/******************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2007 Contributors. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Helen Hawkins - initial version (bug 148190) *******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.ajde.core.internal; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.aspectj.ajde.core.AjCompiler; import org.aspectj.ajde.core.ICompilerConfiguration; import org.aspectj.ajde.core.IOutputLocationManager; import org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.AjdtCommand; import org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.BuildArgParser; import org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.ConfigParser; import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildConfig; import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildManager; import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjState; import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.IncrementalStateManager; import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager; import org.aspectj.bridge.AbortException; import org.aspectj.bridge.CountingMessageHandler; import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage; import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessageHandler; import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation; import org.aspectj.bridge.Message; import org.aspectj.bridge.SourceLocation; import org.aspectj.bridge.context.CompilationAndWeavingContext; import org.aspectj.org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil; /** * Build Manager which drives the build for a given AjCompiler. Tools call build on the AjCompiler which drives this. */ public class AjdeCoreBuildManager { private final AjCompiler compiler; private AjdeCoreBuildNotifierAdapter buildEventNotifier = null; private final AjBuildManager ajBuildManager; private final IMessageHandler msgHandlerAdapter; public AjdeCoreBuildManager(AjCompiler compiler) { this.compiler = compiler; this.msgHandlerAdapter = new AjdeCoreMessageHandlerAdapter(compiler.getMessageHandler()); this.ajBuildManager = new AjBuildManager(msgHandlerAdapter); this.ajBuildManager.environmentSupportsIncrementalCompilation(true); // this static information needs to be set to ensure // incremental compilation works correctly IncrementalStateManager.recordIncrementalStates = true; IncrementalStateManager.debugIncrementalStates = false; AsmManager.attemptIncrementalModelRepairs = true; } public AjBuildManager getAjBuildManager() { return ajBuildManager; } /** * Execute a full or incremental build * * @param fullBuild true if requesting a full build, false if requesting to try an incremental build */ public void performBuild(boolean fullBuild) { // If an incremental build is requested, check that we can if (!fullBuild) { AjState existingState = IncrementalStateManager.retrieveStateFor(compiler.getId()); if (existingState == null || existingState.getBuildConfig() == null || ajBuildManager.getState().getBuildConfig() == null) { // No existing state so we must do a full build fullBuild = true; } else { AsmManager.setLastActiveStructureModel(existingState.getStructureModel()); // AsmManager.getDefault().setRelationshipMap(existingState.getRelationshipMap()); // AsmManager.getDefault().setHierarchy(existingState.getStructureModel()); } } try { reportProgressBegin(); // record the options passed to the compiler if INFO turned on if (!msgHandlerAdapter.isIgnoring(IMessage.INFO)) { handleMessage(new Message(getFormattedOptionsString(), IMessage.INFO, null, null)); } CompilationAndWeavingContext.reset(); if (fullBuild) { // FULL BUILD AjBuildConfig buildConfig = generateAjBuildConfig(); if (buildConfig == null) { return; } ajBuildManager.batchBuild(buildConfig, msgHandlerAdapter); } else { // INCREMENTAL BUILD // Only rebuild the config object if the configuration has changed AjBuildConfig buildConfig = null; ICompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = compiler.getCompilerConfiguration(); int changes = compilerConfig.getConfigurationChanges(); if (changes != ICompilerConfiguration.NO_CHANGES) { // What configuration changes can we cope with? And besides just repairing the config object // what does it mean for any existing state that we have? buildConfig = generateAjBuildConfig(); if (buildConfig == null) { return; } } else { buildConfig = ajBuildManager.getState().getBuildConfig(); buildConfig.setChanged(changes); // pass it through for the state to use it when making decisions buildConfig.setModifiedFiles(compilerConfig.getProjectSourceFilesChanged()); buildConfig.setClasspathElementsWithModifiedContents(compilerConfig.getClasspathElementsWithModifiedContents()); compilerConfig.configurationRead(); } ajBuildManager.incrementalBuild(buildConfig, msgHandlerAdapter); } IncrementalStateManager.recordSuccessfulBuild(compiler.getId(), ajBuildManager.getState()); } catch (ConfigParser.ParseException pe) { handleMessage(new Message("Config file entry invalid, file: " + pe.getFile().getPath() + ", line number: " + pe.getLine(), IMessage.WARNING, null, null)); } catch (AbortException e) { final IMessage message = e.getIMessage(); if (message == null) { handleMessage(new Message(LangUtil.unqualifiedClassName(e) + " thrown: " + e.getMessage(), IMessage.ERROR, e, null)); } else { handleMessage(new Message(message.getMessage() + "\n" + CompilationAndWeavingContext.getCurrentContext(), IMessage.ERROR, e, null)); } } catch (Throwable t) { handleMessage(new Message("Compile error: " + LangUtil.unqualifiedClassName(t) + " thrown: " + "" + t.getMessage(), IMessage.ABORT, t, null)); } finally { compiler.getBuildProgressMonitor().finish(ajBuildManager.wasFullBuild()); } } /** * Starts the various notifiers which are interested in the build progress */ private void reportProgressBegin() { compiler.getBuildProgressMonitor().begin(); buildEventNotifier = new AjdeCoreBuildNotifierAdapter(compiler.getBuildProgressMonitor()); ajBuildManager.setProgressListener(buildEventNotifier); } private String getFormattedOptionsString() { ICompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = compiler.getCompilerConfiguration(); return "Building with settings: " + "\n-> output paths: " + formatCollection(compilerConfig.getOutputLocationManager().getAllOutputLocations()) + "\n-> classpath: " + compilerConfig.getClasspath() + "\n-> -inpath " + formatCollection(compilerConfig.getInpath()) + "\n-> -outjar " + formatOptionalString(compilerConfig.getOutJar()) + "\n-> -aspectpath " + formatCollection(compilerConfig.getAspectPath()) + "\n-> -sourcePathResources " + formatMap(compilerConfig.getSourcePathResources()) + "\n-> non-standard options: " + compilerConfig.getNonStandardOptions() + "\n-> javaoptions:" + formatMap(compilerConfig.getJavaOptionsMap()); } private String formatCollection(Collection options) { if (options == null) { return ""; } if (options.isEmpty()) { return "none"; } StringBuffer formattedOptions = new StringBuffer(); Iterator it = options.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String o = it.next().toString(); if (formattedOptions.length() > 0) { formattedOptions.append(", "); } formattedOptions.append(o); } return formattedOptions.toString(); } private String formatMap(Map options) { if (options == null) { return ""; } if (options.isEmpty()) { return "none"; } return options.toString(); } private String formatOptionalString(String s) { if (s == null) { return ""; } else { return s; } } /** * Generate a new AjBuildConfig from the compiler configuration associated with this AjdeCoreBuildManager or from a * configuration file. * * @return null if invalid configuration, corresponding AjBuildConfig otherwise */ public AjBuildConfig generateAjBuildConfig() { File configFile = new File(compiler.getId()); ICompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = compiler.getCompilerConfiguration(); CountingMessageHandler handler = CountingMessageHandler.makeCountingMessageHandler(msgHandlerAdapter); String[] args = null; // Retrieve the set of files from either an arg file (@filename) or the compiler configuration if (configFile.exists() && configFile.isFile()) { args = new String[] { "@" + configFile.getAbsolutePath() }; } else { List l = compilerConfig.getProjectSourceFiles(); if (l == null) { return null; } // If the processor options are specified build the command line options for the JDT compiler to see String processor = compilerConfig.getProcessor(); if (processor != null && processor.length() != 0) { l.add("-processor"); l.add(processor); } String processorPath = compilerConfig.getProcessorPath(); if (processorPath != null && processorPath.length() != 0) { l.add("-processorpath"); l.add(processorPath); } List xmlfiles = compilerConfig.getProjectXmlConfigFiles(); if (xmlfiles != null && !xmlfiles.isEmpty()) { args = new String[l.size() + xmlfiles.size() + 1]; // TODO speedup int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { args[p++] = (String) l.get(i); } for (int i = 0; i < xmlfiles.size(); i++) { args[p++] = (String) xmlfiles.get(i); } args[p++] = "-xmlConfigured"; } else { args = (String[]) l.toArray(new String[l.size()]); } } BuildArgParser parser = new BuildArgParser(handler); AjBuildConfig config = new AjBuildConfig(parser); parser.populateBuildConfig(config, args, false, configFile); // Process the CLASSPATH String propcp = compilerConfig.getClasspath(); if (propcp != null && propcp.length() != 0) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(propcp, File.pathSeparator); List configClasspath = config.getClasspath(); ArrayList toAdd = new ArrayList(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String entry = st.nextToken(); if (!configClasspath.contains(entry)) { toAdd.add(entry); } } if (0 < toAdd.size()) { ArrayList both = new