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dbpoolx.mod 206KB

  1. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  2. <!-- DocBook XML information pool module V4.1.2 ............................. -->
  3. <!-- File dbpoolx.mod ..................................................... -->
  4. <!-- Copyright 1992-2000 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
  5. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
  6. Corporation, Norman Walsh and the Organization for the Advancement
  7. of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).
  8. $Id: dbpoolx.mod,v 1.1 2002/05/15 17:22:22 isberg Exp $
  9. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
  10. and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
  11. is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
  12. notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
  13. holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
  14. any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
  15. warranty.
  16. If you modify the DocBook XML DTD in any way, except for declaring and
  17. referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
  18. additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
  19. the maintenance documentation for more information.
  20. Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
  21. changes to the mailing list. For more
  22. information, see
  23. -->
  24. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  25. <!-- This module contains the definitions for the objects, inline
  26. elements, and so on that are available to be used as the main
  27. content of DocBook documents. Some elements are useful for general
  28. publishing, and others are useful specifically for computer
  29. documentation.
  30. This module has the following dependencies on other modules:
  31. o It assumes that a %notation.class; entity is defined by the
  32. driver file or other high-level module. This entity is
  33. referenced in the NOTATION attributes for the graphic-related and
  34. ModeSpec elements.
  35. o It assumes that an appropriately parameterized table module is
  36. available for use with the table-related elements.
  37. In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
  38. declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
  39. <!ENTITY % dbpool PUBLIC
  40. "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Information Pool V4.1.2//EN"
  41. "dbpoolx.mod">
  42. %dbpool;
  43. See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
  44. entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
  45. planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
  46. of DocBook.
  47. -->
  48. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  49. <!-- General-purpose semantics entities ................................... -->
  50. <!ENTITY % yesorno.attvals "CDATA">
  51. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  52. <!-- Entities for module inclusions ....................................... -->
  53. <!ENTITY % dbpool.redecl.module "IGNORE">
  54. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  55. <!-- Entities for element classes and mixtures ............................ -->
  56. <!-- "Ubiquitous" classes: ndxterm.class and beginpage -->
  57. <!ENTITY % local.ndxterm.class "">
  58. <!ENTITY % ndxterm.class
  59. "indexterm %local.ndxterm.class;">
  60. <!-- Object-level classes ................................................. -->
  61. <!ENTITY % local.list.class "">
  62. <!ENTITY % list.class
  63. "calloutlist|glosslist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist
  64. |simplelist|variablelist %local.list.class;">
  65. <!ENTITY % local.admon.class "">
  66. <!ENTITY % admon.class
  67. "caution|important|note|tip|warning %local.admon.class;">
  68. <!ENTITY % local.linespecific.class "">
  69. <!ENTITY % linespecific.class
  70. "literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen
  71. |screenco|screenshot %local.linespecific.class;">
  72. <!ENTITY % local.method.synop.class "">
  73. <!ENTITY % method.synop.class
  74. "constructorsynopsis
  75. |destructorsynopsis
  76. |methodsynopsis %local.method.synop.class;">
  77. <!ENTITY % local.synop.class "">
  78. <!ENTITY % synop.class
  79. "synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis
  80. |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis
  81. |%method.synop.class; %local.synop.class;">
  82. <!ENTITY % local.para.class "">
  83. <!ENTITY % para.class
  84. "formalpara|para|simpara %local.para.class;">
  85. <!ENTITY % local.informal.class "">
  86. <!ENTITY % informal.class
  87. "address|blockquote
  88. |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco
  89. |informalequation
  90. |informalexample
  91. |informalfigure
  92. |informaltable %local.informal.class;">
  93. <!ENTITY % local.formal.class "">
  94. <!ENTITY % formal.class
  95. "equation|example|figure|table %local.formal.class;">
  96. <!-- The DocBook TC may produce an official EBNF module for DocBook. -->
  97. <!-- This PE provides the hook by which it can be inserted into the DTD. -->
  98. <!ENTITY % ebnf.block.hook "">
  99. <!ENTITY % local.compound.class "">
  100. <!ENTITY % compound.class
  101. "msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset
  102. %ebnf.block.hook;
  103. %local.compound.class;">
  104. <!ENTITY % local.genobj.class "">
  105. <!ENTITY % genobj.class
  106. "anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights
  107. %local.genobj.class;">
  108. <!ENTITY % local.descobj.class "">
  109. <!ENTITY % descobj.class
  110. "abstract|authorblurb|epigraph
  111. %local.descobj.class;">
  112. <!-- Character-level classes .............................................. -->
  113. <!ENTITY % local.xref.char.class "">
  114. <!ENTITY % xref.char.class
  115. "footnoteref|xref %local.xref.char.class;">
  116. <!ENTITY % local.gen.char.class "">
  117. <!ENTITY % gen.char.class
  118. "abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|emphasis
  119. |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|footnote|phrase
  120. |quote|trademark|wordasword %local.gen.char.class;">
  121. <!ENTITY % "">
  122. <!ENTITY % link.char.class
  123. "link|olink|ulink;">
  124. <!-- The DocBook TC may produce an official EBNF module for DocBook. -->
  125. <!-- This PE provides the hook by which it can be inserted into the DTD. -->
  126. <!ENTITY % ebnf.inline.hook "">
  127. <!ENTITY % "">
  128. <!ENTITY % tech.char.class
  129. "action|application
  130. |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname
  131. |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception
  132. |command|computeroutput
  133. |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|filename
  134. |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem
  135. |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap
  136. |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|constant|markup|medialabel
  137. |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter
  138. |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield
  139. |structname|symbol|systemitem|token|type|userinput|varname
  140. %ebnf.inline.hook;
  142. <!ENTITY % local.base.char.class "">
  143. <!ENTITY % base.char.class
  144. "anchor %local.base.char.class;">
  145. <!ENTITY % local.docinfo.char.class "">
  146. <!ENTITY % docinfo.char.class
  147. "author|authorinitials|corpauthor|modespec|othercredit
  148. |productname|productnumber|revhistory
  149. %local.docinfo.char.class;">
  150. <!ENTITY % local.other.char.class "">
  151. <!ENTITY % other.char.class
  152. "remark|subscript|superscript %local.other.char.class;">
  153. <!ENTITY % local.inlineobj.char.class "">
  154. <!ENTITY % inlineobj.char.class
  155. "inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation %local.inlineobj.char.class;">
  156. <!-- Redeclaration placeholder ............................................ -->
  157. <!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
  158. retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
  159. this point -->
  160. <![%dbpool.redecl.module;[
  161. <!-- Defining rdbpool here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
  162. <!ENTITY % rdbpool "">
  163. %rdbpool;
  164. <!--end of dbpool.redecl.module-->]]>
  165. <!-- Object-level mixtures ................................................ -->
  166. <!--
  167. list admn line synp para infm form cmpd gen desc
  168. Component mixture X X X X X X X X X X
  169. Sidebar mixture X X X X X X X a X
  170. Footnote mixture X X X X X
  171. Example mixture X X X X X
  172. Highlights mixture X X X
  173. Paragraph mixture X X X X
  174. Admonition mixture X X X X X X b c
  175. Figure mixture X X X
  176. Table entry mixture X X X X d
  177. Glossary def mixture X X X X X e
  178. Legal notice mixture X X X X f
  179. a. Just Procedure; not Sidebar itself or MsgSet.
  180. b. No MsgSet.
  181. c. No Highlights.
  182. d. Just Graphic; no other informal objects.
  183. e. No Anchor, BridgeHead, or Highlights.
  184. f. Just BlockQuote; no other informal objects.
  185. -->
  186. <!ENTITY % local.component.mix "">
  187. <!ENTITY % component.mix
  188. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  189. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  190. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  191. |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
  192. |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
  193. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  194. %local.component.mix;">
  195. <!ENTITY % local.sidebar.mix "">
  196. <!ENTITY % sidebar.mix
  197. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  198. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  199. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  200. |%formal.class; |procedure
  201. |%genobj.class;
  202. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  203. %local.sidebar.mix;">
  204. <!ENTITY % local.qandaset.mix "">
  205. <!ENTITY % qandaset.mix
  206. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  207. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  208. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  209. |%formal.class; |procedure
  210. |%genobj.class;
  211. |%ndxterm.class;
  212. %local.qandaset.mix;">
  213. <!ENTITY % local.revdescription.mix "">
  214. <!ENTITY % revdescription.mix
  215. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  216. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  217. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  218. |%formal.class; |procedure
  219. |%genobj.class;
  220. |%ndxterm.class;
  221. %local.revdescription.mix;">
  222. <!ENTITY % local.footnote.mix "">
  223. <!ENTITY % footnote.mix
  224. "%list.class;
  225. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  226. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  227. %local.footnote.mix;">
  228. <!ENTITY % local.example.mix "">
  229. <!ENTITY % example.mix
  230. "%list.class;
  231. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  232. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  233. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  234. %local.example.mix;">
  235. <!ENTITY % local.highlights.mix "">
  236. <!ENTITY % highlights.mix
  237. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  238. |%para.class;
  239. |%ndxterm.class;
  240. %local.highlights.mix;">
  241. <!-- %formal.class; is explicitly excluded from many contexts in which
  242. paragraphs are used -->
  243. <!ENTITY % local.para.mix "">
  244. <!ENTITY % para.mix
  245. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  246. |%linespecific.class;
  247. |%informal.class;
  248. |%formal.class;
  249. %local.para.mix;">
  250. <!ENTITY % local.admon.mix "">
  251. <!ENTITY % admon.mix
  252. "%list.class;
  253. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  254. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  255. |%formal.class; |procedure|sidebar
  256. |anchor|bridgehead|remark
  257. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  258. %local.admon.mix;">
  259. <!ENTITY % local.figure.mix "">
  260. <!ENTITY % figure.mix
  261. "%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  262. |%informal.class;
  263. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  264. %local.figure.mix;">
  265. <!ENTITY % local.tabentry.mix "">
  266. <!ENTITY % tabentry.mix
  267. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  268. |%linespecific.class;
  269. |%para.class; |graphic|mediaobject
  270. %local.tabentry.mix;">
  271. <!ENTITY % local.glossdef.mix "">
  272. <!ENTITY % glossdef.mix
  273. "%list.class;
  274. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  275. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  276. |%formal.class;
  277. |remark
  278. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  279. %local.glossdef.mix;">
  280. <!ENTITY % local.legalnotice.mix "">
  281. <!ENTITY % legalnotice.mix
  282. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  283. |%linespecific.class;
  284. |%para.class; |blockquote
  285. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  286. %local.legalnotice.mix;">
  287. <!ENTITY % local.textobject.mix "">
  288. <!ENTITY % textobject.mix
  289. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  290. |%linespecific.class;
  291. |%para.class; |blockquote
  292. %local.textobject.mix;">
  293. <!ENTITY % local.mediaobject.mix "">
  294. <!ENTITY % mediaobject.mix
  295. "videoobject|audioobject|imageobject %local.mediaobject.mix;">
  296. <!-- Character-level mixtures ............................................. -->
  297. <!--
  298. #PCD xref word link cptr base dnfo othr inob (synop)
  299. para.char.mix X X X X X X X X X
  300. title.char.mix X X X X X X X X X
  301. ndxterm.char.mix X X X X X X X X a
  302. cptr.char.mix X X X X X a
  303. smallcptr.char.mix X b a
  304. word.char.mix X c X X X a
  305. docinfo.char.mix X d X b X a
  306. a. Just InlineGraphic; no InlineEquation.
  307. b. Just Replaceable; no other computer terms.
  308. c. Just Emphasis and Trademark; no other word elements.
  309. d. Just Acronym, Emphasis, and Trademark; no other word elements.
  310. -->
  311. <!-- The DocBook TC may produce an official forms module for DocBook. -->
  312. <!-- This PE provides the hook by which it can be inserted into the DTD. -->
  313. <!ENTITY % forminlines.hook "">
  314. <!ENTITY % local.para.char.mix "">
  315. <!ENTITY % para.char.mix
  316. "#PCDATA
  317. |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
  318. |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
  319. |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
  320. |%other.char.class; |%inlineobj.char.class;
  321. |%synop.class;
  322. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  323. %forminlines.hook;
  324. %local.para.char.mix;">
  325. <!ENTITY % local.title.char.mix "">
  326. <!ENTITY % title.char.mix
  327. "#PCDATA
  328. |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
  329. |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
  330. |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
  331. |%other.char.class; |%inlineobj.char.class;
  332. |%ndxterm.class;
  333. %local.title.char.mix;">
  334. <!ENTITY % local.ndxterm.char.mix "">
  335. <!ENTITY % ndxterm.char.mix
  336. "#PCDATA
  337. |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
  338. |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
  339. |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
  340. |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
  341. %local.ndxterm.char.mix;">
  342. <!ENTITY % local.cptr.char.mix "">
  343. <!ENTITY % cptr.char.mix
  344. "#PCDATA
  345. |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
  346. |%base.char.class;
  347. |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
  348. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  349. %local.cptr.char.mix;">
  350. <!ENTITY % local.smallcptr.char.mix "">
  351. <!ENTITY % smallcptr.char.mix
  352. "#PCDATA
  353. |replaceable
  354. |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
  355. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  356. %local.smallcptr.char.mix;">
  357. <!ENTITY % local.word.char.mix "">
  358. <!ENTITY % word.char.mix
  359. "#PCDATA
  360. |acronym|emphasis|trademark
  361. |%link.char.class;
  362. |%base.char.class;
  363. |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
  364. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  365. %local.word.char.mix;">
  366. <!ENTITY % local.docinfo.char.mix "">
  367. <!ENTITY % docinfo.char.mix
  368. "#PCDATA
  369. |%link.char.class;
  370. |emphasis|trademark
  371. |replaceable
  372. |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
  373. |%ndxterm.class;
  374. %local.docinfo.char.mix;">
  375. <!--ENTITY % bibliocomponent.mix (see Bibliographic section, below)-->
  376. <!--ENTITY % person.ident.mix (see Bibliographic section, below)-->
  377. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  378. <!-- Entities for content models .......................................... -->
  379. <!ENTITY % formalobject.title.content "title, titleabbrev?">
  380. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  381. <!-- Entities for attributes and attribute components ..................... -->
  382. <!-- Effectivity attributes ............................................... -->
  383. <!-- Arch: Computer or chip architecture to which element applies; no
  384. default -->
  385. <!ENTITY % arch.attrib
  386. "arch CDATA #IMPLIED">
  387. <!-- Condition: General-purpose effectivity attribute -->
  388. <!ENTITY % condition.attrib
  389. "condition CDATA #IMPLIED">
  390. <!-- Conformance: Standards conformance characteristics -->
  391. <!ENTITY % conformance.attrib
  392. "conformance NMTOKENS #IMPLIED">
  393. <!-- OS: Operating system to which element applies; no default -->
  394. <!ENTITY % os.attrib
  395. "os CDATA #IMPLIED">
  396. <!-- Revision: Editorial revision to which element belongs; no default -->
  397. <!ENTITY % revision.attrib
  398. "revision CDATA #IMPLIED">
  399. <!-- Security: Security classification; no default -->
  400. <!ENTITY % security.attrib
  401. "security CDATA #IMPLIED">
  402. <!-- UserLevel: Level of user experience to which element applies; no
  403. default -->
  404. <!ENTITY % userlevel.attrib
  405. "userlevel CDATA #IMPLIED">
  406. <!-- Vendor: Computer vendor to which element applies; no default -->
  407. <!ENTITY % vendor.attrib
  408. "vendor CDATA #IMPLIED">
  409. <!ENTITY % local.effectivity.attrib "">
  410. <!ENTITY % effectivity.attrib
  411. "%arch.attrib;
  412. %condition.attrib;
  413. %conformance.attrib;
  414. %os.attrib;
  415. %revision.attrib;
  416. %security.attrib;
  417. %userlevel.attrib;
  418. %vendor.attrib;
  419. %local.effectivity.attrib;"
  420. >
  421. <!-- Common attributes .................................................... -->
  422. <!-- Id: Unique identifier of element; no default -->
  423. <!ENTITY % id.attrib
  424. "id ID #IMPLIED">
  425. <!-- Id: Unique identifier of element; a value must be supplied; no
  426. default -->
  427. <!ENTITY % idreq.attrib
  428. "id ID #REQUIRED">
  429. <!-- Lang: Indicator of language in which element is written, for
  430. translation, character set management, etc.; no default -->
  431. <!ENTITY % lang.attrib
  432. "lang CDATA #IMPLIED">
  433. <!-- Remap: Previous role of element before conversion; no default -->
  434. <!ENTITY % remap.attrib
  435. "remap CDATA #IMPLIED">
  436. <!-- Role: New role of element in local environment; no default -->
  437. <!ENTITY % role.attrib
  438. "role CDATA #IMPLIED">
  439. <!-- XRefLabel: Alternate labeling string for XRef text generation;
  440. default is usually title or other appropriate label text already
  441. contained in element -->
  442. <!ENTITY % xreflabel.attrib
  443. "xreflabel CDATA #IMPLIED">
  444. <!-- RevisionFlag: Revision status of element; default is that element
  445. wasn't revised -->
  446. <!ENTITY % revisionflag.attrib
  447. "revisionflag (changed
  448. |added
  449. |deleted
  450. |off) #IMPLIED">
  451. <!ENTITY % local.common.attrib "">
  452. <!-- Role is included explicitly on each element -->
  453. <!ENTITY % common.attrib
  454. "%id.attrib;
  455. %lang.attrib;
  456. %remap.attrib;
  457. %xreflabel.attrib;
  458. %revisionflag.attrib;
  459. %effectivity.attrib;
