/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2003 Contributors. * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Wes Isberg initial implementation * ******************************************************************/ /* * A quickie hack to extract sample code from testable sources. * This could reuse a lot of code from elsewhere, * but currently doesn't, * to keep it in the build module which avoids dependencies. * (Too bad we can't use scripting languages...) */ package org.aspectj.internal.tools.build; import java.io.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * This gathers sample code delimited with [START..END]-SAMPLE * from source files under a base directory, * along with any @author info. *
// START-SAMPLE {anchorName} {anchorText}
 *    ... sample code ...
 *   // END-SAMPLE {anchorName}
* where {anchorName} need not be unique and might be * hierarchical wrt "-", e.g., "genus-species-individual". */ public class SampleGatherer { /** EOL String for gathered lines */ public static final String EOL = "\n"; // XXX static final String START = "START-SAMPLE"; static final String END = "END-SAMPLE"; static final String AUTHOR = "@author"; static final String FLAG = "XXX"; // private static void test(String[] args){ // String[] from = new String[] { "
", "
" }; // String[] to = new String[] { "<pre>", "</pre>" }; // String source = "in this
 day and 
age of
//        System.err.println("from " + source);
//        System.err.println("  to " + SampleUtil.replace(source, from, to));
//        source = "
 day and 
"; // System.err.println("from " + source); // System.err.println(" to " + SampleUtil.replace(source, from, to)); // source = "
 0) && (start < line.length())) {
            line = line.substring(start);
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.endsWith("*/")) {
            line = line.substring(0, line.length()-2).trim();
        } else if (line.endsWith("-->")) {
            line = line.substring(0, line.length()-3).trim();
        return line;
    private static void doGather(File source, Samples sink) 
            throws IOException {
        if (source.isFile()) {
            if (isSource(source)) {
                gatherFromFile(source, sink);
        } else if (source.isDirectory() && source.canRead()) {
            File[] files = source.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                doGather(files[i], sink);

    private static boolean isSource(File file) {
        if ((null == file) || !file.isFile() || !file.canRead()) {
            return false;
        String path = file.getName().toLowerCase();
        String[] suffixes = Sample.Kind.SOURCE_SUFFIXES;
        for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) {
            if (path.endsWith(suffixes[i])) {
                return true;
        return false;
    private static void gatherFromFile(final File source, final Samples sink) 
            throws IOException {
        Reader reader = null;
        try {
            String author = null;
            StringBuffer sampleCode = new StringBuffer();
            String anchorName = null;
            String anchorTitle = null;
            ArrayList flags = new ArrayList();
            int startLine = -1; // seeking
            int endLine = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // not seeking
            reader = new FileReader(source);
            LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader(reader);
            String line;

            while (null != (line = lineReader.readLine())) { // XXX naive
                // found start?
                int loc = line.indexOf(START);
                if (-1 != loc) {
                    int lineNumber = lineReader.getLineNumber();
                    if (-1 != startLine) {
                        abort("unexpected " + START, source, line, lineNumber);
                    startLine = lineNumber;
                    endLine = -1;
                    anchorName = trimCommentEnd(line, loc + START.length());
                    loc = anchorName.indexOf(" ");
                    if (-1 == loc) {
                        anchorTitle = null;
                    } else {
                        anchorTitle = anchorName.substring(1+loc).trim();
                        anchorName = anchorName.substring(0, loc);

                // found end?
                loc = line.indexOf(END);
                if (-1 != loc) {
                    int lineNumber = lineReader.getLineNumber();
                    if (Integer.MAX_VALUE == endLine) {
                        abort("unexpected " + END, source, line, lineNumber);
                    String newtag = trimCommentEnd(line, loc + END.length());
                    if ((newtag.length() > 0) && !newtag.equals(anchorName)) {
                        String m = "expected " + anchorName
                            + " got " + newtag;
                        abort(m, source, line, lineNumber);
                    endLine = lineNumber;
                    Sample sample = new Sample(anchorName,
                            (String[]) flags.toArray(new String[flags.size()]));

