/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Xerox Corporation, * 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC). * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Xerox/PARC initial implementation * ******************************************************************/ package org.aspectj.testing.harness.bridge; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; //import org.aspectj.bridge.*; import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessageHandler; import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation; import org.aspectj.testing.run.IRunIterator; import org.aspectj.testing.run.IRunStatus; import org.aspectj.testing.run.Runner; import org.aspectj.testing.xml.XMLWriter; import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil; /** * An AjcTest has child subruns (compile, [inc-compile|run]*). * XXX title keys shared between all instances * (add Thread to key to restrict access?) */ public class AjcTest extends RunSpecIterator { /** Unwrap an AjcTest.Spec from an IRunStatus around an AjcTest */ public static Spec unwrapSpec(IRunStatus status) { if (null != status) { Object id = status.getIdentifier(); if (id instanceof Runner.IteratorWrapper) { IRunIterator iter = ((Runner.IteratorWrapper) id).iterator; if (iter instanceof AjcTest) { return (Spec) ((AjcTest) iter).spec; } } } return null; } /** Unwrap initial CompilerRun.Spec from an AjcTest.Spec */ public static CompilerRun.Spec unwrapCompilerRunSpec(Spec spec) { if (null != spec) { List kids = spec.getChildren(); if (0 < kids.size()) { Object o = kids.get(0); if (o instanceof CompilerRun.Spec) { return (CompilerRun.Spec) o; } } } return null; } /** The spec creates the sandbox, so we use it throughout */ public AjcTest(Spec spec, Sandbox sandbox, Validator validator) { super(spec, sandbox, validator, true); } /** * Clear the command from the sandbox, to avoid memory leaks. * @see org.aspectj.testing.harness.bridge.RunSpecIterator#iterationCompleted() */ public void iterationCompleted() { super.iterationCompleted(); sandbox.clearCommand(this); } /** * Specification for an ajc test. * Keyword directives are global/parent options passed, e.g., as *
. * See VALID_SUFFIXES for complete list. */ public static class Spec extends AbstractRunSpec { public static final String XMLNAME = "ajc-test"; /** * do description as title, do sourceLocation, * do keywords, do options, skip paths, do comment, * skip staging, skip badInput, * skip dirChanges, do messages and do children * (though we do children directly). */ private static final XMLNames NAMES = new XMLNames(XMLNames.DEFAULT, "title", null, null, null, "", null, "", "", true, false, false); private static final String OPTION_PREFIX = "-ajctest"; private static final String[] VALID_OPTIONS = new String[] { OPTION_PREFIX }; private static final String TITLE_LIST = "TitleList="; private static final String TITLE_FAIL_LIST = "TitleFailList="; private static final String TITLE_CONTAINS= "TitleContains="; private static final String REQUIRE_KEYWORDS = "RequireKeywords="; private static final String SKIP_KEYWORDS = "SkipKeywords="; private static final String PICK_PR = "PR="; private static final List VALID_SUFFIXES = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(new String[] { TITLE_LIST, TITLE_FAIL_LIST, TITLE_CONTAINS, REQUIRE_KEYWORDS, SKIP_KEYWORDS, PICK_PR })); /** Map String titlesName to List (String) of titles to accept */ private static final Map> TITLES = new HashMap>(); private static List getTitles(String titlesName) { return getTitles(titlesName, false); } private static List getTitles(String titlesName, boolean fail) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(titlesName)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = (List) TITLES.get(titlesName); if (null == result) { result = makeTitlesList(titlesName, fail); TITLES.put(titlesName, result); } return result; } /** * Make titles list per titlesKey, either a path to a file * containing "[PASS|FAIL] {title}(..)" entries, * or a comma-delimited list of titles. * @param titlesKey a String, either a path to a file * containing "[PASS|FAIL] {title}(..)" entries, * or a comma-delimited list of titles. * @param fail if true, only read titles prefixed "FAIL" from files * @return the unmodifiable List of titles (maybe empty, never null) */ private static List makeTitlesList(String titlesKey, boolean fail) { File file = new File(titlesKey); return file.canRead() ? readTitlesFile(file, fail) : parseTitlesList(titlesKey); } /** * Parse list of titles from comma-delmited list * titlesList, trimming each entry and permitting * comma to be escaped with '\'. * @param titlesList a comma-delimited String of titles * @return the unmodifiable List of titles (maybe empty, never null) */ private static List parseTitlesList(String titlesList) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); String last = null; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(titlesList, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String next = st.nextToken().trim(); if (next.endsWith("\\")) { next = next.substring(0, next.length()-1); if (null == last) { last = next; } else { last += next; } next = null; } else if (null != last) { next = (last + next).trim(); last = null; } else { next = next.trim(); } if (!LangUtil.isEmpty(next)) { result.add(next); } } if (null != last) { String m = "unterminated entry \"" + last; // XXX messages System.err.println(m + "\" in " + titlesList); result.add(last.trim()); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } /** * Read titles from a test result file, accepting * only those prefixed with [PASS|FAIL] and * excluding the "[PASS|FAIL] Suite.Spec(.." entry. * @param titlesFile the File containing a * list of titles from test results, * with some lines of the form * [PASS|FAIL] {title}() (excluding * [PASS|FAIL] Suite.Spec(.... * @param titlesFile the File path to the file containing titles * @param fail if true, only select titles prefixed "FAIL" * @return the unmodifiable List of titles (maybe empty, never null) */ private static List readTitlesFile(File titlesFile, boolean fail) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); Reader reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader(titlesFile); BufferedReader lines = new BufferedReader(reader); String line; while (null != (line = lines.readLine())) { if ((line.startsWith("FAIL ") || (!fail && line.startsWith("PASS "))) && (!line.substring(5).startsWith("Suite.Spec("))) { String title = line.substring(5); int loc = title.lastIndexOf("("); if (-1 != loc) { title = title.substring(0, loc); } result.add(title); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("ignoring titles in " + titlesFile); // XXX messages e.printStackTrace(System.err); } finally { if (null != reader) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } /** base directory of the test suite - set before making run */ private File suiteDir; /** path offset from suite directory to base of test directory */ String testDirOffset; // XXX revert to private after fixes /** id of bug - if 0, then no bug associated with this test */ private int bugId; public Spec() { super(XMLNAME); setXMLNames(NAMES); } protected void initClone(Spec spec) throws CloneNotSupportedException { super.initClone(spec); spec.bugId = bugId; spec.suiteDir = suiteDir; spec.testDirOffset = testDirOffset; } public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Spec result = new Spec(); initClone(result); return result; } public void setSuiteDir(File suiteDir) { this.suiteDir = suiteDir; } public File getSuiteDir() { return suiteDir; } /** @param bugId 100..999999 */ public void setBugId(int bugId) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfFalse((bugId > 10) && (bugId < 1000000), "bad bug id: " + bugId); this.bugId = bugId; } public int getBugId() { return bugId; } public void setTestDirOffset(String testDirOffset) { if (!LangUtil.isEmpty(testDirOffset)) { this.testDirOffset = testDirOffset; } } public String getTestDirOffset() { return (null == testDirOffset ? "" : testDirOffset); } /** * @param sandbox ignored * @see org.aspectj.testing.harness.bridge.AbstractRunSpec#makeAjcRun(Sandbox, Validator) */ public IRunIterator