierarchy())
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;

public void reset() {
@@ -57,22 +58,28 @@ public class JoinPointSignatureIterator implements Iterator {
iteratingOverDiscoveredSignatures = true;
/* (non-Javadoc)

* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext()
public boolean hasNext() {
if (iteratingOverDiscoveredSignatures && discoveredSignaturesIterator.hasNext()) {
return true;
} else if (couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures) {
if (additionalSignatures.size() > 0) return true;
else return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
if (additionalSignatures.size() > 0)
return true;
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
} else {
return false;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.util.Iterator#next()
public Object next() {
@@ -86,166 +93,197 @@ public class JoinPointSignatureIterator implements Iterator {
throw new NoSuchElementException();

/* (non-Javadoc)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't remove from JoinPointSignatureIterator");
private void addSignaturesUpToFirstDefiningMember() {
// Walk up hierarchy creating one member for each type up to and including the
// first defining type
ResolvedType originalDeclaringType = signaturesOfMember.getDeclaringType().resolve(world);
if (world.isJoinpointArrayConstructionEnabled() && originalDeclaringType.isArray()) { // Aha, this must be the array constructor call join point - a 'special'...
Member m = signaturesOfMember;
ResolvedMember rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(m.getKind(),m.getDeclaringType(),m.getModifiers(),m.getReturnType(),m.getName(),m.getParameterTypes());
discoveredSignatures.add(new JoinPointSignature(rm,originalDeclaringType));
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;

firstDefiningMember = signaturesOfMember.resolve(world);
if (firstDefiningMember == null) {
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;
// declaringType can be unresolved if we matched a synthetic member generated by Aj...
// should be fixed elsewhere but add this resolve call on the end for now so that we can
// focus on one problem at a time...
firstDefiningType = firstDefiningMember.getDeclaringType().resolve(world);
if (firstDefiningType != originalDeclaringType) {
if (signaturesOfMember.getKind() == Member.CONSTRUCTOR) {

List declaringTypes = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iter = declaringTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// Walk up hierarchy creating one member for each type up to and including the
// first defining type
ResolvedType originalDeclaringType = signaturesOfMember.getDeclaringType().resolve(world);
ResolvedType superType = originalDeclaringType.getSuperclass();
if (superType != null && superType.equals(jlrProxy)) {
// Proxy types are generated without any regard to generics (pr268419) and so the member walking
// should also ignore them
isProxy = true;

if (world.isJoinpointArrayConstructionEnabled() && originalDeclaringType.isArray()) { // Aha, this must be the array
// constructor call join point - a
// 'special'...
Member m = signaturesOfMember;
ResolvedMember rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(m.getKind(), m.getDeclaringType(), m.getModifiers(), m.getReturnType(), m
.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
discoveredSignatures.add(new JoinPointSignature(rm, originalDeclaringType));
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;

firstDefiningMember = signaturesOfMember.resolve(world);

if (firstDefiningMember == null) {
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;

// declaringType can be unresolved if we matched a synthetic member generated by Aj...
// should be fixed elsewhere but add this resolve call on the end for now so that we can
// focus on one problem at a time...
firstDefiningType = firstDefiningMember.getDeclaringType().resolve(world);
if (firstDefiningType != originalDeclaringType) {
if (signaturesOfMember.getKind() == Member.CONSTRUCTOR) {

