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This directory contains several examples of tracing aspects,
including a reusable tracing library and examples of
using that library.

A lesson in the AspectJ Primer explains all of this code.

To work with these (or any other examples), first be sure .../examples
is on your classpath, where ... is where you have installed AspectJ.

--To compile and run the example without tracing--

ajc @.../examples/tracing/notrace.lst

java tracing.ExampleMain

--To compile and run the example with tracing version<N>--

ajc @.../examples/tracing/tracev<N>.lst

java tracing.version<N>.TraceMyClasses

where <N> is 1, 2, 3 or 4

--To use the tracing.lib.AbstractTrace aspect--

Make sure .../examples is in your classpath.

In order to use this aspect, please read the documentation under