  460. %local.common.attrib;"
  461. >
  462. <!-- Role is included explicitly on each element -->
  463. <!ENTITY % idreq.common.attrib
  464. "%idreq.attrib;
  465. %lang.attrib;
  466. %remap.attrib;
  467. %xreflabel.attrib;
  468. %revisionflag.attrib;
  469. %effectivity.attrib;
  470. %local.common.attrib;"
  471. >
  472. <!-- Semi-common attributes and other attribute entities .................. -->
  473. <!ENTITY % "">
  474. <!-- EntityRef: Name of an external entity containing the content
  475. of the graphic -->
  476. <!-- FileRef: Filename, qualified by a pathname if desired,
  477. designating the file containing the content of the graphic -->
  478. <!-- Format: Notation of the element content, if any -->
  479. <!-- SrcCredit: Information about the source of the Graphic -->
  480. <!-- Width: Same as CALS reprowid (desired width) -->
  481. <!-- Depth: Same as CALS reprodep (desired depth) -->
  482. <!-- Align: Same as CALS hplace with 'none' removed; #IMPLIED means
  483. application-specific -->
  484. <!-- Scale: Conflation of CALS hscale and vscale -->
  485. <!-- Scalefit: Same as CALS scalefit -->
  486. <!ENTITY % graphics.attrib
  487. "
  488. entityref ENTITY #IMPLIED
  489. fileref CDATA #IMPLIED
  490. format (%notation.class;) #IMPLIED
  491. srccredit CDATA #IMPLIED
  492. width CDATA #IMPLIED
  493. depth CDATA #IMPLIED
  494. align (left
  495. |right
  496. |center) #IMPLIED
  497. scale CDATA #IMPLIED
  498. scalefit %yesorno.attvals;
  499. #IMPLIED
  501. >
  502. <!ENTITY % local.keyaction.attrib "">
  503. <!-- Action: Key combination type; default is unspecified if one
  504. child element, Simul if there is more than one; if value is
  505. Other, the OtherAction attribute must have a nonempty value -->
  506. <!-- OtherAction: User-defined key combination type -->
  507. <!ENTITY % keyaction.attrib
  508. "
  509. action (click
  510. |double-click
  511. |press
  512. |seq
  513. |simul
  514. |other) #IMPLIED
  515. otheraction CDATA #IMPLIED
  516. %local.keyaction.attrib;"
  517. >
  518. <!-- Label: Identifying number or string; default is usually the
  519. appropriate number or string autogenerated by a formatter -->
  520. <!ENTITY % label.attrib
  521. "label CDATA #IMPLIED">
  522. <!-- Format: whether element is assumed to contain significant white
  523. space -->
  524. <!ENTITY % linespecific.attrib
  525. "format NOTATION
  526. (linespecific) 'linespecific'
  527. linenumbering (numbered|unnumbered) #IMPLIED">
  528. <!-- Linkend: link to related information; no default -->
  529. <!ENTITY % linkend.attrib
  530. "linkend IDREF #IMPLIED">
  531. <!-- Linkend: required link to related information -->
  532. <!ENTITY % linkendreq.attrib
  533. "linkend IDREF #REQUIRED">
  534. <!-- Linkends: link to one or more sets of related information; no
  535. default -->
  536. <!ENTITY % linkends.attrib
  537. "linkends IDREFS #IMPLIED">
  538. <!ENTITY % local.mark.attrib "">
  539. <!ENTITY % mark.attrib
  540. "mark CDATA #IMPLIED
  541. %local.mark.attrib;"
  542. >
  543. <!-- MoreInfo: whether element's content has an associated RefEntry -->
  544. <!ENTITY % moreinfo.attrib
  545. "moreinfo (refentry|none) 'none'">
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  548. "pagenum CDATA #IMPLIED">
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  550. <!-- Status: Editorial or publication status of the element
  551. it applies to, such as "in review" or "approved for distribution" -->
  552. <!ENTITY % status.attrib
  553. "status CDATA #IMPLIED
  554. %local.status.attrib;"
  555. >
  556. <!-- Width: width of the longest line in the element to which it
  557. pertains, in number of characters -->
  558. <!ENTITY % width.attrib
  559. "width CDATA #IMPLIED">
  560. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  561. <!-- Title elements ....................................................... -->
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  569. <!--end of title.element-->]]>
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  573. %pagenum.attrib;
  574. %common.attrib;
  575. %title.role.attrib;
  576. %local.title.attrib;
  577. >
  578. <!--end of title.attlist-->]]>
  579. <!--end of title.module-->]]>
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  587. <!--end of titleabbrev.element-->]]>
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  592. %titleabbrev.role.attrib;
  593. %local.titleabbrev.attrib;
  594. >
  595. <!--end of titleabbrev.attlist-->]]>
  596. <!--end of titleabbrev.module-->]]>
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  604. <!--end of subtitle.element-->]]>
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  609. %subtitle.role.attrib;
  610. %local.subtitle.attrib;
  611. >
  612. <!--end of subtitle.attlist-->]]>
  613. <!--end of subtitle.module-->]]>
  614. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  615. <!-- Bibliographic entities and elements .................................. -->
  616. <!-- The bibliographic elements are typically used in the document
  617. hierarchy. They do not appear in content models of information
  618. pool elements. See also the document information elements,
  619. below. -->
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  622. "honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation
  623. |authorblurb|contrib %local.person.ident.mix;">
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  633. |pubsnumber|releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums
  634. |subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum|citetitle
  635. |%person.ident.mix;
  636. |%ndxterm.class;
  637. %local.bibliocomponent.mix;">
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  651. %local.biblioentry.attrib;
  652. >
  653. <!--end of biblioentry.attlist-->]]>
  654. <!--end of biblioentry.module-->]]>
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  668. %local.bibliomixed.attrib;
  669. >
  670. <!--end of bibliomixed.attlist-->]]>
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  702. relation CDATA #IMPLIED
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  705. %local.biblioset.attrib;
  706. >
  707. <!--end of biblioset.attlist-->]]>
  708. <!--end of biblioset.module-->]]>
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  723. %common.attrib;
  724. %local.bibliomset.attrib;
  725. >
  726. <!--end of bibliomset.attlist-->]]>
  727. <!--end of bibliomset.module-->]]>
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  742. >
  743. <!--end of bibliomisc.attlist-->]]>
  744. <!--end of bibliomisc.module-->]]>
  745. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
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  756. <!--end of subjectset.element-->]]>
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  762. %common.attrib;
  763. %subjectset.role.attrib;
  764. %local.subjectset.attrib;
  765. >
  766. <!--end of subjectset.attlist-->]]>
  767. <!--end of subjectset.module-->]]>
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  772. <!ENTITY % subject.element "INCLUDE">
  773. <![%subject.element;[
  774. <!ELEMENT subject (subjectterm+)>
  775. <!--end of subject.element-->]]>
  776. <!-- Weight: Ranking of this group of SubjectTerms relative
  777. to others, 0 is low, no highest value specified -->
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  780. <!ATTLIST subject
  781. weight CDATA #IMPLIED
  782. %common.attrib;
  783. %subject.role.attrib;
  784. %local.subject.attrib;
  785. >
  786. <!--end of subject.attlist-->]]>
  787. <!--end of subject.module-->]]>
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  794. <!ELEMENT subjectterm (#PCDATA)>
  795. <!--end of subjectterm.element-->]]>
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  798. <!ATTLIST subjectterm
  799. %common.attrib;
  800. %subjectterm.role.attrib;
  801. %local.subjectterm.attrib;
  802. >
  803. <!--end of subjectterm.attlist-->]]>
  804. <!--end of subjectterm.module-->]]>
  805. <!--end of subjectset.content.module-->]]>
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  814. <!ELEMENT keywordset (keyword+)>
  815. <!--end of keywordset.element-->]]>
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  819. %common.attrib;
  820. %keywordset.role.attrib;
  821. %local.keywordset.attrib;
  822. >
  823. <!--end of keywordset.attlist-->]]>
  824. <!--end of keywordset.module-->]]>
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  829. <!ENTITY % keyword.element "INCLUDE">
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  831. <!ELEMENT keyword (#PCDATA)>
  832. <!--end of keyword.element-->]]>
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  835. <!ATTLIST keyword
  836. %common.attrib;
  837. %keyword.role.attrib;
  838. %local.keyword.attrib;
  839. >
  840. <!--end of keyword.attlist-->]]>
  841. <!--end of keyword.module-->]]>
  842. <!--end of keywordset.content.module-->]]>
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  849. <!ELEMENT itermset (indexterm+)>
  850. <!--end of itermset.element-->]]>
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  854. %common.attrib;
  855. %itermset.role.attrib;
  856. %local.itermset.attrib;
  857. >
  858. <!--end of itermset.attlist-->]]>
  859. <!--end of itermset.module-->]]>
  860. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  861. <!-- Compound (section-ish) elements ...................................... -->
  862. <!-- Message set ...................... -->
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  866. <![%msgset.module;[
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  871. <!ELEMENT msgset ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, (msgentry+|simplemsgentry+))>
  872. <!--end of msgset.element-->]]>
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  876. %common.attrib;
  877. %msgset.role.attrib;
  878. %local.msgset.attrib;
  879. >
  880. <!--end of msgset.attlist-->]]>
  881. <!--end of msgset.module-->]]>
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  888. <!ELEMENT msgentry (msg+, msginfo?, msgexplan*)>
  889. <!--end of msgentry.element-->]]>
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  892. <!ATTLIST msgentry
  893. %common.attrib;
  894. %msgentry.role.attrib;
  895. %local.msgentry.attrib;
  896. >
  897. <!--end of msgentry.attlist-->]]>
  898. <!--end of msgentry.module-->]]>
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  906. <!--end of simplemsgentry.element-->]]>
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  910. %common.attrib;
  911. %simplemsgentry.role.attrib;
  912. %local.simplemsgentry.attrib;
  913. audience CDATA #IMPLIED
  914. level CDATA #IMPLIED
  915. origin CDATA #IMPLIED
  916. >
  917. <!--end of simplemsgentry.attlist-->]]>
  918. <!--end of simplemsgentry.module-->]]>
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  925. <!ELEMENT msg (title?, msgmain, (msgsub | msgrel)*)>
  926. <!--end of msg.element-->]]>
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  930. %common.attrib;
  931. %msg.role.attrib;
  932. %local.msg.attrib;
  933. >
  934. <!--end of msg.attlist-->]]>
  935. <!--end of msg.module-->]]>
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  942. <!ELEMENT msgmain (title?, msgtext)>
  943. <!--end of msgmain.element-->]]>
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  947. %common.attrib;
  948. %msgmain.role.attrib;
  949. %local.msgmain.attrib;
  950. >
  951. <!--end of msgmain.attlist-->]]>
  952. <!--end of msgmain.module-->]]>
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  960. <!--end of msgsub.element-->]]>
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  964. %common.attrib;
  965. %msgsub.role.attrib;
  966. %local.msgsub.attrib;
  967. >
  968. <!--end of msgsub.attlist-->]]>
  969. <!--end of msgsub.module-->]]>
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  974. <!ENTITY % msgrel.element "INCLUDE">
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  976. <!ELEMENT msgrel (title?, msgtext)>
  977. <!--end of msgrel.element-->]]>
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  980. <!ATTLIST msgrel
  981. %common.attrib;
  982. %msgrel.role.attrib;
  983. %local.msgrel.attrib;
  984. >
  985. <!--end of msgrel.attlist-->]]>
  986. <!--end of msgrel.module-->]]>
  987. <!-- MsgText (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
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  994. <!ELEMENT msginfo ((msglevel | msgorig | msgaud)*)>
  995. <!--end of msginfo.element-->]]>
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  997. <![%msginfo.attlist;[
  998. <!ATTLIST msginfo
  999. %common.attrib;
  1000. %msginfo.role.attrib;
  1001. %local.msginfo.attrib;
  1002. >
  1003. <!--end of msginfo.attlist-->]]>
  1004. <!--end of msginfo.module-->]]>
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  1010. <![%msglevel.element;[
  1011. <!ELEMENT msglevel (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  1012. <!--end of msglevel.element-->]]>
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  1015. <!ATTLIST msglevel
  1016. %common.attrib;
  1017. %msglevel.role.attrib;
  1018. %local.msglevel.attrib;
  1019. >
  1020. <!--end of msglevel.attlist-->]]>
  1021. <!--end of msglevel.module-->]]>
  1022. <!ENTITY % msgorig.module "INCLUDE">
  1023. <![%msgorig.module;[
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  1029. <!--end of msgorig.element-->]]>
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  1032. <!ATTLIST msgorig
  1033. %common.attrib;
  1034. %msgorig.role.attrib;
  1035. %local.msgorig.attrib;
  1036. >
  1037. <!--end of msgorig.attlist-->]]>
  1038. <!--end of msgorig.module-->]]>
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  1043. <!ENTITY % msgaud.element "INCLUDE">
  1044. <![%msgaud.element;[
  1045. <!ELEMENT msgaud (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1046. <!--end of msgaud.element-->]]>
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  1049. <!ATTLIST msgaud
  1050. %common.attrib;
  1051. %msgaud.role.attrib;
  1052. %local.msgaud.attrib;
  1053. >
  1054. <!--end of msgaud.attlist-->]]>
  1055. <!--end of msgaud.module-->]]>
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  1062. <!ELEMENT msgexplan (title?, (%component.mix;)+)>
  1063. <!--end of msgexplan.element-->]]>
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  1067. %common.attrib;
  1068. %msgexplan.role.attrib;
  1069. %local.msgexplan.attrib;
  1070. >
  1071. <!--end of msgexplan.attlist-->]]>
  1072. <!--end of msgexplan.module-->]]>
  1073. <!--end of msgset.content.module-->]]>
  1074. <!-- QandASet ........................ -->
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  1083. <!ELEMENT qandaset ((%formalobject.title.content;)?,
  1084. (%qandaset.mix;)*,
  1085. (qandadiv+|qandaentry+))>
  1086. <!--end of qandset.element-->]]>
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  1089. <!ATTLIST qandaset
  1090. defaultlabel (qanda|number|none) #IMPLIED
  1091. %common.attrib;
  1092. %qandset.role.attrib;
  1093. %local.qandset.attrib;>
  1094. <!--end of qandset.attlist-->]]>
  1095. <!--end of qandset.module-->]]>
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  1100. <!ENTITY % qandadiv.element "INCLUDE">
  1101. <![ %qandadiv.element; [
  1102. <!ELEMENT qandadiv ((%formalobject.title.content;)?,
  1103. (%qandaset.mix;)*,
  1104. (qandadiv+|qandaentry+))>
  1105. <!--end of qandadiv.element-->]]>
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  1107. <![ %qandadiv.attlist; [
  1108. <!ATTLIST qandadiv
  1109. %common.attrib;
  1110. %qandadiv.role.attrib;
  1111. %local.qandadiv.attrib;>
  1112. <!--end of qandadiv.attlist-->]]>
  1113. <!--end of qandadiv.module-->]]>
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  1118. <!ENTITY % qandaentry.element "INCLUDE">
  1119. <![ %qandaentry.element; [
  1120. <!ELEMENT qandaentry (revhistory?, question, answer*)>
  1121. <!--end of qandaentry.element-->]]>
  1122. <!ENTITY % qandaentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1123. <![ %qandaentry.attlist; [
  1124. <!ATTLIST qandaentry
  1125. %common.attrib;
  1126. %qandaentry.role.attrib;
  1127. %local.qandaentry.attrib;>
  1128. <!--end of qandaentry.attlist-->]]>
  1129. <!--end of qandaentry.module-->]]>
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  1134. <!ENTITY % question.element "INCLUDE">
  1135. <![ %question.element; [
  1136. <!ELEMENT question (label?, (%qandaset.mix;)+)>
  1137. <!--end of question.element-->]]>
  1138. <!ENTITY % question.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1139. <![ %question.attlist; [
  1140. <!ATTLIST question
  1141. %common.attrib;
  1142. %question.role.attrib;
  1143. %local.question.attrib;
  1144. >
  1145. <!--end of question.attlist-->]]>
  1146. <!--end of question.module-->]]>
  1147. <!ENTITY % answer.module "INCLUDE">
  1148. <![ %answer.module; [
  1149. <!ENTITY % local.answer.attrib "">
  1150. <!ENTITY % answer.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1151. <!ENTITY % answer.element "INCLUDE">
  1152. <![ %answer.element; [
  1153. <!ELEMENT answer (label?, (%qandaset.mix;)*, qandaentry*)>
  1154. <!--end of answer.element-->]]>
  1155. <!ENTITY % answer.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1156. <![ %answer.attlist; [
  1157. <!ATTLIST answer
  1158. %common.attrib;
  1159. %answer.role.attrib;
  1160. %local.answer.attrib;
  1161. >
  1162. <!--end of answer.attlist-->]]>
  1163. <!--end of answer.module-->]]>
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  1168. <!ENTITY % label.element "INCLUDE">
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  1170. <!ELEMENT label (%word.char.mix;)*>
  1171. <!--end of label.element-->]]>
  1172. <!ENTITY % label.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1173. <![ %label.attlist; [
  1174. <!ATTLIST label
  1175. %common.attrib;
  1176. %label.role.attrib;
  1177. %local.label.attrib;
  1178. >
  1179. <!--end of label.attlist-->]]>
  1180. <!--end of label.module-->]]>
  1181. <!--end of qandset.content.module-->]]>
  1182. <!-- Procedure ........................ -->
  1183. <!ENTITY % procedure.content.module "INCLUDE">
  1184. <![%procedure.content.module;[
  1185. <!ENTITY % procedure.module "INCLUDE">
  1186. <![%procedure.module;[
  1187. <!ENTITY % local.procedure.attrib "">
  1188. <!ENTITY % procedure.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1189. <!ENTITY % procedure.element "INCLUDE">
  1190. <![%procedure.element;[
  1191. <!ELEMENT procedure ((%formalobject.title.content;)?,
  1192. (%component.mix;)*, step+)>
  1193. <!--end of procedure.element-->]]>
  1194. <!ENTITY % procedure.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1195. <![%procedure.attlist;[
  1196. <!ATTLIST procedure
  1197. %common.attrib;
  1198. %procedure.role.attrib;
  1199. %local.procedure.attrib;
  1200. >
  1201. <!--end of procedure.attlist-->]]>
  1202. <!--end of procedure.module-->]]>
  1203. <!ENTITY % step.module "INCLUDE">
  1204. <![%step.module;[
  1205. <!ENTITY % local.step.attrib "">
  1206. <!ENTITY % step.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1207. <!ENTITY % step.element "INCLUDE">
  1208. <![%step.element;[
  1209. <!ELEMENT step (title?, (((%component.mix;)+, (substeps,
  1210. (%component.mix;)*)?) | (substeps, (%component.mix;)*)))>
  1211. <!--end of step.element-->]]>
  1212. <!-- Performance: Whether the Step must be performed -->
  1213. <!-- not #REQUIRED! -->
  1214. <!ENTITY % step.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1215. <![%step.attlist;[
  1216. <!ATTLIST step
  1217. performance (optional
  1218. |required) "required"
  1219. %common.attrib;
  1220. %step.role.attrib;
  1221. %local.step.attrib;
  1222. >
  1223. <!--end of step.attlist-->]]>
  1224. <!--end of step.module-->]]>
  1225. <!ENTITY % substeps.module "INCLUDE">
  1226. <![%substeps.module;[
  1227. <!ENTITY % local.substeps.attrib "">
  1228. <!ENTITY % substeps.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1229. <!ENTITY % substeps.element "INCLUDE">
  1230. <![%substeps.element;[
  1231. <!ELEMENT substeps (step+)>
  1232. <!--end of substeps.element-->]]>
  1233. <!-- Performance: whether entire set of substeps must be performed -->
  1234. <!-- not #REQUIRED! -->
  1235. <!ENTITY % substeps.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1236. <![%substeps.attlist;[
  1237. <!ATTLIST substeps
  1238. performance (optional
  1239. |required) "required"
