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build-aspectjlib.xml 4.9KB

  1. <!-- wrapped at 70 characters, long elements wrapped -->
  2. <!-- ===========================================================================
  3. Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors.
  4. All rights reserved.
  5. This program and the accompanying materials are made available
  6. under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  7. which accompanies this distribution and is available at
  8. http://eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
  9. Contributors:
  10. Wes Isberg initial implementation
  11. ============================================================================ -->
  12. <project name="aspectj-library" default="aspectjlib" basedir=".">
  13. <target name="aspectjlib" depends="compile" />
  14. <target name="info">
  15. <echo>
  16. This script builds the AspectJ library.
  17. Relevant targets:
  18. aspectjlib build library
  19. Setup:
  20. - Run from the doc/aspectjlib directory in your AspectJ distribution.
  21. The tasks in ../../lib/aspectjtools.jar are used automatically.
  22. Variants:
  23. - To define a variable, use the Ant -D option - e.g., on Windows:
  24. ant -f build.xml -DJAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3.1 -Dnorun=skip
  25. </echo>
  26. </target>
  27. <!-- ============================================================= -->
  28. <!-- setup and cleanup targets -->
  29. <!-- ============================================================= -->
  30. <target name="clean"
  31. depends="init"
  32. description="clean and create classes/jar dir, .ajesym files"
  33. >
  34. <delete quiet="on" dir="${jar.dir}" />
  35. <delete quiet="on">
  36. <fileset dir="${org.aspectj.lib.dir}"
  37. includes="**/*.ajesym"
  38. />
  39. </delete>
  40. <mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
  41. </target>
  42. <target name="init" depends="init.variables,init.taskdefs" />
  43. <target name="init.variables" description="init variables">
  44. <property name="org.aspectj.lib.dir" location="${basedir}" />
  45. <property name="src.dir"
  46. location="${org.aspectj.lib.dir}/src"
  47. />
  48. <!-- find AspectJ lib dir in distribution or AspectJ CVS tree -->
  49. <property name="aspectj.dist.lib"
  50. location="${basedir}/../../lib"
  51. />
  52. <property name="aspectj.tree.lib"
  53. location="${basedir}/../lib/aspectj/lib"
  54. />
  55. <condition property="aspectj.lib.dir"
  56. value="${aspectj.dist.lib}"
  57. >
  58. <available file="${aspectj.dist.lib}/aspectjtools.jar" />
  59. </condition>
  60. <condition property="aspectj.lib.dir"
  61. value="${aspectj.tree.lib}"
  62. >
  63. <available file="${aspectj.tree.lib}/aspectjtools.jar" />
  64. </condition>
  65. <property name="aspectjrt.jar"
  66. location="${aspectj.lib.dir}/aspectjrt.jar"
  67. />
  68. <property name="aspectjtools.jar"
  69. location="${aspectj.lib.dir}/aspectjtools.jar"
  70. />
  71. <property name="aspectjweaver.jar"
  72. location="${aspectj.lib.dir}/aspectjweaver.jar"
  73. />
  74. <property name="jar.dir"
  75. location="${org.aspectj.lib.dir}/jars"
  76. />
  77. <property name="aspectjlib.out.jar"
  78. location="${jar.dir}/aspectjlib.out.jar"
  79. />
  80. <available file="${aspectjtools.jar}"
  81. property="aspectjtools.jar.available"
  82. />
  83. <available file="${aspectjrt.jar}"
  84. property="aspectjrt.jar.available"
  85. />
  86. <property name="library.packages" value="org.aspectj.lib" />
  87. </target>
  88. <target name="init.taskdefs"
  89. depends="init.variables,
  90. aspectjtools.jar.available,
  91. aspectjrt.jar.available"
  92. unless="taskdefs.init"
  93. >
  94. <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/aspectjTaskdefs.properties"
  95. >
  96. <classpath>
  97. <pathelement path="${aspectjtools.jar}" />
  98. </classpath>
  99. </taskdef>
  100. <property name="taskdefs.init" value="true" />
  101. </target>
  102. <target name="aspectjrt.jar.available"
  103. depends="init.variables"
  104. unless="aspectjrt.jar.available"
  105. >
  106. <fail message="expecting aspectjrt.jar at ${aspectjrt.jar}" />
  107. </target>
  108. <target name="aspectjtools.jar.available"
  109. depends="init.variables"
  110. unless="aspectjtools.jar.available"
  111. >
  112. <fail message="expecting aspectjtools.jar at ${aspectjtools.jar}"
  113. />
  114. </target>
  115. <target name="compile"
  116. depends="init"
  117. description="compile library"
  118. >
  119. <antcall target="clean" />
  120. <!-- can use ajc or iajc here -->
  121. <iajc sourceroots="${src.dir}"
  122. fork="true"
  123. forkclasspath="${aspectjtools.jar}"
  124. classpath="${aspectjrt.jar}"
  125. outjar="${aspectjlib.out.jar}"
  126. />
  127. </target>
  128. </project>