Explorar el Código

updated section 2

ehilsdal hace 21 años

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docs/teaching/exercises/answers/Answer2a.java Ver fichero

@@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ import figures.FigureElement;

public aspect Answer2a {
before(int newValue): set(int Point.*) && args(newValue) {
if (newValue < FigureElement.MIN_VALUE) {
if (newValue < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("too small");
} else if (newValue > FigureElement.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("too large");

+ 6
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docs/teaching/exercises/answers/Answer2d.java Ver fichero

@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@

package answers;

import figures.SlothfulPoint;
import figures.*;

aspect Answer2d {
after(int newValue, SlothfulPoint p) returning:
call(void setX(int)) && args(newValue) && target(p) {
if (newValue != p.getX()) {
throw new RuntimeException("setter didn't set");
int around(int val): (set(int Point._x) || set(int Point._y))
&& args(val) {
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
return proceed(val);

+ 15
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docs/teaching/exercises/answers/Answer2e.java Ver fichero

@@ -14,11 +14,21 @@ package answers;

import figures.*;

public aspect Answer2e {
pointcut checkpoint(Box box):
call(void move(int, int)) && target(box);
import java.awt.Rectangle;

after(Box box) returning: checkpoint(box) {
aspect Answer2e {
void around(Point p, int dx, int dy):
target(fe) && call(void move(int, int)) && args(dx, dy) {
int preX = p.getX();
int preY = p.getY();

proceed(p, dx, dy);

int postX = p.getX();
int postY = p.getY();

if ((postX != preX + dx) || (postY != preY + dy)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("point didn't move properly");

+ 13
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docs/teaching/exercises/answers/Answer2f.java Ver fichero

@@ -14,11 +14,19 @@ package answers;

import figures.*;

public aspect Answer2f {
pointcut checkpoint(Box box):
target(box) && call(public * *(..)) && !within(Answer*);
import java.awt.Rectangle;

after(Box box) returning: checkpoint(box) {
aspect Answer2f {
void around(FigureElement fe, int dx, int dy):
target(fe) && call(void move(int, int)) && args(dx, dy) {

Rectangle preBounds = new Rectangle(fe.getBounds());
proceed(fe, dx, dy);

preBounds.translate(dx, dy);

if (!preBounds.equals(fe.getBounds())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bounds don't match move");

+ 0
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docs/teaching/exercises/answers/Answer2g.java Ver fichero

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
/* *******************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* PARC initial implementation
* ******************************************************************/

package answers;

import figures.*;

aspect Answer2g {
int around(int val): (set(int Point._x) || set(int Point._y))
&& args(val) {
return proceed(trim(val));

private int trim(int val) {
return Math.max(Math.min(val, FigureElement.MAX_VALUE),

+ 0
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docs/teaching/exercises/answers/Answer2h.java Ver fichero

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
/* *******************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* PARC initial implementation
* ******************************************************************/

package answers;

import figures.*;

import java.awt.Rectangle;

aspect Answer2h {
void around(FigureElement fe, int dx, int dy):
target(fe) && call(void move(int, int)) && args(dx, dy) {
Rectangle preBounds = new Rectangle(fe.getBounds());
proceed(fe, dx, dy);

preBounds.translate(dx, dy);

if (!preBounds.equals(fe.getBounds())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bounds don't match move");

+ 106
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docs/teaching/exercises/index.html Ver fichero

@@ -78,6 +78,15 @@ duplicate some code. </p>

<h3>a. Catch old tracing</h3>

<p> <strong>Sample Exercise</strong>: The main point of this exercise
is to make sure your configuration works. We have provided the
answer to this exercise below, so XXX. You need not go through the
thought process of fixing this </p>

<p> <strong>Task:</strong> Signal a warning for calls to

<p> The way that we are all taught to print "hello world" from Java is
to use <code>System.out.println()</code>, so that is what we typically
use for one-off debugging traces. It's a common mistake to leave
@@ -135,8 +144,8 @@ users who bind System.out to a static field to save typing. </p>

<h3>b. Mandate setters</h3>

<p> <strong>Problem:</strong> Add warnings for assignments outside of setter methods.
<p> <strong>Task:</strong> Signal a warning for assignments outside
of setter methods. </p>

<p> <strong>Tools:</strong> <code>set</code>, <code>withincode</code>,
signature <code>void set*(..)</code>
@@ -157,30 +166,26 @@ aspect A {

<p> where the pointcut picks out join points of private field sets
outside of setter methods. "Outside", here, means that the code for
the assignment is outside the <em>text</em> of the setter (a setter is
a method that looks like "void set*(..)"), so check out the quick
reference for <code>set</code> and <code>withincode</code> primitive
pointcuts. ) </p>
the assignment is outside the <em>text</em> of the setter.

