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@@ -23,13 +23,71 @@ All rights reserved.
<p>The full list of resolved issues in 1.6.12 is available
<a href=";bug_status=RESOLVED;bug_status=VERIFIED;bug_status=CLOSED;product=AspectJ;target_milestone=1.6.12;">here</a></h2>.</p>

<h4>1.6.12.RC1 available 3-Oct-2011</h4>
<h4>1.6.12.M2 available 18-Aug-2011</h4>
<h4>1.6.12.M1 available 7-Jun-2011</h4>

<h2>Notable Changes</h2>

<h3>RC1 - annotation value matching and !=</h3>
Prior to this change it was only possible to specify an annotation match like this:<br><br>
<tt>get(@Anno(someValue=1) * *) || get(@Anno(someValue=3) * *)</tt><br>
<p>Now it is possible to use != and write this:<br><br>
<tt>get(@Anno(someValue!=2) * *)</tt><br>
<p>This can enable a group of annotated elements to be more easily identified.<br>

<h3>RC1 - More flexible pointcut/code wiring in aop.xml</h3>
Prior to this version the wiring was quite limited. In order to wire a pointcut to a piece of code the user
needed to write an abstract aspect that included an abstract pointcut and some advice attached to that
abstract pointcut. Then compile this aspect and finally write the XML to concretize the abstract pointcut. With 1.6.12
more flexibility has been added and for some cases there can be no need for that abstract aspect.
<p>This is a work in progress but now you can write this in the aop.xml:
&lt;concrete-aspect name="MyAspect"&gt;
&lt;before pointcut="execution(* Hello.say2(..)) AND args(message)"
invokeMethod="someMethod(JoinPoint tjp, java.lang.String message)"/&gt;
&lt;after pointcut="execution(* Hello.say2(..)) AND args(message)"
invokeMethod="someOtherMethod(JoinPoint tjp, java.lang.String message)"/&gt;

public class SomeRegularJavaClass {

public static void someMethod(org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint tjp, String s) {
System.out.println("in advice4: s="+s+" at "+tjp);
public static void someOtherMethod(org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint tjp, String s) {
System.out.println("in advice5: s="+s+" at "+tjp);
<p>In this example there is a simple regular java class containing some static methods. In the XML these
can be joined to pointcuts, kind as if they were advice. Notice in the XML it specifies:
<li>The pointcut
<li>The <tt>invokeClass</tt> - the fully qualified name of the class containing the Java method
<li>The <tt>invokeMethod</tt> - the method, including signature in the specified class.
Due to the method specification being in XML the parameter types must be fully specified. The only
exception to this rule is that the AspectJ core types JoinPoint (and JoinPoint.StaticPart) do not
have to be fully qualified (see the example above).
<b>Important:</b> notice that in the case above which does argument binding, the names are
bound according to the XML specification, not according to the parameter names in the Java code.
<p>Around advice is also supported (the return type of the method must match the joinpoint return
type). The example shows after advice, currently there is no way to specify either after returning
or after finally, there is only after.
<p>Expanding this further would enable support for all the code style features in the XML. Some
of the language features like declare annotation cannot be done in annotation style aspects but the
XML doesn't have the same kind of restrictions. If anyone wants to help out by fleshing this area
of the weaver out, let me know and I'll help you get started!
<h3>M2 - thisAspectInstance (<a href="">bug239649</a>)</h3>
