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ArgsAfterThrowingHelloWorld.txt 1.7KB

  1. public class HelloWorld extends java.lang.Object:
  2. public void <init>():
  3. ALOAD_0 // LHelloWorld; this (line 5)
  4. INVOKESPECIAL java.lang.Object.<init> ()V
  5. constructor-execution(void HelloWorld.<init>())
  6. | RETURN
  7. constructor-execution(void HelloWorld.<init>())
  8. end public void <init>()
  9. public static void main(String[]):
  10. ALOAD_0
  11. ASTORE_3
  12. method-execution(void HelloWorld.main(java.lang.String[]))
  13. | catch java.lang.Throwable -> E1
  14. | | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line 8)
  15. | | LDC "hello world" (line 9)
  16. | | ASTORE_1
  17. | | method-call(void
  18. | | | catch java.lang.Throwable -> E0
  19. | | | | ALOAD_1
  20. | | | | INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/String;)V
  21. | | | catch java.lang.Throwable -> E0
  22. | | | GOTO L0
  23. | | | E0: ASTORE_2
  24. | | | ALOAD_1
  25. | | | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_afterThrowing_method_call (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  26. | | | ALOAD_2
  27. | | | ATHROW
  28. | | | L0: NOP
  29. | | method-call(void
  30. | | RETURN (line 11)
  31. | catch java.lang.Throwable -> E1
  32. | E1: ASTORE 4
  33. | ALOAD_3
  34. | INVOKESTATIC Aspect.ajc_afterThrowing_method_execution (Ljava/lang/Object;)V
  35. | ALOAD 4
  36. | ATHROW
  37. method-execution(void HelloWorld.main(java.lang.String[]))
  38. end public static void main(String[])
  39. end public class HelloWorld