  1240. %common.attrib;
  1241. %substeps.role.attrib;
  1242. %local.substeps.attrib;
  1243. >
  1244. <!--end of substeps.attlist-->]]>
  1245. <!--end of substeps.module-->]]>
  1246. <!--end of procedure.content.module-->]]>
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  1276. (%sidebar.mix;)+)>
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  1284. >
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  1297. <!--end of abstract.element-->]]>
  1298. <!ENTITY % abstract.attlist "INCLUDE">
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  1300. <!ATTLIST abstract
  1301. %common.attrib;
  1302. %abstract.role.attrib;
  1303. %local.abstract.attrib;
  1304. >
  1305. <!--end of abstract.attlist-->]]>
  1306. <!--end of abstract.module-->]]>
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  1313. <!ELEMENT authorblurb (title?, (%para.class;)+)>
  1314. <!--end of authorblurb.element-->]]>
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  1320. %local.authorblurb.attrib;
  1321. >
  1322. <!--end of authorblurb.attlist-->]]>
  1323. <!--end of authorblurb.module-->]]>
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  1330. <!ELEMENT blockquote (title?, attribution?, (%component.mix;)+)>
  1331. <!--end of blockquote.element-->]]>
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  1337. %local.blockquote.attrib;
  1338. >
  1339. <!--end of blockquote.attlist-->]]>
  1340. <!--end of blockquote.module-->]]>
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  1347. <!ELEMENT attribution (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1348. <!--end of attribution.element-->]]>
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  1353. %attribution.role.attrib;
  1354. %local.attribution.attrib;
  1355. >
  1356. <!--end of attribution.attlist-->]]>
  1357. <!--end of attribution.module-->]]>
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  1362. <!ENTITY % bridgehead.element "INCLUDE">
  1363. <![%bridgehead.element;[
  1364. <!ELEMENT bridgehead (%title.char.mix;)*>
  1365. <!--end of bridgehead.element-->]]>
  1366. <!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the BridgeHead
  1367. should appear -->
  1368. <!ENTITY % bridgehead.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1369. <![%bridgehead.attlist;[
  1370. <!ATTLIST bridgehead
  1371. renderas (other
  1372. |sect1
  1373. |sect2
  1374. |sect3
  1375. |sect4
  1376. |sect5) #IMPLIED
  1377. %common.attrib;
  1378. %bridgehead.role.attrib;
  1379. %local.bridgehead.attrib;
  1380. >
  1381. <!--end of bridgehead.attlist-->]]>
  1382. <!--end of bridgehead.module-->]]>
  1383. <!ENTITY % remark.module "INCLUDE">
  1384. <![%remark.module;[
  1385. <!ENTITY % local.remark.attrib "">
  1386. <!ENTITY % remark.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1387. <!ENTITY % remark.element "INCLUDE">
  1388. <![%remark.element;[
  1389. <!ELEMENT remark (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1390. <!--end of remark.element-->]]>
  1391. <!ENTITY % remark.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1392. <![%remark.attlist;[
  1393. <!ATTLIST remark
  1394. %common.attrib;
  1395. %remark.role.attrib;
  1396. %local.remark.attrib;
  1397. >
  1398. <!--end of remark.attlist-->]]>
  1399. <!--end of remark.module-->]]>
  1400. <!ENTITY % epigraph.module "INCLUDE">
  1401. <![%epigraph.module;[
  1402. <!ENTITY % local.epigraph.attrib "">
  1403. <!ENTITY % epigraph.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1404. <!ENTITY % epigraph.element "INCLUDE">
  1405. <![%epigraph.element;[
  1406. <!ELEMENT epigraph (attribution?, (%para.class;)+)>
  1407. <!--end of epigraph.element-->]]>
  1408. <!ENTITY % epigraph.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1409. <![%epigraph.attlist;[
  1410. <!ATTLIST epigraph
  1411. %common.attrib;
  1412. %epigraph.role.attrib;
  1413. %local.epigraph.attrib;
  1414. >
  1415. <!--end of epigraph.attlist-->]]>
  1416. <!-- Attribution (defined above)-->
  1417. <!--end of epigraph.module-->]]>
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  1422. <!ENTITY % footnote.element "INCLUDE">
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  1424. <!ELEMENT footnote ((%footnote.mix;)+)>
  1425. <!--end of footnote.element-->]]>
  1426. <!ENTITY % footnote.attlist "INCLUDE">
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  1428. <!ATTLIST footnote
  1429. %label.attrib;
  1430. %common.attrib;
  1431. %footnote.role.attrib;
  1432. %local.footnote.attrib;
  1433. >
  1434. <!--end of footnote.attlist-->]]>
  1435. <!--end of footnote.module-->]]>
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  1440. <!ENTITY % highlights.element "INCLUDE">
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  1449. %local.highlights.attrib;
  1450. >
  1451. <!--end of highlights.attlist-->]]>
  1452. <!--end of highlights.module-->]]>
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  1459. <!ELEMENT formalpara (title, (%ndxterm.class;)*, para)>
  1460. <!--end of formalpara.element-->]]>
  1461. <!ENTITY % formalpara.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1462. <![%formalpara.attlist;[
  1463. <!ATTLIST formalpara
  1464. %common.attrib;
  1465. %formalpara.role.attrib;
  1466. %local.formalpara.attrib;
  1467. >
  1468. <!--end of formalpara.attlist-->]]>
  1469. <!--end of formalpara.module-->]]>
  1470. <!ENTITY % para.module "INCLUDE">
  1471. <![%para.module;[
  1472. <!ENTITY % local.para.attrib "">
  1473. <!ENTITY % para.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1474. <!ENTITY % para.element "INCLUDE">
  1475. <![%para.element;[
  1476. <!ELEMENT para (%para.char.mix; | %para.mix;)*>
  1477. <!--end of para.element-->]]>
  1478. <!ENTITY % para.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1479. <![%para.attlist;[
  1480. <!ATTLIST para
  1481. %common.attrib;
  1482. %para.role.attrib;
  1483. %local.para.attrib;
  1484. >
  1485. <!--end of para.attlist-->]]>
  1486. <!--end of para.module-->]]>
  1487. <!ENTITY % simpara.module "INCLUDE">
  1488. <![%simpara.module;[
  1489. <!ENTITY % local.simpara.attrib "">
  1490. <!ENTITY % simpara.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1491. <!ENTITY % simpara.element "INCLUDE">
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  1493. <!ELEMENT simpara (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1494. <!--end of simpara.element-->]]>
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  1496. <![%simpara.attlist;[
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  1498. %common.attrib;
  1499. %simpara.role.attrib;
  1500. %local.simpara.attrib;
  1501. >
  1502. <!--end of simpara.attlist-->]]>
  1503. <!--end of simpara.module-->]]>
  1504. <!ENTITY % admon.module "INCLUDE">
  1505. <![%admon.module;[
  1506. <!ENTITY % local.admon.attrib "">
  1507. <!ENTITY % admon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1508. <!ENTITY % caution.element "INCLUDE">
  1509. <![%caution.element;[
  1510. <!ELEMENT caution (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)>
  1511. <!--end of caution.element-->]]>
  1512. <!ENTITY % caution.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1513. <![%caution.attlist;[
  1514. <!ATTLIST caution
  1515. %common.attrib;
  1516. %admon.role.attrib;
  1517. %local.admon.attrib;
  1518. >
  1519. <!--end of caution.attlist-->]]>
  1520. <!ENTITY % important.element "INCLUDE">
  1521. <![%important.element;[
  1522. <!ELEMENT important (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)>
  1523. <!--end of important.element-->]]>
  1524. <!ENTITY % important.attlist "INCLUDE">
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  1526. <!ATTLIST important
  1527. %common.attrib;
  1528. %admon.role.attrib;
  1529. %local.admon.attrib;
  1530. >
  1531. <!--end of important.attlist-->]]>
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  1535. <!--end of note.element-->]]>
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  1538. <!ATTLIST note
  1539. %common.attrib;
  1540. %admon.role.attrib;
  1541. %local.admon.attrib;
  1542. >
  1543. <!--end of note.attlist-->]]>
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  1547. <!--end of tip.element-->]]>
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  1551. %common.attrib;
  1552. %admon.role.attrib;
  1553. %local.admon.attrib;
  1554. >
  1555. <!--end of tip.attlist-->]]>
  1556. <!ENTITY % warning.element "INCLUDE">
  1557. <![%warning.element;[
  1558. <!ELEMENT warning (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)>
  1559. <!--end of warning.element-->]]>
  1560. <!ENTITY % warning.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1561. <![%warning.attlist;[
  1562. <!ATTLIST warning
  1563. %common.attrib;
  1564. %admon.role.attrib;
  1565. %local.admon.attrib;
  1566. >
  1567. <!--end of warning.attlist-->]]>
  1568. <!--end of admon.module-->]]>
  1569. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  1570. <!-- Lists ................................................................ -->
  1571. <!-- GlossList ........................ -->
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  1573. <![%glosslist.module;[
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  1579. <!--end of glosslist.element-->]]>
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  1583. %common.attrib;
  1584. %glosslist.role.attrib;
  1585. %local.glosslist.attrib;
  1586. >
  1587. <!--end of glosslist.attlist-->]]>
  1588. <!--end of glosslist.module-->]]>
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  1591. <!ENTITY % glossentry.module "INCLUDE">
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  1595. <!ENTITY % glossentry.element "INCLUDE">
  1596. <![%glossentry.element;[
  1597. <!ELEMENT glossentry (glossterm, acronym?, abbrev?,
  1598. (%ndxterm.class;)*,
  1599. revhistory?, (glosssee|glossdef+))>
  1600. <!--end of glossentry.element-->]]>
  1601. <!-- SortAs: String by which the GlossEntry is to be sorted
  1602. (alphabetized) in lieu of its proper content -->
  1603. <!ENTITY % glossentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1604. <![%glossentry.attlist;[
  1605. <!ATTLIST glossentry
  1606. sortas CDATA #IMPLIED
  1607. %common.attrib;
  1608. %glossentry.role.attrib;
  1609. %local.glossentry.attrib;
  1610. >
  1611. <!--end of glossentry.attlist-->]]>
  1612. <!--end of glossentry.module-->]]>
  1613. <!-- GlossTerm (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  1614. <!ENTITY % glossdef.module "INCLUDE">
  1615. <![%glossdef.module;[
  1616. <!ENTITY % local.glossdef.attrib "">
  1617. <!ENTITY % glossdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1618. <!ENTITY % glossdef.element "INCLUDE">
  1619. <![%glossdef.element;[
  1620. <!ELEMENT glossdef ((%glossdef.mix;)+, glossseealso*)>
  1621. <!--end of glossdef.element-->]]>
  1622. <!-- Subject: List of subjects; keywords for the definition -->
  1623. <!ENTITY % glossdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1624. <![%glossdef.attlist;[
  1625. <!ATTLIST glossdef
  1626. subject CDATA #IMPLIED
  1627. %common.attrib;
  1628. %glossdef.role.attrib;
  1629. %local.glossdef.attrib;
  1630. >
  1631. <!--end of glossdef.attlist-->]]>
  1632. <!--end of glossdef.module-->]]>
  1633. <!ENTITY % glosssee.module "INCLUDE">
  1634. <![%glosssee.module;[
  1635. <!ENTITY % local.glosssee.attrib "">
  1636. <!ENTITY % glosssee.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1637. <!ENTITY % glosssee.element "INCLUDE">
  1638. <![%glosssee.element;[
  1639. <!ELEMENT glosssee (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1640. <!--end of glosssee.element-->]]>
  1641. <!-- OtherTerm: Reference to the GlossEntry whose GlossTerm
  1642. should be displayed at the point of the GlossSee -->
  1643. <!ENTITY % glosssee.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1644. <![%glosssee.attlist;[
  1645. <!ATTLIST glosssee
  1646. otherterm IDREF #IMPLIED
  1647. %common.attrib;
  1648. %glosssee.role.attrib;
  1649. %local.glosssee.attrib;
  1650. >
  1651. <!--end of glosssee.attlist-->]]>
  1652. <!--end of glosssee.module-->]]>
  1653. <!ENTITY % glossseealso.module "INCLUDE">
  1654. <![%glossseealso.module;[
  1655. <!ENTITY % local.glossseealso.attrib "">
  1656. <!ENTITY % glossseealso.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1657. <!ENTITY % glossseealso.element "INCLUDE">
  1658. <![%glossseealso.element;[
  1659. <!ELEMENT glossseealso (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1660. <!--end of glossseealso.element-->]]>
  1661. <!-- OtherTerm: Reference to the GlossEntry whose GlossTerm
  1662. should be displayed at the point of the GlossSeeAlso -->
  1663. <!ENTITY % glossseealso.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1664. <![%glossseealso.attlist;[
  1665. <!ATTLIST glossseealso
  1666. otherterm IDREF #IMPLIED
  1667. %common.attrib;
  1668. %glossseealso.role.attrib;
  1669. %local.glossseealso.attrib;
  1670. >
  1671. <!--end of glossseealso.attlist-->]]>
  1672. <!--end of glossseealso.module-->]]>
  1673. <!--end of glossentry.content.module-->]]>
  1674. <!-- ItemizedList and OrderedList ..... -->
  1675. <!ENTITY % itemizedlist.module "INCLUDE">
  1676. <![%itemizedlist.module;[
  1677. <!ENTITY % local.itemizedlist.attrib "">
  1678. <!ENTITY % itemizedlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1679. <!ENTITY % itemizedlist.element "INCLUDE">
  1680. <![%itemizedlist.element;[
  1681. <!ELEMENT itemizedlist ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, listitem+)>
  1682. <!--end of itemizedlist.element-->]]>
  1683. <!-- Spacing: Whether the vertical space in the list should be
  1684. compressed -->
  1685. <!-- Mark: Keyword, e.g., bullet, dash, checkbox, none;
  1686. list of keywords and defaults are implementation specific -->
  1687. <!ENTITY % itemizedlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1688. <![%itemizedlist.attlist;[
  1689. <!ATTLIST itemizedlist spacing (normal
  1690. |compact) #IMPLIED
  1691. %mark.attrib;
  1692. %common.attrib;
  1693. %itemizedlist.role.attrib;
  1694. %local.itemizedlist.attrib;
  1695. >
  1696. <!--end of itemizedlist.attlist-->]]>
  1697. <!--end of itemizedlist.module-->]]>
  1698. <!ENTITY % orderedlist.module "INCLUDE">
  1699. <![%orderedlist.module;[
  1700. <!ENTITY % local.orderedlist.attrib "">
  1701. <!ENTITY % orderedlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1702. <!ENTITY % orderedlist.element "INCLUDE">
  1703. <![%orderedlist.element;[
  1704. <!ELEMENT orderedlist ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, listitem+)>
  1705. <!--end of orderedlist.element-->]]>
  1706. <!-- Numeration: Style of ListItem numbered; default is expected
  1707. to be Arabic -->
  1708. <!-- InheritNum: Specifies for a nested list that the numbering
  1709. of ListItems should include the number of the item
  1710. within which they are nested (e.g., 1a and 1b within 1,
  1711. rather than a and b) -->
  1712. <!-- Continuation: Where list numbering begins afresh (Restarts,
  1713. the default) or continues that of the immediately preceding
  1714. list (Continues) -->
  1715. <!-- Spacing: Whether the vertical space in the list should be
  1716. compressed -->
  1717. <!ENTITY % orderedlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1718. <![%orderedlist.attlist;[
  1719. <!ATTLIST orderedlist
  1720. numeration (arabic
  1721. |upperalpha
  1722. |loweralpha
  1723. |upperroman
  1724. |lowerroman) #IMPLIED
  1725. inheritnum (inherit
  1726. |ignore) "ignore"
  1727. continuation (continues
  1728. |restarts) "restarts"
  1729. spacing (normal
  1730. |compact) #IMPLIED
  1731. %common.attrib;
  1732. %orderedlist.role.attrib;
  1733. %local.orderedlist.attrib;
  1734. >
  1735. <!--end of orderedlist.attlist-->]]>
  1736. <!--end of orderedlist.module-->]]>
  1737. <!ENTITY % listitem.module "INCLUDE">
  1738. <![%listitem.module;[
  1739. <!ENTITY % local.listitem.attrib "">
  1740. <!ENTITY % listitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1741. <!ENTITY % listitem.element "INCLUDE">
  1742. <![%listitem.element;[
  1743. <!ELEMENT listitem ((%component.mix;)+)>
  1744. <!--end of listitem.element-->]]>
  1745. <!-- Override: Indicates the mark to be used for this ListItem
  1746. instead of the default mark or the mark specified by
  1747. the Mark attribute on the enclosing ItemizedList -->
  1748. <!ENTITY % listitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1749. <![%listitem.attlist;[
  1750. <!ATTLIST listitem
  1751. override CDATA #IMPLIED
  1752. %common.attrib;
  1753. %listitem.role.attrib;
  1754. %local.listitem.attrib;
  1755. >
  1756. <!--end of listitem.attlist-->]]>
  1757. <!--end of listitem.module-->]]>
  1758. <!-- SegmentedList .................... -->
  1759. <!ENTITY % segmentedlist.content.module "INCLUDE">
  1760. <![%segmentedlist.content.module;[
  1761. <!ENTITY % segmentedlist.module "INCLUDE">
  1762. <![%segmentedlist.module;[
  1763. <!ENTITY % local.segmentedlist.attrib "">
  1764. <!ENTITY % segmentedlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1765. <!ENTITY % segmentedlist.element "INCLUDE">
  1766. <![%segmentedlist.element;[
  1767. <!ELEMENT segmentedlist ((%formalobject.title.content;)?,
  1768. segtitle, segtitle+,
  1769. seglistitem+)>
  1770. <!--end of segmentedlist.element-->]]>
  1771. <!ENTITY % segmentedlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1772. <![%segmentedlist.attlist;[
  1773. <!ATTLIST segmentedlist
  1774. %common.attrib;
  1775. %segmentedlist.role.attrib;
  1776. %local.segmentedlist.attrib;
  1777. >
  1778. <!--end of segmentedlist.attlist-->]]>
  1779. <!--end of segmentedlist.module-->]]>
  1780. <!ENTITY % segtitle.module "INCLUDE">
  1781. <![%segtitle.module;[
  1782. <!ENTITY % local.segtitle.attrib "">
  1783. <!ENTITY % segtitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1784. <!ENTITY % segtitle.element "INCLUDE">
  1785. <![%segtitle.element;[
  1786. <!ELEMENT segtitle (%title.char.mix;)*>
  1787. <!--end of segtitle.element-->]]>
  1788. <!ENTITY % segtitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1789. <![%segtitle.attlist;[
  1790. <!ATTLIST segtitle
  1791. %common.attrib;
  1792. %segtitle.role.attrib;
  1793. %local.segtitle.attrib;
  1794. >
  1795. <!--end of segtitle.attlist-->]]>
  1796. <!--end of segtitle.module-->]]>
  1797. <!ENTITY % seglistitem.module "INCLUDE">
  1798. <![%seglistitem.module;[
  1799. <!ENTITY % local.seglistitem.attrib "">
  1800. <!ENTITY % seglistitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1801. <!ENTITY % seglistitem.element "INCLUDE">
  1802. <![%seglistitem.element;[
  1803. <!ELEMENT seglistitem (seg, seg+)>
  1804. <!--end of seglistitem.element-->]]>
  1805. <!ENTITY % seglistitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1806. <![%seglistitem.attlist;[
  1807. <!ATTLIST seglistitem
  1808. %common.attrib;
  1809. %seglistitem.role.attrib;
  1810. %local.seglistitem.attrib;
  1811. >
  1812. <!--end of seglistitem.attlist-->]]>
  1813. <!--end of seglistitem.module-->]]>
  1814. <!ENTITY % seg.module "INCLUDE">
  1815. <![%seg.module;[
  1816. <!ENTITY % local.seg.attrib "">
  1817. <!ENTITY % seg.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1818. <!ENTITY % seg.element "INCLUDE">
  1819. <![%seg.element;[
  1820. <!ELEMENT seg (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1821. <!--end of seg.element-->]]>
  1822. <!ENTITY % seg.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1823. <![%seg.attlist;[
  1824. <!ATTLIST seg
  1825. %common.attrib;
  1826. %seg.role.attrib;
  1827. %local.seg.attrib;
  1828. >
  1829. <!--end of seg.attlist-->]]>
  1830. <!--end of seg.module-->]]>
  1831. <!--end of segmentedlist.content.module-->]]>
  1832. <!-- SimpleList ....................... -->
  1833. <!ENTITY % simplelist.content.module "INCLUDE">
  1834. <![%simplelist.content.module;[
  1835. <!ENTITY % simplelist.module "INCLUDE">
  1836. <![%simplelist.module;[
  1837. <!ENTITY % local.simplelist.attrib "">
  1838. <!ENTITY % simplelist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1839. <!ENTITY % simplelist.element "INCLUDE">
  1840. <![%simplelist.element;[
  1841. <!ELEMENT simplelist (member+)>
  1842. <!--end of simplelist.element-->]]>
  1843. <!-- Columns: The number of columns the array should contain -->
  1844. <!-- Type: How the Members of the SimpleList should be
  1845. formatted: Inline (members separated with commas etc.