List declaringTypes = new ArrayList();
accumulateTypesInBetween(originalDeclaringType, firstDefiningType, declaringTypes);
for (Iterator iter = declaringTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ResolvedType declaringType = (ResolvedType);
ResolvedMember member = ((ResolvedMemberImpl)firstDefiningMember).withSubstituteDeclaringType(declaringType);
ResolvedMember member = ((ResolvedMemberImpl) firstDefiningMember).withSubstituteDeclaringType(declaringType);
* Build a list containing every type between subtype and supertype, inclusively.
private void accumulateTypesInBetween(ResolvedType subType, ResolvedType superType, List types) {
if (subType == superType) {
} else {
for (Iterator iter = subType.getDirectSupertypes(); iter.hasNext();) {
* Build a list containing every type between subtype and supertype, inclusively.
private void accumulateTypesInBetween(ResolvedType subType, ResolvedType superType, List types) {
if (subType == superType) {
} else {
for (Iterator iter = subType.getDirectSupertypes(); iter.hasNext();) {
ResolvedType parent = (ResolvedType);
if (superType.isAssignableFrom(parent,true)) {
accumulateTypesInBetween(parent, superType,types);
if (superType.isAssignableFrom(parent, true)) {
accumulateTypesInBetween(parent, superType, types);
private boolean shouldWalkUpHierarchy() {
if (signaturesOfMember.getKind() == Member.CONSTRUCTOR) return false;
if (signaturesOfMember.getKind() == Member.FIELD) return false;
if (signaturesOfMember.isStatic()) return false;
return true;
private boolean findSignaturesFromSupertypes() {
iteratingOverDiscoveredSignatures = false;
if (superTypeIterator == null) {
superTypeIterator = firstDefiningType.getDirectSupertypes();
if (superTypeIterator.hasNext()) {
ResolvedType superType = (ResolvedType);
if (visitedSuperTypes.contains(superType)) {
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
} else {
// we haven't looked in this type yet
if (superType.isMissing()) {
// issue a warning, stop looking for join point signatures in this line
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
ResolvedMemberImpl foundMember = (ResolvedMemberImpl) superType.lookupResolvedMember(firstDefiningMember,true);
if (foundMember != null && isVisibleTo(firstDefiningMember,foundMember)) {

private boolean shouldWalkUpHierarchy() {
if (signaturesOfMember.getKind() == Member.CONSTRUCTOR)
return false;
if (signaturesOfMember.getKind() == Member.FIELD)
return false;
if (signaturesOfMember.isStatic())
return false;
return true;

