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<title>JUnit 3.7</title>

<b><font color="#00CC00">J</font><font color="#FF0000">U</font><font color="#000000">nit
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<p>JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance
of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.
<a href="#Summary of">Summary of Changes</a></li>

<a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>

<a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>

<a href="#Getting">Getting Started</a></li>

<a href="#Documentation">Documentation</a></li>

<a NAME="Summary of"></a>Summary of Changes between 3.6 and 3.7</h2>


Eliminated warning when re-running tests when class loading checkbox is
unchecked. There are legitimate reasons for doing this, so a warning didn't
make much sense, and it was too obtrusive.</li>

Stopped reloading classes when running in VisualAge for Java.</li>

Print total number of tests as well as number of tests run so far (Swing


Introduced Assert.assertTrue(boolean) and assertTrue(String, boolean) deprecated
assert(boolean) and assert(String, boolean) in preparation for the assert
keyword in Java 1.4. We plan to support native assertions when they are
publicly available. You can either move to assertTrue() or wait for 1.4
and delete parentheses as the syntax is e.g. "assert 2 == 3".</li>

Added accessors for TestCase.fName and TestSuite.fName.</li>

Added a no argument TestCase constructor to support serialization.</li>

Improved warnings when constructing TestSuites.</li>

Text Runner</h3>

Made doRun() public so clients can create a text runner with a specified
output stream and then run tests.</li>

Fixed Bugs (SourceForge Bug Tracker Ids)</h3>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [420315] No trace when fail with message...
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [419375] reload warning lags
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [418849] Classloader warning too obtrusive
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [417978] constructor stack trace, please
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [415103] Reload checkbox should be ignored in VAJ
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [414954] error reporting when invoking suite()
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [407296] Make doRun() public
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [227578] rmi callbacks fail since TestCase has no
noArg constructor
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [422603] Decorated decorators bug
Summary of Changes between 3.5 and 3.6</h2>


The UI test runners provide a check box to enable/disable the custom class
loader. The user is warned when running a second test with the non loading
class loader.</li>

Renames to address file name length limitation on MacOS:</li>

LoadingClassPathTestCollector -> LoadingTestCollector</li>

SimpleClassPathTestCollector -> SimpleTestCollector</li>


Added TestSuite.getName()</li>


Updated the build script for Ant 1.3.</li>

Fixed Bugs (SourceForge Bug Tracker Ids)</h3>

<blockquote>[ #229753 ] assertEquals on NaN and Infinity does not work
<br>[ #229287 ] Class Name too long "SimpleClassPathTestCollector"
<br>[ #229609 ] Stack Filtering missing in textui.TesRunner
<br>[ #229870 ] Clicking on ... after tests failed gives NPE
<br>[ #229974 ] Incorrect icon shown for first element in Swing GUI
<br>[ #230581 ] swingui.TestTreeModel: results of decorated testcases...
<br>[ #230971 ] Make junit.extensions.TestDecorator.getTest() public
<br>[ #231569 ] DocBug: JUnit Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests
<br>[ #232645 ] BaseTestRunner.getTest loses exception information
<br>[ #233094 ] TestSuite masks exceptions
<br>[ #410967 ] No icon provided for first test
<br>[ #230745 ] ClassPathTestCollector sometimes lists classes in duplicate</blockquote>


Added documentation about the <a href="doc/JUnitProperties.html">properties</a>
supported by TestRunners.</li>

Updated the FAQ</li>

Summary of Changes between 3.4 and 3.5</h2>


Added TestSuite.addTestSuite(Class testClass)</li>

<br>This method allows to create a TestSuite with a class containing test
cases directly.
<br>Instead of writing <b>suite.addTest(new TestSuite(AssertTest.class))
can now write <b>suite.addTestSuite(AssertTest.class)</b>;
Added assertEquals methods for all primitive types: float, boolean, byte,
char, int, short</li>

The signature of&nbsp; TestListeners.addFailure(Test test, Throwable t)</li>

<br>was changed to addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t)</ul>


The Swing TestRunner provides an experimental feature to browse test classes.
There is an additional browse ("...") button besides the suite combo. It
shows a simple dialog to select a test class from a list. Different strategies
to locate Test classes are supported and you can plug-in your own strategy.
This allows to leverage functionality provided by an extension API of an
integrated development environment (IDE). To define a custom test collector
you 1) implement the <b>junit.runner.TestCollector </b>interface and 2)
add an entry to the <b></b> file with the key <b>TestCollectorClass</b>
and the name of your TestCollector implementation class as the key:</li>

<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TestCollectorClass=junit.swingui.LoadingClassPathTestCollector
<br>This class has to be installed on the class path.
<br>JUnit provides two different TestCollector implementations:
simple (junit.runner.SimpleClassPathTestCollector) - considers all classes
on the class path on the file system that contain "Test" in their name.
Classes in JARs are not considered.</li>

loading (junit.runner.LoadingClassPathTestCollector) - loads all classes
on the class path and tests whether the class is assignable from Test or
has a static <b>suite</b> method.</li>
By default the simple the test collector is used. The loading collector
is more precise but much slower than the simple one. The loading collector
doesn't scale up when many classes are available on the class path.
<br><b><font color="#FF0000">Notice</font></b>: that both TestCollectors
assume that the class files reside are kept in the file system. This isn't
case in VA/Java and they will not work there. A custom TestCollector is
required for VA/Java.
The Swing TestRunner now provides an additional test result view that shows
all tests of the executed test suite as a tree. The view shows the success
status for each test. The view is shown as an additional tab in the TestRunner
window. In previous versions of JUnit this view was shown in a separate

