/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Xerox Corporation, * 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC), * 2005-2006 Contributors. * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Xerox/PARC initial implementation * ******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.internal.build; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipException; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Java; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline.Argument; import org.aspectj.internal.tools.ant.taskdefs.BuildModule; import org.aspectj.internal.tools.ant.taskdefs.Checklics; import org.aspectj.internal.tools.build.Util; /** * Test our integrated taskdef build. * This responds to two environment variables: * (1) run.build.tests must be defined before * tests that build the tree (and hence take minutes) * will run; * (2) build.config takes the same form as it does for the * builder task, e.g., "useEclipseCompiles" will avoid * recompiling with Javac and adopt classes in the * {module}/bin directories. */ public class BuildModuleTest extends TestCase { private static boolean printInfoMessages = false; private static boolean printedMessage; private static final boolean REMOVE_JARS_AFTER_DEBUGGING = true; // to just build one module verbosely private static final String[] DEBUGS = {}; // skip those requiring ajdoc, which requires tools.jar // also skip those requiring java5 unless manually set up // also skip big ones to avoid slowing the build too much private static final String[] SKIPS //= {}; = {"aspectjtools", "ajdoc", "aspectj5rt", "run-all-junit-tests", "ajbrowser", "testing", "testing-drivers", "org.aspectj.ajdt.core", "weaver"}; private static final String SKIP_MESSAGE = "BuildModuleTest: Define \"run.build.tests\" as a system " + "property to run tests to build "; private static final String BUILD_CONFIG; static { String config = null; try { config = System.getProperty("build.config"); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore } BUILD_CONFIG = config; if (printInfoMessages) { System.out.println("BuildModuleTest build.config: " + config); } } ArrayList tempFiles = new ArrayList<>(); private File jarDir; private boolean deleteJars; boolean building; // must be enabled for tests to run public BuildModuleTest(String name) { super(name); building = Boolean.getBoolean("run.build.tests"); } protected void setUp() { // change to view whether prior output is used deleteJars = true; // todo } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); if (debugging() && !REMOVE_JARS_AFTER_DEBUGGING) { if (0 < tempFiles.size()) { System.err.println("debugging files left: " + tempFiles); } return; } deleteTempFiles(); } protected void deleteTempFiles() { for (Iterator iter = tempFiles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { File file = (File) iter.next(); if (!Util.delete(file)) { File[] list = file.listFiles(); if (!Util.isEmpty(list)) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("warning: BuildModuleTest unable to delete "); sb.append(file.toString()); sb.append("\n"); // XXX platform for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(list[i].toString()); sb.append("\n"); // XXX platform } System.err.println(sb.toString()); } } } } public void testAllJunitTests() { checkBuild("run-all-junit-tests"); } public void testBuild() { checkBuild("build", Checklics.class.getName(), new String[0], // help message true); // ant needed } public void testUtil() { checkBuild("util"); } public void testAsm() { checkBuild("asm"); } public void testRuntime() { checkBuild("runtime"); } public void testAspectj5rt() { checkBuild("aspectj5rt"); } // public void testLocalOutOfDate() { // Messager handler = new Messager(); // File jarDir = new File("c:/home/ws/head/aj-build/jars"); // File baseDir = new File("c:/home/ws/head"); // Modules mods = new Modules(baseDir, jarDir, handler); // Module module = mods.getModule("ajbrowser"); // Result r = module.getResult(Result.kind(true, true)); // r.outOfDate(); // } // public void testAspectj5rtRequired() { // File baseDir = new File(".."); // Modules modules = new Modules(baseDir, getJarDir(), new Messager()); // Module module = modules.getModule("aspectj5rt"); // Result result = module.getResult(Result.kind(true, true)); // Result[] results = result.getRequired(); // System.out.println(result.toLongString()); // System.out.println("results: " + Arrays.asList(results)); // deleteTempFiles(); // } public void testNoDuplicates() { File weaverAllJar = null; try { weaverAllJar = doTask("weaver",true, true, true); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println(getClass() + ".testNoDuplicates() incomplete"); t.printStackTrace(System.err); return; } String dupError = duplicateEntryError(weaverAllJar); weaverAllJar.delete(); if (null != dupError) { fail(dupError); } } public void testAjbrowser() { checkBuild("ajbrowser", "org.aspectj.tools.ajbrowser.Main", new String[] {"-noExit", "-version"}); // compiler version } public void testTestingUtils() { checkBuild("testing-util"); } public void testAjdt() { checkBuild("org.aspectj.ajdt.core", "org.aspectj.tools.ajc.Main", new String[] { "-noExit", "-version" }); }// public void testTesting() { checkBuild("testing", "org.aspectj.testing.util.LangUtilTest", new String[] {"ignored"}); } public void testTestingDrivers() { checkBuild("testing-drivers", "org.aspectj.testing.drivers.Harness", new String[] {"-help"}); } public void testWeaver() { checkBuild("weaver"); } // ajdoc relies on tools.jar public void testAspectjtools() { if (!shouldBuild("aspectjtools")) { return; } File baseDir = new File(".."); File tempBuildDir = new File(baseDir, "aj-build"); File distDir = new File(tempBuildDir, "dist"); File jarDir = new File(tempBuildDir, "jars"); assertTrue(distDir.canWrite() || distDir.mkdirs()); File productDir = new