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  1. <chapter id="jpsigs" xreflabel="Join Point Signatures">
  2. <title>Join Point Signatures</title>
  3. <para>
  4. Many of the extensions to the AspectJ language to address the new features of
  5. Java 5 are derived from a simple set of principles for join point
  6. matching. In this section, we outline these principles as a foundation
  7. for understanding the matching rules in the presence of annotations,
  8. generics, covariance, varargs, and autoboxing.
  9. </para>
  10. <sect1 id="join-point-matching">
  11. <title>Join Point Matching</title>
  12. <para>AspectJ supports 11 different kinds of join points. These are
  13. the <literal>method call, method execution, constructor call,
  14. constructor execution, field get, field set, pre-initialization,
  15. initialization, static initialization, handler,</literal> and
  16. <literal>advice execution</literal> join points.</para>
  17. <para>The <emphasis>kinded</emphasis> pointcut designators match
  18. based on the kind of a join point. These are the <literal>call,
  19. execution, get, set, preinitialization, initialization,
  20. staticinitialization, handler,</literal> and <literal>adviceexecution</literal>
  21. designators.</para>
  22. <para>A kinded pointcut is written using patterns, some of which
  23. match based on <emphasis>signature</emphasis>, and some of which
  24. match based on <emphasis>modifiers</emphasis>. For example, in
  25. the <literal>call</literal> pointcut designator:</para>
  26. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  27. call(ModifierPattern TypePattern TypePattern.IdPattern(TypePatternList) ThrowsPattern)
  28. ]]></programlisting>
  29. <para>the modifiers matching patterns are <literal>ModifierPattern</literal>
  30. and <literal>ThrowsPattern</literal>, and the signature matching patterns
  31. are <literal>TypePattern TypePattern.IdPattern(TypePatternList)</literal>.
  32. </para>
  33. <para>
  34. A join point has potentially multiple signatures, but only one set of
  35. modifiers. <emphasis>A kinded primitive pointcut matches a particular join point
  36. if and only if</emphasis>:
  37. </para>
  38. <orderedlist>
  39. <listitem>They are of the same kind</listitem>
  40. <listitem>The signature pattern (exactly) matches at least one
  41. signature of the join point</listitem>
  42. <listitem>The modifiers pattern matches the modifiers of the
  43. subject of the join point</listitem>
  44. </orderedlist>
  45. <para>These rules make it very easily to quickly determine whether a
  46. given pointcut matches a given join point. In the next two sections,
  47. we describe what the signature(s) of a join point are, and what the
  48. subjects of join points are.</para>
  49. </sect1>
  50. <sect1 id="join-point-signatures">
  51. <title>Join Point Signatures</title>
  52. <para>Call, execution, get, and set join points may potentially have multiple
  53. signatures. All other join points have exactly one signature. The
  54. following table summarizes the constituent parts of a join point
  55. signature for the different kinds of join point.</para>
  56. <informaltable>
  57. <tgroup cols="7">
  58. <thead>
  59. <row>
  60. <entry>Join Point Kind</entry>
  61. <entry>Return Type</entry>
  62. <entry>Declaring Type</entry>
  63. <entry>Id</entry>
  64. <entry>Parameter Types</entry>
  65. <entry>Field Type</entry>
  66. <entry>Exception Type</entry>
  67. </row>
  68. </thead>
  69. <tbody>
  70. <row>
  71. <entry>Method call</entry>
  72. <entry>+</entry>
  73. <entry>+</entry>
  74. <entry>+</entry>
  75. <entry>+</entry>
  76. <entry></entry>
  77. <entry></entry>
  78. </row>
  79. <row>
  80. <entry>Method execution</entry>
  81. <entry>+</entry>
  82. <entry>+</entry>
  83. <entry>+</entry>
  84. <entry>+</entry>
  85. <entry></entry>
  86. <entry></entry>
  87. </row>
  88. <row>
  89. <entry>Constructor call</entry>
  90. <entry></entry>
  91. <entry>+</entry>
  92. <entry></entry>
  93. <entry>+</entry>
  94. <entry></entry>
  95. <entry></entry>
  96. </row>
  97. <row>
  98. <entry>Constructor execution</entry>
  99. <entry></entry>
  100. <entry>+</entry>
  101. <entry></entry>
  102. <entry>+</entry>
  103. <entry></entry>
  104. <entry></entry>
  105. </row>
  106. <row>
  107. <entry>Field get</entry>
  108. <entry></entry>
  109. <entry>+</entry>
  110. <entry>+</entry>
  111. <entry></entry>
  112. <entry>+</entry>
  113. <entry></entry>
