/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Adrian Colyer, * ******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.tools.ajc; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage; import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation; import org.aspectj.testing.util.TestUtil; import org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.WeavingURLClassLoader; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * A TestCase class that acts as the superclass for all test cases wishing * to drive the ajc compiler. *

* This class provides a number of utility methods that make programmatic * testing of the compiler easy. See AjcTestCaseTest for a couple of simple * tests written using this class. *


* See the XMLBasedAjcTestCase subclass for TestCase class that can be * used to drive compiler tests based on an ajcTests.xml format test * specification file.

* @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.AjcTestCase.Message * @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.AjcTestCase.MessageSpec * @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.AjcTestCase.RunResult * @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.AjcTestCaseTest * @see org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase */ public class AjcTestCase extends TestCase { private RunResult lastRunResult; /** * The Ajc (compiler) instance used for thet test. Created afresh * during the test setup. */ protected Ajc ajc; public static final String DEFAULT_CLASSPATH_ENTRIES = File.pathSeparator + ".." + File.separator + "runtime" + File.separator + "bin" + File.pathSeparator + ".." + File.separator + "testing-client" + File.separator + "bin" + File.pathSeparator + ".." + File.separator + "bridge" + File.separator + "bin" + File.pathSeparator + ".." + File.separator + "util" + File.separator + "bin" + File.pathSeparator + ".." + File.separator + "aspectj5rt" + File.separator + "bin" + File.pathSeparator+ ".."+File.separator+"lib"+File.separator+"junit"+File.separator+"junit.jar" + File.pathSeparator+ ".."+File.separator+"loadtime"+File.separator+"bin" + File.pathSeparator+ ".."+File.separator+"weaver"+File.separator+"bin" + File.pathSeparator+ ".."+File.separator+"weaver5"+File.separator+"bin" // When the build machine executes the tests, it is using code built into jars rather than code build into // bin directories. This means for the necessary types to be found we have to put these jars on the classpath: + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"aj-build"+File.separator+"jars"+File.separator+"bridge.jar" + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"aj-build"+File.separator+"jars"+File.separator+"util.jar" + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"aj-build"+File.separator+"jars"+File.separator+"loadtime.jar" + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"aj-build"+File.separator+"jars"+File.separator+"weaver.jar" + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"aj-build"+File.separator+"jars"+File.separator+"weaver5.jar" + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"aj-build"+File.separator+"jars"+File.separator+"asm.jar" + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"lib" +File.separator+"test"+File.separator+"testing-client.jar" // hmmm, this next one should perhaps point to an aj-build jar... + File.pathSeparator+".."+File.separator+"lib" +File.separator+"test"+File.separator+"aspectjrt.jar" ; /** * Helper class that represents the specification of an individual * message expected to be produced during a compilation run. *

* Message objects are combined in a MessageSpec which can then be * passed to the various assertMessage methods.

* @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.AjcTestCase.MessageSpec */ public static class Message { private int line = -1; private String text; private String sourceFileName; private ISourceLocation[] seeAlsos; /** * Create a message that will match any compiler message on * the given line. */ public Message(int line) { this.line = line; } /** * Create a message that will match any compiler message on * the given line, where the message text contains text. */ public Message(int line, String text) { this.line = line; this.text = text; } /** * Create a message that will match any compiler message on * the given line, where the message text contains text. *

* If srcFile is non-null, the source file location of the message must * end with srcFile. *


* If seeAlso is non-null, each source location in seeAlso * must be matched by an extraSourceLocation in the message. *