                    // back to seeking start
                    startLine = -1;
                    endLine = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                // found author?
                loc = line.indexOf(AUTHOR);
                if (-1 != loc) {
                    author = trimCommentEnd(line, loc + AUTHOR.length());
                // found flag comment?
                loc = line.indexOf(FLAG);
                if (-1 != loc) {
                    flags.add(trimCommentEnd(line, loc + FLAG.length()));
                // reading?
                if ((-1 != startLine) && (-1 == endLine)) {
            if (-1 == endLine) {
                abort("incomplete sample", source, "", lineReader.getLineNumber());
        } finally {
            if (null != reader) {
    private static void abort(String why, File file, String line, int lineNumber)
            throws Abort {
        throw new Abort(why + " at " + file + ":" + lineNumber + ": " + line);
//    private static void delay(Object toDelay) {
//        synchronized (toDelay) { // XXX sleep instead?
//            toDelay.notifyAll();
//        }
//    }
    static class Abort extends IOException {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1l;
        Abort(String s) {

 * Data associated with sample code - struct class.
class Sample {
    public static final String ASPECTJ_TEAM = "The AspectJ Team";

    /** sort by anchorName, file path, and start/end location */
    static Comparator NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER = new Comparator() {
        public int compare(Sample left, Sample right) {
            if (null == left) {
                return (null == right ? 0 : -1);
            if (null == right) {
                return 1;
            int result = left.anchorName.compareTo(right.anchorName);
            if (0 != result) {
                return result;                
            result = left.sourcePath.compareTo(right.sourcePath);
            if (0 != result) {
                return result;                
            result = right.startLine - left.startLine;
            if (0 != result) {
                return result;                
            return right.endLine - left.endLine;

    /** sort by author, then NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER */
    static Comparator AUTHOR_NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER = new Comparator() {
        public int compare(Sample left, Sample right) {
            if (null == left) {
                return (null == right ? 0 : -1);
            if (null == right) {
                return 1;
            int result = left.author.compareTo(right.author);
            if (0 != result) {
                return result;                
            return NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER.compare(left,right);
    final String anchorName;
    final String anchorTitle;
    final String author;
    final String sampleCode;
    final File sourcePath;
    final int startLine;
    final int endLine;
    final Kind kind;
    /** List of String flags found in the sample */
    final List flags;
    public Sample(
        String anchorName,
        String anchorTitle,
        String author,
        String sampleCode,
        File sourcePath,
        int startLine,
        int endLine,
        String[] flags) {
        this.anchorName = anchorName;
        this.anchorTitle = anchorTitle;
        this.author = (null != author ? author : ASPECTJ_TEAM);
        this.sampleCode = sampleCode;
        this.sourcePath = sourcePath;
        this.startLine = startLine;
        this.endLine = endLine;
        this.kind = Kind.getKind(sourcePath);
//        List theFlags;
        if ((null == flags) || (0 == flags.length)) {
            this.flags = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        } else {
            this.flags = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(flags));

    public String toString() {
        return sampleCode;

    public static class Kind {
        /** lowercase source suffixes identify files to gather samples from */
        public static final String[] SOURCE_SUFFIXES = new String[]
        { ".java", ".aj", ".sh", ".ksh", 
        ".txt", ".text", ".html", ".htm", ".xml" };
        static final Kind XML = new Kind();
        static final Kind HTML = new Kind();
        static final Kind PROGRAM = new Kind();
        static final Kind SCRIPT = new Kind();
        static final Kind TEXT = new Kind();
        static final Kind OTHER = new Kind();
        public static Kind getKind(File file) {
            if (null == file) {
                return OTHER;
            String name = file.getName().toLowerCase();
            if ((name.endsWith(".java") || name.endsWith(".aj"))) {
                return PROGRAM;
            if ((name.endsWith(".html") || name.endsWith(".htm"))) {
                return HTML;
            if ((name.endsWith(".sh") || name.endsWith(".ksh"))) {
                return SCRIPT;
            if ((name.endsWith(".txt") || name.endsWith(".text"))) {
                return TEXT;
            if (name.endsWith(".xml")) {
                return XML;
            return OTHER;
        private Kind() {