  1846. inline), Vert (top to bottom in n Columns), or Horiz (in
  1847. the direction of text flow) in n Columns. If Column
  1848. is 1 or implied, Type=Vert and Type=Horiz give the same
  1849. results. -->
  1850. <!ENTITY % simplelist.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1851. <![%simplelist.attlist;[
  1852. <!ATTLIST simplelist
  1853. columns CDATA #IMPLIED
  1854. type (inline
  1855. |vert
  1856. |horiz) "vert"
  1857. %common.attrib;
  1858. %simplelist.role.attrib;
  1859. %local.simplelist.attrib;
  1860. >
  1861. <!--end of simplelist.attlist-->]]>
  1862. <!--end of simplelist.module-->]]>
  1863. <!ENTITY % member.module "INCLUDE">
  1864. <![%member.module;[
  1865. <!ENTITY % local.member.attrib "">
  1866. <!ENTITY % member.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1867. <!ENTITY % member.element "INCLUDE">
  1868. <![%member.element;[
  1869. <!ELEMENT member (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1870. <!--end of member.element-->]]>
  1871. <!ENTITY % member.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1872. <![%member.attlist;[
  1873. <!ATTLIST member
  1874. %common.attrib;
  1875. %member.role.attrib;
  1876. %local.member.attrib;
  1877. >
  1878. <!--end of member.attlist-->]]>
  1879. <!--end of member.module-->]]>
  1880. <!--end of simplelist.content.module-->]]>
  1881. <!-- VariableList ..................... -->
  1882. <!ENTITY % variablelist.content.module "INCLUDE">
  1883. <![%variablelist.content.module;[
  1884. <!ENTITY % variablelist.module "INCLUDE">
  1885. <![%variablelist.module;[
  1886. <!ENTITY % local.variablelist.attrib "">
  1887. <!ENTITY % variablelist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1888. <!ENTITY % variablelist.element "INCLUDE">
  1889. <![%variablelist.element;[
  1890. <!ELEMENT variablelist ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, varlistentry+)>
  1891. <!--end of variablelist.element-->]]>
  1892. <!-- TermLength: Length beyond which the presentation engine
  1893. may consider the Term too long and select an alternate
  1894. presentation of the Term and, or, its associated ListItem. -->
  1895. <!ENTITY % variablelist.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1896. <![%variablelist.attlist;[
  1897. <!ATTLIST variablelist
  1898. termlength CDATA #IMPLIED
  1899. %common.attrib;
  1900. %variablelist.role.attrib;
  1901. %local.variablelist.attrib;
  1902. >
  1903. <!--end of variablelist.attlist-->]]>
  1904. <!--end of variablelist.module-->]]>
  1905. <!ENTITY % varlistentry.module "INCLUDE">
  1906. <![%varlistentry.module;[
  1907. <!ENTITY % local.varlistentry.attrib "">
  1908. <!ENTITY % varlistentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1909. <!ENTITY % varlistentry.element "INCLUDE">
  1910. <![%varlistentry.element;[
  1911. <!ELEMENT varlistentry (term+, listitem)>
  1912. <!--end of varlistentry.element-->]]>
  1913. <!ENTITY % varlistentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1914. <![%varlistentry.attlist;[
  1915. <!ATTLIST varlistentry
  1916. %common.attrib;
  1917. %varlistentry.role.attrib;
  1918. %local.varlistentry.attrib;
  1919. >
  1920. <!--end of varlistentry.attlist-->]]>
  1921. <!--end of varlistentry.module-->]]>
  1922. <!ENTITY % term.module "INCLUDE">
  1923. <![%term.module;[
  1924. <!ENTITY % local.term.attrib "">
  1925. <!ENTITY % term.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1926. <!ENTITY % term.element "INCLUDE">
  1927. <![%term.element;[
  1928. <!ELEMENT term (%para.char.mix;)*>
  1929. <!--end of term.element-->]]>
  1930. <!ENTITY % term.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1931. <![%term.attlist;[
  1932. <!ATTLIST term
  1933. %common.attrib;
  1934. %term.role.attrib;
  1935. %local.term.attrib;
  1936. >
  1937. <!--end of term.attlist-->]]>
  1938. <!--end of term.module-->]]>
  1939. <!-- ListItem (defined above)-->
  1940. <!--end of variablelist.content.module-->]]>
  1941. <!-- CalloutList ...................... -->
  1942. <!ENTITY % calloutlist.content.module "INCLUDE">
  1943. <![%calloutlist.content.module;[
  1944. <!ENTITY % calloutlist.module "INCLUDE">
  1945. <![%calloutlist.module;[
  1946. <!ENTITY % local.calloutlist.attrib "">
  1947. <!ENTITY % calloutlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1948. <!ENTITY % calloutlist.element "INCLUDE">
  1949. <![%calloutlist.element;[
  1950. <!ELEMENT calloutlist ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, callout+)>
  1951. <!--end of calloutlist.element-->]]>
  1952. <!ENTITY % calloutlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1953. <![%calloutlist.attlist;[
  1954. <!ATTLIST calloutlist
  1955. %common.attrib;
  1956. %calloutlist.role.attrib;
  1957. %local.calloutlist.attrib;
  1958. >
  1959. <!--end of calloutlist.attlist-->]]>
  1960. <!--end of calloutlist.module-->]]>
  1961. <!ENTITY % callout.module "INCLUDE">
  1962. <![%callout.module;[
  1963. <!ENTITY % local.callout.attrib "">
  1964. <!ENTITY % callout.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1965. <!ENTITY % callout.element "INCLUDE">
  1966. <![%callout.element;[
  1967. <!ELEMENT callout ((%component.mix;)+)>
  1968. <!--end of callout.element-->]]>
  1969. <!-- AreaRefs: IDs of one or more Areas or AreaSets described
  1970. by this Callout -->
  1971. <!ENTITY % callout.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1972. <![%callout.attlist;[
  1973. <!ATTLIST callout
  1974. arearefs IDREFS #REQUIRED
  1975. %common.attrib;
  1976. %callout.role.attrib;
  1977. %local.callout.attrib;
  1978. >
  1979. <!--end of callout.attlist-->]]>
  1980. <!--end of callout.module-->]]>
  1981. <!--end of calloutlist.content.module-->]]>
  1982. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  1983. <!-- Objects .............................................................. -->
  1984. <!-- Examples etc. .................... -->
  1985. <!ENTITY % example.module "INCLUDE">
  1986. <![%example.module;[
  1987. <!ENTITY % local.example.attrib "">
  1988. <!ENTITY % example.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  1989. <!ENTITY % example.element "INCLUDE">
  1990. <![%example.element;[
  1991. <!ELEMENT example ((%formalobject.title.content;), (%example.mix;)+)>
  1992. <!--end of example.element-->]]>
  1993. <!ENTITY % example.attlist "INCLUDE">
  1994. <![%example.attlist;[
  1995. <!ATTLIST example
  1996. %label.attrib;
  1997. %width.attrib;
  1998. %common.attrib;
  1999. %example.role.attrib;
  2000. %local.example.attrib;
  2001. >
  2002. <!--end of example.attlist-->]]>
  2003. <!--end of example.module-->]]>
  2004. <!ENTITY % informalexample.module "INCLUDE">
  2005. <![%informalexample.module;[
  2006. <!ENTITY % local.informalexample.attrib "">
  2007. <!ENTITY % informalexample.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2008. <!ENTITY % informalexample.element "INCLUDE">
  2009. <![%informalexample.element;[
  2010. <!ELEMENT informalexample ((%example.mix;)+)>
  2011. <!--end of informalexample.element-->]]>
  2012. <!ENTITY % informalexample.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2013. <![%informalexample.attlist;[
  2014. <!ATTLIST informalexample
  2015. %width.attrib;
  2016. %common.attrib;
  2017. %informalexample.role.attrib;
  2018. %local.informalexample.attrib;
  2019. >
  2020. <!--end of informalexample.attlist-->]]>
  2021. <!--end of informalexample.module-->]]>
  2022. <!ENTITY % programlistingco.module "INCLUDE">
  2023. <![%programlistingco.module;[
  2024. <!ENTITY % local.programlistingco.attrib "">
  2025. <!ENTITY % programlistingco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2026. <!ENTITY % programlistingco.element "INCLUDE">
  2027. <![%programlistingco.element;[
  2028. <!ELEMENT programlistingco (areaspec, programlisting, calloutlist*)>
  2029. <!--end of programlistingco.element-->]]>
  2030. <!ENTITY % programlistingco.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2031. <![%programlistingco.attlist;[
  2032. <!ATTLIST programlistingco
  2033. %common.attrib;
  2034. %programlistingco.role.attrib;
  2035. %local.programlistingco.attrib;
  2036. >
  2037. <!--end of programlistingco.attlist-->]]>
  2038. <!-- CalloutList (defined above in Lists)-->
  2039. <!--end of informalexample.module-->]]>
  2040. <!ENTITY % areaspec.content.module "INCLUDE">
  2041. <![%areaspec.content.module;[
  2042. <!ENTITY % areaspec.module "INCLUDE">
  2043. <![%areaspec.module;[
  2044. <!ENTITY % local.areaspec.attrib "">
  2045. <!ENTITY % areaspec.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2046. <!ENTITY % areaspec.element "INCLUDE">
  2047. <![%areaspec.element;[
  2048. <!ELEMENT areaspec ((area|areaset)+)>
  2049. <!--end of areaspec.element-->]]>
  2050. <!-- Units: global unit of measure in which coordinates in
  2051. this spec are expressed:
  2052. - CALSPair "x1,y1 x2,y2": lower-left and upper-right
  2053. coordinates in a rectangle describing repro area in which
  2054. graphic is placed, where X and Y dimensions are each some
  2055. number 0..10000 (taken from CALS graphic attributes)
  2056. - LineColumn "line column": line number and column number
  2057. at which to start callout text in "linespecific" content
  2058. - LineRange "startline endline": whole lines from startline
  2059. to endline in "linespecific" content
  2060. - LineColumnPair "line1 col1 line2 col2": starting and ending
  2061. points of area in "linespecific" content that starts at
  2062. first position and ends at second position (including the
  2063. beginnings of any intervening lines)
  2064. - Other: directive to look at value of OtherUnits attribute
  2065. to get implementation-specific keyword
  2066. The default is implementation-specific; usually dependent on
  2067. the parent element (GraphicCO gets CALSPair, ProgramListingCO
  2068. and ScreenCO get LineColumn) -->
  2069. <!-- OtherUnits: User-defined units -->
  2070. <!ENTITY % areaspec.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2071. <![%areaspec.attlist;[
  2072. <!ATTLIST areaspec
  2073. units (calspair
  2074. |linecolumn
  2075. |linerange
  2076. |linecolumnpair
  2077. |other) #IMPLIED
  2078. otherunits NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
  2079. %common.attrib;
  2080. %areaspec.role.attrib;
  2081. %local.areaspec.attrib;
  2082. >
  2083. <!--end of areaspec.attlist-->]]>
  2084. <!--end of areaspec.module-->]]>
  2085. <!ENTITY % area.module "INCLUDE">
  2086. <![%area.module;[
  2087. <!ENTITY % local.area.attrib "">
  2088. <!ENTITY % area.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2089. <!ENTITY % area.element "INCLUDE">
  2090. <![%area.element;[
  2091. <!ELEMENT area EMPTY>
  2092. <!--end of area.element-->]]>
  2093. <!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
  2094. <!-- to any related information -->
  2095. <!-- Units: unit of measure in which coordinates in this
  2096. area are expressed; inherits from AreaSet and AreaSpec -->
  2097. <!-- OtherUnits: User-defined units -->
  2098. <!ENTITY % area.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2099. <![%area.attlist;[
  2100. <!ATTLIST area
  2101. %label.attrib;
  2102. %linkends.attrib;
  2103. units (calspair
  2104. |linecolumn
  2105. |linerange
  2106. |linecolumnpair
  2107. |other) #IMPLIED
  2108. otherunits NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
  2109. coords CDATA #REQUIRED
  2110. %idreq.common.attrib;
  2111. %area.role.attrib;
  2112. %local.area.attrib;
  2113. >
  2114. <!--end of area.attlist-->]]>
  2115. <!--end of area.module-->]]>
  2116. <!ENTITY % areaset.module "INCLUDE">
  2117. <![%areaset.module;[
  2118. <!ENTITY % local.areaset.attrib "">
  2119. <!ENTITY % areaset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2120. <!ENTITY % areaset.element "INCLUDE">
  2121. <![%areaset.element;[
  2122. <!ELEMENT areaset (area+)>
  2123. <!--end of areaset.element-->]]>
  2124. <!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
  2125. <!-- Units: unit of measure in which coordinates in this
  2126. area are expressed; inherits from AreaSpec -->
  2127. <!ENTITY % areaset.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2128. <![%areaset.attlist;[
  2129. <!ATTLIST areaset
  2130. %label.attrib;
  2131. units (calspair
  2132. |linecolumn
  2133. |linerange
  2134. |linecolumnpair
  2135. |other) #IMPLIED
  2136. otherunits NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
  2137. coords CDATA #REQUIRED
  2138. %idreq.common.attrib;
  2139. %areaset.role.attrib;
  2140. %local.areaset.attrib;
  2141. >
  2142. <!--end of areaset.attlist-->]]>
  2143. <!--end of areaset.module-->]]>
  2144. <!--end of areaspec.content.module-->]]>
  2145. <!ENTITY % programlisting.module "INCLUDE">
  2146. <![%programlisting.module;[
  2147. <!ENTITY % local.programlisting.attrib "">
  2148. <!ENTITY % programlisting.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2149. <!ENTITY % programlisting.element "INCLUDE">
  2150. <![%programlisting.element;[
  2151. <!ELEMENT programlisting (%para.char.mix; | co | lineannotation)*>
  2152. <!--end of programlisting.element-->]]>
  2153. <!ENTITY % programlisting.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2154. <![%programlisting.attlist;[
  2155. <!ATTLIST programlisting
  2156. %width.attrib;
  2157. %linespecific.attrib;
  2158. %common.attrib;
  2159. %programlisting.role.attrib;
  2160. %local.programlisting.attrib;
  2161. >
  2162. <!--end of programlisting.attlist-->]]>
  2163. <!--end of programlisting.module-->]]>
  2164. <!ENTITY % literallayout.module "INCLUDE">
  2165. <![%literallayout.module;[
  2166. <!ENTITY % local.literallayout.attrib "">
  2167. <!ENTITY % literallayout.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2168. <!ENTITY % literallayout.element "INCLUDE">
  2169. <![%literallayout.element;[
  2170. <!ELEMENT literallayout (%para.char.mix; | lineannotation | co)*>
  2171. <!--end of literallayout.element-->]]>
  2172. <!ENTITY % literallayout.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2173. <![%literallayout.attlist;[
  2174. <!ATTLIST literallayout
  2175. %width.attrib;
  2176. %linespecific.attrib;
  2177. class (monospaced|normal) "normal"
  2178. %common.attrib;
  2179. %literallayout.role.attrib;
  2180. %local.literallayout.attrib;
  2181. >
  2182. <!--end of literallayout.attlist-->]]>
  2183. <!-- LineAnnotation (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  2184. <!--end of literallayout.module-->]]>
  2185. <!ENTITY % screenco.module "INCLUDE">
  2186. <![%screenco.module;[
  2187. <!ENTITY % local.screenco.attrib "">
  2188. <!ENTITY % screenco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2189. <!ENTITY % screenco.element "INCLUDE">
  2190. <![%screenco.element;[
  2191. <!ELEMENT screenco (areaspec, screen, calloutlist*)>
  2192. <!--end of screenco.element-->]]>
  2193. <!ENTITY % screenco.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2194. <![%screenco.attlist;[
  2195. <!ATTLIST screenco
  2196. %common.attrib;
  2197. %screenco.role.attrib;
  2198. %local.screenco.attrib;
  2199. >
  2200. <!--end of screenco.attlist-->]]>
  2201. <!-- AreaSpec (defined above)-->
  2202. <!-- CalloutList (defined above in Lists)-->
  2203. <!--end of screenco.module-->]]>
  2204. <!ENTITY % screen.module "INCLUDE">
  2205. <![%screen.module;[
  2206. <!ENTITY % local.screen.attrib "">
  2207. <!ENTITY % screen.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2208. <!ENTITY % screen.element "INCLUDE">
  2209. <![%screen.element;[
  2210. <!ELEMENT screen (%para.char.mix; | co | lineannotation)*>
  2211. <!--end of screen.element-->]]>
  2212. <!ENTITY % screen.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2213. <![%screen.attlist;[
  2214. <!ATTLIST screen
  2215. %width.attrib;
  2216. %linespecific.attrib;
  2217. %common.attrib;
  2218. %screen.role.attrib;
  2219. %local.screen.attrib;
  2220. >
  2221. <!--end of screen.attlist-->]]>
  2222. <!--end of screen.module-->]]>
  2223. <!ENTITY % screenshot.content.module "INCLUDE">
  2224. <![%screenshot.content.module;[
  2225. <!ENTITY % screenshot.module "INCLUDE">
  2226. <![%screenshot.module;[
  2227. <!ENTITY % local.screenshot.attrib "">
  2228. <!ENTITY % screenshot.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2229. <!ENTITY % screenshot.element "INCLUDE">
  2230. <![%screenshot.element;[
  2231. <!ELEMENT screenshot (screeninfo?,
  2232. (graphic|graphicco
  2233. |mediaobject|mediaobjectco))>
  2234. <!--end of screenshot.element-->]]>
  2235. <!ENTITY % screenshot.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2236. <![%screenshot.attlist;[
  2237. <!ATTLIST screenshot
  2238. %common.attrib;
  2239. %screenshot.role.attrib;
  2240. %local.screenshot.attrib;
  2241. >
  2242. <!--end of screenshot.attlist-->]]>
  2243. <!--end of screenshot.module-->]]>
  2244. <!ENTITY % screeninfo.module "INCLUDE">
  2245. <![%screeninfo.module;[
  2246. <!ENTITY % local.screeninfo.attrib "">
  2247. <!ENTITY % screeninfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2248. <!ENTITY % screeninfo.element "INCLUDE">
  2249. <![%screeninfo.element;[
  2250. <!ELEMENT screeninfo (%para.char.mix;)*>
  2251. <!--end of screeninfo.element-->]]>
  2252. <!ENTITY % screeninfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2253. <![%screeninfo.attlist;[
  2254. <!ATTLIST screeninfo
  2255. %common.attrib;
  2256. %screeninfo.role.attrib;
  2257. %local.screeninfo.attrib;
  2258. >
  2259. <!--end of screeninfo.attlist-->]]>
  2260. <!--end of screeninfo.module-->]]>
  2261. <!--end of screenshot.content.module-->]]>
  2262. <!-- Figures etc. ..................... -->
  2263. <!ENTITY % figure.module "INCLUDE">
  2264. <![%figure.module;[
  2265. <!ENTITY % local.figure.attrib "">
  2266. <!ENTITY % figure.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2267. <!ENTITY % figure.element "INCLUDE">
  2268. <![%figure.element;[
  2269. <!ELEMENT figure ((%formalobject.title.content;), (%figure.mix; |
  2270. %link.char.class;)+)>
  2271. <!--end of figure.element-->]]>
  2272. <!-- Float: Whether the Figure is supposed to be rendered
  2273. where convenient (yes (1) value) or at the place it occurs
  2274. in the text (no (0) value, the default) -->