  114. </row>
  115. <row>
  116. <entry>Field set</entry>
  117. <entry></entry>
  118. <entry>+</entry>
  119. <entry>+</entry>
  120. <entry></entry>
  121. <entry>+</entry>
  122. <entry></entry>
  123. </row>
  124. <row>
  125. <entry>Pre-initialization</entry>
  126. <entry></entry>
  127. <entry>+</entry>
  128. <entry></entry>
  129. <entry>+</entry>
  130. <entry></entry>
  131. <entry></entry>
  132. </row>
  133. <row>
  134. <entry>Initialization</entry>
  135. <entry></entry>
  136. <entry>+</entry>
  137. <entry></entry>
  138. <entry>+</entry>
  139. <entry></entry>
  140. <entry></entry>
  141. </row>
  142. <row>
  143. <entry>Static initialization</entry>
  144. <entry></entry>
  145. <entry>+</entry>
  146. <entry></entry>
  147. <entry></entry>
  148. <entry></entry>
  149. <entry></entry>
  150. </row>
  151. <row>
  152. <entry>Handler</entry>
  153. <entry></entry>
  154. <entry></entry>
  155. <entry></entry>
  156. <entry></entry>
  157. <entry></entry>
  158. <entry>+</entry>
  159. </row>
  160. <row>
  161. <entry>Advice execution</entry>
  162. <entry></entry>
  163. <entry>+</entry>
  164. <entry></entry>
  165. <entry>+</entry>
  166. <entry></entry>
  167. <entry></entry>
  168. </row>
  169. </tbody>
  170. </tgroup>
  171. </informaltable>
  172. <para>Note that whilst an advice execution join point has a
  173. signature comprising the declaring type of the advice and the
  174. advice parameter types, the <literal>adviceexecution</literal>
  175. pointcut designator does not support matching based on this
  176. signature.</para>
  177. <para>The signatures for most of the join point kinds should be
  178. self-explanatory, except for field get and set, and method call and execution
  179. join points, which can have multiple signatures. Each signature of
  180. a method call or execution join point has the same id and parameter
  181. types, but the declaring type and return type (with covariance) may vary.
  182. Each signature of a field get or set join point has the same id and field
  183. type, but the declaring type may vary.
  184. </para>
  185. <para>The following sections examine signatures for these join points
  186. in more detail.</para>
  187. <sect2 id="method-call-join-point-signatures" xreflabel="method-call-join-point-signatures">
  188. <title>Method call join point signatures</title>
  189. <para>
  190. For a call join point where a call is made to a method
  191. <literal>m(parameter_types)</literal> on a target type <literal>T</literal> (where
  192. <literal>T</literal> is the static type of the target):
  193. </para>
  194. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  195. T t = new T();
  196. t.m("hello"); <= call join point occurs when this line is executed
  197. ]]></programlisting>
  198. <para>
  199. Then the signature <literal>R(T) T.m(parameter_types)</literal> is a signature
  200. of the call join point, where <literal>R(T)</literal> is the return
  201. type of <literal>m</literal> in <literal>T</literal>, and
  202. <literal>parameter_types</literal> are the parameter types of
  203. <literal>m</literal>. If <literal>T</literal> itself does not
  204. declare a definition of <literal>m(parameter_types)</literal>, then
  205. <literal>R(T)</literal> is the return type in the definition of
  206. <literal>m</literal> that <literal>T</literal> inherits. Given the
  207. call above, and the definition of <literal>T.m</literal>:
  208. </para>
  209. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  210. interface Q {
  211. R m(String s);
  212. }
  213. class P implements Q {
  214. R m(String s) {...}
  215. }
  216. class S extends P {
  217. R' m(String s) {...}
  218. }
  219. class T extends S {}
  220. ]]></programlisting>
  221. <para>Then <literal>R' T.m(String)</literal> is a signature of the
  222. call join point for <literal>t.m("hello")</literal>.</para>
  223. <para>
  224. For each ancestor (super-type) <literal>A</literal> of <literal>T</literal>,
  225. if <literal>m(parameter_types)</literal> is defined for that super-type, then
  226. <literal>R(A) A.m(parameter_types)</literal> is a signature of the call join
  227. point, where <literal>R(A)</literal> is the return type of <literal>
  228. m(parameter_types)</literal> as defined in <literal>A</literal>, or as inherited
  229. by <literal>A</literal> if <literal>A</literal> itself does not
  230. provide a definition of <literal>m(parameter_types)</literal>.
