0. Install Now get the directory "aj-@aj.event@/". Just copy the "aj-@aj.event@/" directory from the provided CD. If you're running a Windows machine, we recommend you copy into "c:\". If you're running your favorite Unix (we've had success under Linux and MacOS X), we recommend you install into "~\". 1. Configure Our installation is fairly well self-contained, but it does need to know where Java lives. To do this you must set the environment variable named JAVA_HOME. This variable should point to something like c:\apps\jdk1.3.1_04 /usr/java /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home depending on your system. You may either do this globally, or you may edit the appropriate setpaths script: setpaths.bat (under Windows) setpaths.sh (if you run bash/sh/ksh, like most Linux setups) setpaths.csh (if you run csh, like most MacOS X setups) Also, if you installed into a directory other than "c:\" or "~/", then you need to change the EXTRACTION environment variable in the setpaths script. 2. Test Open a new command shell and change to the "aj-@aj.event@/" directory. We have provided a "setpaths" script to set permissions and various paths variables, so run this script: > setpaths.bat (under Windows) > source setpaths.sh (if you run bash/sh/ksh, like most Linux setups) > source setpaths.csh (if you run csh, like most MacOS X setups) You must remember to run this script every time you open a new command shell. Now, compile the core system with ajc: > ajc -argfile guibase.lst This should compile the figures application (source code in the figures directory) as well as a single unit test (source code in the tests directory). See if the compile was successful by running the gui figures app you just compiled: > java figures.gui.Main And, after quitting out of the gui figures app, run the unit test: > java tests.Test .... Time: 0.076 OK (4 tests)