<p> Make sure your program still passes the JUnit test
<code>tests.Test</code> before continuing, and that you see all of the
following warning messages. Make sure you get 11 warnings from this.
Wait to fix them until the next exercise.
Wait to fix them until the next exercise. </p>

<h3>c. Refine setters mandate</h3>

<p> <strong>Problem:</strong> Allow assignmnents inside of constructors.
<p> <strong>Task:</strong> Allow assignmnents inside of constructors.

<p> <strong>Tools:</strong> signature <code>new(..)</code> </p>

<p> Look at some of the warnings. Notice that a lot of them are from
within constructors. Actually, the common coding convention is that
no private field should be set outside of setter methods <emph>or
constructors</emph>. Modify your answer (in a new file) to signal an
actual error at compile time (rather than just a warning) when such an
illegal assignment expression exists. </p>
<p> Look at some of the warnings from the previous exercise. Notice
that a lot of them are from within constructors. Actually, the common
coding convention is that no private field should be set outside of
setter methods <em>or constructors</em>. Modify your answer (in a new
file) to signal an actual error at compile time (rather than just a
warning) when such an illegal assignment expression exists. </p>

<p>You'll want to add another <code>withincode</code> primitive
pointcut to deal with the constructors.
@@ -219,13 +224,16 @@ them. </p>

<h3>a. Check a simple precondition</h3>

<p> <strong>Problem:</strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2a</code>.
<p> <strong>Sample Exercise</strong>: The main point of this exercise
is to make sure your configuration works. We have provided the
answer to this exercise below, so XXX. You need not go through the
thought process of fixing this </p>

<p> <strong>Tools:</strong> <code>args</code>, <code>before</code>

<p> <strong>Task:</strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2a</code>.

<p> <strong>Tools:</strong> <code>args</code>, <code>before</code>

<p> Write an aspect to throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>
@@ -275,45 +283,33 @@ import figures.*;

aspect Answer2a {
before(int newValue): set(int Point.*) &amp;&amp; args(newValue) {
if (newValue &lt; FigureElement.MIN_VALUE) {
if (newValue < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("too small");
} else if (newValue &gt; FigureElement.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("too large");

<h3>b. Check another precondition</h3>

<p> <strong>Task:</strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2b</code>. </p>

<p> <code>Group</code> is a <code>FigureElement</code> class that
encapsulates groups of other figure elements. As such, only actual
figure element objects should be added to <code>Group</code> objects. Write
an aspect to throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> whenever
<code>Group.add()</code> is called with a
<code>null</code> value. If you look at the source code for
tests/Test2b.java, you'll see an example of the desired behavior,
i.e. </p>
figure element objects should be added to <code>Group</code> objects.
Write an aspect to throw an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>
whenever <code>Group.add()</code> is called with a <code>null</code>
value. </p>

public void testNull() {
try {
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ea) {
<p> Look at <code>tests/Test2b.java</code> to see exactly what we're
testing for. </p>

<p> For each of these exercises, you'll find that the corresponding
test case provides that most concrete example of the desired behavior
for your aspect. Please avail yourself of this resource. </p>
<h3>c. Check yet another precondition</h3>

<p> With this aspect in place, your code should pass
<p> <strong>Task:</strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2c</code>. </p>

<h3>c. Check yet another precondition</h3>
<p> <strong>Tools:</strong> <code>target</code>

<p> Another constraint on a well-formed group is that it should not
contain itself as a member (though it may contain other groups). Write
@@ -326,10 +322,71 @@ an attempt is made to call <code>Group.add()</code> on a

<p> With this aspect in place, your code should pass

<h3>d. Assure input</h3>

<p> <strong>Task: </strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2g</code>.

