import org.aspectj.testing.Tester; public class CflowInitInAspectVariantsBefore { public static void main(String[] args) { new C().a(); Tester.checkAllEventsIgnoreDups(); } static { Tester.expectEvent("cflow before pc()"); Tester.expectEvent("cflow before execution(void C.a())"); Tester.expectEvent("cflowbelow before pc()"); Tester.expectEvent("cflowbelow before execution(void C.a())"); } } class C { void a() {b();} private void b() {int i = 1;} // avoid later optimizations } aspect A { pointcut pc() : execution(void C.a()); // ---- works pointcut safety() : !within(A) ; // ---- cannot use cflow to exclude itself - reference thereto fails //pointcut safety() : !(within(A) && cflow(pc())); // ---- cannot use dynamic calculation, because before call happens first? //pointcut safety() : !within(A) || (within(A) && if(touched)) ; static boolean touched = false; // ---- does not address the before advice methods advising themselves //pointcut safety() : !(initialization( || staticinitialization(A)); // ---- worse way of saying !within(A) //pointcut safety() : this(C) || this(CflowInitInAspectVariantsBefore) || this(null); //pointcut safety() : this(C) || this(CflowInitInAspectVariantsBefore) || this(null); // no bug if ": within(C) && ..." // @testTarget cflow.before.namedpc before() : safety() && cflow(pc()) { if (!touched) touched = true; Tester.event("cflow before pc()"); } // @testTarget cflow.before.anonpc before() : safety() && cflow(execution(void C.a())) { if (!touched) touched = true; Tester.event("cflow before execution(void C.a())"); } // @testTarget cflowbelow.before.namedpc before() : safety() && cflowbelow(pc()) { if (!touched) touched = true; Tester.event("cflowbelow before pc()"); } // @testTarget cflowbelow.before.anonpc before() : safety() && cflowbelow(execution(void C.a())) { if (!touched) touched = true; Tester.event("cflowbelow before execution(void C.a())"); } }