makeRunIterator(Sandbox sandbox, Validator validator) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(validator, "validator"); // if no one set suiteDir, see if we have a source location if (null == suiteDir) { ISourceLocation loc = getSourceLocation(); if (!validator.nullcheck(loc, "suite file location") || !validator.nullcheck(loc.getSourceFile(), "suite file")) { return null; } File locDir = loc.getSourceFile().getParentFile(); if (!validator.canReadDir(locDir, "source location dir")) { return null; } suiteDir = locDir; } // we make a new sandbox with more state for our subruns, keep that, // in order to defer initialization to nextRun() File testBaseDir; String testDirOffset = getTestDirOffset(); if (LangUtil.isEmpty(testDirOffset)) { testBaseDir = suiteDir; } else { testBaseDir = new File(suiteDir, testDirOffset); if (!validator.canReadDir(testBaseDir, "testBaseDir")) { return null; } } Sandbox childSandbox = null; try { childSandbox = new Sandbox(testBaseDir, validator); validator.registerSandbox(childSandbox); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { validator.fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } return new AjcTest(this, childSandbox, validator); } /** @see IXmlWritable#writeXml(XMLWriter) */ public void writeXml(XMLWriter out) { out.println(""); String value = (null == testDirOffset? "" : testDirOffset); String attr = XMLWriter.makeAttribute("dir", value); if (0 != bugId) { attr += " " + XMLWriter.makeAttribute("pr", ""+bugId); } out.startElement(xmlElementName, attr, false); super.writeAttributes(out); out.endAttributes(); super.writeChildren(out); out.endElement(xmlElementName); } /** * AjcTest overrides this to skip if *
  • the spec has a keyword the parent wants to skip
  • *
  • the spec does not have a required keyword
  • *
  • the spec does not have a required bugId
  • *
  • the spec does not have a required title (description)n
  • *
* When skipping, this issues a messages as to why skipped. * Skip combinations are not guaranteed to work correctly. XXX * @return false if this wants to be skipped, true otherwise * @throws Error if selected option is not of the form *
. */ protected boolean doAdoptParentValues(RT parentRuntime, IMessageHandler handler) { if (!super.doAdoptParentValues(parentRuntime, handler)) { return false; } runtime.copy(parentRuntime); String[] globalOptions = runtime.extractOptions(VALID_OPTIONS, true); for (String globalOption : globalOptions) { String option = globalOption; if (!option.startsWith(OPTION_PREFIX)) { throw new Error("only expecting " + OPTION_PREFIX + "..: " + option); } option = option.substring(OPTION_PREFIX.length()); boolean keywordMustExist = false; List permittedTitles = null; List permittedTitleStrings = null; String havePr = null; if (option.startsWith(REQUIRE_KEYWORDS)) { option = option.substring(REQUIRE_KEYWORDS.length()); keywordMustExist = true; } else if (option.startsWith(SKIP_KEYWORDS)) { option = option.substring(SKIP_KEYWORDS.length()); } else if (option.startsWith(TITLE_LIST)) { option = option.substring(TITLE_LIST.length()); permittedTitles = getTitles(option); } else if (option.startsWith(TITLE_FAIL_LIST)) { option = option.substring(TITLE_FAIL_LIST.length()); permittedTitles = getTitles(option, true); } else if (option.startsWith(TITLE_CONTAINS)) { option = option.substring(TITLE_CONTAINS.length()); permittedTitleStrings = getTitles(option); } else if (option.startsWith(PICK_PR)) { if (0 == bugId) { skipMessage(handler, "bugId required, but no bugId for this test"); return false; } else { havePr = "" + bugId; } option = option.substring(PICK_PR.length()); } else { throw new Error("unrecognized suffix: " + globalOption + " (expecting: " + OPTION_PREFIX + VALID_SUFFIXES + "...)"); } if (null != permittedTitleStrings) { boolean gotHit = false; for (Iterator iter = permittedTitleStrings.iterator(); !gotHit && iter.hasNext(); ) { String substring = (String) iter.next(); if (this.description.contains(substring)) { gotHit = true; } } if (!gotHit) { String reason = "title " + this.description + " does not contain any of " + option; skipMessage(handler, reason); return