  231. </para>
  232. <para>
  233. Continuing the example from above,we can deduce that
  234. </para>
  235. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  236. R' S.m(String)
  237. R P.m(String)
  238. R Q.m(String)
  239. ]]></programlisting>
  240. <para>are all additional signatures for the call join point arising
  241. from the call <literal>t.m("hello")</literal>. Thus this call
  242. join point has four signatures in total. Every signature has the same
  243. id and parameter types, and a different declaring type.</para>
  244. </sect2>
  245. <sect2 id="method-execution-join-point-signatures" xreflabel="method-execution-join-point-signatures">
  246. <title>Method execution join point signatures</title>
  247. <para>Join point signatures for execution join points are defined
  248. in a similar manner to signatures for call join points. Given the
  249. hierarchy:
  250. </para>
  251. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  252. interface Q {
  253. R m(String s);
  254. }
  255. class P implements Q {
  256. R m(String s) {...}
  257. }
  258. class S extends P {
  259. R' m(String s) {...}
  260. }
  261. class T extends S { }
  262. class U extends T {
  263. R' m(String s) {...}
  264. }
  265. ]]></programlisting>
  266. <para>Then the execution join point signatures arising as a result
  267. of the call to <literal>u.m("hello")</literal> are: </para>
  268. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  269. R' U.m(String)
  270. R' S.m(String)
  271. R P.m(String)
  272. R Q.m(String)
  273. ]]></programlisting>
  274. <para>Each signature has the same id and parameter types, and a
  275. different declaring type. There is one signature for each type
  276. that provides its own declaration of the method. Hence in this
  277. example there is no signature <literal>R' T.m(String)</literal>
  278. as <literal>T</literal> does not provide its own declaration of
  279. the method.</para>
  280. </sect2>
  281. <sect2 id="field-get-and-set-join-point-signatures" xreflabel="field-get-and-set-join-point-signatures">
  282. <title>Field get and set join point signatures</title>
  283. <para>
  284. For a field get join point where an access is made to a field
  285. <literal>f</literal> of type <literal>F</literal>
  286. on a object with declared type <literal>T</literal>, then
  287. <literal>F T.f</literal> is a signature of the get join point.
  288. </para>
  289. <para>
  290. If <literal>T</literal> does not directly declare a member
  291. <literal>f</literal>, then for each super type <literal>S</literal>
  292. of <literal>T</literal>, up to and including the most specific
  293. super type of <literal>T</literal> that does declare the member
  294. <literal>f</literal>, <literal>F S.f</literal> is a signature
  295. of the join point. For example, given the hierarchy:
  296. </para>
  297. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  298. class P {
  299. F f;
  300. }
  301. class S extends P {
  302. F f;
  303. }
  304. class T extends S { }
  305. ]]></programlisting>
  306. <para>
  307. Then the join point signatures for a field get join point of
  308. the field <literal>f</literal> on an object with declared type
  309. <literal>T</literal> are:
  310. </para>
  311. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  312. F S.f
  313. F T.f
  314. ]]></programlisting>
  315. <para>The signatures for a field set join point are derived in an
  316. identical manner.</para>
  317. </sect2>
  318. </sect1>
  319. <sect1 id="join-point-modifiers">
  320. <title>Join Point Modifiers</title>
  321. <para>Every join point has a single set of modifiers - these include
  322. the standard Java modifiers such as <literal>public, private,
  323. static, abstract</literal> etc., any annotations, and the throws
  324. clauses of methods and constructors. These modifiers are the
  325. modifiers of the <emphasis>subject</emphasis> of the join point.</para>
  326. <para>
  327. The following table defines the join point subject for each kind
  328. of join point.