 * type-safe Collection of samples.
class Samples {
    private ArrayList samples = new ArrayList();
    int size() {
        return samples.size();
    void addSample(Sample sample) {
     * @return List copy, sorted by Sample.NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER
    List getSortedSamples() {
        return getSortedSamples(Sample.NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER);
    List getSortedSamples(Comparator comparer) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        Collections.sort(result, comparer);
        return result;

 * Render samples by using method visitors.
class SamplesRenderer {
    public static SamplesRenderer ME = new SamplesRenderer();
    protected SamplesRenderer() {        
    public static final String EOL = "\n"; // XXX
    public static final String INFO = 

This contains contributions from the AspectJ community of " + "

  • sample code for AspectJ programs,
  • " + "
  • sample code for extensions to AspectJ tools using the public API's,
  • " + "
  • sample scripts for invoking AspectJ tools, and
  • " + "
  • documentation trails showing how to do given tasks" + " using AspectJ, AJDT, or various IDE or deployment" + " environments.

" + "

Find complete source files in the AspectJ CVS repository at " + "org.aspectj/modules/docs/sandbox. " + "For instructions on downloading code from the CVS repository, " + "see the FAQ entry " + "\"buildingsource\".

"; public static final String COPYRIGHT = "

Copyright 2003 Contributors. All Rights Reserved. " + "This sample code is made available under the Common Public " + "License version 1.0 available at " + "" + "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html." + "Contributors are listed in this document as authors. " + "Permission to republish portions of this sample code " + "is hereby granted if the publication acknowledges " + "the author by name and " + "the source by reference to the AspectJ project home page " + " at http://eclipse.org/aspectj.

" + EOL; /** template algorithm to render */ public final StringBuffer render(Samples samples, StringBuffer sink) { if (null == sink) { sink = new StringBuffer(); } if ((null == samples) || (0 == samples.size())) { return sink; } startList(samples, sink); List list = samples.getSortedSamples(); String anchorName = null; for (ListIterator iter = list.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Sample sample = (Sample) iter.next(); String newAnchorName = sample.anchorName; if ((null == anchorName) || (!anchorName.equals(newAnchorName))) { endAnchorName(anchorName, sink); startAnchorName(newAnchorName, sample.anchorTitle, sink); anchorName = newAnchorName; } render(sample, sink); } endAnchorName(anchorName, sink); endList(samples, sink); return sink; } protected void startList(Samples samples, StringBuffer sink) { sink.append("Printing " + samples.size() + " samples"); sink.append(EOL); } protected void startAnchorName(String name, String title, StringBuffer sink) { sink.append("anchor " + name); sink.append(EOL); } protected void render(Sample sample, StringBuffer sink) { SampleUtil.render(sample, "=", ", ",sink); sink.setLength(sink.length()-2); sink.append(EOL); } /** * @param name the String name being ended - ignore if null * @param sink */ protected void endAnchorName(String name, StringBuffer sink) { if (null == name) { return; } } protected void endList(Samples samples, StringBuffer sink) { sink.append("Printed " + samples.size() + " samples"); sink.append(EOL); } } // XXX need DocBookSamplesRenderer /** * Output the samples as a single HTML file, with a table of contents * and sorting the samples by their anchor tags. */ class HTMLSamplesRenderer extends SamplesRenderer { public static SamplesRenderer ME = new HTMLSamplesRenderer(); // XXX move these public static boolean doHierarchical = true; public static boolean doFlags = false; final StringBuffer tableOfContents; final StringBuffer sampleSection; String[] lastAnchor = new String[0]; String currentAnchor; String currentAuthor; protected HTMLSamplesRenderer() { sampleSection = new StringBuffer(); tableOfContents = new StringBuffer(); } protected void startAnchorName(String name, String title, StringBuffer sink) { if (doHierarchical) { doContentTree(name); } // ---- now do anchor tableOfContents.append("
  • " + title + "
  • "); tableOfContents.append(EOL); currentAnchor = name; } protected void startList(Samples samples, StringBuffer sink) { } protected void render(Sample sample, StringBuffer sink) { if (null != currentAnchor) { if (!currentAnchor.equals(sample.anchorName)) { String m = "expected " + currentAnchor + " got " + sample.anchorName; throw new Error(m); } currentAnchor = null; } // do heading then code renderHeading(sample.anchorName, sample.anchorTitle, sampleSection); if (sample.kind == Sample.Kind.HTML) { renderHTML(sample); } else if (sample.kind == Sample.Kind.XML) { renderXML(sample); } else { renderPre(sample); } } protected boolean doRenderAuthor(Sample sample) { return (null != sample.author); // && !sample.author.equals(currentAuthor) } protected void renderStandardHeader(Sample sample) { // XXX starting same as pre if (doRenderAuthor(sample)) { currentAuthor = sample.author; sampleSection.append("