*/ public Message(int line, String srcFile, String text, ISourceLocation[] seeAlso) { this.line = line; StringBuffer srcFileName = new StringBuffer(); if (srcFile != null) { char[] chars = srcFile.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if ((chars[i] == '\\') || (chars[i] == '/')) { srcFileName.append(File.separator); } else { srcFileName.append(chars[i]); } } this.sourceFileName = srcFileName.toString(); } this.text = text; this.seeAlsos = seeAlso; } /** * Create a message spec that will match any compiler message where * the message text includes text. */ public Message(String text) { this.text = text; } /** * Return true if this message spec matches the given compiler message. */ public boolean matches(IMessage message) { ISourceLocation loc = message.getSourceLocation(); if ((loc == null) && ((line != -1) || (sourceFileName != null))) { return false; } if (line != -1) { if (loc.getLine() != line) { return false; } } if (sourceFileName != null) { if (!loc.getSourceFile().getPath().endsWith(sourceFileName)) { return false; } } if (text != null) { if (message.getMessage().indexOf(text) == -1) { return false; } } if (seeAlsos != null) { List extraLocations = message.getExtraSourceLocations(); if (extraLocations.size() != seeAlsos.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < seeAlsos.length; i++) { if (!hasAMatch(extraLocations,seeAlsos[i])) { return false; } } } return true; } private boolean hasAMatch(List srcLocations,ISourceLocation sLoc) { for (Iterator iter = srcLocations.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ISourceLocation thisLoc = (ISourceLocation) iter.next(); if (thisLoc.getLine() == sLoc.getLine()) { if (thisLoc.getSourceFile().getPath().equals(sLoc.getSourceFile().getPath())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns a string indicating what this Message will match. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("message "); if (sourceFileName != null) { buff.append("in file "); buff.append(sourceFileName); buff.append(" "); } if (line != -1) { buff.append("on line "); buff.append(line); buff.append(" "); } if (text != null) { buff.append("containing text '"); buff.append(text); buff.append("' "); } if (seeAlsos != null) { buff.append("\n\twith see alsos:"); for (int i = 0; i < seeAlsos.length; i++) { buff.append("\t\t"); buff.append(seeAlsos[i].getSourceFile().getPath()); buff.append(":"); buff.append(seeAlsos[i].getLine()); } } return buff.toString(); } } /** * Helper class that represents the specification of a set of * messages expected to be produced from a compiler run. *