  2275. <!ENTITY % figure.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2276. <![%figure.attlist;[
  2277. <!ATTLIST figure
  2278. float %yesorno.attvals; '0'
  2279. pgwide %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
  2280. %label.attrib;
  2281. %common.attrib;
  2282. %figure.role.attrib;
  2283. %local.figure.attrib;
  2284. >
  2285. <!--end of figure.attlist-->]]>
  2286. <!--end of figure.module-->]]>
  2287. <!ENTITY % informalfigure.module "INCLUDE">
  2288. <![ %informalfigure.module; [
  2289. <!ENTITY % local.informalfigure.attrib "">
  2290. <!ENTITY % informalfigure.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2291. <!ENTITY % informalfigure.element "INCLUDE">
  2292. <![ %informalfigure.element; [
  2293. <!ELEMENT informalfigure ((%figure.mix; | %link.char.class;)+)>
  2294. <!--end of informalfigure.element-->]]>
  2295. <!ENTITY % informalfigure.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2296. <![ %informalfigure.attlist; [
  2297. <!--
  2298. Float: Whether the Figure is supposed to be rendered
  2299. where convenient (yes (1) value) or at the place it occurs
  2300. in the text (no (0) value, the default)
  2301. -->
  2302. <!ATTLIST informalfigure
  2303. float %yesorno.attvals; "0"
  2304. pgwide %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
  2305. %label.attrib;
  2306. %common.attrib;
  2307. %informalfigure.role.attrib;
  2308. %local.informalfigure.attrib;
  2309. >
  2310. <!--end of informalfigure.attlist-->]]>
  2311. <!--end of informalfigure.module-->]]>
  2312. <!ENTITY % graphicco.module "INCLUDE">
  2313. <![%graphicco.module;[
  2314. <!ENTITY % local.graphicco.attrib "">
  2315. <!ENTITY % graphicco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2316. <!ENTITY % graphicco.element "INCLUDE">
  2317. <![%graphicco.element;[
  2318. <!ELEMENT graphicco (areaspec, graphic, calloutlist*)>
  2319. <!--end of graphicco.element-->]]>
  2320. <!ENTITY % graphicco.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2321. <![%graphicco.attlist;[
  2322. <!ATTLIST graphicco
  2323. %common.attrib;
  2324. %graphicco.role.attrib;
  2325. %local.graphicco.attrib;
  2326. >
  2327. <!--end of graphicco.attlist-->]]>
  2328. <!-- AreaSpec (defined above in Examples)-->
  2329. <!-- CalloutList (defined above in Lists)-->
  2330. <!--end of graphicco.module-->]]>
  2331. <!-- Graphical data can be the content of Graphic, or you can reference
  2332. an external file either as an entity (Entitref) or a filename
  2333. (Fileref). -->
  2334. <!ENTITY % graphic.module "INCLUDE">
  2335. <![%graphic.module;[
  2336. <!ENTITY % local.graphic.attrib "">
  2337. <!ENTITY % graphic.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2338. <!ENTITY % graphic.element "INCLUDE">
  2339. <![%graphic.element;[
  2340. <!ELEMENT graphic EMPTY>
  2341. <!--end of graphic.element-->]]>
  2342. <!ENTITY % graphic.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2343. <![%graphic.attlist;[
  2344. <!ATTLIST graphic
  2345. %graphics.attrib;
  2346. %common.attrib;
  2347. %graphic.role.attrib;
  2348. %local.graphic.attrib;
  2349. >
  2350. <!--end of graphic.attlist-->]]>
  2351. <!--end of graphic.module-->]]>
  2352. <!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.module "INCLUDE">
  2353. <![%inlinegraphic.module;[
  2354. <!ENTITY % local.inlinegraphic.attrib "">
  2355. <!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2356. <!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.element "INCLUDE">
  2357. <![%inlinegraphic.element;[
  2358. <!ELEMENT inlinegraphic EMPTY>
  2359. <!--end of inlinegraphic.element-->]]>
  2360. <!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2361. <![%inlinegraphic.attlist;[
  2362. <!ATTLIST inlinegraphic
  2363. %graphics.attrib;
  2364. %common.attrib;
  2365. %inlinegraphic.role.attrib;
  2366. %local.inlinegraphic.attrib;
  2367. >
  2368. <!--end of inlinegraphic.attlist-->]]>
  2369. <!--end of inlinegraphic.module-->]]>
  2370. <!ENTITY % mediaobject.content.module "INCLUDE">
  2371. <![ %mediaobject.content.module; [
  2372. <!ENTITY % mediaobject.module "INCLUDE">
  2373. <![ %mediaobject.module; [
  2374. <!ENTITY % local.mediaobject.attrib "">
  2375. <!ENTITY % mediaobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2376. <!ENTITY % mediaobject.element "INCLUDE">
  2377. <![ %mediaobject.element; [
  2378. <!ELEMENT mediaobject (objectinfo?,
  2379. (%mediaobject.mix;),
  2380. (%mediaobject.mix;|textobject)*,
  2381. caption?)>
  2382. <!--end of mediaobject.element-->]]>
  2383. <!ENTITY % mediaobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2384. <![ %mediaobject.attlist; [
  2385. <!ATTLIST mediaobject
  2386. %common.attrib;
  2387. %mediaobject.role.attrib;
  2388. %local.mediaobject.attrib;
  2389. >
  2390. <!--end of mediaobject.attlist-->]]>
  2391. <!--end of mediaobject.module-->]]>
  2392. <!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.module "INCLUDE">
  2393. <![ %inlinemediaobject.module; [
  2394. <!ENTITY % local.inlinemediaobject.attrib "">
  2395. <!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2396. <!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.element "INCLUDE">
  2397. <![ %inlinemediaobject.element; [
  2398. <!ELEMENT inlinemediaobject (objectinfo?,
  2399. (%mediaobject.mix;),
  2400. (%mediaobject.mix;|textobject)*)>
  2401. <!--end of inlinemediaobject.element-->]]>
  2402. <!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2403. <![ %inlinemediaobject.attlist; [
  2404. <!ATTLIST inlinemediaobject
  2405. %common.attrib;
  2406. %inlinemediaobject.role.attrib;
  2407. %local.inlinemediaobject.attrib;
  2408. >
  2409. <!--end of inlinemediaobject.attlist-->]]>
  2410. <!--end of inlinemediaobject.module-->]]>
  2411. <!ENTITY % videoobject.module "INCLUDE">
  2412. <![ %videoobject.module; [
  2413. <!ENTITY % local.videoobject.attrib "">
  2414. <!ENTITY % videoobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2415. <!ENTITY % videoobject.element "INCLUDE">
  2416. <![ %videoobject.element; [
  2417. <!ELEMENT videoobject (objectinfo?, videodata)>
  2418. <!--end of videoobject.element-->]]>
  2419. <!ENTITY % videoobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2420. <![ %videoobject.attlist; [
  2421. <!ATTLIST videoobject
  2422. %common.attrib;
  2423. %videoobject.role.attrib;
  2424. %local.videoobject.attrib;
  2425. >
  2426. <!--end of videoobject.attlist-->]]>
  2427. <!--end of videoobject.module-->]]>
  2428. <!ENTITY % audioobject.module "INCLUDE">
  2429. <![ %audioobject.module; [
  2430. <!ENTITY % local.audioobject.attrib "">
  2431. <!ENTITY % audioobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2432. <!ENTITY % audioobject.element "INCLUDE">
  2433. <![ %audioobject.element; [
  2434. <!ELEMENT audioobject (objectinfo?, audiodata)>
  2435. <!--end of audioobject.element-->]]>
  2436. <!ENTITY % audioobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2437. <![ %audioobject.attlist; [
  2438. <!ATTLIST audioobject
  2439. %common.attrib;
  2440. %audioobject.role.attrib;
  2441. %local.audioobject.attrib;
  2442. >
  2443. <!--end of audioobject.attlist-->]]>
  2444. <!--end of audioobject.module-->]]>
  2445. <!ENTITY % imageobject.module "INCLUDE">
  2446. <![ %imageobject.module; [
  2447. <!ENTITY % local.imageobject.attrib "">
  2448. <!ENTITY % imageobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2449. <!ENTITY % imageobject.element "INCLUDE">
  2450. <![ %imageobject.element; [
  2451. <!ELEMENT imageobject (objectinfo?, imagedata)>
  2452. <!--end of imageobject.element-->]]>
  2453. <!ENTITY % imageobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2454. <![ %imageobject.attlist; [
  2455. <!ATTLIST imageobject
  2456. %common.attrib;
  2457. %imageobject.role.attrib;
  2458. %local.imageobject.attrib;
  2459. >
  2460. <!--end of imageobject.attlist-->]]>
  2461. <!--end of imageobject.module-->]]>
  2462. <!ENTITY % textobject.module "INCLUDE">
  2463. <![ %textobject.module; [
  2464. <!ENTITY % local.textobject.attrib "">
  2465. <!ENTITY % textobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2466. <!ENTITY % textobject.element "INCLUDE">
  2467. <![ %textobject.element; [
  2468. <!ELEMENT textobject (objectinfo?, (phrase|(%textobject.mix;)+))>
  2469. <!--end of textobject.element-->]]>
  2470. <!ENTITY % textobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2471. <![ %textobject.attlist; [
  2472. <!ATTLIST textobject
  2473. %common.attrib;
  2474. %textobject.role.attrib;
  2475. %local.textobject.attrib;
  2476. >
  2477. <!--end of textobject.attlist-->]]>
  2478. <!--end of textobject.module-->]]>
  2479. <!ENTITY % objectinfo.module "INCLUDE">
  2480. <![ %objectinfo.module; [
  2481. <!ENTITY % local.objectinfo.attrib "">
  2482. <!ENTITY % objectinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2483. <!ENTITY % objectinfo.element "INCLUDE">
  2484. <![ %objectinfo.element; [
  2485. <!ELEMENT objectinfo ((graphic | mediaobject | legalnotice | modespec
  2486. | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;)+)>
  2487. <!--end of objectinfo.element-->]]>
  2488. <!ENTITY % objectinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2489. <![ %objectinfo.attlist; [
  2490. <!ATTLIST objectinfo
  2491. %common.attrib;
  2492. %objectinfo.role.attrib;
  2493. %local.objectinfo.attrib;
  2494. >
  2495. <!--end of objectinfo.attlist-->]]>
  2496. <!--end of objectinfo.module-->]]>
  2497. <!--EntityRef: Name of an external entity containing the content
  2498. of the object data-->
  2499. <!--FileRef: Filename, qualified by a pathname if desired,
  2500. designating the file containing the content of the object data-->
  2501. <!--Format: Notation of the element content, if any-->
  2502. <!--SrcCredit: Information about the source of the image-->
  2503. <!ENTITY % local.objectdata.attrib "">
  2504. <!ENTITY % objectdata.attrib
  2505. "
  2506. entityref ENTITY #IMPLIED
  2507. fileref CDATA #IMPLIED
  2508. format (%notation.class;)
  2509. #IMPLIED
  2510. srccredit CDATA #IMPLIED
  2511. %local.objectdata.attrib;"
  2512. >
  2513. <!ENTITY % videodata.module "INCLUDE">
  2514. <![ %videodata.module; [
  2515. <!ENTITY % local.videodata.attrib "">
  2516. <!ENTITY % videodata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2517. <!ENTITY % videodata.element "INCLUDE">
  2518. <![ %videodata.element; [
  2519. <!ELEMENT videodata EMPTY>
  2520. <!--end of videodata.element-->]]>
  2521. <!ENTITY % videodata.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2522. <![ %videodata.attlist; [
  2523. <!--Width: Same as CALS reprowid (desired width)-->
  2524. <!--Depth: Same as CALS reprodep (desired depth)-->
  2525. <!--Align: Same as CALS hplace with 'none' removed; #IMPLIED means
  2526. application-specific-->
  2527. <!--Scale: Conflation of CALS hscale and vscale-->
  2528. <!--Scalefit: Same as CALS scalefit-->
  2529. <!ATTLIST videodata
  2530. %common.attrib;
  2531. %objectdata.attrib;
  2532. width CDATA #IMPLIED
  2533. depth CDATA #IMPLIED
  2534. align (left
  2535. |right
  2536. |center) #IMPLIED
  2537. scale CDATA #IMPLIED
  2538. scalefit %yesorno.attvals;
  2539. #IMPLIED
  2540. %videodata.role.attrib;
  2541. %local.videodata.attrib;
  2542. >
  2543. <!--end of videodata.attlist-->]]>
  2544. <!--end of videodata.module-->]]>
  2545. <!ENTITY % audiodata.module "INCLUDE">
  2546. <![ %audiodata.module; [
  2547. <!ENTITY % local.audiodata.attrib "">
  2548. <!ENTITY % audiodata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2549. <!ENTITY % audiodata.element "INCLUDE">
  2550. <![ %audiodata.element; [
  2551. <!ELEMENT audiodata EMPTY>
  2552. <!--end of audiodata.element-->]]>
  2553. <!ENTITY % audiodata.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2554. <![ %audiodata.attlist; [
  2555. <!ATTLIST audiodata
  2556. %common.attrib;
  2557. %objectdata.attrib;
  2558. %local.audiodata.attrib;
  2559. %audiodata.role.attrib;
  2560. >
  2561. <!--end of audiodata.attlist-->]]>
  2562. <!--end of audiodata.module-->]]>
  2563. <!ENTITY % imagedata.module "INCLUDE">
  2564. <![ %imagedata.module; [
  2565. <!ENTITY % local.imagedata.attrib "">
  2566. <!ENTITY % imagedata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2567. <!ENTITY % imagedata.element "INCLUDE">
  2568. <![ %imagedata.element; [
  2569. <!ELEMENT imagedata EMPTY>
  2570. <!--end of imagedata.element-->]]>
  2571. <!ENTITY % imagedata.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2572. <![ %imagedata.attlist; [
  2573. <!--Width: Same as CALS reprowid (desired width)-->
  2574. <!--Depth: Same as CALS reprodep (desired depth)-->
  2575. <!--Align: Same as CALS hplace with 'none' removed; #IMPLIED means
  2576. application-specific-->
  2577. <!--Scale: Conflation of CALS hscale and vscale-->
  2578. <!--Scalefit: Same as CALS scalefit-->
  2579. <!ATTLIST imagedata
  2580. %common.attrib;
  2581. %objectdata.attrib;
  2582. width CDATA #IMPLIED
  2583. depth CDATA #IMPLIED
  2584. align (left
  2585. |right
  2586. |center) #IMPLIED
  2587. scale CDATA #IMPLIED
  2588. scalefit %yesorno.attvals;
  2589. #IMPLIED
  2590. %local.imagedata.attrib;
  2591. %imagedata.role.attrib;
  2592. >
  2593. <!--end of imagedata.attlist-->]]>
  2594. <!--end of imagedata.module-->]]>
  2595. <!ENTITY % caption.module "INCLUDE">
  2596. <![ %caption.module; [
  2597. <!ENTITY % local.caption.attrib "">
  2598. <!ENTITY % caption.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2599. <!ENTITY % caption.element "INCLUDE">
  2600. <![ %caption.element; [
  2601. <!ELEMENT caption (%textobject.mix;)*>
  2602. <!--end of caption.element-->]]>
  2603. <!ENTITY % caption.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2604. <![ %caption.attlist; [
  2605. <!ATTLIST caption
  2606. %common.attrib;
  2607. %local.caption.attrib;
  2608. %caption.role.attrib;
  2609. >
  2610. <!--end of caption.attlist-->]]>
  2611. <!--end of caption.module-->]]>
  2612. <!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.module "INCLUDE">
  2613. <![ %mediaobjectco.module; [
  2614. <!ENTITY % local.mediaobjectco.attrib "">
  2615. <!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2616. <!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.element "INCLUDE">
  2617. <![ %mediaobjectco.element; [
  2618. <!ELEMENT mediaobjectco (objectinfo?, imageobjectco,
  2619. (imageobjectco|textobject)*)>
  2620. <!--end of mediaobjectco.element-->]]>
  2621. <!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2622. <![ %mediaobjectco.attlist; [
  2623. <!ATTLIST mediaobjectco
  2624. %common.attrib;
  2625. %mediaobjectco.role.attrib;
  2626. %local.mediaobjectco.attrib;
  2627. >
  2628. <!--end of mediaobjectco.attlist-->]]>
  2629. <!--end of mediaobjectco.module-->]]>
  2630. <!ENTITY % imageobjectco.module "INCLUDE">
  2631. <![ %imageobjectco.module; [
  2632. <!ENTITY % local.imageobjectco.attrib "">
  2633. <!ENTITY % imageobjectco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2634. <!ENTITY % imageobjectco.element "INCLUDE">
  2635. <![ %imageobjectco.element; [
  2636. <!ELEMENT imageobjectco (areaspec, imageobject, calloutlist*)>
  2637. <!--end of imageobjectco.element-->]]>
  2638. <!ENTITY % imageobjectco.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2639. <![ %imageobjectco.attlist; [
  2640. <!ATTLIST imageobjectco
  2641. %common.attrib;
  2642. %imageobjectco.role.attrib;
  2643. %local.imageobjectco.attrib;
  2644. >
  2645. <!--end of imageobjectco.attlist-->]]>
  2646. <!--end of imageobjectco.module-->]]>
  2647. <!--end of mediaobject.content.module-->]]>
  2648. <!-- Equations ........................ -->
  2649. <!-- This PE provides a mechanism for replacing equation content, -->
  2650. <!-- perhaps adding a new or different model (e.g., MathML) -->
  2651. <!ENTITY % equation.content "(alt?, (graphic+|mediaobject+))">
  2652. <!ENTITY % inlineequation.content "(alt?, (graphic+|inlinemediaobject+))">
  2653. <!ENTITY % equation.module "INCLUDE">
  2654. <![%equation.module;[
  2655. <!ENTITY % local.equation.attrib "">
  2656. <!ENTITY % equation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2657. <!ENTITY % equation.element "INCLUDE">
  2658. <![%equation.element;[
  2659. <!ELEMENT equation ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, (informalequation |
  2660. %equation.content;))>
  2661. <!--end of equation.element-->]]>
  2662. <!ENTITY % equation.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2663. <![%equation.attlist;[
  2664. <!ATTLIST equation
  2665. %label.attrib;
  2666. %common.attrib;
  2667. %equation.role.attrib;
  2668. %local.equation.attrib;
  2669. >
  2670. <!--end of equation.attlist-->]]>
  2671. <!--end of equation.module-->]]>
  2672. <!ENTITY % informalequation.module "INCLUDE">
  2673. <![%informalequation.module;[
  2674. <!ENTITY % local.informalequation.attrib "">
  2675. <!ENTITY % informalequation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2676. <!ENTITY % informalequation.element "INCLUDE">
  2677. <![%informalequation.element;[
  2678. <!ELEMENT informalequation (%equation.content;) >
  2679. <!--end of informalequation.element-->]]>
  2680. <!ENTITY % informalequation.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2681. <![%informalequation.attlist;[
  2682. <!ATTLIST informalequation
  2683. %common.attrib;
  2684. %informalequation.role.attrib;
  2685. %local.informalequation.attrib;
  2686. >
  2687. <!--end of informalequation.attlist-->]]>
  2688. <!--end of informalequation.module-->]]>
  2689. <!ENTITY % inlineequation.module "INCLUDE">
  2690. <![%inlineequation.module;[
  2691. <!ENTITY % local.inlineequation.attrib "">
  2692. <!ENTITY % inlineequation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2693. <!ENTITY % inlineequation.element "INCLUDE">
  2694. <![%inlineequation.element;[
  2695. <!ELEMENT inlineequation (%inlineequation.content;)>
  2696. <!--end of inlineequation.element-->]]>
  2697. <!ENTITY % inlineequation.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2698. <![%inlineequation.attlist;[
  2699. <!ATTLIST inlineequation
  2700. %common.attrib;
  2701. %inlineequation.role.attrib;
  2702. %local.inlineequation.attrib;
  2703. >
  2704. <!--end of inlineequation.attlist-->]]>
  2705. <!--end of inlineequation.module-->]]>
  2706. <!ENTITY % alt.module "INCLUDE">
