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The full list of resolved issues in 1.9.3 is available here.

AspectJ 1.9.3 supports Java12. Java12 introduces the new switch expression syntax, but you must activate support for that via an --enable-preview flag when using the compiler and attempting to run the resultant classes: Here is Switch3.java:

public class Switch3 {
	public static void main(String[] argv) {

	public static int one(Color color) {
		int result = switch(color) {
		 case R -> foo(0);
		 case G -> foo(1);
		 case B -> foo(2);
		 default -> foo(3);
		return result;
	public static final int foo(int i) {
		return i+1;

enum Color {
	R, G, B, Y;

aspect X {
	int around(): call(* foo(..)) {
		return proceed()*3;
Compile it with:

$ ajc --enable-preview -showWeaveInfo -12 Switch3.java

Join point 'method-call(int Switch3.foo(int))' in Type 'Switch3' (Switch3.java:12) advised by around advice from 'X' (Switch3.java:30)

Join point 'method-call(int Switch3.foo(int))' in Type 'Switch3' (Switch3.java:13) advised by around advice from 'X' (Switch3.java:30)

Join point 'method-call(int Switch3.foo(int))' in Type 'Switch3' (Switch3.java:14) advised by around advice from 'X' (Switch3.java:30)

Join point 'method-call(int Switch3.foo(int))' in Type 'Switch3' (Switch3.java:15) advised by around advice from 'X' (Switch3.java:30)

Now run it:

$ java --enable-preview Switch3

Available: 1.9.3.RC1 available 7-Mar-2019