false; } } else if (null != permittedTitles) { if (!permittedTitles.contains(this.description)) { String reason = "titlesList " + option + " did not contain " + this.description; skipMessage(handler, reason); return false; } } else { // all other options handled as comma-delimited lists List specs = LangUtil.commaSplit(option); // XXX also throw Error on empty specs... for (String spec : specs) { if (null != havePr) { if (havePr.equals(spec)) { // String.equals() havePr = null; } } else if (keywordMustExist != keywords.contains(spec)) { String reason = "keyword " + spec + " was " + (keywordMustExist ? "not found" : "found"); skipMessage(handler, reason); return false; } } if (null != havePr) { skipMessage(handler, "bugId required, but not matched for this test"); return false; } } } return true; } } // AjcTest.Spec /** * A suite of AjcTest has children for each AjcTest * and flows all options down as globals */ public static class Suite extends RunSpecIterator { final Spec spec; /** * Count the number of AjcTest in this suite. * @param spec * @return */ public static int countTests(Suite.Spec spec) { return spec.children.size(); } public static AjcTest.Spec[] getTests(Suite.Spec spec) { if (null == spec) { return new AjcTest.Spec[0]; } return (AjcTest.Spec[]) spec.children.toArray(new AjcTest.Spec[0]); } public Suite(Spec spec, Sandbox sandbox, Validator validator) { super(spec, sandbox, validator, false); this.spec = spec; } /** * While being called to make the sandbox for the child, * set up the child's suite dir based on ours. * @param child must be instanceof AjcTest.Spec * @see org.aspectj.testing.harness.bridge.RunSpecIterator#makeSandbox(IRunSpec, Validator) * @return super.makeSandbox(child, validator) */ protected Sandbox makeSandbox( IRunSpec child, Validator validator) { if (!(child instanceof AjcTest.Spec)) { validator.fail("only expecting AjcTest children"); return null; } if (!validator.canReadDir(spec.suiteDir, "spec.suiteDir")) { return null; } ((AjcTest.Spec) child).setSuiteDir(spec.suiteDir); return super.makeSandbox(child, validator); } /** * A suite spec contains AjcTest children. * The suite dir or source location should be set * if the tests do not each have a source location * with a source file in the suite dir. * XXX whether to write out suiteDir in XML? */ public static class Spec extends AbstractRunSpec { public static final String XMLNAME = "suite"; /** * do description, do sourceLocation, * do keywords, do options, skip paths, do comment, * skip staging, skip badInput, * skip dirChanges, skip messages and do children * (though we do children directly). */ // private static final XMLNames NAMES = new XMLNames(XMLNames.DEFAULT, // null, null, null, null, "", null, "", "", true, true, false); File suiteDir; public Spec() { super(XMLNAME, false); // do not skip this even if children skip } public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Spec spec = new Spec(); super.initClone(spec); spec.suiteDir = suiteDir; return spec; } /** @param suiteDirPath the String path to the base suite dir */ public void setSuiteDir(String suiteDirPath) { if (!LangUtil.isEmpty(suiteDirPath)) { this.suiteDir = new File(suiteDirPath); } } /** @param suiteDirFile the File for the base suite dir */ public void setSuiteDirFile(File suiteDir) { this.suiteDir = suiteDir; } /** @return suiteDir from any set or source location if set */ public File getSuiteDirFile() { if (null == suiteDir) { ISourceLocation loc = getSourceLocation(); if (null != loc) { File sourceFile = loc.getSourceFile(); if (null != sourceFile) { suiteDir = sourceFile.getParentFile(); } } } return suiteDir; } /** * @return * @see org.aspectj.testing.harness.bridge.AbstractRunSpec#makeRunIterator(Sandbox, Validator) */ public IRunIterator makeRunIterator( Sandbox sandbox, Validator validator) { return new Suite(this, sandbox, validator); } public String toString() { // removed nKids as misleading, since children.size() may change //int nKids = children.size(); //return "Suite.Spec(" + suiteDir + ", " + nKids + " tests)"; return "Suite.Spec(" + suiteDir + ")"; } } } }