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<!-- ========================================================================= -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors -->
<!-- All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available -->
<!-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 -->
<!-- which accompanies this distribution and is available at -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Contributors: (See CVS checkin's) -->
<!-- Wes Isberg initial implementation -->
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
<project name="test-build-script" default="all" basedir=".">
<property name="modules.dir" location="${basedir}/.."/>
<import file="${modules.dir}/build/build-properties.xml"/>
<target name="all" depends="failures"/>
<target name="failures" depends="init-properties">
<delete file="${aj.failure.file}"/>
<echo message="-> no false negative (no file)"/>
<antcall target="fail-if-failures"/>
<touch file="${aj.failure.file}"/>
<echo message="-> no false negative (empty file)"/>
<antcall target="fail-if-failures"/>
<echo message="-> no false negative (unset Property)"/>
<report-if-failed text="not error text" property="unsetProperty"/>
<antcall target="fail-if-failures"/>
<echo message="-> true negative (set Property)"/>
<property name="setProperty" value="."/>
<report-if-failed text="error text" property="setProperty"/>
<antcall target="fail-if-failures"/>
<loadfile property="emit" srcfile="${aj.failure.file}"/>
<echo message="-> file contents: ${emit}"/>