ArrayList(configClasspath.size() + toAdd.size()); both.addAll(configClasspath); both.addAll(toAdd); config.setClasspath(both); } } // Process the OUTJAR if (config.getOutputJar() == null) { String outJar = compilerConfig.getOutJar(); if (outJar != null && outJar.length() != 0) { config.setOutputJar(new File(outJar)); } } // Process the OUTPUT LOCATION MANAGER IOutputLocationManager outputLocationManager = compilerConfig.getOutputLocationManager(); if (config.getCompilationResultDestinationManager() == null && outputLocationManager != null) { config.setCompilationResultDestinationManager(new OutputLocationAdapter(outputLocationManager)); } // Process the INPATH mergeInto(config.getInpath(), compilerConfig.getInpath()); // bug 168840 - calling 'setInPath(..)' creates BinarySourceFiles which // are used to see if there have been changes in classes on the inpath if (config.getInpath() != null) { config.setInPath(config.getInpath()); } // Process the SOURCE PATH RESOURCES config.setSourcePathResources(compilerConfig.getSourcePathResources()); // Process the ASPECTPATH mergeInto(config.getAspectpath(), compilerConfig.getAspectPath()); // Process the JAVA OPTIONS MAP Map jom = compilerConfig.getJavaOptionsMap(); if (jom != null) { String version = (String) jom.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance); if (version != null && !version.equals(CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4)) { config.setBehaveInJava5Way(true); } config.getOptions().set(jom); } // Process the NON-STANDARD COMPILER OPTIONS configureNonStandardOptions(config); compilerConfig.configurationRead(); ISourceLocation location = null; if (config.getConfigFile() != null) { location = new SourceLocation(config.getConfigFile(), 0); } String message = parser.getOtherMessages(true); if (null != message) { IMessage m = new Message(message, IMessage.ERROR, null, location); handler.handleMessage(m); } // always force model generation in AJDE config.setGenerateModelMode(true); // always be in incremental mode in AJDE config.setIncrementalMode(true); // always force proceedOnError in AJDE config.setProceedOnError(true); config.setProjectEncoding(compilerConfig.getProjectEncoding()); config.setProcessor(compilerConfig.getProcessor()); config.setProcessorPath(compilerConfig.getProcessorPath()); return config; } private void mergeInto(Collection target, Collection source) { if ((null == target) || (null == source)) { return; } for (T next : source) { if (!target.contains(next)) { target.add(next); } } } /** * Helper method for configure build options. This reads all command-line options specified in the non-standard options text * entry and sets any corresponding unset values in config. */ private void configureNonStandardOptions(AjBuildConfig config) { String nonStdOptions = compiler.getCompilerConfiguration().getNonStandardOptions(); if (LangUtil.isEmpty(nonStdOptions)) { return; } // Break a string into a string array of non-standard options. // Allows for one option to include a ' '. i.e. assuming it has been quoted, it // won't accidentally get treated as a pair of options (can be needed for xlint props file option) List tokens = new ArrayList(); int ind = nonStdOptions.indexOf('\"'); int ind2 = nonStdOptions.indexOf('\"', ind + 1); if ((ind > -1) && (ind2 > -1)) { // dont tokenize within double quotes String pre = nonStdOptions.substring(0, ind); String quoted = nonStdOptions.substring(ind + 1, ind2); String post = nonStdOptions.substring(ind2 + 1, nonStdOptions.length()); tokens.addAll(tokenizeString(pre)); tokens.add(quoted); tokens.addAll(tokenizeString(post)); } else { tokens.addAll(tokenizeString(nonStdOptions)); } String[] args = (String[]) tokens.toArray(new String[] {}); // set the non-standard options in an alternate build config // (we don't want to lose the settings we already have) CountingMessageHandler counter = CountingMessageHandler.makeCountingMessageHandler(msgHandlerAdapter); AjBuildConfig altConfig = AjdtCommand.genBuildConfig(args, counter); if (counter.hasErrors()) { return; } // copy globals where local is not set config.installGlobals(altConfig); } /** Local helper method for splitting option strings */ private List tokenizeString(String str) { List tokens = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(str); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { tokens.add(tok.nextToken()); } return tokens; } /** * Helper method to ask the messagehandler to handle the given message */ private void handleMessage(Message msg) { compiler.getMessageHandler().handleMessage(msg); } public void setCustomMungerFactory(Object o) { ajBuildManager.setCustomMungerFactory(o); } public Object getCustomMungerFactory() { return ajBuildManager.getCustomMungerFactory(); } public void cleanupEnvironment() { ajBuildManager.cleanupEnvironment(); } public AsmManager getStructureModel() { return ajBuildManager.getStructureModel(); } }