/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC). * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * PARC initial implementation * ******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.weaver; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.Pointcut; public class ResolvedPointcutDefinition extends ResolvedMemberImpl { private Pointcut pointcut; public ResolvedPointcutDefinition(UnresolvedType declaringType, int modifiers, String name, UnresolvedType[] parameterTypes, Pointcut pointcut) { this(declaringType, modifiers, name, parameterTypes, UnresolvedType.VOID, pointcut); } /** * An instance which can be given a specific returnType, used f.e. in if() pointcut for @AJ * * @param declaringType * @param modifiers * @param name * @param parameterTypes * @param returnType * @param pointcut */ public ResolvedPointcutDefinition(UnresolvedType declaringType, int modifiers, String name, UnresolvedType[] parameterTypes, UnresolvedType returnType, Pointcut pointcut) { super(POINTCUT, declaringType, modifiers, returnType, name, parameterTypes); this.pointcut = pointcut; // XXXpointcut.assertState(Pointcut.RESOLVED); checkedExceptions = UnresolvedType.NONE; } // ---- @Override public void write(CompressingDataOutputStream s) throws IOException { getDeclaringType().write(s); s.writeInt(getModifiers()); s.writeUTF(getName()); UnresolvedType.writeArray(getParameterTypes(), s); pointcut.write(s); } public static ResolvedPointcutDefinition read(VersionedDataInputStream s, ISourceContext context) throws IOException { ResolvedPointcutDefinition rpd = new ResolvedPointcutDefinition(UnresolvedType.read(s), s.readInt(), s.readUTF(), UnresolvedType.readArray(s), Pointcut.read(s, context)); rpd.setSourceContext(context); // whilst we have a source context, let's remember it return rpd; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("pointcut "); buf.append((getDeclaringType() == null ? "" : getDeclaringType().getName())); buf.append("."); buf.append(getName()); buf.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < getParameterTypes().length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append(getParameterTypes()[i].toString()); } buf.append(")"); // buf.append(pointcut); return buf.toString(); } public Pointcut getPointcut() { return pointcut; } @Override public boolean isAjSynthetic() { return true; } /** * Called when asking a parameterized super-aspect for its pointcuts. */ @Override public ResolvedMemberImpl parameterizedWith(UnresolvedType[] typeParameters, ResolvedType newDeclaringType, boolean isParameterized) { TypeVariable[] typeVariables = getDeclaringType().resolve(newDeclaringType.getWorld()).getTypeVariables(); if (isParameterized && (typeVariables.length != typeParameters.length)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong number of type parameters supplied"); } Map typeMap = new HashMap(); boolean typeParametersSupplied = typeParameters != null && typeParameters.length > 0; if (typeVariables != null) { // If no 'replacements' were supplied in the typeParameters array then collapse // type variables to their first bound. for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) { UnresolvedType ut = (!typeParametersSupplied ? typeVariables[i].getFirstBound() : typeParameters[i]); typeMap.put(typeVariables[i].getName(), ut); } } UnresolvedType parameterizedReturnType = parameterize(getGenericReturnType(), typeMap, isParameterized, newDeclaringType.getWorld()); UnresolvedType[] parameterizedParameterTypes = new UnresolvedType[getGenericParameterTypes().length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterizedParameterTypes.length; i++) { parameterizedParameterTypes[i] = parameterize(getGenericParameterTypes()[i], typeMap, isParameterized, newDeclaringType.getWorld()); } ResolvedPointcutDefinition ret = new ResolvedPointcutDefinition(newDeclaringType, getModifiers(), getName(), parameterizedParameterTypes, parameterizedReturnType, pointcut.parameterizeWith(typeMap, newDeclaringType.getWorld())); ret.setTypeVariables(getTypeVariables()); ret.setSourceContext(getSourceContext()); ret.setPosition(getStart(), getEnd()); ret.setParameterNames(getParameterNames()); return ret; // return this; } // for testing public static final ResolvedPointcutDefinition DUMMY = new ResolvedPointcutDefinition(UnresolvedType.OBJECT, 0, "missing", UnresolvedType.NONE, Pointcut.makeMatchesNothing(Pointcut.RESOLVED)); public static final ResolvedPointcutDefinition[] NO_POINTCUTS = new ResolvedPointcutDefinition[] {}; public void setPointcut(Pointcut pointcut) { this.pointcut = pointcut; } }