<p> <strong>Tools: </strong> around advice

<p> Instead of throwing an exception when one of <code>Point</code>'s
<code>int</code> fields are set to an out-of-bounds value, write an
aspect to trim the value into an in-bounds one. You'll want to use
<code>around</code> advice that exposes the new value of the field
assignment with an <code>args</code> pointcut, and
<code>proceed</code> with the trimmed value. </p>

<h3>e. Check a postcondition</h3>

<p> <strong>Task: </strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2e</code>

<p> <strong>Tools: </strong> around advice

<p> A postcondition of a <code>Point</code>'s <code>move</code>
operation is that the <code>Point</code>'s coordinates should change.
If a call to move move didn't actually move a point by the desired
offset, then the point is in an illegal state and so an
<code>IllegalStateException</code> should be thrown.

<p> Note that because we're dealing with how the coordinates change
during move, we need some way of getting access to the coordinates
both before <em>and</em> after the move, in one piece of advice. </p>

<h3>f. Check another postcondition</h3>

<p> <strong>Task: </strong> Pass <code>tests.Test2f</code>

<p> <strong>Tools:</strong> the <code> Rectangle(Rectangle)</code>
constructor, the <code>Rectangle.translate(int, int)</code> method.

<p> <code>FigureElement</code> objects have a <code>getBounds()</code>
method that returns a <code>java.awt.Rectangle</code> representing the
bounds of the object. An important postcondition of the general
<code>move</code> operation on a figure element is that the figure
element's bounds rectangle should move by the same amount as the
figure itself. Write an aspect to check for this postcondition --
throw an <code>IllegalStateException</code> if it is violated. </p>

<h3>Help Yourself by Helping Others</h3>

<p> At this point, check the people to your left and right. If
they're stuck somewhere, see if you can help them. </p>

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<h2>3. Logging</h2>

<h3>d. Check a simple postcondition</h3>

<p> One of the simplest postconditions to check is that a setter
@@ -352,6 +409,7 @@ when it returns normally, or both? </p>

<h3>e. Check invariant</h3>

<p> There is a method on the <code>Box</code> class, <code>void
@@ -398,77 +456,7 @@ causes the VM to abort.)
<p> Make sure to pass the JUnit test <code>tests.Test2f</code>
before continuing. </p>

<h3>g. Assure input</h3>

<p> Instead of throwing an exception when one of <code>Point</code>'s
<code>int</code> fields are set to an out-of-bounds value, write an
aspect to trim the value into an in-bounds one. You'll want to use
<code>around</code> advice that exposes the new value of the field
assignment with an <code>args</code> pointcut, and
<code>proceed</code> with the trimmed value. Becuase this is tricky,
type in the below aspect... the trick for this exercise is not to come
up with an answer, but to understand the answer. </p>

<p> Make sure to pass the JUnit test <code>tests.Test2g</code>
before continuing. </p>

<p> <strong>Answer: </strong>

package answers;

import figures.*;

aspect Answer2g {
int around(int val):
(set(int Point._x) || set(int Point._y))
&amp;&amp; args(val) {
return proceed(trim(val));

private int trim(int val) {
return Math.max(Math.min(val, FigureElement.MAX_VALUE),

<h3>h. Check another invariant</h3>

<p> <code>FigureElement</code> objects have a <code>getBounds()</code>
method that returns a <code>java.awt.Rectangle</code> representing the
bounds of the object. An important postcondition of the
<code>move</code> operation is that the figure element's bounds
rectangle should move by the same amount as the figure itself. Write
an aspect to check for this postcondition -- throw an
<code>IllegalStateException</code> if it is violated. </p>

<p> Note that because we're dealing with how the bounds changes during
move, we need some way of getting access to the bounds both before
<em>and</em> after the move, in one piece of advice. Also, note that
you can create a copy of a figure element's bounds rectangle with
<code>new Rectangle(fe.getBounds())</code>, and you can move a bounds
rectangle <code>rect</code> with <code>rect.translate(dx,
dy)</code>. </p>

<p> Make sure to pass the JUnit test <code>tests.Test2h</code>
before continuing. </p>

<h3>Help Yourself by Helping Others</h3>

<p> At this point, check the people to your left and right. If
they're stuck somewhere, see if you can help them. </p>