    |   " + currentAuthor); sampleSection.append(EOL); } sampleSection.append("  |  "); sampleSection.append(SampleUtil.renderCodePath(sample.sourcePath)); sampleSection.append(":" + sample.startLine); sampleSection.append("  |"); sampleSection.append(EOL); sampleSection.append("

    "); sampleSection.append(EOL); if (doFlags) { boolean flagHeaderDone = false; for (Iterator iter = sample.flags.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String flag = (String) iter.next(); if (!flagHeaderDone) { sampleSection.append("

    Comments flagged:

      "); sampleSection.append(EOL); flagHeaderDone = true; } sampleSection.append("
    • "); sampleSection.append(flag); sampleSection.append("
    • "); } if (flagHeaderDone) { sampleSection.append("
    "); sampleSection.append(EOL); } } } protected void renderXML(Sample sample) { renderStandardHeader(sample); sampleSection.append("
    "); sampleSection.append(EOL); } protected void renderHTML(Sample sample) { renderStandardHeader(sample); sampleSection.append(EOL); sampleSection.append(prepareHTMLSample(sample.sampleCode)); sampleSection.append(EOL); } protected void renderPre(Sample sample) { renderStandardHeader(sample); sampleSection.append("
    "); sampleSection.append(EOL); } protected void endAnchorName(String name, StringBuffer sink) { if (null == name) { return; } currentAnchor = null; currentAuthor = null; // authors don't span anchors } protected void endList(Samples samples, StringBuffer sink) { sink.append(""); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("AspectJ sample code"); sink.append(EOL); sink.append(""); sink.append(EOL); sink.append(" "); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("

    AspectJ sample code

    "); sink.append(INFO); sink.append(EOL); sink.append(COPYRIGHT); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("

    Generated on "); sink.append(DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date())); sink.append(" by SamplesGatherer"); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("


    "); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("
      "); sink.append(EOL); sink.append(tableOfContents.toString()); // unwind to common prefix, if necessary for (int i = 0; i < lastAnchor.length ; i++) { sink.append("
    "); } sink.append("
  • Author Index
  • "); sink.append(" "); sink.append("


    "); sink.append(EOL); sink.append(sampleSection.toString()); renderAuthorIndex(samples, sink); sink.append(""); sink.append(EOL); } protected String prepareXMLSample(String sampleCode) { String[] from = new String[] {"\t", "<"}; String[] to = new String[] {" ", "<"}; return (SampleUtil.replace(sampleCode, from, to)); } protected String prepareHTMLSample(String sampleCode) { String[] from = new String[20]; String[] to = new String[20]; for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) { String h = "h" + i + ">"; from[i] = "<" + h; to[i] = "

    "; from[++i] = "

    "; } return (SampleUtil.replace(sampleCode, from, to)); } protected String prepareCodeSample(String sampleCode) { String[] from = new String[] { "