private boolean findSignaturesFromSupertypes() {
iteratingOverDiscoveredSignatures = false;
if (superTypeIterator == null) {
superTypeIterator = firstDefiningType.getDirectSupertypes();
if (superTypeIterator.hasNext()) {
ResolvedType superType = (ResolvedType);
if (isProxy && (superType.isGenericType() || superType.isParameterizedType())) {
superType = (ResolvedType) superType.getRawType();
if (visitedSuperTypes.contains(superType)) {
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
} else {
// we haven't looked in this type yet
if (superType.isMissing()) {
// issue a warning, stop looking for join point signatures in this line
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
ResolvedMemberImpl foundMember = (ResolvedMemberImpl) superType.lookupResolvedMember(firstDefiningMember, true,
if (foundMember != null && isVisibleTo(firstDefiningMember, foundMember)) {
List declaringTypes = new ArrayList();
// declaring type can be unresolved if the member can from an ITD...
ResolvedType resolvedDeclaringType = foundMember.getDeclaringType().resolve(world);
accumulateTypesInBetween(superType, resolvedDeclaringType, declaringTypes);
for (Iterator iter = declaringTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
for (Iterator iter = declaringTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ResolvedType declaringType = (ResolvedType);
ResolvedMember member = foundMember.withSubstituteDeclaringType(declaringType);
discoveredSignatures.add(member); // for next time we are reset
if (additionalSignatures==Collections.EMPTY_LIST) additionalSignatures=new ArrayList();
additionalSignatures.add(member); // for this time
ResolvedMember member = null;
if (isProxy) {
if (declaringType.isGenericType() || declaringType.isParameterizedType()) {
declaringType = (ResolvedType) declaringType.getRawType();
member = foundMember.withSubstituteDeclaringType(declaringType);
} else {
member = foundMember.withSubstituteDeclaringType(declaringType);
discoveredSignatures.add(member); // for next time we are reset
if (additionalSignatures == Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
additionalSignatures = new ArrayList();
additionalSignatures.add(member); // for this time
// if this was a parameterized type, look in the generic type that backs it too
if (superType.isParameterizedType() && (foundMember.backingGenericMember != null)) {
ResolvedMember member =new JoinPointSignature(foundMember.backingGenericMember,foundMember.declaringType.resolve(world));
discoveredSignatures.add(member); // for next time we are reset
if (additionalSignatures==Collections.EMPTY_LIST) additionalSignatures=new ArrayList();
additionalSignatures.add(member); // for this time
if (!isProxy && superType.isParameterizedType() && (foundMember.backingGenericMember != null)) {
ResolvedMember member = new JoinPointSignature(foundMember.backingGenericMember, foundMember.declaringType
discoveredSignatures.add(member); // for next time we are reset
if (additionalSignatures == Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
additionalSignatures = new ArrayList();
additionalSignatures.add(member); // for this time
if (yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers == null) {
yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers = new ArrayList();
if (yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers==null) yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers=new ArrayList();
yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers.add(new SearchPair(foundMember,superType));
yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers.add(new SearchPair(foundMember, superType));
return true;
} else {
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
if (yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers!=null && !yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers.isEmpty()) {
SearchPair nextUp = (SearchPair) yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers.remove(0);
firstDefiningType = nextUp.type;
firstDefiningMember = nextUp.member;
superTypeIterator = null;
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;
return false;
* Returns true if the parent member is visible to the child member
* In the same declaring type this is always true, otherwise if parent is private
* it is false.
* @param childMember
* @param parentMember
* @return
private boolean isVisibleTo(ResolvedMember childMember, ResolvedMember parentMember) {
if (childMember.getDeclaringType().equals(parentMember.getDeclaringType())) return true;
if (Modifier.isPrivate(parentMember.getModifiers())) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
private void warnOnMissingType(ResolvedType missing) {
if (missing instanceof MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) {
// which it should be...
MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature mrt = (MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) missing;
private static class SearchPair {
public ResolvedMember member;
public ResolvedType type;
public SearchPair(ResolvedMember member, ResolvedType type) {
this.member = member;
this.type = type;
if (yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers != null && !yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers.isEmpty()) {
SearchPair nextUp = (SearchPair) yetToBeProcessedSuperMembers.remove(0);
firstDefiningType = nextUp.type;
firstDefiningMember = nextUp.member;
superTypeIterator = null;
return findSignaturesFromSupertypes();
couldBeFurtherAsYetUndiscoveredSignatures = false;
return false;

* Returns true if the parent member is visible to the child member In the same declaring type this is always true, otherwise if
* parent is private it is false.
* @param childMember
* @param parentMember
* @return
private boolean isVisibleTo(ResolvedMember childMember, ResolvedMember parentMember) {
if (childMember.getDeclaringType().equals(parentMember.getDeclaringType()))
return true;
if (Modifier.isPrivate(parentMember.getModifiers())) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

private void warnOnMissingType(ResolvedType missing) {
if (missing instanceof MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) {
// which it should be...
MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature mrt = (MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) missing;

private static class SearchPair {
public ResolvedMember member;
public ResolvedType type;

public SearchPair(ResolvedMember member, ResolvedType type) {
this.member = member;
this.type = type;


+ 9
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org.aspectj.matcher/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ View File

@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ import java.util.Map;

import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;

public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement,
TypeVariableDeclaringElement {
public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement, TypeVariableDeclaringElement {

public static final ResolvedMember[] NONE = new ResolvedMember[0];

@@ -119,14 +118,12 @@ public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement,
public ResolvedMember getBackingGenericMember();

* Get the UnresolvedType for the return type, taking generic signature into
* account
* Get the UnresolvedType for the return type, taking generic signature into account
public UnresolvedType getGenericReturnType();

* Get the TypeXs of the parameter types, taking generic signature into
* account
* Get the TypeXs of the parameter types, taking generic signature into account
public UnresolvedType[] getGenericParameterTypes();

@@ -137,16 +134,14 @@ public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement,
// version or not
// if isParameterized List<T> will turn into List<String> (for example),
// but if !isParameterized List<T> will turn into List.
public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(
UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
boolean isParameterized);

