Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara. 4.3KB

  1. # set these first four variables appropriately for your system
  2. eclipseWorkspace = "c:/aspectj/2.1/eclipse/workspace"
  3. workingDir = "c:/apps/jikespg/jdt/tmp"
  4. jikespg = "c:/apps/jikespg/src/jikespg.exe"
  5. makersc = "c:/j2sdk1.4/bin/java -classpath c:/aspectj/2.1/eclipse/workspace/org.eclipse.jdt.core/bin;c:/apps/jikespg/jdt UpdateParserFiles"
  6. # the rest of this should never change
  7. ajCompilerHomeRel = "org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/"
  8. javaCompilerHomeRel = "org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/"
  9. compilerHomeRel = ajCompilerHomeRel
  10. parserHomeRel = ajCompilerHomeRel + "org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/compiler/parser"
  11. parserInfoFileRel = javaCompilerHomeRel + "org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/parser/"
  12. symbolsHomeRel = javaCompilerHomeRel + "org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/parser/"
  13. # symbolsHomeRel = "org/aspectj/ajdt/compiler/"
  14. parserClass = ""
  15. grammarFileRel = javaCompilerHomeRel + "../grammar/java_1_4.g"
  16. import os
  17. from os import path
  18. import re
  19. def readFile(name, mode=''):
  20. f = open(name, 'r'+mode)
  21. text =
  22. f.close()
  23. return text
  24. def writeFile(name, text, mode=''):
  25. f = open(name, 'w'+mode)
  26. f.write(text)
  27. f.close()
  28. compilerHome = path.join(eclipseWorkspace, compilerHomeRel)
  29. parserHome = path.join(eclipseWorkspace, parserHomeRel)
  30. symbolFile = path.join(eclipseWorkspace, symbolsHomeRel)
  31. parserInfoFile = path.join(eclipseWorkspace, parserInfoFileRel)
  32. parserFile = path.join(parserHome, parserClass)
  33. parserText = readFile(parserFile)
  34. if grammarFileRel == None:
  35. r = re.compile(r"public final static void grammar\(\){.*(--main.*\$end\n)-- need", re.DOTALL)
  36. match =
  37. grammar =
  38. else:
  39. grammar = readFile(path.join(eclipseWorkspace, grammarFileRel), 'b')
  40. #print grammar
  41. grammarFile = path.join(workingDir, "java.g")
  42. writeFile(grammarFile, grammar, 'b')
  43. os.chdir(workingDir)
  44. os.system("%s java.g" % jikespg)
  45. #3.1 Copy the contents of the file into the consumeRule(int) method of the org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser class.
  46. newConsumeRule = readFile(path.join(workingDir, ""))
  47. #print newConsumeRule
  48. r = re.compile(r"(// This method is part of an automatic generation : do NOT edit-modify\W+protected void consumeRule\(int act\) {.*)protected void consumeSimpleAssertStatement\(\) {", re.DOTALL)
  49. match =
  50. parserText = parserText.replace(, newConsumeRule)
  51. #3.2 The definition of the Parser needs to be updated with two tables from Those are rhs[] and name[].
  52. newTables = readFile(path.join(workingDir, ""))
  53. r = re.compile(r"(public final static byte rhs\[\] = \{[^}]*\};)", re.DOTALL)
  54. rhsTable =
  55. parserText = parserText.replace(, rhsTable)
  56. r = re.compile(r"(public final static String name\[\] = \{[^}]*\}[^}]*\};)", re.DOTALL)
  57. nameTable =
  58. nameTable = nameTable.replace("\"$eof\"", "UNEXPECTED_EOF")
  59. nameTable = nameTable.replace("$error", "Invalid Character")
  60. parserText = parserText.replace(, nameTable)
  61. #we're done w/
  62. writeFile(parserFile, parserText)
  63. #3.3 The class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ParserBasicInformation needs to be updated with the content of the file
  64. defs = readFile(path.join(workingDir, ""))
  65. r = re.compile(r"(public final static int[^;]*;)", re.DOTALL)
  66. syms =
  67. #print syms
  68. text = readFile(parserInfoFile)
  69. text = text.replace(, syms)
  70. writeFile(parserInfoFile, text)
  71. #3.4 This is the contents of the class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalSymbols.
  72. defs = readFile(path.join(workingDir, ""))
  73. r = re.compile(r"(int\s+TokenNameIdentifier[^;]*;)", re.DOTALL)
  74. syms =
  75. syms = syms.replace("$eof", "EOF")
  76. syms = syms.replace("$error", "ERROR")
  77. print syms
  78. text = readFile(symbolFile)
  79. text = text.replace(, syms)
  80. writeFile(symbolFile, text)
  81. #3.5 The last step is to update the resource files:
  82. os.chdir(workingDir)
  83. os.system("%s" % makersc)
  84. for i in range(1,6):
  85. name = "parser%d.rsc" % i
  86. print "moving", name
  87. t = readFile(path.join(workingDir, name), 'b')
  88. writeFile(path.join(parserHome, name), t, 'b')