    ", "
    " }; String[] to = new String[] { "<pre>", "</pre>" }; return (SampleUtil.replace(sampleCode, from, to)); } protected void renderHeading(String anchor, String title, StringBuffer sink) { sink.append(" "); sink.append(EOL); if ((null == title) || (0 == title.length())) { title = anchor; } sink.append("

    " + title + "

    "); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("back to top"); sink.append(EOL); } /** * Manage headings in both table of contents and listings. * @param name the String anchor */ protected void doContentTree(String name) { if (name.equals(lastAnchor)) { return; } // ---- handle trees String[] parts = SampleUtil.splitAnchorName(name); //String[] lastAnchor = (String[]) lastAnchors.peek(); int firstDiff = SampleUtil.commonPrefix(parts, lastAnchor); // unwind to common prefix, if necessary if (firstDiff+1 < lastAnchor.length) { for (int i = 1; i < lastAnchor.length-firstDiff ; i++) { tableOfContents.append(" "); tableOfContents.append(EOL); } } // build up prefix StringBuffer branchAnchor = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < firstDiff;) { branchAnchor.append(parts[i]); i++; branchAnchor.append("-"); } // emit leading headers, but not anchor itself for (int i = firstDiff; i < (parts.length-1); i++) { branchAnchor.append(parts[i]); String prefixName = branchAnchor.toString(); branchAnchor.append("-"); tableOfContents.append("
  • " + prefixName + "
  • "); tableOfContents.append(EOL); tableOfContents.append("
      "); tableOfContents.append(EOL); renderHeading(prefixName, prefixName, sampleSection); } lastAnchor = parts; } protected void renderAuthorIndex(Samples samples, StringBuffer sink) { sink.append("