* Instances of MessageSpec are passed to the assertMessage methods * to validate CompilationResults. */ public static class MessageSpec { /** * Convenience constant that matches a CompilationResult with * any number of information messages, but no others. */ public static final MessageSpec EMPTY_MESSAGE_SET = new MessageSpec( null, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); boolean ignoreInfos = true; public List fails; public List infos; public List warnings; public List errors; public List weaves; /** * Set to true to enable or disable comparison of information messages. */ public void setInfoComparison(boolean enabled) { this.ignoreInfos = !enabled; } /** * True if information messages are not being included in matching. */ public boolean isIgnoringInfoMessages() { return ignoreInfos; } /** * Create a message specification to test a CompilationResult for a * given set of info, warning, error, and fail messages. * @param infos The set of info messages to test for. Specifying a non-null value * for this parameter enables info message comparison. * @param warnings The set of warning messages to test for - can pass null to indicate * empty set. * @param errors The set of error messages to test for - can pass null to indicate * empty set. * @param fails The set of fail or abort messages to test for - can pass null to indicate * empty set. */ public MessageSpec(List infos, List warnings, List errors, List fails, List weaves) { if (infos != null) { this.infos = infos; ignoreInfos = false; } else { this.infos = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } this.warnings = ((warnings == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : warnings); this.errors = ((errors == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : errors); this.fails = ((fails == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : fails); this.weaves = ((weaves == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : weaves); } /** * Create a message specification to test a CompilationResult for a given * set of info, warning, and error messages. The presence of any fail or * abort messages in a CompilationResult will be a test failure. */ public MessageSpec(List infos, List warnings, List errors) { this(infos,warnings,errors,null,null); } /** * Create a message specification to test a CompilationResult for a given * set of warning, and error messages. The presence of any fail or * abort messages in a CompilationResult will be a test failure. Informational * messages will be ignored. */ public MessageSpec(List warnings, List errors) { this(null,warnings,errors,null,null); } } public static class EmptyMessageSpec extends MessageSpec { public EmptyMessageSpec() { super(null,null); } } /** * Helper class representing the results of running a test program built * by the compiler. Provides access to the standard out and error of the * program, and the actual command that was executed. */ public static class RunResult { private String command; private String stdOut; private String stdErr; protected RunResult(String command, String stdOut, String stdErr) { this.command = command; this.stdOut = stdOut; this.stdErr = stdErr; } /** * Return the command that was executed, e.g. "java Driver". */ public String getCommand() { return command; } /** * The standard output from the run. */ public String getStdOut() {return stdOut;} /** * The standard error from the run. */ public String getStdErr() {return stdErr;} /** * Returns the command that was executed to produce this result. */ public String toString() { return command; } } /** * Assert that no (non-informational) messages where produced during a compiler run. */ public void assertNoMessages(CompilationResult result) { assertNoMessages(result,"Not expecting any compiler messages to be produced"); } /** * Assert that no (non-informational) messages where produced during a compiler run. */ public void assertNoMessages(CompilationResult result, String message) { assertMessages(result, message,MessageSpec.EMPTY_MESSAGE_SET); } /** * Assert that messages in accordance with the expected message specification * where produced during a compiler run. */ public void assertMessages(CompilationResult result, MessageSpec expected) { assertMessages(result, "Compilation results did not meet expected messages specification",expected); } /** * Assert that messages in accordance with the expected message specification * where produced during a compiler run. */ public void assertMessages(CompilationResult result, String message, MessageSpec expected) { if (result == null) fail("Attempt to compare null compilation results against expected."); List missingFails = copyAll(expected.fails); List missingInfos = copyAll(expected.infos); List missingWarnings = copyAll(expected.warnings); List missingErrors = copyAll(expected.errors); List missingWeaves = copyAll(expected.weaves); List extraFails = copyAll(result.getFailMessages()); List extraInfos = copyAll(result.getInfoMessages()); List extraWarnings = copyAll(result.getWarningMessages()); List extraErrors = copyAll(result.getErrorMessages()); List extraWeaves = copyAll(result.getWeaveMessages()); compare(expected.fails,result.getFailMessages(),missingFails,extraFails); compare(expected.warnings,result.getWarningMessages(),missingWarnings,extraWarnings); compare(expected.errors,result.getErrorMessages(),missingErrors,extraErrors); if (!expected.isIgnoringInfoMessages()) { compare(expected.infos,result.getInfoMessages(),missingInfos,extraInfos); } compare(expected.weaves,result.getWeaveMessages(),missingWeaves,extraWeaves); boolean infosEmpty = expected.isIgnoringInfoMessages() ? true: (missingInfos.isEmpty() && extraInfos.isEmpty()); if ( !