  2707. <![%alt.module;[
  2708. <!ENTITY % local.alt.attrib "">
  2709. <!ENTITY % alt.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2710. <!ENTITY % alt.element "INCLUDE">
  2711. <![%alt.element;[
  2712. <!ELEMENT alt (#PCDATA)>
  2713. <!--end of alt.element-->]]>
  2714. <!ENTITY % alt.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2715. <![%alt.attlist;[
  2716. <!ATTLIST alt
  2717. %common.attrib;
  2718. %alt.role.attrib;
  2719. %local.alt.attrib;
  2720. >
  2721. <!--end of alt.attlist-->]]>
  2722. <!--end of alt.module-->]]>
  2723. <!-- Tables ........................... -->
  2724. <!ENTITY % table.module "INCLUDE">
  2725. <![%table.module;[
  2726. <!-- Choose a table model. CALS or OASIS XML Exchange -->
  2727. <!ENTITY % cals.table.module "INCLUDE">
  2728. <![%cals.table.module;[
  2729. <!ENTITY % exchange.table.module "IGNORE">
  2730. ]]>
  2731. <!ENTITY % exchange.table.module "INCLUDE">
  2732. <!ENTITY % tables.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2733. <![%cals.table.module;[
  2734. <!-- Add label and role attributes to table and informaltable -->
  2735. <!ENTITY % bodyatt "%label.attrib;">
  2736. <!-- Add common attributes to Table, TGroup, TBody, THead, TFoot, Row,
  2737. EntryTbl, and Entry (and InformalTable element). -->
  2738. <!ENTITY % secur
  2739. "%common.attrib;
  2740. %tables.role.attrib;">
  2741. <!ENTITY % common.table.attribs
  2742. "%bodyatt;
  2743. %secur;">
  2744. <!-- Content model for Table. -->
  2745. <!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl
  2746. "((%formalobject.title.content;), (%ndxterm.class;)*,
  2747. (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))">
  2748. <!-- Allow either objects or inlines; beware of REs between elements. -->
  2749. <!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix;">
  2750. <!-- Reference CALS Table Model -->
  2751. <!ENTITY % tablemodel
  2752. PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML CALS Table Model V4.1.2//EN"
  2753. "calstblx.dtd">
  2754. ]]>
  2755. <![%exchange.table.module;[
  2756. <!-- Add common attributes and the Label attribute to Table and -->
  2757. <!-- InformalTable. -->
  2758. <!ENTITY % bodyatt
  2759. "%common.attrib;
  2760. %label.attrib;
  2761. %tables.role.attrib;">
  2762. <!ENTITY % common.table.attribs
  2763. "%bodyatt;">
  2764. <!-- Add common attributes to TGroup, ColSpec, TBody, THead, Row, Entry -->
  2765. <!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att "%common.attrib;">
  2766. <!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att "%common.attrib;">
  2767. <!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att "%common.attrib;">
  2768. <!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att "%common.attrib;">
  2769. <!ENTITY % tbl.row.att "%common.attrib;">
  2770. <!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att "%common.attrib;">
  2771. <!-- Content model for Table. -->
  2772. <!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl
  2773. "((%formalobject.title.content;),
  2774. (%ndxterm.class;)*,
  2775. (graphic+|tgroup+))">
  2776. <!-- Allow either objects or inlines; beware of REs between elements. -->
  2777. <!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix;)*">
  2778. <!-- Reference OASIS Exchange Table Model -->
  2779. <!ENTITY % tablemodel
  2780. PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN"
  2781. "soextblx.dtd">
  2782. ]]>
  2783. %tablemodel;
  2784. <!--end of table.module-->]]>
  2785. <!ENTITY % informaltable.module "INCLUDE">
  2786. <![%informaltable.module;[
  2787. <!-- Note that InformalTable is dependent on some of the entity
  2788. declarations that customize Table. -->
  2789. <!ENTITY % local.informaltable.attrib "">
  2790. <!ENTITY % informaltable.element "INCLUDE">
  2791. <![%informaltable.element;[
  2792. <!ELEMENT informaltable (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+)>
  2793. <!--end of informaltable.element-->]]>
  2794. <!-- Frame, Colsep, and Rowsep must be repeated because
  2795. they are not in entities in the table module. -->
  2796. <!-- includes TabStyle, ToCentry, ShortEntry,
  2797. Orient, PgWide -->
  2798. <!-- includes Label -->
  2799. <!-- includes common attributes -->
  2800. <!ENTITY % informaltable.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2801. <![%informaltable.attlist;[
  2802. <!ATTLIST informaltable
  2803. frame (top
  2804. |bottom
  2805. |topbot
  2806. |all
  2807. |sides
  2808. |none) #IMPLIED
  2809. colsep %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
  2810. rowsep %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
  2811. %common.table.attribs;
  2812. %tbl.table.att;
  2813. %local.informaltable.attrib;
  2814. >
  2815. <!--end of informaltable.attlist-->]]>
  2816. <!--end of informaltable.module-->]]>
  2817. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  2818. <!-- Synopses ............................................................. -->
  2819. <!-- Synopsis ......................... -->
  2820. <!ENTITY % synopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  2821. <![%synopsis.module;[
  2822. <!ENTITY % local.synopsis.attrib "">
  2823. <!ENTITY % synopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2824. <!ENTITY % synopsis.element "INCLUDE">
  2825. <![%synopsis.element;[
  2826. <!ELEMENT synopsis (%para.char.mix; | graphic | mediaobject | lineannotation | co)*>
  2827. <!--end of synopsis.element-->]]>
  2828. <!ENTITY % synopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2829. <![%synopsis.attlist;[
  2830. <!ATTLIST synopsis
  2831. %label.attrib;
  2832. %linespecific.attrib;
  2833. %common.attrib;
  2834. %synopsis.role.attrib;
  2835. %local.synopsis.attrib;
  2836. >
  2837. <!--end of synopsis.attlist-->]]>
  2838. <!-- LineAnnotation (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  2839. <!--end of synopsis.module-->]]>
  2840. <!-- CmdSynopsis ...................... -->
  2841. <!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.content.module "INCLUDE">
  2842. <![%cmdsynopsis.content.module;[
  2843. <!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  2844. <![%cmdsynopsis.module;[
  2845. <!ENTITY % local.cmdsynopsis.attrib "">
  2846. <!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2847. <!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
  2848. <![%cmdsynopsis.element;[
  2849. <!ELEMENT cmdsynopsis ((command | arg | group | sbr)+, synopfragment*)>
  2850. <!--end of cmdsynopsis.element-->]]>
  2851. <!-- Sepchar: Character that should separate command and all
  2852. top-level arguments; alternate value might be e.g., &Delta; -->
  2853. <!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2854. <![%cmdsynopsis.attlist;[
  2855. <!ATTLIST cmdsynopsis
  2856. %label.attrib;
  2857. sepchar CDATA " "
  2858. cmdlength CDATA #IMPLIED
  2859. %common.attrib;
  2860. %cmdsynopsis.role.attrib;
  2861. %local.cmdsynopsis.attrib;
  2862. >
  2863. <!--end of cmdsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  2864. <!--end of cmdsynopsis.module-->]]>
  2865. <!ENTITY % arg.module "INCLUDE">
  2866. <![%arg.module;[
  2867. <!ENTITY % local.arg.attrib "">
  2868. <!ENTITY % arg.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2869. <!ENTITY % arg.element "INCLUDE">
  2870. <![%arg.element;[
  2871. <!ELEMENT arg (#PCDATA
  2872. | arg
  2873. | group
  2874. | option
  2875. | synopfragmentref
  2876. | replaceable
  2877. | sbr)*>
  2878. <!--end of arg.element-->]]>
  2879. <!-- Choice: Whether Arg must be supplied: Opt (optional to
  2880. supply, e.g. [arg]; the default), Req (required to supply,
  2881. e.g. {arg}), or Plain (required to supply, e.g. arg) -->
  2882. <!-- Rep: whether Arg is repeatable: Norepeat (e.g. arg without
  2883. ellipsis; the default), or Repeat (e.g. arg...) -->
  2884. <!ENTITY % arg.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2885. <![%arg.attlist;[
  2886. <!ATTLIST arg
  2887. choice (opt
  2888. |req
  2889. |plain) 'opt'
  2890. rep (norepeat
  2891. |repeat) 'norepeat'
  2892. %common.attrib;
  2893. %arg.role.attrib;
  2894. %local.arg.attrib;
  2895. >
  2896. <!--end of arg.attlist-->]]>
  2897. <!--end of arg.module-->]]>
  2898. <!ENTITY % group.module "INCLUDE">
  2899. <![%group.module;[
  2900. <!ENTITY % "">
  2901. <!ENTITY % group.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2902. <!ENTITY % group.element "INCLUDE">
  2903. <![%group.element;[
  2904. <!ELEMENT group ((arg | group | option | synopfragmentref
  2905. | replaceable | sbr)+)>
  2906. <!--end of group.element-->]]>
  2907. <!-- Choice: Whether Group must be supplied: Opt (optional to
  2908. supply, e.g. [g1|g2|g3]; the default), Req (required to
  2909. supply, e.g. {g1|g2|g3}), Plain (required to supply,
  2910. e.g. g1|g2|g3), OptMult (can supply zero or more, e.g.
  2911. [[g1|g2|g3]]), or ReqMult (must supply one or more, e.g.
  2912. {{g1|g2|g3}}) -->
  2913. <!-- Rep: whether Group is repeatable: Norepeat (e.g. group
  2914. without ellipsis; the default), or Repeat (e.g. group...) -->
  2915. <!ENTITY % group.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2916. <![%group.attlist;[
  2917. <!ATTLIST group
  2918. choice (opt
  2919. |req
  2920. |plain) 'opt'
  2921. rep (norepeat
  2922. |repeat) 'norepeat'
  2923. %common.attrib;
  2924. %group.role.attrib;
  2926. >
  2927. <!--end of group.attlist-->]]>
  2928. <!--end of group.module-->]]>
  2929. <!ENTITY % sbr.module "INCLUDE">
  2930. <![%sbr.module;[
  2931. <!ENTITY % local.sbr.attrib "">
  2932. <!-- Synopsis break -->
  2933. <!ENTITY % sbr.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2934. <!ENTITY % sbr.element "INCLUDE">
  2935. <![%sbr.element;[
  2936. <!ELEMENT sbr EMPTY>
  2937. <!--end of sbr.element-->]]>
  2938. <!ENTITY % sbr.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2939. <![%sbr.attlist;[
  2940. <!ATTLIST sbr
  2941. %common.attrib;
  2942. %sbr.role.attrib;
  2943. %local.sbr.attrib;
  2944. >
  2945. <!--end of sbr.attlist-->]]>
  2946. <!--end of sbr.module-->]]>
  2947. <!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.module "INCLUDE">
  2948. <![%synopfragmentref.module;[
  2949. <!ENTITY % local.synopfragmentref.attrib "">
  2950. <!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2951. <!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.element "INCLUDE">
  2952. <![%synopfragmentref.element;[
  2953. <!ELEMENT synopfragmentref (#PCDATA)>
  2954. <!--end of synopfragmentref.element-->]]>
  2955. <!-- to SynopFragment of complex synopsis
  2956. material for separate referencing -->
  2957. <!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2958. <![%synopfragmentref.attlist;[
  2959. <!ATTLIST synopfragmentref
  2960. %linkendreq.attrib; %common.attrib;
  2961. %synopfragmentref.role.attrib;
  2962. %local.synopfragmentref.attrib;
  2963. >
  2964. <!--end of synopfragmentref.attlist-->]]>
  2965. <!--end of synopfragmentref.module-->]]>
  2966. <!ENTITY % synopfragment.module "INCLUDE">
  2967. <![%synopfragment.module;[
  2968. <!ENTITY % local.synopfragment.attrib "">
  2969. <!ENTITY % synopfragment.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2970. <!ENTITY % synopfragment.element "INCLUDE">
  2971. <![%synopfragment.element;[
  2972. <!ELEMENT synopfragment ((arg | group)+)>
  2973. <!--end of synopfragment.element-->]]>
  2974. <!ENTITY % synopfragment.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2975. <![%synopfragment.attlist;[
  2976. <!ATTLIST synopfragment
  2977. %idreq.common.attrib;
  2978. %synopfragment.role.attrib;
  2979. %local.synopfragment.attrib;
  2980. >
  2981. <!--end of synopfragment.attlist-->]]>
  2982. <!--end of synopfragment.module-->]]>
  2983. <!-- Command (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  2984. <!-- Option (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  2985. <!-- Replaceable (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  2986. <!--end of cmdsynopsis.content.module-->]]>
  2987. <!-- FuncSynopsis ..................... -->
  2988. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.content.module "INCLUDE">
  2989. <![%funcsynopsis.content.module;[
  2990. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  2991. <![%funcsynopsis.module;[
  2992. <!ENTITY % local.funcsynopsis.attrib "">
  2993. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  2994. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
  2995. <![%funcsynopsis.element;[
  2996. <!ELEMENT funcsynopsis ((funcsynopsisinfo | funcprototype)+)>
  2997. <!--end of funcsynopsis.element-->]]>
  2998. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  2999. <![%funcsynopsis.attlist;[
  3000. <!ATTLIST funcsynopsis
  3001. %label.attrib;
  3002. %common.attrib;
  3003. %funcsynopsis.role.attrib;
  3004. %local.funcsynopsis.attrib;
  3005. >
  3006. <!--end of funcsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  3007. <!--end of funcsynopsis.module-->]]>
  3008. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.module "INCLUDE">
  3009. <![%funcsynopsisinfo.module;[
  3010. <!ENTITY % local.funcsynopsisinfo.attrib "">
  3011. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3012. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.element "INCLUDE">
  3013. <![%funcsynopsisinfo.element;[
  3014. <!ELEMENT funcsynopsisinfo (%cptr.char.mix; | lineannotation)*>
  3015. <!--end of funcsynopsisinfo.element-->]]>
  3016. <!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3017. <![%funcsynopsisinfo.attlist;[
  3018. <!ATTLIST funcsynopsisinfo
  3019. %linespecific.attrib;
  3020. %common.attrib;
  3021. %funcsynopsisinfo.role.attrib;
  3022. %local.funcsynopsisinfo.attrib;
  3023. >
  3024. <!--end of funcsynopsisinfo.attlist-->]]>
  3025. <!--end of funcsynopsisinfo.module-->]]>
  3026. <!ENTITY % funcprototype.module "INCLUDE">
  3027. <![%funcprototype.module;[
  3028. <!ENTITY % local.funcprototype.attrib "">
  3029. <!ENTITY % funcprototype.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3030. <!ENTITY % funcprototype.element "INCLUDE">
  3031. <![%funcprototype.element;[
  3032. <!ELEMENT funcprototype (funcdef, (void | varargs | paramdef+))>
  3033. <!--end of funcprototype.element-->]]>
  3034. <!ENTITY % funcprototype.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3035. <![%funcprototype.attlist;[
  3036. <!ATTLIST funcprototype
  3037. %common.attrib;
  3038. %funcprototype.role.attrib;
  3039. %local.funcprototype.attrib;
  3040. >
  3041. <!--end of funcprototype.attlist-->]]>
  3042. <!--end of funcprototype.module-->]]>
  3043. <!ENTITY % funcdef.module "INCLUDE">
  3044. <![%funcdef.module;[
  3045. <!ENTITY % local.funcdef.attrib "">
  3046. <!ENTITY % funcdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3047. <!ENTITY % funcdef.element "INCLUDE">
  3048. <![%funcdef.element;[
  3049. <!ELEMENT funcdef (#PCDATA
  3050. | replaceable
  3051. | function)*>
  3052. <!--end of funcdef.element-->]]>
  3053. <!ENTITY % funcdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3054. <![%funcdef.attlist;[
  3055. <!ATTLIST funcdef
  3056. %common.attrib;
  3057. %funcdef.role.attrib;
  3058. %local.funcdef.attrib;
  3059. >
  3060. <!--end of funcdef.attlist-->]]>
  3061. <!--end of funcdef.module-->]]>
  3062. <!ENTITY % void.module "INCLUDE">
  3063. <![%void.module;[
  3064. <!ENTITY % local.void.attrib "">
  3065. <!ENTITY % void.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3066. <!ENTITY % void.element "INCLUDE">
  3067. <![%void.element;[
  3068. <!ELEMENT void EMPTY>
  3069. <!--end of void.element-->]]>
  3070. <!ENTITY % void.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3071. <![%void.attlist;[
  3072. <!ATTLIST void
  3073. %common.attrib;
  3074. %void.role.attrib;
  3075. %local.void.attrib;
  3076. >
  3077. <!--end of void.attlist-->]]>
  3078. <!--end of void.module-->]]>
  3079. <!ENTITY % varargs.module "INCLUDE">
  3080. <![%varargs.module;[
  3081. <!ENTITY % local.varargs.attrib "">
  3082. <!ENTITY % varargs.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3083. <!ENTITY % varargs.element "INCLUDE">
  3084. <![%varargs.element;[
  3085. <!ELEMENT varargs EMPTY>
  3086. <!--end of varargs.element-->]]>
  3087. <!ENTITY % varargs.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3088. <![%varargs.attlist;[
  3089. <!ATTLIST varargs
  3090. %common.attrib;
  3091. %varargs.role.attrib;
  3092. %local.varargs.attrib;
  3093. >
  3094. <!--end of varargs.attlist-->]]>
  3095. <!--end of varargs.module-->]]>
  3096. <!-- Processing assumes that only one Parameter will appear in a
  3097. ParamDef, and that FuncParams will be used at most once, for
  3098. providing information on the "inner parameters" for parameters that
  3099. are pointers to functions. -->
  3100. <!ENTITY % paramdef.module "INCLUDE">
  3101. <![%paramdef.module;[
  3102. <!ENTITY % local.paramdef.attrib "">
  3103. <!ENTITY % paramdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3104. <!ENTITY % paramdef.element "INCLUDE">
  3105. <![%paramdef.element;[
  3106. <!ELEMENT paramdef (#PCDATA
  3107. | replaceable
  3108. | parameter
  3109. | funcparams)*>
  3110. <!--end of paramdef.element-->]]>
  3111. <!ENTITY % paramdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3112. <![%paramdef.attlist;[
  3113. <!ATTLIST paramdef
  3114. %common.attrib;
  3115. %paramdef.role.attrib;
  3116. %local.paramdef.attrib;
  3117. >
  3118. <!--end of paramdef.attlist-->]]>
  3119. <!--end of paramdef.module-->]]>
  3120. <!ENTITY % funcparams.module "INCLUDE">
  3121. <![%funcparams.module;[
  3122. <!ENTITY % local.funcparams.attrib "">
  3123. <!ENTITY % funcparams.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3124. <!ENTITY % funcparams.element "INCLUDE">
  3125. <![%funcparams.element;[
  3126. <!ELEMENT funcparams (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  3127. <!--end of funcparams.element-->]]>
  3128. <!ENTITY % funcparams.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3129. <![%funcparams.attlist;[
  3130. <!ATTLIST funcparams
  3131. %common.attrib;
  3132. %funcparams.role.attrib;
  3133. %local.funcparams.attrib;
  3134. >
  3135. <!--end of funcparams.attlist-->]]>
  3136. <!--end of funcparams.module-->]]>
