/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Xerox Corporation, * 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC). * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Xerox/PARC initial implementation * ******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.testing.util; import java.io.PrintStream; /** * Manage system err and system out streams. * Clients can suppress stream output during StreamsHandler lifecycle * and intermittantly listen to both streams if signalled on construction. * To print to the underlying streams (without hiding or listening), * use either the log methods (which manage lineation) * or the out and err fields. *
 * boolean hideStreams = true;
 * boolean listen = true;
 * StreamsHander streams = new StreamsHander(hideStreams, listen);
 * streams.startListening();
 * ...
 * streams.out.println("this goes out to without listening"); XXX verify
 * StreamsHandler.Result result = streams.stopListening();
 * streams.restoreStreams();
 * System.out.println("Suppressed output stream follows");
 * System.out.print(result.out);
 * System.out.println("Suppressed error stream follows");
 * System.out.print(result.err);
* Warning: does not distinguish streams from different threads. */ public class StreamsHandler { /** real output stream and sink for log if logToOut */ public final PrintStream out; /** real error stream and sink for log if !logToOut */ public final PrintStream err; /** if true, then can listen using startListening() */ protected final boolean listening; /** if logToOut, then out, else err */ private final PrintStream log; /** true if the last logged item was a newline */ private boolean loggedLine; /** sniffs stream to gather test output to System.out */ protected StreamSniffer outSniffer; /** sniffs stream to gather test output to System.err */ protected StreamSniffer errSniffer; /** permits us to hide output stream (after sniffing by outSniffer */ protected ProxyPrintStream outDelegate; /** permits us to hide error stream (after sniffing by errSniffer */ protected ProxyPrintStream errDelegate; /** when sniffing, this has sniffed contents of output stream */ protected StringBuffer outListener; /** when sniffing, this has sniffed contents of error stream */ protected StringBuffer errListener; /** @param hide if true, then suppress stream output (can still listen) */ public StreamsHandler(boolean listen) { this(listen, false); } /** * @param listen possible to sniff streams only if true * @param logToOut if true, then log methods go to System.out -- otherwise, System.err. */ public StreamsHandler( boolean listen, boolean logToOut) { this.err = System.err; this.out = System.out; outDelegate = new ProxyPrintStream(System.out); errDelegate = new ProxyPrintStream(System.err); this.listening = listen; // final PrintStream HIDE = NullPrintStream.NULL_PrintStream; outSniffer = new StreamSniffer(outDelegate); System.setOut(new PrintStream(outSniffer)); errSniffer = new StreamSniffer(errDelegate); System.setErr(new PrintStream(errSniffer)); log = (logToOut ? this.out : this.err); loggedLine = true; } /** render output and error streams (after sniffing) */ public void show() { outDelegate.show(); errDelegate.show(); } /** suppress output and error streams (after sniffing) */ public void hide() { outDelegate.hide(); errDelegate.hide(); } /** restore streams. Do not use this after restoring. */ public void restoreStreams() { if (null != outSniffer) { outSniffer = null; errSniffer = null; System.setOut(out); System.setErr(err); } } /** @return PrintStream used for direct logging */ public PrintStream getLogStream() { return log; } /** log item without newline. */ public void log(String s) { log.print(s); if (loggedLine) { loggedLine = false; } } /** * Log item with newline. * If previous log did not have a newline, * then this prepends a newline. */ public void lnlog(String s) { if (!loggedLine) { log.println(""); } log.println(s); } /** * Start listening to both streams. * Tosses any old data captured. * (Has no effect if not listening.) * @throws IllegalStateException if called after restoreStreams() * @see endListening() */ public void startListening() { if (null == outSniffer) { throw new IllegalStateException("no listening after restore"); } if (listening) { if (null != outListener) { outListener.setLength(0); errListener.setLength(0); } else { outListener = new StringBuffer(); outSniffer.setBuffer(outListener); errListener = new StringBuffer(); errSniffer.setBuffer(errListener); } } } /** * End listening to both streams and return data captured. * Must call startListening() first. * @throws IllegalStateException if called when not listening * @return Result with sniffed output and error String * @see startListening() */ public Result endListening() { return endListening(true); } /** * End listening to both streams and return data captured. * Must call startListening() first. * @param getResult if false, return Result.EMPTY * and avoid converting buffer to String. * @throws IllegalStateException if called when not listening * @return Result with sniffed output and error String * @see startListening() */ public Result endListening(boolean getResult) { if (!listening) { return Result.EMPTY; } if (null == outListener) { throw new IllegalStateException("listening not started"); } Result result = (!getResult ? Result.EMPTY : new Result(outListener.toString(), errListener.toString())); errListener = null; outListener = null; return result; } /** output and error String */ public static class Result { static final Result EMPTY = new Result(null, null); public final String out; public final String err; private Result(String out, String err) { this.out = out; this.err = err; } } }