(missingFails.isEmpty() && missingWarnings.isEmpty() && missingErrors.isEmpty() && missingWeaves.isEmpty() && extraFails.isEmpty() && extraWarnings.isEmpty() && extraErrors.isEmpty() && extraWeaves.isEmpty() && infosEmpty)) { StringBuffer failureReport = new StringBuffer(message); failureReport.append("\n"); if (!expected.isIgnoringInfoMessages()) { addMissing(failureReport,"info",missingInfos); } addMissing(failureReport,"warning",missingWarnings); addMissing(failureReport,"error",missingErrors); addMissing(failureReport,"fail",missingFails); addMissing(failureReport,"weaveInfo",missingWeaves); if (!expected.isIgnoringInfoMessages()) { addExtra(failureReport,"info",extraInfos); } addExtra(failureReport,"warning",extraWarnings); addExtra(failureReport,"error",extraErrors); addExtra(failureReport,"fail",extraFails); addExtra(failureReport,"weaveInfo",extraWeaves); failureReport.append("\ncommand was: ajc"); String[] args = result.getArgs(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { failureReport.append(" "); failureReport.append(args[i]); } String report = failureReport.toString(); System.err.println(failureReport); fail(message + "\n" + report); } } /** * Helper method to build a new message list for passing to a MessageSpec. */ protected List newMessageList(Message m1) { List ret = new ArrayList(); ret.add(m1); return ret; } /** * Helper method to build a new message list for passing to a MessageSpec. */ protected List newMessageList(Message m1, Message m2) { List ret = new ArrayList(); ret.add(m1); ret.add(m2); return ret; } /** * Helper method to build a new message list for passing to a MessageSpec. */ protected List newMessageList(Message m1, Message m2, Message m3) { List ret = new ArrayList(); ret.add(m1); ret.add(m2); ret.add(m3); return ret; } /** * Helper method to build a new message list for passing to a MessageSpec. */ protected List newMessageList(Message[] messages) { List ret = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { ret.add(messages[i]); } return ret; } /** * Perform a compilation and return the result. * @param baseDir the base directory relative to which all relative paths and * directories in the arguments will be interpreted. * @param args the compiler arguments, as you would specify on the command-line. * See the Ajc class for a description of the argument processing done in * order to run the compilation in a sandbox. * @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.Ajc */ public CompilationResult ajc(File baseDir, String[] args) { try { ajc.setBaseDir(baseDir); args = fixupArgs(args); return ajc.compile(args); } catch(IOException ioEx ) { fail("IOException thrown during compilation: " + ioEx); } return null; } public File getSandboxDirectory() { return ajc.getSandboxDirectory(); } /** * Indicate whether or not the sandbox should be emptied before the next compile. * @see org.aspectj.tools.ajc.Ajc#setShouldEmptySandbox(boolean) */ public void setShouldEmptySandbox(boolean empty) { ajc.setShouldEmptySandbox(empty); } public RunResult getLastRunResult() { return lastRunResult; } public void testNothingForAntJUnit() {} /** * Run the given class (main method), and return the result in a RunResult. The program runs with * a classpath containing the sandbox directory, runtime, testing-client, bridge, and * util projects (all used by the Tester class), and any jars in the sandbox. */ public RunResult run(String className){ return run(className,new String[0],null); } public RunResult run(String className, String[] args, String classpath) { return run(className,args,null,false); } /** * Run the given class, and return the result in a RunResult. The program runs with * a classpath containing the sandbox directory, runtime, testing-client, bridge, and * util projects (all used by the Tester class), and any jars in the sandbox. * @param args the arguments to pass to the program. * @param classpath the execution classpath, the sandbox directory, runtime, testing-client, * bridge, and util projects will all be appended to the classpath, as will any jars in * the sandbox. */ public RunResult run(String className, String[] args, String classpath, boolean useLTW) { lastRunResult = null; StringBuffer cp = new StringBuffer(); if (classpath != null) { cp.append(classpath); cp.append(File.pathSeparator); } cp.append(ajc.getSandboxDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); cp.append(DEFAULT_CLASSPATH_ENTRIES); getAnyJars(ajc.getSandboxDirectory(),cp); classpath = cp.toString(); StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("java -classpath "); command.append(classpath); command.append(" "); command.append(className); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { command.append(" "); command.append(args[i]); } PrintStream systemOut = System.out; PrintStream systemErr = System.err; ByteArrayOutputStream baosOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream baosErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(classpath,File.pathSeparator); URL[] urls = new URL[strTok.countTokens()]; try { for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { urls[i] = new File(strTok.nextToken()).getCanonicalFile().toURL(); } } catch (Exception malEx) { fail("Bad classpath specification: " + classpath); } URLClassLoader cLoader; if (useLTW) { ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader(); cLoader = new WeavingURLClassLoader(urls,parent); } else { cLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls,null); } try { try { Class testerClass = cLoader.loadClass("org.aspectj.testing.Tester"); Method setBaseDir = testerClass.getDeclaredMethod("setBASEDIR",new Class[] {File.class}); setBaseDir.invoke(null,new Object[] {ajc.getSandboxDirectory()}); } catch (Exception ex) { fail ("Unable to prepare org.aspectj.testing.Tester for test run: " + ex); } System.setOut(new PrintStream(baosOut)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(baosErr)); Class toRun = cLoader.loadClass(className); Method mainMethod = toRun.getMethod("main",new Class[] {String[].class}); mainMethod.invoke(null,new Object[] {args}); lastRunResult = new RunResult(command.toString(),new String(baosOut.toByteArray()),new String(baosErr.toByteArray())); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { fail("Can't find class: " + className); } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsm) { fail(className + " does not have a main method"); } catch (IllegalAccessException illEx) { fail("main method in class " + className + " is not public"); } catch (InvocationTargetException invTgt) { // the main method threw an exception... fail("Exception thrown by " + className + ".main(String[]) :" + invTgt.getTargetException()); } finally { System.setOut(systemOut); System.setErr(systemErr); } return lastRunResult; } /** * Any central pre-processing of args. * This supplies aspectjrt.jar if available and classpath not set. * @param args the String[] args to fix up * @return the String[] args to use */ protected String[] fixupArgs(String[] args) { if (null == args) { return null; } int cpIndex = -1; boolean hasruntime = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.length-1; i++) { args[i] = adaptToPlatform(args[i]); if ("-classpath".equals(args[i])) { cpIndex = i; String next = args[i+1]; hasruntime = ((null != next) && (-1 != next.indexOf("aspectjrt.jar"))); } } if (-1 == cpIndex) { String[] newargs = new String[args.length + 2]; newargs[0] = "-classpath"; newargs[1] = TestUtil.aspectjrtPath().getPath(); System.arraycopy(args, 0, newargs, 2, args.length); args = newargs; } else { if (!hasruntime) { cpIndex++; String[] newargs = new String[args.length]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, newargs, 0, args.length); newargs[cpIndex] = args[cpIndex] + File.pathSeparator + TestUtil.aspectjrtPath().getPath(); args = newargs; } } return args; } private String adaptToPlatform(String s) { String ret = s.replace(';',File.pathSeparatorChar); //ret = ret.replace(':',File.pathSeparatorChar); return ret; } private List copyAll(List in) { if (in == Collections.EMPTY_LIST) return in; List out = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = in.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { out.add(iter.next()); } return out; } /** * Compare the set of expected messages against the set of actual messages, * leaving in missingElements the set of messages that were expected but did not * occur, and in extraElements the set of messages that occured but were not * excpected * @param expected the expected messages * @param actual the actual messages * @param missingElements the missing messages, when passed in must contain all of the expected messages * @param extraElements the additional messages, when passed in must contain all of the actual messages */ private void compare(List expected, List actual, List missingElements, List extraElements) { for (Iterator expectedIter = expected.iterator(); expectedIter.hasNext();) { Message expectedMessage = (Message) expectedIter.next(); for (Iterator actualIter = actual.iterator(); actualIter.hasNext();) { IMessage actualMessage = (IMessage) actualIter.next(); if (expectedMessage.matches(actualMessage)) { missingElements.remove(expectedMessage); extraElements.remove(actualMessage); } } } } private void addMissing(StringBuffer buff,String type, List messages) { if (!messages.isEmpty()) { buff.append("Missing expected "); buff.append(type); buff.append(" messages:\n"); for (Iterator iter = messages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { buff.append("\t"); buff.append(iter.next().toString()); buff.append("\n"); } } } private void addExtra(StringBuffer buff, String type, List messages) { if (!messages.isEmpty()) { buff.append("Unexpected "); buff.append(type); buff.append(" messages:\n"); for (Iterator iter = messages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { buff.append("\t"); buff.append(iter.next().toString()); buff.append("\n"); } } } // add any jars in the directory to the classpath private void getAnyJars(File dir,StringBuffer buff) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].getName().endsWith(".jar")) { buff.append(File.pathSeparator); buff.append(files[i].getAbsolutePath()); } else if (files[i].isDirectory()) { getAnyJars(files[i],buff); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); ajc = new Ajc(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown() */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); //ajc = null; } }