      Author Index

      "); List list = samples.getSortedSamples(Sample.AUTHOR_NAME_SOURCE_COMPARER); String lastAuthor = null; for (ListIterator iter = list.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Sample sample = (Sample)iter.next(); String author = sample.author; if (!author.equals(lastAuthor)) { if (null != lastAuthor) { sink.append("
    "); } sink.append("
  • "); sink.append(author); sink.append(EOL); sink.append("
      "); sink.append(EOL); lastAuthor = author; } sink.append("
    • "); if (null == sample.anchorTitle) { sink.append(sample.anchorName); } else { sink.append(sample.anchorTitle); } sink.append("
    • "); } } } class SampleUtil { public static final String SAMPLE_BASE_DIR_NAME = "sandbox"; public static void simpleRender(Samples result, StringBuffer sink) { List sortedSamples = result.getSortedSamples(); int i = 0; for (ListIterator iter = sortedSamples.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Sample sample = (Sample) iter.next(); sink.append(i++ + ": " + sample); } } /** result struct for getPackagePath */ static class JavaFile { /** input File possibly signifying a java file */ final File path; /** String java path suffix in form "com/company/Bar.java" * null if this is not a java file */ final String javaPath; /** any prefix before java path suffix in the original path */ final String prefix; /** error handling */ final Throwable thrown; JavaFile(File path, String javaPath, String prefix, Throwable thrown) { this.path = path; this.javaPath = javaPath; this.prefix = prefix; this.thrown = thrown; } } /** * Read any package statement in the file to determine * the package path of the file * @param path the File to seek the package in * @return the JavaFile with the components of the path */ public static JavaFile getJavaFile(File path) { if (null == path) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null path"); } String result = path.getPath().replace('\\', '/'); String packag = ""; String javaPath = null; String prefix = null; Throwable thrown = null; if (result.endsWith(".java") || result.endsWith(".aj")) { FileReader reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader(path); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); String line; while (null != (line = br.readLine())) { int loc = line.indexOf("package"); if (-1 != loc) { int end = line.indexOf(";"); if (-1 == loc) { String m = "unterminated package statement \""; throw new Error(m + line + "\" in " + path); } packag = (line.substring(loc + 7, end) + ".") .trim() .replace('.', '/'); break; } loc = line.indexOf("import"); if (-1 != loc) { break; } } } catch (IOException e) { thrown = e; } finally { if (null != reader) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { // ignore } } } if (null == thrown) { javaPath = packag + path.getName(); int loc = result.indexOf(javaPath); if (-1 == loc) { String m = "expected suffix " + javaPath + " in "; throw new Error(m + result); } prefix = result.substring(0, loc); } } return new JavaFile(path, javaPath, prefix, thrown); } /** * Extract file path relative to base of package directory * and directory in SAMPLE_BASE_DIR_NAME for this file. * @param path the File to render from SAMPLE_BASE_DIR_NAME * @return String "baseDir {path}" */ public static String renderCodePath(File path) { JavaFile javaFile = getJavaFile(path); if (javaFile.thrown != null) { throw new Error(javaFile.thrown.getClass() + ": " + javaFile.thrown.getMessage()); } String file = javaFile.javaPath; // can be null... String prefix = javaFile.prefix; if (prefix == null) { prefix = path.getPath().replace('\\', '/'); } int loc = prefix.lastIndexOf(SAMPLE_BASE_DIR_NAME); if (-1 == loc) { String m = "not after " + SAMPLE_BASE_DIR_NAME; throw new IllegalArgumentException(m + "?: " + path); } prefix = prefix.substring(loc + 1 + SAMPLE_BASE_DIR_NAME.length()); if (file == null) { int slash = prefix.lastIndexOf('/'); if (-1 == slash) { file = prefix; prefix = ""; } else { file = prefix.substring(slash+1); prefix = prefix.substring(0, slash); } } if (prefix.endsWith("/")) { prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length()-1); } return (prefix + " " + file).trim(); } public static int commonPrefix(String[] lhs, String[] rhs) { final int max = smallerSize(lhs, rhs); int firstDiff = 0; while (firstDiff < max) { if (!lhs[firstDiff].equals(rhs[firstDiff])) { break; } firstDiff++; } return firstDiff; } private static int smallerSize(Object[] one, Object[] two) { if ((null == one) || (null == two)) { return 0; } return (one.length > two.length ? two.length : one.length); } public static String[] splitAnchorName(Sample sample) { return splitAnchorName(sample.anchorName); } public static String[] splitAnchorName(String anchorName) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); int start = 0; int loc = anchorName.indexOf("-", start); String next; while (loc != -1) { next = anchorName.substring(start, loc); result.add(next); start = loc+1; loc = anchorName.indexOf("-", start); } next = anchorName.substring(start); result.add(next); return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } /** * Replace literals with literals in source string * @param source the String to modify * @param from the String[] of literals to replace * @param to the String[] of literals to use when replacing * @return the String source as modified by the replaces */ public static String replace(String source, String[] from, String[] to) { if ((null == source) || (0 == source.length())) { return source; } if (from.length != to.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unmatched from/to"); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int LEN = source.length(); int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) { String suffix = source.substring(i); for (int j = 0; j < from.length; j++) { if (suffix.startsWith(from[j])) { result.append(source.substring(start, i)); result.append(to[j]); start = i + from[j].length(); i = start-1; break; } } } if (start < source.length()) { result.append(source.substring(start)); } return result.toString(); } public static void render( Sample sample, String fieldDelim, String valueDelim, StringBuffer sink) { if ((null == sink) || (null == sample)) { return; } if (null == fieldDelim) { fieldDelim = ""; } if (null == valueDelim) { valueDelim = ""; } sink.append("anchorName"); sink.append(valueDelim); sink.append(sample.anchorName); sink.append(fieldDelim); sink.append("author"); sink.append(valueDelim); sink.append(sample.author); sink.append(fieldDelim); sink.append("sourcePath"); sink.append(valueDelim); sink.append(sample.sourcePath.toString()); sink.append(fieldDelim); sink.append("startLine"); sink.append(valueDelim); sink.append(sample.startLine); sink.append(fieldDelim); sink.append("endLine"); sink.append(valueDelim); sink.append(sample.endLine); sink.append(fieldDelim); sink.append("sampleCode"); sink.append(valueDelim); sink.append(sample.sampleCode.toString()); sink.append(fieldDelim); } private SampleUtil(){} }