The failure panels in the Swing and AWT TestRunners filter the exception
stack trace so that only non-framework stack frames are shown.</li>

There is support to plug-in a custom failure panel that provides additional
functionality like navigating from a failure to the source. To do so you
implement the <b>junit.runner.FailureDetailView</b> interface and register
the implementation class in the file under the key <b>FailureViewClass</b>,
for example</li>

<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; FailureViewClass=MyFailureViewClassName.
The Swing and AWT TestRunners now understand an additional command line
argument "-noloading". When this argument is set then the standard system
class loader is used to load classes. This is an alternative to setting
the <b>loading</b> property to false in the file.</li>

Swing TestRunner - the maximum test history length shown in the suite combo
can be defined in the file with the key <b>maxhistory</b>.</li>

BaseTestRunner.<b>getLoader</b>() is no longer a static method and can
now be overridden in subclasses.</li>

BaseTestRunner removed dependency on JDK 1.2.</li>

Swing TestRunner - fixed the problem that a suite name was sometimes duplicated
in the history combo.</li>

Swing TestRunner - the Run button is now the default button.</li>

Output string truncation can now be controlled by adding the <b>maxmessage</b>
key with the desired maximum length to the file. Setting
maxmessage to -1 means no output truncation.</li>

The Text TestRunner now shows the summary at the very end so that you don't
have to scroll back.</li>


TextRunnerTest now only depends on a nonzero status to indicate abnormal

TextRunnerTest now also passes on JDK 1.1.*. It uses the -classpath command
line argument instead of -cp.</li>


Add an FAQ entry about what to do when the junit tests provided with the
distribution can't be found.</li>

Older Change Notes</h2>

Changes between <a href="doc/changes34.html">2.1 and 3.4</a></li>

Changes between <a href="doc/changes21.html">1.0 and 2.1</a></li>

<a NAME="Contents"></a>Contents of the Release</h2>


<td>this file</td>


<td>a jar file with the JUnit framework and&nbsp; tools&nbsp;</td>


<td>a jar file with the source code of the junit framework</td>


<td>the source code of the JUnit samples</td>

<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; samples</tt></td>

<td>sample test cases</td>

<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tests</tt></td>

<td>test cases for JUnit itself</td>


<td>javadoc generated documentation</td>


<td>documentation and articles</td>

<a NAME="Installation"></a>Installation</h2>
Below are the installation steps for installing JUnit:
unzip the file</li>

add<i> </i><b>junit.jar</b> to the CLASSPATH. For example: <tt>set classpath=%classpath%;INSTALL_DIR\junit3\junit.jar</tt></li>

test the installation by using either the batch or the graphical TestRunner
tool to run the tests that come with this release. All the tests should
pass OK.</li>

<br><b><font color="#FF0000">Notice</font></b>: that the tests are not
contained in the junit.jar but in the installation directory directly.
Therefore make sure that the installation directory is on the class path
for the batch TestRunner type:</li>

<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java junit.textui.TestRunner junit.samples.AllTests</tt>
for the graphical TestRunner type:</li>

<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java junit.awtui.TestRunner junit.samples.AllTests</tt>
for the Swing based graphical TestRunner type:</li>

<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.samples.AllTests</tt></ul>
<b><font color="#FF0000">Important</font></b>: don't install the junit.jar
into the extension directory of your JDK installation. If you do so the
test class on the files system will not be found.
<a NAME="Getting"></a>Getting Started</h2>
To get started with unit testing and JUnit read the Java Report article:
<a href="doc/testinfected/testing.htm">Test
Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests</a>.
<br>This article demonstrates the development process with JUnit in the
context of multiple currency arithmetic. The corresponding source code
is in junit\samples\money.
<p>You find additional samples in the junit.samples package:
<li> - some simple test cases</li>

<li> - test cases for java.util.Vector</li>

<a NAME="Documentation"></a>Documentation</h2>

<blockquote><a href="doc/cookbook/cookbook.htm">JUnit Cookbook</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A cookbook for implementing tests with JUnit.
<br><a href="doc/testinfected/testing.htm">Test Infected - Programmers
Love Writing Tests</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; An article demonstrating the development process
with JUnit.
<br><a href="doc/cookstour/cookstour.htm">JUnit - A cooks tour</a>
<br><a href="javadoc/index.html">Javadoc</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; API documentation generated with javadoc.
<br><a href="doc/faq/faq.htm">Frequently asked questions</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Some frequently asked questions about using JUnit.
<br><a href="doc/JUnitProperties.html">TestRunner Preference settings</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Describes the preferences settings that can be configured
for the JUnit TestRunners.</blockquote>

<a NAME="Extending"></a>Extending JUnit</h2>
Examples of possible JUnit extensions can be found in the <tt>junit.extensions</tt>
<a href="javadoc/junit/extensions/TestDecorator.html">TestDecorator</a>
- A decorator for Test. You can use it as the base class for implementing
decorators to extend test cases.</li>

<a href="javadoc/junit/extensions/ActiveTestSuite.html">ActiveTestSuite</a>
- A TestSuite which runs each test in a separate thread and waits until
they are all terminated.</li>

<a href="javadoc/junit/extensions/TestSetup.html">TestSetup</a> - A Decorator
to set up and tear down additional fixture state. Subclass TestSetup and
insert it into your tests when you want to set up additional state once
before the tests are run.</li>

<a href="javadoc/junit/extensions/ExceptionTestCase.html">ExceptionTestCase</a>
- A TestCase that expects a particular Exception to be thrown.</li>

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