]> &build-properties; ---- misc info for writing and building docbook - link tag linkend attribute takes an id - xsl converts as needed during output - do NOT use ulink; this will be converted to "" (but see param citerefentry-link: might enable this) - to use sensible names for the files produced, - use an xsl wrapper to add/modify features - set flag to use the id of the top-level element in the output file as the filename. xsl:param name="use.id.as.filename" select="1" - fyi, other related parameters: html-ext, root-filename - In this example, the top-level element in the output file is the refentry, so set ids which become the basename of the file: refentry id="aspectj-mode" # in aspectj-mode.xml, produces aspecj-mode.html refentry id="ajdee" # in ajdee.xml, produces ajdee.html -- fyi - related parameters: html-ext, root-filename - these tags did not work for me: dbhtml filename="foo.htm" dbhtml prefix="foo-" - resources - the dtd reference for docbook http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/docbook/chapter/book/docbook.html - the stylesheet reference for docbook xsl http://docbook.sourceforge.net/projects/dsssl/doc/html.html - todo - fyi, generate.reference.titlepage appears not to be respected. tried to add if statement to html/refentry.xsl, but file still gen'd