  3137. <!-- LineAnnotation (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  3138. <!-- Replaceable (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  3139. <!-- Function (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  3140. <!-- Parameter (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  3141. <!--end of funcsynopsis.content.module-->]]>
  3142. <!-- ClassSynopsis ..................... -->
  3143. <!ENTITY % classsynopsis.content.module "INCLUDE">
  3144. <![%classsynopsis.content.module;[
  3145. <!ENTITY % classsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  3146. <![%classsynopsis.module;[
  3147. <!ENTITY % local.classsynopsis.attrib "">
  3148. <!ENTITY % classsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
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  3150. <![%classsynopsis.element;[
  3151. <!ELEMENT classsynopsis ((ooclass|oointerface|ooexception)+,
  3152. (classsynopsisinfo
  3153. |fieldsynopsis|%method.synop.class;)*)>
  3154. <!--end of classsynopsis.element-->]]>
  3155. <!ENTITY % classsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3156. <![%classsynopsis.attlist;[
  3157. <!ATTLIST classsynopsis
  3158. %common.attrib;
  3159. %classsynopsis.role.attrib;
  3160. %local.classsynopsis.attrib;
  3161. language CDATA #IMPLIED
  3162. class (class|interface) "class"
  3163. >
  3164. <!--end of classsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  3165. <!--end of classsynopsis.module-->]]>
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  3167. <![ %classsynopsisinfo.module; [
  3168. <!ENTITY % local.classsynopsisinfo.attrib "">
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  3170. <!ENTITY % classsynopsisinfo.element "INCLUDE">
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  3172. <!ELEMENT classsynopsisinfo (%cptr.char.mix; | lineannotation)*>
  3173. <!--end of classsynopsisinfo.element-->]]>
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  3175. <![ %classsynopsisinfo.attlist; [
  3176. <!ATTLIST classsynopsisinfo
  3177. %linespecific.attrib;
  3178. %common.attrib;
  3179. %classsynopsisinfo.role.attrib;
  3180. %local.classsynopsisinfo.attrib;
  3181. >
  3182. <!--end of classsynopsisinfo.attlist-->]]>
  3183. <!--end of classsynopsisinfo.module-->]]>
  3184. <!ENTITY % ooclass.module "INCLUDE">
  3185. <![%ooclass.module;[
  3186. <!ENTITY % local.ooclass.attrib "">
  3187. <!ENTITY % ooclass.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3188. <!ENTITY % ooclass.element "INCLUDE">
  3189. <![%ooclass.element;[
  3190. <!ELEMENT ooclass (modifier*, classname)>
  3191. <!--end of ooclass.element-->]]>
  3192. <!ENTITY % ooclass.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3193. <![%ooclass.attlist;[
  3194. <!ATTLIST ooclass
  3195. %common.attrib;
  3196. %ooclass.role.attrib;
  3197. %local.ooclass.attrib;
  3198. >
  3199. <!--end of ooclass.attlist-->]]>
  3200. <!--end of ooclass.module-->]]>
  3201. <!ENTITY % oointerface.module "INCLUDE">
  3202. <![%oointerface.module;[
  3203. <!ENTITY % local.oointerface.attrib "">
  3204. <!ENTITY % oointerface.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3205. <!ENTITY % oointerface.element "INCLUDE">
  3206. <![%oointerface.element;[
  3207. <!ELEMENT oointerface (modifier*, interfacename)>
  3208. <!--end of oointerface.element-->]]>
  3209. <!ENTITY % oointerface.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3210. <![%oointerface.attlist;[
  3211. <!ATTLIST oointerface
  3212. %common.attrib;
  3213. %oointerface.role.attrib;
  3214. %local.oointerface.attrib;
  3215. >
  3216. <!--end of oointerface.attlist-->]]>
  3217. <!--end of oointerface.module-->]]>
  3218. <!ENTITY % ooexception.module "INCLUDE">
  3219. <![%ooexception.module;[
  3220. <!ENTITY % local.ooexception.attrib "">
  3221. <!ENTITY % ooexception.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3222. <!ENTITY % ooexception.element "INCLUDE">
  3223. <![%ooexception.element;[
  3224. <!ELEMENT ooexception (modifier*, exceptionname)>
  3225. <!--end of ooexception.element-->]]>
  3226. <!ENTITY % ooexception.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3227. <![%ooexception.attlist;[
  3228. <!ATTLIST ooexception
  3229. %common.attrib;
  3230. %ooexception.role.attrib;
  3231. %local.ooexception.attrib;
  3232. >
  3233. <!--end of ooexception.attlist-->]]>
  3234. <!--end of ooexception.module-->]]>
  3235. <!ENTITY % modifier.module "INCLUDE">
  3236. <![%modifier.module;[
  3237. <!ENTITY % local.modifier.attrib "">
  3238. <!ENTITY % modifier.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3239. <!ENTITY % modifier.element "INCLUDE">
  3240. <![%modifier.element;[
  3241. <!ELEMENT modifier (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  3242. <!--end of modifier.element-->]]>
  3243. <!ENTITY % modifier.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3244. <![%modifier.attlist;[
  3245. <!ATTLIST modifier
  3246. %common.attrib;
  3247. %modifier.role.attrib;
  3248. %local.modifier.attrib;
  3249. >
  3250. <!--end of modifier.attlist-->]]>
  3251. <!--end of modifier.module-->]]>
  3252. <!ENTITY % interfacename.module "INCLUDE">
  3253. <![%interfacename.module;[
  3254. <!ENTITY % local.interfacename.attrib "">
  3255. <!ENTITY % interfacename.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3256. <!ENTITY % interfacename.element "INCLUDE">
  3257. <![%interfacename.element;[
  3258. <!ELEMENT interfacename (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  3259. <!--end of interfacename.element-->]]>
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  3261. <![%interfacename.attlist;[
  3262. <!ATTLIST interfacename
  3263. %common.attrib;
  3264. %interfacename.role.attrib;
  3265. %local.interfacename.attrib;
  3266. >
  3267. <!--end of interfacename.attlist-->]]>
  3268. <!--end of interfacename.module-->]]>
  3269. <!ENTITY % exceptionname.module "INCLUDE">
  3270. <![%exceptionname.module;[
  3271. <!ENTITY % local.exceptionname.attrib "">
  3272. <!ENTITY % exceptionname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3273. <!ENTITY % exceptionname.element "INCLUDE">
  3274. <![%exceptionname.element;[
  3275. <!ELEMENT exceptionname (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  3276. <!--end of exceptionname.element-->]]>
  3277. <!ENTITY % exceptionname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3278. <![%exceptionname.attlist;[
  3279. <!ATTLIST exceptionname
  3280. %common.attrib;
  3281. %exceptionname.role.attrib;
  3282. %local.exceptionname.attrib;
  3283. >
  3284. <!--end of exceptionname.attlist-->]]>
  3285. <!--end of exceptionname.module-->]]>
  3286. <!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  3287. <![%fieldsynopsis.module;[
  3288. <!ENTITY % local.fieldsynopsis.attrib "">
  3289. <!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3290. <!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
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  3292. <!ELEMENT fieldsynopsis (modifier*, type?, varname, initializer?)>
  3293. <!--end of fieldsynopsis.element-->]]>
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  3297. %common.attrib;
  3298. %fieldsynopsis.role.attrib;
  3299. %local.fieldsynopsis.attrib;
  3300. >
  3301. <!--end of fieldsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  3302. <!--end of fieldsynopsis.module-->]]>
  3303. <!ENTITY % initializer.module "INCLUDE">
  3304. <![%initializer.module;[
  3305. <!ENTITY % local.initializer.attrib "">
  3306. <!ENTITY % initializer.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3307. <!ENTITY % initializer.element "INCLUDE">
  3308. <![%initializer.element;[
  3309. <!ELEMENT initializer (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  3310. <!--end of initializer.element-->]]>
  3311. <!ENTITY % initializer.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3312. <![%initializer.attlist;[
  3313. <!ATTLIST initializer
  3314. %common.attrib;
  3315. %initializer.role.attrib;
  3316. %local.initializer.attrib;
  3317. >
  3318. <!--end of initializer.attlist-->]]>
  3319. <!--end of initializer.module-->]]>
  3320. <!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  3321. <![%constructorsynopsis.module;[
  3322. <!ENTITY % local.constructorsynopsis.attrib "">
  3323. <!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3324. <!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
  3325. <![%constructorsynopsis.element;[
  3326. <!ELEMENT constructorsynopsis (modifier*,
  3327. methodname?,
  3328. (methodparam+|void),
  3329. exceptionname*)>
  3330. <!--end of constructorsynopsis.element-->]]>
  3331. <!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3332. <![%constructorsynopsis.attlist;[
  3333. <!ATTLIST constructorsynopsis
  3334. %common.attrib;
  3335. %constructorsynopsis.role.attrib;
  3336. %local.constructorsynopsis.attrib;
  3337. >
  3338. <!--end of constructorsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  3339. <!--end of constructorsynopsis.module-->]]>
  3340. <!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  3341. <![%destructorsynopsis.module;[
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  3344. <!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
  3345. <![%destructorsynopsis.element;[
  3346. <!ELEMENT destructorsynopsis (modifier*,
  3347. methodname?,
  3348. (methodparam+|void),
  3349. exceptionname*)>
  3350. <!--end of destructorsynopsis.element-->]]>
  3351. <!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3352. <![%destructorsynopsis.attlist;[
  3353. <!ATTLIST destructorsynopsis
  3354. %common.attrib;
  3355. %destructorsynopsis.role.attrib;
  3356. %local.destructorsynopsis.attrib;
  3357. >
  3358. <!--end of destructorsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  3359. <!--end of destructorsynopsis.module-->]]>
  3360. <!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
  3361. <![%methodsynopsis.module;[
  3362. <!ENTITY % local.methodsynopsis.attrib "">
  3363. <!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3364. <!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
  3365. <![%methodsynopsis.element;[
  3366. <!ELEMENT methodsynopsis (modifier*,
  3367. (type|void)?,
  3368. methodname,
  3369. (methodparam+|void),
  3370. exceptionname*,
  3371. modifier*)>
  3372. <!--end of methodsynopsis.element-->]]>
  3373. <!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3374. <![%methodsynopsis.attlist;[
  3375. <!ATTLIST methodsynopsis
  3376. %common.attrib;
  3377. %methodsynopsis.role.attrib;
  3378. %local.methodsynopsis.attrib;
  3379. >
  3380. <!--end of methodsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
  3381. <!--end of methodsynopsis.module-->]]>
  3382. <!ENTITY % methodname.module "INCLUDE">
  3383. <![%methodname.module;[
  3384. <!ENTITY % local.methodname.attrib "">
  3385. <!ENTITY % methodname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3386. <!ENTITY % methodname.element "INCLUDE">
  3387. <![%methodname.element;[
  3388. <!ELEMENT methodname (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  3389. <!--end of methodname.element-->]]>
  3390. <!ENTITY % methodname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3391. <![%methodname.attlist;[
  3392. <!ATTLIST methodname
  3393. %common.attrib;
  3394. %methodname.role.attrib;
  3395. %local.methodname.attrib;
  3396. >
  3397. <!--end of methodname.attlist-->]]>
  3398. <!--end of methodname.module-->]]>
  3399. <!ENTITY % methodparam.module "INCLUDE">
  3400. <![%methodparam.module;[
  3401. <!ENTITY % local.methodparam.attrib "">
  3402. <!ENTITY % methodparam.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3403. <!ENTITY % methodparam.element "INCLUDE">
  3404. <![%methodparam.element;[
  3405. <!ELEMENT methodparam (modifier*,
  3406. type?,
  3407. ((parameter,initializer?)|funcparams),
  3408. modifier*)>
  3409. <!--end of methodparam.element-->]]>
  3410. <!ENTITY % methodparam.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3411. <![%methodparam.attlist;[
  3412. <!ATTLIST methodparam
  3413. %common.attrib;
  3414. %methodparam.role.attrib;
  3415. %local.methodparam.attrib;
  3416. choice (opt
  3417. |req
  3418. |plain) "req"
  3419. rep (norepeat
  3420. |repeat) "norepeat"
  3421. >
  3422. <!--end of methodparam.attlist-->]]>
  3423. <!--end of methodparam.module-->]]>
  3424. <!--end of classsynopsis.content.module-->]]>
  3425. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  3426. <!-- Document information entities and elements ........................... -->
  3427. <!-- The document information elements include some elements that are
  3428. currently used only in the document hierarchy module. They are
  3429. defined here so that they will be available for use in customized
  3430. document hierarchies. -->
  3431. <!-- .................................. -->
  3432. <!ENTITY % docinfo.content.module "INCLUDE">
  3433. <![%docinfo.content.module;[
  3434. <!-- Ackno ............................ -->
  3435. <!ENTITY % ackno.module "INCLUDE">
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  3438. <!ENTITY % ackno.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
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  3442. <!--end of ackno.element-->]]>
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  3446. %common.attrib;
  3447. %ackno.role.attrib;
  3448. %local.ackno.attrib;
  3449. >
  3450. <!--end of ackno.attlist-->]]>
  3451. <!--end of ackno.module-->]]>
  3452. <!-- Address .......................... -->
  3453. <!ENTITY % address.content.module "INCLUDE">
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  3455. <!ENTITY % address.module "INCLUDE">
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  3461. <!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA|%person.ident.mix;
  3462. |street|pob|postcode|city|state|country|phone
  3463. |fax|email|otheraddr)*>
  3464. <!--end of address.element-->]]>
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  3467. <!ATTLIST address
  3468. %linespecific.attrib;
  3469. %common.attrib;
  3470. %address.role.attrib;
  3471. %local.address.attrib;
  3472. >
  3473. <!--end of address.attlist-->]]>
  3474. <!--end of address.module-->]]>
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  3482. <!--end of street.element-->]]>
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  3486. %common.attrib;
  3487. %street.role.attrib;
  3488. %local.street.attrib;
  3489. >
  3490. <!--end of street.attlist-->]]>
  3491. <!--end of street.module-->]]>
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  3503. %common.attrib;
  3504. %pob.role.attrib;
  3505. %local.pob.attrib;
  3506. >
  3507. <!--end of pob.attlist-->]]>
  3508. <!--end of pob.module-->]]>
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  3520. %common.attrib;
  3521. %postcode.role.attrib;
  3522. %local.postcode.attrib;
  3523. >
  3524. <!--end of postcode.attlist-->]]>
  3525. <!--end of postcode.module-->]]>
  3526. <!ENTITY % city.module "INCLUDE">
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  3528. <!ENTITY % "">
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  3533. <!--end of city.element-->]]>
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  3537. %common.attrib;
  3538. %city.role.attrib;
  3540. >
  3541. <!--end of city.attlist-->]]>
  3542. <!--end of city.module-->]]>
  3543. <!ENTITY % state.module "INCLUDE">
  3544. <![%state.module;[
  3545. <!ENTITY % local.state.attrib "">
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  3550. <!--end of state.element-->]]>
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  3553. <!ATTLIST state
  3554. %common.attrib;
  3555. %state.role.attrib;
  3556. %local.state.attrib;
  3557. >
  3558. <!--end of state.attlist-->]]>
  3559. <!--end of state.module-->]]>
  3560. <!ENTITY % country.module "INCLUDE">
  3561. <![%country.module;[
  3562. <!ENTITY % "">
  3563. <!ENTITY % country.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3564. <!ENTITY % country.element "INCLUDE">
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  3566. <!ELEMENT country (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  3567. <!--end of country.element-->]]>
  3568. <!ENTITY % country.attlist "INCLUDE">
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  3570. <!ATTLIST country
  3571. %common.attrib;
  3572. %country.role.attrib;
  3574. >
  3575. <!--end of country.attlist-->]]>
  3576. <!--end of country.module-->]]>
  3577. <!ENTITY % phone.module "INCLUDE">
  3578. <![%phone.module;[
  3579. <!ENTITY % "">
  3580. <!ENTITY % phone.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3581. <!ENTITY % phone.element "INCLUDE">
  3582. <![%phone.element;[
  3583. <!ELEMENT phone (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  3584. <!--end of phone.element-->]]>
  3585. <!ENTITY % phone.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3586. <![%phone.attlist;[
  3587. <!ATTLIST phone
  3588. %common.attrib;
  3589. %phone.role.attrib;
  3591. >
  3592. <!--end of phone.attlist-->]]>
  3593. <!--end of phone.module-->]]>
  3594. <!ENTITY % fax.module "INCLUDE">
  3595. <![%fax.module;[
  3596. <!ENTITY % local.fax.attrib "">
  3597. <!ENTITY % fax.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3598. <!ENTITY % fax.element "INCLUDE">
  3599. <![%fax.element;[
  3600. <!ELEMENT fax (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  3601. <!--end of fax.element-->]]>
  3602. <!ENTITY % fax.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3603. <![%fax.attlist;[
  3604. <!ATTLIST fax
  3605. %common.attrib;
  3606. %fax.role.attrib;
  3607. %local.fax.attrib;
  3608. >
  3609. <!--end of fax.attlist-->]]>
  3610. <!--end of fax.module-->]]>
  3611. <!-- Email (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
  3612. <!ENTITY % otheraddr.module "INCLUDE">
  3613. <![%otheraddr.module;[
  3614. <!ENTITY % local.otheraddr.attrib "">
  3615. <!ENTITY % otheraddr.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3616. <!ENTITY % otheraddr.element "INCLUDE">
  3617. <![%otheraddr.element;[
  3618. <!ELEMENT otheraddr (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  3619. <!--end of otheraddr.element-->]]>
  3620. <!ENTITY % otheraddr.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3621. <![%otheraddr.attlist;[
  3622. <!ATTLIST otheraddr