// this variant allows for aliases for type variables (i.e. allowing them to
// have another name)
// this is used for processing ITDs that share type variables with their
// target generic type
public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(
UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType,
boolean isParameterized, List aliases);

public void setTypeVariables(TypeVariable[] types);
@@ -170,12 +165,10 @@ public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement,
// public ResolvedMember getErasure();

* Returns true if this member matches the other. The matching takes into
* account name and parameter types only. When comparing parameter types, we
* allow any type variable to match any other type variable regardless of
* bounds.
* Returns true if this member matches the other. The matching takes into account name and parameter types only. When comparing
* parameter types, we allow any type variable to match any other type variable regardless of bounds.
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch);
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch, boolean ignoreGenerics);

public void resetName(String newName);

@@ -188,4 +181,5 @@ public interface ResolvedMember extends Member, AnnotatedElement,
public void evictWeavingState();

public ResolvedMember parameterizedWith(Map m, World w);


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org.aspectj.matcher/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ View File

@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public class ResolvedMemberImpl extends MemberImpl implements IHasPosition, Anno
// member.
Iterator superTypeIterator = firstDefiningType.getDirectSupertypes();
List typesAlreadyVisited = new ArrayList();
accumulateMembersMatching(firstDefiningMember, superTypeIterator, typesAlreadyVisited, memberSignatures);
accumulateMembersMatching(firstDefiningMember, superTypeIterator, typesAlreadyVisited, memberSignatures, false);

