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quicklook.bat 2.8KB

  1. rem be verbose, no @echo off
  2. rem requires existing ajhome install for ant scripts, libs
  3. rem beware - withou DOS linefeeds, DOS won't interpret...
  4. rem ------ read variables from local setup
  5. set scriptPath=%~dp0
  6. set scriptDir=%scriptPath:\quicklook.bat=%
  7. if not exist %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat goto ERR_SETUP
  8. call %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat
  9. if "x" == "x%userEmail%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
  10. if "x" == "x%mailHost%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
  11. if "x" == "x%HOME%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
  12. if "x" == "x%CVS_RSH%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
  13. if "x" == "x%CVSROOT%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
  14. set buildDir=%scriptDir:\scripts=%
  15. set antScript=%buildDir:\build=%\lib\ant\bin\ant.bat
  16. if not exist %antScript% goto ERR_ANT
  17. if not exist %buildDir% goto ERR_BUILDDIR
  18. if not exist %JDKDIR% goto ERR_JDKDIR
  19. rem XXX redo these when web building
  21. rem if exist %SQEDIRPATH% goto RUN
  22. rem net use %SQEDRIVE% \\samba\aop /persistent:no
  23. rem if not exist %SQEDIRPATH% goto ERR_MOUNT
  24. rem set mountedDrive=yes
  25. goto RUN
  26. rem build update.tree, quicklook
  27. :RUN
  28. set JAVA_HOME=%JDKDIR%
  29. if not "x" == "x%DEBUG%" set verbose=-verbose
  30. chdir %buildDir% || goto ERR_CD
  31. rem fyi, normal ant.bat script loses any internal "=", so we rely on a patched script
  32. set MAIL_OPTIONS=-logger org.apache.tools.ant.listener.MailLogger -DMailLogger.mailhost=%mailHost% -DMailLogger.success.to=%userEmail% -DMailLogger.failure.to=%userEmail% -DMailLogger.from=%userEmail%
  33. set options=%MAIL_OPTIONS% -DCVSROOT=%CVSROOT%
  34. rem cannot use "|| goto ERR_ANT_UPDATE" b/c ant script returns non-zero for valid builds
  35. call %antScript% -f build.xml update.tree %verbose% %options%
  36. set options=%MAIL_OPTIONS% -Duser.email=%userEmail% -Daop.dir=%SQEDRIVE%
  37. set options=%options% -Drun.ajcTests=runAjcTests -Drun.junit.tests=runJUnitTests
  38. call %antScript% -f build.xml quicklook %verbose% %options%
  39. if "ok%mountedDrive%" == "okyes" net use %SQEDRIVE% /delete
  40. goto QUIT
  41. rem ---------- errors
  42. :ERR_CD
  43. echo "unable to cd to build directory: %buildDir%"
  44. goto QUIT
  45. :ERR_SETUP
  46. echo "expected local setup in %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat"
  47. goto QUIT
  49. echo "expected build dir: %buildDir%"
  50. goto QUIT
  52. echo "local setup is incorrect - missing variables"
  53. goto QUIT
  54. :ERR_ANT
  55. echo "expected ant script: %antScript%"
  56. goto QUIT
  58. echo "no JDKDIR=%JDKDIR%"
  59. goto QUIT
  60. :ERR_MOUNT
  61. echo "unable to mount or use SQEDIRPATH=%SQEDIRPATH%"
  62. goto QUIT
  64. echo "unable to find quicklook source after running setup build"
  65. goto QUIT
  67. echo "FAIL ant create.source failed"
  68. goto QUIT
  70. echo "FAIL ant update.source failed"
  71. goto QUIT
  73. echo "FAIL ant quicklook failed"
  74. goto QUIT
  76. echo "FAIL ant destroy.source failed"
  77. goto QUIT
  78. :QUIT