// XXX do not distribute ------ contents 05sd.Isberg40-43,76.pdf # not for distribution BufferTest.java CompileTime.java Injection.java MainFailure.java RecordingInput.java RoundTrip.java RunTime.java RuntimeWrites.java StubReplace.java buildRun.sh readme.internal.txt # not for distribution readme.txt ------ summary of todo's - consider moving to packages, combining PrinterStream, etc. - use DOS linefeeds - check throughout (also line length) - see XXX - assess handling of one style mistake - see if second mistake was actually in article - corrected in code ------ fyi - standard of care: show language, not problem - formatting: lineation, line width, DOS linefeeds, etc. - organization: - code currently compiles/runs one at a time and does not compile all at once b/c of common fixtures (PrinterStream...) - currently packages (com.xerox.printing) in base dir - Copyright/license: examples, ,but PARC Inc. - article code unit flagged with "article page #" ------ style fyi - flagging style mistake in StubReplace.java: // XXX style mistake in article code //pointcut printerStreamTestCalls() : call(* PrinterStream+.write()); - leaving CompileTime.java use of + in call for factory pointcut: call(Point+ SubPoint+.create(..)) - for static methods where the method name specification involves no * but does reflect a factory naming convention (and not polymorphism) (though not restricting factory methods to being static) - for referring to the return value when I want to pick out the type and all subtypes