<!-- ============================== -->

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<h2>3. Logging</h2>

<p> The crosscutting feature you will be adding in part (4) will be
support for caching the bound objects of <code>Group</code> figure

+ 7
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2a.java Ver fichero

@@ -16,18 +16,16 @@ import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2a extends Test {
public class Test2a extends TestCase {
public Test2a(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {

public void testTooSmall() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
try {
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
@@ -35,17 +33,13 @@ public class Test2a extends Test {

public void testTooBig() {
try {
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ea) {
public void testNotTooSmall() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);

public void testMove() {
Line l1 = new Line(new Point(10, 100), new Point(20, 200));
try {
l1.move(-500, -500);
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");

+ 14
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2b.java Ver fichero

@@ -16,22 +16,31 @@ import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2b extends Test {
public class Test2b extends TestCase {
public Test2b(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {

public void testNull() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
Group g = new Group(p1);

try {
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ea) {

public void testNonNull() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
Group g = new Group(p1);
Point p2 = new Point(20, 200);



+ 13
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2c.java Ver fichero

@@ -16,30 +16,31 @@ import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2c extends Test {
public class Test2c extends TestCase {
public Test2c(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {
public void testSelf() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
Group g = new Group(p1);

public void testNull() {
try {
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ea) {

public void testSelf() {
try {
fail("should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ea) {
public void testNotSelf() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
Group g1 = new Group(p1);
Group g2 = new Group(p1);

+ 18
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2d.java Ver fichero

@@ -16,22 +16,31 @@ import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2d extends Test {
public class Test2d extends TestCase {
public Test2d(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {
public void testOutOfBounds() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);


assertEquals(0, p1.getX());
assertEquals(0, p1.getY());

public void testSetting() {
try {
fail("should have thrown RuntimeException");
} catch (RuntimeException ea) {
public void testInBounds() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);


assertEquals(30, p1.getX());
assertEquals(300, p1.getY());

+ 10
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2e.java Ver fichero

@@ -16,27 +16,24 @@ import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2e extends Test {
public class Test2e extends TestCase {
public Test2e(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {

public void testEasy() {
Box sq = new Box(0, 0, 10, 10);
assertEquals(sq.getP0().getX(), 5);
assertEquals(sq.getP0().getY(), 5);

public void testSloth() {
Point sp = new SlothfulPoint(10, 10);
try {
sq.move(37, 1);
sp.move(10, 10);
fail("should have thrown IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) { }

public void testNonSloth() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
p1.move(3, 30);

+ 12
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2f.java Ver fichero

@@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ public class Test2f extends Test {
public Test2f(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {

public void testEasy() {
Box sq = new Box(0, 0, 10, 10);
assertEquals(sq.getP0().getX(), 5);
assertEquals(sq.getP0().getY(), 5);

public void testSloth() {
FigureElement fe = new SlothfulPoint(10, 10);
try {
fe.move(10, 10);
fail("should have thrown IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) { }

public void testNonSloth() {
Point p1 = new Point(10, 100);
Point p2 = new Point(20, 200);
Line l1 = new Line(p1, p2);

l1.move(3, 30);

+ 0
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2g.java Ver fichero

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
/* *******************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* PARC initial implementation
* ******************************************************************/

package tests;

import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2g extends Test {
public Test2g(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {

public void testBounds() {
p1.setX(FigureElement.MAX_VALUE + 1);
assertEquals(FigureElement.MAX_VALUE, p1.getX());
p1.setY(FigureElement.MIN_VALUE - 1);
assertEquals(FigureElement.MIN_VALUE, p1.getY());

public void testBox() {
Box s = new Box(50, 50, 20000, 20000);
assertEquals(FigureElement.MAX_VALUE, s.getP2().getX());
assertEquals(FigureElement.MAX_VALUE, s.getP2().getY());

+ 0
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docs/teaching/exercises/tests/Test2h.java Ver fichero

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
/* *******************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* PARC initial implementation
* ******************************************************************/

package tests;

import figures.*;

import junit.framework.*;

public class Test2h extends Test {
public Test2h(String name) { super(name); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void setUp() {

public void testSloth() {
FigureElement fe = new SlothfulPoint(10, 10);
try {
fe.move(10, 10);
fail("should have thrown IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) { }

public void movePoints() {
p1.move(30, 45);
p2.move(10, 33);