  329. </para>
  330. <informaltable>
  331. <tgroup cols="2">
  332. <thead>
  333. <row>
  334. <entry>Join Point Kind</entry>
  335. <entry>Subject</entry>
  336. </row>
  337. </thead>
  338. <tbody>
  339. <row>
  340. <entry>Method call</entry>
  341. <entry>The method picked out by Java as
  342. the static target of the method call.</entry>
  343. </row>
  344. <row>
  345. <entry>Method execution</entry>
  346. <entry>The method that is executing.</entry>
  347. </row>
  348. <row>
  349. <entry>Constructor call</entry>
  350. <entry>The constructor being called.</entry>
  351. </row>
  352. <row>
  353. <entry>Constructor execution</entry>
  354. <entry>The constructor executing.</entry>
  355. </row>
  356. <row>
  357. <entry>Field get</entry>
  358. <entry>The field being accessed.</entry>
  359. </row>
  360. <row>
  361. <entry>Field set</entry>
  362. <entry>The field being set.</entry>
  363. </row>
  364. <row>
  365. <entry>Pre-initialization</entry>
  366. <entry>The first constructor executing in
  367. this constructor chain.</entry>
  368. </row>
  369. <row>
  370. <entry>Initialization</entry>
  371. <entry>The first constructor executing in
  372. this constructor chain.</entry>
  373. </row>
  374. <row>
  375. <entry>Static initialization</entry>
  376. <entry>The type being initialized.</entry>
  377. </row>
  378. <row>
  379. <entry>Handler</entry>
  380. <entry>The declared type of the
  381. exception being handled.</entry>
  382. </row>
  383. <row>
  384. <entry>Advice execution</entry>
  385. <entry>The advice being executed.</entry>
  386. </row>
  387. </tbody>
  388. </tgroup>
  389. </informaltable>
  390. <para>For example, given the following types</para>
  391. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  392. public class X {
  393. @Foo
  394. protected void doIt() {...}
  395. }
  396. public class Y extends X {
  397. public void doIt() {...}
  398. }
  399. ]]></programlisting>
  400. <para>Then the modifiers for a call to <literal>(Y y) y.doIt()</literal>
  401. are simply <literal>{public}</literal>. The modifiers for a call to
  402. <literal>(X x) x.doIt()</literal> are <literal>{@Foo,protected}</literal>.
  403. </para>
  404. </sect1>
  405. <sect1 id="join-point-matching-summary">
  406. <title>Summary of Join Point Matching</title>
  407. <para>
  408. A join point has potentially multiple signatures, but only one set of
  409. modifiers. <emphasis>A kinded primitive pointcut matches a particular join point
  410. if and only if</emphasis>:
  411. </para>
  412. <orderedlist>
  413. <listitem>They are of the same kind</listitem>
  414. <listitem>The signature pattern (exactly) matches at least one
  415. signature of the join point</listitem>
  416. <listitem>The modifiers pattern matches the modifiers of the
  417. subject of the join point</listitem>
  418. </orderedlist>
  419. <para>Given the hierarchy</para>
  420. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  421. interface Q {
  422. R m(String s);
  423. }
  424. class P implements Q {
  425. @Foo
  426. public R m(String s) {...}
  427. }
  428. class S extends P {
  429. @Bar
  430. public R' m(String s) {...}
  431. }
  432. class T extends S {}
  433. ]]></programlisting>
  434. <para>and the program fragment:</para>
  435. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  436. P p = new P();
  437. S s = new S();
  438. T t = new T();
  439. ...
  440. p.m("hello");
  441. s.m("hello");
  442. t.m("hello");
  443. ]]></programlisting>
  444. <para>
  445. The the pointcut <literal>call(@Foo R P.m(String))</literal> matches the
  446. call <literal>p.m("hello")</literal> since both the signature and the
  447. modifiers match. It does not match the call <literal>s.m("hello")</literal>
  448. because even though the signature pattern matches one of the signatures
  449. of the join point, the modifiers pattern does not match the modifiers of
  450. the method m in S which is the static target of the call.
  451. </para>
  452. <para>The pointcut <literal>call(R' m(String))</literal> matches the
  453. calls <literal>t.m("hello")</literal> and <literal>s.m("hello")</literal>.
  454. It does not match the call <literal>p.m("hello")</literal> since the
  455. signature pattern does not match any signature for the call join point
  456. of m in P.</para>
  457. </sect1>
  458. </chapter>