JoinPointSignature[] ret = new JoinPointSignature[memberSignatures.size()];
@@ -179,12 +179,13 @@ public class ResolvedMemberImpl extends MemberImpl implements IHasPosition, Anno
* ancestor members. When doing this, a type parameter matches regardless of bounds (bounds can be narrowed down the hierarchy).
private static void accumulateMembersMatching(ResolvedMemberImpl memberToMatch, Iterator typesToLookIn,
List typesAlreadyVisited, Set foundMembers) {
List typesAlreadyVisited, Set foundMembers, boolean ignoreGenerics) {
while (typesToLookIn.hasNext()) {
ResolvedType toLookIn = (ResolvedType);
if (!typesAlreadyVisited.contains(toLookIn)) {
ResolvedMemberImpl foundMember = (ResolvedMemberImpl) toLookIn.lookupResolvedMember(memberToMatch, true);
ResolvedMemberImpl foundMember = (ResolvedMemberImpl) toLookIn.lookupResolvedMember(memberToMatch, true,
if (foundMember != null && isVisibleTo(memberToMatch, foundMember)) {
List declaringTypes = new ArrayList();
// declaring type can be unresolved if the member can from
@@ -197,11 +198,12 @@ public class ResolvedMemberImpl extends MemberImpl implements IHasPosition, Anno
ResolvedMember member = foundMember.withSubstituteDeclaringType(declaringType);
if (toLookIn.isParameterizedType() && (foundMember.backingGenericMember != null)) {
if (!ignoreGenerics && toLookIn.isParameterizedType() && (foundMember.backingGenericMember != null)) {
foundMembers.add(new JoinPointSignature(foundMember.backingGenericMember, foundMember.declaringType
accumulateMembersMatching(foundMember, toLookIn.getDirectSupertypes(), typesAlreadyVisited, foundMembers);
accumulateMembersMatching(foundMember, toLookIn.getDirectSupertypes(), typesAlreadyVisited, foundMembers,
// if this was a parameterized type, look in the generic
// type that backs it too
@@ -911,24 +913,57 @@ public class ResolvedMemberImpl extends MemberImpl implements IHasPosition, Anno
* Returns true if this member matches the other. The matching takes into account name and parameter types only. When comparing
* parameter types, we allow any type variable to match any other type variable regardless of bounds.
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch) {
public boolean matches(ResolvedMember aCandidateMatch, boolean ignoreGenerics) {
// if (this.getName().equals("get")) {
// System.out.println("In RMI.matches() this=" + this + " candidate=" + aCandidateMatch);
// }
ResolvedMemberImpl candidateMatchImpl = (ResolvedMemberImpl) aCandidateMatch;
if (!getName().equals(aCandidateMatch.getName()))
if (!getName().equals(aCandidateMatch.getName())) {
return false;
UnresolvedType[] myParameterTypes = getGenericParameterTypes();
UnresolvedType[] candidateParameterTypes = aCandidateMatch.getGenericParameterTypes();
if (myParameterTypes.length != candidateParameterTypes.length)
if (myParameterTypes.length != candidateParameterTypes.length) {
return false;
String myParameterSignature = getParameterSigWithBoundsRemoved();
String candidateParameterSignature = candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSigWithBoundsRemoved();
if (myParameterSignature.equals(candidateParameterSignature)) {
return true;
boolean b = false;
/* if (ignoreGenerics) {
String myParameterSignature = getParameterSigWithBoundsRemoved();
String candidateParameterSignature = candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSigWithBoundsRemoved();
if (myParameterSignature.equals(candidateParameterSignature)) {
b = true;
} else {
myParameterSignature = (hasBackingGenericMember() ? backingGenericMember.getParameterSignatureErased()
: getParameterSignatureErased());
candidateParameterSignature = (candidateMatchImpl.hasBackingGenericMember() ? candidateMatchImpl.backingGenericMember
: candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSignatureErased());
// System.out.println("my psig = " + myParameterSignature);
// System.out.println("can psig = " + candidateParameterSignature);
b = myParameterSignature.equals(candidateParameterSignature);
} else {
// try erasure
myParameterSignature = getParameterSignatureErased();
candidateParameterSignature = candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSignatureErased();
return myParameterSignature.equals(candidateParameterSignature);
String myParameterSignature = getParameterSigWithBoundsRemoved();
String candidateParameterSignature = candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSigWithBoundsRemoved();
if (myParameterSignature.equals(candidateParameterSignature)) {
b = true;
} else {
// try erasure
myParameterSignature = getParameterSignatureErased();
candidateParameterSignature = candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSignatureErased();
// myParameterSignature = (hasBackingGenericMember() ? backingGenericMember.getParameterSignatureErased()
// : getParameterSignatureErased());
// candidateParameterSignature = (candidateMatchImpl.hasBackingGenericMember() ?
// candidateMatchImpl.backingGenericMember
// .getParameterSignatureErased() : candidateMatchImpl.getParameterSignatureErased());
// System.out.println("my psig = " + myParameterSignature);
// System.out.println("can psig = " + candidateParameterSignature);
b = myParameterSignature.equals(candidateParameterSignature);
// }
// System.out.println("Checking param signatures: " + b);
return b;


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org.aspectj.matcher/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ View File

@@ -251,48 +251,53 @@ public abstract class ResolvedType extends UnresolvedType implements AnnotatedEl
public List getMethodsWithoutIterator(boolean includeITDs, boolean allowMissing) {
List methods = new ArrayList();
Set knowninterfaces = new HashSet();
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, methods, this, includeITDs, allowMissing);
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, methods, this, includeITDs, allowMissing, false);
return methods;

private void addAndRecurse(Set knowninterfaces, List collector, ResolvedType rtx, boolean includeITDs, boolean allowMissing) {
collector.addAll(Arrays.asList(rtx.getDeclaredMethods())); // Add the
// methods
// declared
// on this
// type
public List getMethodsWithoutIterator(boolean includeITDs, boolean allowMissing, boolean genericsAware) {
List methods = new ArrayList();
Set knowninterfaces = new HashSet();
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, methods, this, includeITDs, allowMissing, genericsAware);
return methods;

