import org.aspectj.testing.Tester; /** @testcase Bugzilla Bug 29662 VerifyError on accessing objects not accessible to the weaver: Incompatible object argument for invokespecial */ public class AroundAccess { public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable { AroundAccess ve = new AroundAccess();; Tester.checkEqual(FinalizeContract.fromAround, "s3:2,ME"); } protected void foo() throws Throwable {} } class Foo { private static int x; } aspect FinalizeContract { public static String fromAround; pointcut finalizeCall(Object o): this(Object+) && this(o) && execution(void foo()); void around(Object o) throws Throwable: finalizeCall(o) { String p = getS(3.14, 2); // + Foo.x; fromAround = p + "," + toString(); Tester.checkNotEqual(super.toString(), toString()); proceed(o); counter++; } private String getS(double d, int i) { return "s" + ((int)d) + ":" + i; } public String toString() { return "ME"; } private long counter = 0; }