File(baseDir.getPath() + "/build/products/tools"); assertTrue(""+productDir, productDir.canRead()); checkBuildProduct(productDir, baseDir, distDir, jarDir); } void checkBuildProduct(File productDir, File baseDir, File distDir, File jarDir) { if (!shouldBuild(productDir.getPath())) { return; } assertTrue(null != productDir); assertTrue(productDir.canRead()); checkJavac(); BuildModule task = new BuildModule(); Project project = new Project(); task.setProject(project); assertTrue(jarDir.canWrite() || jarDir.mkdirs()); tempFiles.add(jarDir); task.setJardir(new Path(project, jarDir.getAbsolutePath())); task.setProductdir(new Path(project, productDir.getAbsolutePath())); task.setBasedir(new Path(project, baseDir.getAbsolutePath())); task.setDistdir(new Path(project, distDir.getAbsolutePath())); task.setFailonerror(true); if (null != BUILD_CONFIG) { task.setBuildConfig(BUILD_CONFIG); } //task.setVerbose(true); task.setCreateinstaller(true); task.execute(); // now run installer and do product tests? } File getAntJar() { return new File("../lib/ant/lib/ant.jar"); } File getJUnitJar() { return new File("../lib/junit/junit.jar"); } File getJarDir() { if (null == jarDir) { File baseDir = new File("../aj-build/"); if (!baseDir.canWrite()) { baseDir = new File("."); } jarDir = new File(baseDir, "BuildModuleTest-jars"); tempFiles.add(jarDir); } if (!jarDir.exists()) { assertTrue(jarDir.mkdirs()); } return jarDir; } BuildModule getTask(String module) { BuildModule task = new BuildModule(); Project project = new Project(); task.setProject(project); File jarDir = getJarDir(); assertTrue(jarDir.canWrite() || jarDir.mkdirs()); tempFiles.add(jarDir); File moduleDir = new File(Util.path("..", module)); assertTrue(moduleDir.canRead()); task.setModuledir(new Path(project, moduleDir.getAbsolutePath())); task.setJardir(new Path(project, jarDir.getAbsolutePath())); task.setFailonerror(true); if (null != BUILD_CONFIG) { task.setBuildConfig(BUILD_CONFIG); } return task; } void checkBuild(String module) { checkBuild(module, null, null, false); } void checkBuild(String module, String classname, String[] args) { checkBuild(module, classname, args, true); } boolean shouldBuild(String target) { if (null == target) { return false; } if (!building && !printedMessage) { System.err.println(SKIP_MESSAGE + target + " (this is the only warning)"); printedMessage = true; } if (debugging()) { for (int i = 0; i < DEBUGS.length; i++) { if (target.equals(DEBUGS[i])) { return true; } } return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < SKIPS.length; i++) { if (SKIPS[i].equals(target)) { if (printInfoMessages) { System.err.println(target + " skipped build test [" + getClass().getName() + ".shouldBuild(..)]"); } return false; } } } return building; } private static boolean debugging() { return ((null != DEBUGS) && (0 < DEBUGS.length)); } private static String duplicateEntryError(File weaverAllJar) { ZipFile zipFile = null; try { zipFile = new ZipFile(weaverAllJar); Enumeration e = zipFile.entries(); ArrayList entryNames = new ArrayList<>(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement(); String name = entry.getName(); if (entryNames.contains(name)) { return "duplicate entry: " + name; } entryNames.add(name); } } catch (ZipException e) { return "ZipException " + e; } catch (IOException e) { return "IOException " + e; } finally { if (null != zipFile) { try { zipFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return "IOException closing " + zipFile + ": " + e; } } } return null; } private static String name(String module, boolean trimTesting, boolean assemble) { return module + (trimTesting?"":"-test") + (assemble?"-all":""); } private void deleteJar(File jar) { if (!deleteJars) { return ; } if (jar.exists()) { jar.delete(); } if (jar.exists()) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Throwable t) { } } if (jar.exists()) { assertTrue("cannot delete " + jar, jar.delete()); } } void checkBuild(String module, String classname, String[] args, boolean addAnt) { if (!shouldBuild(module)) { return; } assertTrue(null != module); checkJavac(); doTask(module, true, false); doTask(module, true, true); doTask(module, false, false); File jar = doTask(module, false, true, true); // verify if possible if (null != classname) { Java java = new Java(); Project project = new Project(); java.setProject(project); java.setFailonerror(true); Path cp = new Path(project); assertTrue(jar.canRead()); cp.append(new Path(project, jar.getAbsolutePath())); if (addAnt) { cp.append(new Path(project, getAntJar().getAbsolutePath())); cp.append(new Path(project, getJUnitJar().getAbsolutePath())); } java.setClasspath(cp); java.setClassname(classname); if (null != args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Argument arg = java.createArg(); arg.setValue(args[i]); } } try { java.execute(); } catch (BuildException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); assertTrue("BuildException running " + classname, false); } } deleteJar(jar); } void doTask(String module, boolean trimTesting, boolean assembleAll) { doTask(module, trimTesting, assembleAll, false); } File doTask(String module, boolean trimTesting, boolean assembleAll, boolean keepJars) { BuildModule task = getTask(module); String name = name(module, trimTesting, assembleAll); File jar = new File(getJarDir(), name+ ".jar"); task.setAssembleall(assembleAll); task.setTrimtesting(trimTesting); task.execute(); if (!jar.canRead()) { File[] files = getJarDir().listFiles(); fail("cannot read " + jar + " in " + Arrays.asList(files)); } if (!keepJars && deleteJars) { deleteTempFiles(); } return jar; } void checkJavac() { boolean result = false; try { result = (null != Class.forName("sun.tools.javac.Main")); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore } if (! result) { assertTrue("add tools.jar to the classpath for Ant's use of javac", false); } } }