private void addAndRecurse(Set knowninterfaces, List collector, ResolvedType resolvedType, boolean includeITDs,
boolean allowMissing, boolean genericsAware) {
// Add the methods declared on this type
// now add all the inter-typed members too
if (includeITDs && rtx.interTypeMungers != null) {
if (includeITDs && resolvedType.interTypeMungers != null) {
for (Iterator i = interTypeMungers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
ConcreteTypeMunger tm = (ConcreteTypeMunger);
ResolvedMember rm = tm.getSignature();
if (rm != null) { // new parent type munger can have null
// signature...
if (rm != null) { // new parent type munger can have null signature
if (!rtx.equals(ResolvedType.OBJECT)) {
ResolvedType superType = rtx.getSuperclass();
if (!resolvedType.equals(ResolvedType.OBJECT)) {
ResolvedType superType = resolvedType.getSuperclass();
if (superType != null && !superType.isMissing()) {
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, collector, superType, includeITDs, allowMissing); // Recurse if we aren't at
// the top
if (genericsAware && superType.isParameterizedType()) {
superType = (ResolvedType) superType.getRawType();
// Recurse if we are not at the top
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, collector, superType, includeITDs, allowMissing, genericsAware);
ResolvedType[] interfaces = rtx.getDeclaredInterfaces(); // Go through
// the
// interfaces
// on the
// way back
// down
// Go through the interfaces on the way back down
ResolvedType[] interfaces = resolvedType.getDeclaredInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
ResolvedType iface = interfaces[i];

if (!genericsAware && iface.isParameterizedType()) {
iface = (ResolvedType) iface.getRawType();
// we need to know if it is an interface from Parent kind munger
// as those are used for @AJ ITD and we precisely want to skip those
boolean shouldSkip = false;
for (int j = 0; j < rtx.interTypeMungers.size(); j++) {
ConcreteTypeMunger munger = (ConcreteTypeMunger) rtx.interTypeMungers.get(j);
for (int j = 0; j < resolvedType.interTypeMungers.size(); j++) {
ConcreteTypeMunger munger = (ConcreteTypeMunger) resolvedType.interTypeMungers.get(j);
if (munger.getMunger() != null && munger.getMunger().getKind() == ResolvedTypeMunger.Parent
&& ((NewParentTypeMunger) munger.getMunger()).getNewParent().equals(iface) // pr171953
) {
@@ -301,17 +306,15 @@ public abstract class ResolvedType extends UnresolvedType implements AnnotatedEl

if (!shouldSkip && !knowninterfaces.contains(iface)) { // Dont do
// interfaces
// more than
// once
// Do not do interfaces more than once
if (!shouldSkip && !knowninterfaces.contains(iface)) {
if (allowMissing && iface.isMissing()) {
if (iface instanceof MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) {
((MissingResolvedTypeWithKnownSignature) iface).raiseWarningOnMissingInterfaceWhilstFindingMethods();
} else {
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, collector, iface, includeITDs, allowMissing);
addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces, collector, iface, includeITDs, allowMissing, genericsAware);
@@ -433,19 +436,25 @@ public abstract class ResolvedType extends UnresolvedType implements AnnotatedEl
* into account parameters which are type variables - which clearly an unresolved Member cannot do since it does not know
* anything about type variables.
public ResolvedMember lookupResolvedMember(ResolvedMember aMember, boolean allowMissing) {
public ResolvedMember lookupResolvedMember(ResolvedMember aMember, boolean allowMissing, boolean ignoreGenerics) {
Iterator toSearch = null;
ResolvedMember found = null;
if ((aMember.getKind() == Member.METHOD) || (aMember.getKind() == Member.CONSTRUCTOR)) {
toSearch = getMethodsWithoutIterator(true, allowMissing).iterator();
toSearch = getMethodsWithoutIterator(true, allowMissing, !ignoreGenerics).iterator();
} else {
if (aMember.getKind() != Member.FIELD)
throw new IllegalStateException("I didn't know you would look for members of kind " + aMember.getKind());
toSearch = getFields();
while (toSearch.hasNext()) {
ResolvedMemberImpl candidate = (ResolvedMemberImpl);
if (candidate.matches(aMember)) {
ResolvedMember candidate = (ResolvedMemberImpl);
if (ignoreGenerics) {
if (candidate.hasBackingGenericMember()) {
candidate = candidate.getBackingGenericMember();

if (candidate.matches(aMember, ignoreGenerics)) {
found = candidate;