  3623. %common.attrib;
  3624. %otheraddr.role.attrib;
  3625. %local.otheraddr.attrib;
  3626. >
  3627. <!--end of otheraddr.attlist-->]]>
  3628. <!--end of otheraddr.module-->]]>
  3629. <!--end of address.content.module-->]]>
  3630. <!-- Affiliation ...................... -->
  3631. <!ENTITY % affiliation.content.module "INCLUDE">
  3632. <![%affiliation.content.module;[
  3633. <!ENTITY % affiliation.module "INCLUDE">
  3634. <![%affiliation.module;[
  3635. <!ENTITY % local.affiliation.attrib "">
  3636. <!ENTITY % affiliation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3637. <!ENTITY % affiliation.element "INCLUDE">
  3638. <![%affiliation.element;[
  3639. <!ELEMENT affiliation (shortaffil?, jobtitle*, orgname?, orgdiv*,
  3640. address*)>
  3641. <!--end of affiliation.element-->]]>
  3642. <!ENTITY % affiliation.attlist "INCLUDE">
  3643. <![%affiliation.attlist;[
  3644. <!ATTLIST affiliation
  3645. %common.attrib;
  3646. %affiliation.role.attrib;
  3647. %local.affiliation.attrib;
  3648. >
  3649. <!--end of affiliation.attlist-->]]>
  3650. <!--end of affiliation.module-->]]>
  3651. <!ENTITY % shortaffil.module "INCLUDE">
  3652. <![%shortaffil.module;[
  3653. <!ENTITY % local.shortaffil.attrib "">
  3654. <!ENTITY % shortaffil.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  3655. <!ENTITY % shortaffil.element "INCLUDE">
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  3658. <!--end of shortaffil.element-->]]>
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  3662. %common.attrib;
  3663. %shortaffil.role.attrib;
  3664. %local.shortaffil.attrib;
  3665. >
  3666. <!--end of shortaffil.attlist-->]]>
  3667. <!--end of shortaffil.module-->]]>
  3668. <!ENTITY % jobtitle.module "INCLUDE">
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  3680. %jobtitle.role.attrib;
  3681. %local.jobtitle.attrib;
  3682. >
  3683. <!--end of jobtitle.attlist-->]]>
  3684. <!--end of jobtitle.module-->]]>
  3685. <!-- OrgName (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
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  3699. %local.orgdiv.attrib;
  3700. >
  3701. <!--end of orgdiv.attlist-->]]>
  3702. <!--end of orgdiv.module-->]]>
  3703. <!-- Address (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
  3704. <!--end of affiliation.content.module-->]]>
  3705. <!-- ArtPageNums ...................... -->
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  3719. %local.artpagenums.attrib;
  3720. >
  3721. <!--end of artpagenums.attlist-->]]>
  3722. <!--end of artpagenums.module-->]]>
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  3736. %author.role.attrib;
  3738. >
  3739. <!--end of author.attlist-->]]>
  3740. <!--(see "Personal identity elements" for %person.ident.mix;)-->
  3741. <!--end of author.module-->]]>
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  3760. <!--end of authorgroup.attlist-->]]>
  3761. <!--end of authorgroup.module-->]]>
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  3763. <!-- Editor (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
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  3781. <!--end of collab.attlist-->]]>
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  3796. %local.collabname.attrib;
  3797. >
  3798. <!--end of collabname.attlist-->]]>
  3799. <!--end of collabname.module-->]]>
  3800. <!-- Affiliation (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
  3801. <!--end of collab.content.module-->]]>
  3802. <!-- CorpAuthor (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
  3803. <!-- OtherCredit (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
  3804. <!--end of authorgroup.content.module-->]]>
  3805. <!-- AuthorInitials ................... -->
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  3819. %local.authorinitials.attrib;
  3820. >
  3821. <!--end of authorinitials.attlist-->]]>
  3822. <!--end of authorinitials.module-->]]>
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  3839. %local.confgroup.attrib;
  3840. >
  3841. <!--end of confgroup.attlist-->]]>
  3842. <!--end of confgroup.module-->]]>
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  3857. >
  3858. <!--end of confdates.attlist-->]]>
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  3890. %local.confnum.attrib;
  3891. >
  3892. <!--end of confnum.attlist-->]]>
  3893. <!--end of confnum.module-->]]>
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  3909. >
  3910. <!--end of confsponsor.attlist-->]]>
  3911. <!--end of confsponsor.module-->]]>
  3912. <!--end of confgroup.content.module-->]]>
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  4000. >
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  4091. >
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  4093. <!--(see "Personal identity elements" for %person.ident.mix;)-->
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  4183. <!--end of legalnotice.attlist-->]]>
  4184. <!--end of legalnotice.module-->]]>
  4185. <!-- ModeSpec ......................... -->
  4186. <!ENTITY % modespec.module "INCLUDE">
  4187. <![%modespec.module;[
  4188. <!ENTITY % local.modespec.attrib "">
  4189. <!ENTITY % modespec.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4190. <!ENTITY % modespec.element "INCLUDE">
  4191. <![%modespec.element;[
  4192. <!ELEMENT modespec (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4193. <!--end of modespec.element-->]]>
  4194. <!-- Application: Type of action required for completion
  4195. of the links to which the ModeSpec is relevant (e.g.,
  4196. retrieval query) -->
  4197. <!ENTITY % modespec.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4198. <![%modespec.attlist;[
  4199. <!ATTLIST modespec
  4200. application NOTATION
  4201. (%notation.class;) #IMPLIED
  4202. %common.attrib;
  4203. %modespec.role.attrib;
  4204. %local.modespec.attrib;
  4205. >
  4206. <!--end of modespec.attlist-->]]>
  4207. <!--end of modespec.module-->]]>
  4208. <!-- OrgName .......................... -->
  4209. <!ENTITY % orgname.module "INCLUDE">
  4210. <![%orgname.module;[
  4211. <!ENTITY % local.orgname.attrib "">
  4212. <!ENTITY % orgname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4213. <!ENTITY % orgname.element "INCLUDE">
  4214. <![%orgname.element;[
  4215. <!ELEMENT orgname (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4216. <!--end of orgname.element-->]]>
  4217. <!ENTITY % orgname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4218. <![%orgname.attlist;[
  4219. <!ATTLIST orgname
  4220. %common.attrib;
  4221. %orgname.role.attrib;
  4222. %local.orgname.attrib;
  4223. >
  4224. <!--end of orgname.attlist-->]]>
  4225. <!--end of orgname.module-->]]>
  4226. <!-- OtherCredit ...................... -->
  4227. <!ENTITY % othercredit.module "INCLUDE">
  4228. <![%othercredit.module;[
  4229. <!ENTITY % local.othercredit.attrib "">
  4230. <!ENTITY % othercredit.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4231. <!ENTITY % othercredit.element "INCLUDE">
  4232. <![%othercredit.element;[
  4233. <!ELEMENT othercredit ((%person.ident.mix;)+)>
  4234. <!--end of othercredit.element-->]]>
  4235. <!ENTITY % othercredit.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4236. <![%othercredit.attlist;[
  4237. <!ATTLIST othercredit
  4238. %common.attrib;
  4239. %othercredit.role.attrib;
  4240. %local.othercredit.attrib;
  4241. >
  4242. <!--end of othercredit.attlist-->]]>
  4243. <!--(see "Personal identity elements" for %person.ident.mix;)-->
  4244. <!--end of othercredit.module-->]]>
  4245. <!-- PageNums ......................... -->
  4246. <!ENTITY % pagenums.module "INCLUDE">
  4247. <![%pagenums.module;[
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  4252. <!ELEMENT pagenums (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4253. <!--end of pagenums.element-->]]>
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  4256. <!ATTLIST pagenums
  4257. %common.attrib;
  4258. %pagenums.role.attrib;
  4259. %local.pagenums.attrib;
  4260. >
  4261. <!--end of pagenums.attlist-->]]>
  4262. <!--end of pagenums.module-->]]>
  4263. <!-- Personal identity elements ....... -->
  4264. <!-- These elements are used only within Author, Editor, and
  4265. OtherCredit. -->
  4266. <!ENTITY % person.ident.module "INCLUDE">
  4267. <![%person.ident.module;[
  4268. <!ENTITY % contrib.module "INCLUDE">
  4269. <![%contrib.module;[
  4270. <!ENTITY % local.contrib.attrib "">
  4271. <!ENTITY % contrib.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4272. <!ENTITY % contrib.element "INCLUDE">
  4273. <![%contrib.element;[
  4274. <!ELEMENT contrib (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4275. <!--end of contrib.element-->]]>
  4276. <!ENTITY % contrib.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4277. <![%contrib.attlist;[
  4278. <!ATTLIST contrib
  4279. %common.attrib;
  4280. %contrib.role.attrib;
  4281. %local.contrib.attrib;
  4282. >
  4283. <!--end of contrib.attlist-->]]>
  4284. <!--end of contrib.module-->]]>
  4285. <!ENTITY % firstname.module "INCLUDE">
  4286. <![%firstname.module;[
  4287. <!ENTITY % local.firstname.attrib "">
  4288. <!ENTITY % firstname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4289. <!ENTITY % firstname.element "INCLUDE">
  4290. <![%firstname.element;[
  4291. <!ELEMENT firstname (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4292. <!--end of firstname.element-->]]>
  4293. <!ENTITY % firstname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4294. <![%firstname.attlist;[
  4295. <!ATTLIST firstname
  4296. %common.attrib;
  4297. %firstname.role.attrib;
  4298. %local.firstname.attrib;
  4299. >
  4300. <!--end of firstname.attlist-->]]>
  4301. <!--end of firstname.module-->]]>
  4302. <!ENTITY % honorific.module "INCLUDE">
  4303. <![%honorific.module;[
  4304. <!ENTITY % local.honorific.attrib "">
  4305. <!ENTITY % honorific.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4306. <!ENTITY % honorific.element "INCLUDE">
  4307. <![%honorific.element;[
  4308. <!ELEMENT honorific (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4309. <!--end of honorific.element-->]]>
  4310. <!ENTITY % honorific.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4311. <![%honorific.attlist;[
  4312. <!ATTLIST honorific
  4313. %common.attrib;
  4314. %honorific.role.attrib;
  4315. %local.honorific.attrib;
  4316. >
  4317. <!--end of honorific.attlist-->]]>
  4318. <!--end of honorific.module-->]]>
  4319. <!ENTITY % lineage.module "INCLUDE">
  4320. <![%lineage.module;[
  4321. <!ENTITY % local.lineage.attrib "">
  4322. <!ENTITY % lineage.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4323. <!ENTITY % lineage.element "INCLUDE">
  4324. <![%lineage.element;[
  4325. <!ELEMENT lineage (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4326. <!--end of lineage.element-->]]>
  4327. <!ENTITY % lineage.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4328. <![%lineage.attlist;[
  4329. <!ATTLIST lineage
  4330. %common.attrib;
  4331. %lineage.role.attrib;
  4332. %local.lineage.attrib;
  4333. >
  4334. <!--end of lineage.attlist-->]]>
  4335. <!--end of lineage.module-->]]>
  4336. <!ENTITY % othername.module "INCLUDE">
  4337. <![%othername.module;[
  4338. <!ENTITY % local.othername.attrib "">
  4339. <!ENTITY % othername.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4340. <!ENTITY % othername.element "INCLUDE">
  4341. <![%othername.element;[
  4342. <!ELEMENT othername (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4343. <!--end of othername.element-->]]>
  4344. <!ENTITY % othername.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4345. <![%othername.attlist;[
  4346. <!ATTLIST othername
  4347. %common.attrib;
  4348. %othername.role.attrib;
  4349. %local.othername.attrib;
  4350. >
  4351. <!--end of othername.attlist-->]]>
  4352. <!--end of othername.module-->]]>
  4353. <!ENTITY % surname.module "INCLUDE">
  4354. <![%surname.module;[
  4355. <!ENTITY % local.surname.attrib "">
  4356. <!ENTITY % surname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4357. <!ENTITY % surname.element "INCLUDE">
  4358. <![%surname.element;[
  4359. <!ELEMENT surname (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4360. <!--end of surname.element-->]]>
  4361. <!ENTITY % surname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4362. <![%surname.attlist;[
  4363. <!ATTLIST surname
  4364. %common.attrib;
  4365. %surname.role.attrib;
  4366. %local.surname.attrib;
  4367. >
  4368. <!--end of surname.attlist-->]]>
  4369. <!--end of surname.module-->]]>
  4370. <!--end of person.ident.module-->]]>
  4371. <!-- PrintHistory ..................... -->
  4372. <!ENTITY % printhistory.module "INCLUDE">
  4373. <![%printhistory.module;[
  4374. <!ENTITY % local.printhistory.attrib "">
  4375. <!ENTITY % printhistory.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4376. <!ENTITY % printhistory.element "INCLUDE">
  4377. <![%printhistory.element;[
  4378. <!ELEMENT printhistory ((%para.class;)+)>
  4379. <!--end of printhistory.element-->]]>
  4380. <!ENTITY % printhistory.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4381. <![%printhistory.attlist;[
  4382. <!ATTLIST printhistory
  4383. %common.attrib;
  4384. %printhistory.role.attrib;
  4385. %local.printhistory.attrib;
  4386. >
  4387. <!--end of printhistory.attlist-->]]>
  4388. <!--end of printhistory.module-->]]>
  4389. <!-- ProductName ...................... -->
  4390. <!ENTITY % productname.module "INCLUDE">
  4391. <![%productname.module;[
  4392. <!ENTITY % local.productname.attrib "">
  4393. <!ENTITY % productname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4394. <!ENTITY % productname.element "INCLUDE">
  4395. <![%productname.element;[
  4396. <!ELEMENT productname (%para.char.mix;)*>
  4397. <!--end of productname.element-->]]>
  4398. <!-- Class: More precisely identifies the item the element names -->
  4399. <!ENTITY % productname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4400. <![%productname.attlist;[
  4401. <!ATTLIST productname
  4402. class (service
  4403. |trade
  4404. |registered
  4405. |copyright) 'trade'
  4406. %common.attrib;
  4407. %productname.role.attrib;
  4408. %local.productname.attrib;
  4409. >
  4410. <!--end of productname.attlist-->]]>
  4411. <!--end of productname.module-->]]>
  4412. <!-- ProductNumber .................... -->
  4413. <!ENTITY % productnumber.module "INCLUDE">
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  4415. <!ENTITY % local.productnumber.attrib "">
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  4419. <!ELEMENT productnumber (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4420. <!--end of productnumber.element-->]]>
  4421. <!ENTITY % productnumber.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4422. <![%productnumber.attlist;[
  4423. <!ATTLIST productnumber
  4424. %common.attrib;
  4425. %productnumber.role.attrib;
  4426. %local.productnumber.attrib;
  4427. >
  4428. <!--end of productnumber.attlist-->]]>
  4429. <!--end of productnumber.module-->]]>
  4430. <!-- PubDate .......................... -->
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  4442. %common.attrib;
  4443. %pubdate.role.attrib;
  4444. %local.pubdate.attrib;
  4445. >
  4446. <!--end of pubdate.attlist-->]]>
  4447. <!--end of pubdate.module-->]]>
  4448. <!-- Publisher ........................ -->
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  4455. <!ENTITY % publisher.element "INCLUDE">
  4456. <![%publisher.element;[
  4457. <!ELEMENT publisher (publishername, address*)>
  4458. <!--end of publisher.element-->]]>
  4459. <!ENTITY % publisher.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4460. <![%publisher.attlist;[
  4461. <!ATTLIST publisher
  4462. %common.attrib;
  4463. %publisher.role.attrib;
  4464. %local.publisher.attrib;
  4465. >
  4466. <!--end of publisher.attlist-->]]>
  4467. <!--end of publisher.module-->]]>
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  4474. <!ELEMENT publishername (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
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  4476. <!ENTITY % publishername.attlist "INCLUDE">
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  4479. %common.attrib;
  4480. %publishername.role.attrib;
  4481. %local.publishername.attrib;
  4482. >
  4483. <!--end of publishername.attlist-->]]>
  4484. <!--end of publishername.module-->]]>
  4485. <!-- Address (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
  4486. <!--end of publisher.content.module-->]]>
  4487. <!-- PubsNumber ....................... -->
  4488. <!ENTITY % pubsnumber.module "INCLUDE">
  4489. <![%pubsnumber.module;[
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  4495. <!--end of pubsnumber.element-->]]>
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  4499. %common.attrib;
  4500. %pubsnumber.role.attrib;
  4501. %local.pubsnumber.attrib;
  4502. >
  4503. <!--end of pubsnumber.attlist-->]]>
  4504. <!--end of pubsnumber.module-->]]>
  4505. <!-- ReleaseInfo ...................... -->
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  4518. %releaseinfo.role.attrib;
  4519. %local.releaseinfo.attrib;
  4520. >
  4521. <!--end of releaseinfo.attlist-->]]>
  4522. <!--end of releaseinfo.module-->]]>
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  4538. %revhistory.role.attrib;
  4539. %local.revhistory.attrib;
  4540. >
  4541. <!--end of revhistory.attlist-->]]>
  4542. <!--end of revhistory.module-->]]>
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  4549. <!ELEMENT revision (revnumber, date, authorinitials*,
  4550. (revremark|revdescription)?)>
  4551. <!--end of revision.element-->]]>
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  4557. %local.revision.attrib;
  4558. >
  4559. <!--end of revision.attlist-->]]>
  4560. <!--end of revision.module-->]]>
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  4574. %local.revnumber.attrib;
  4575. >
  4576. <!--end of revnumber.attlist-->]]>
  4577. <!--end of revnumber.module-->]]>
  4578. <!-- Date (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
  4579. <!-- AuthorInitials (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
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  4593. %local.revremark.attrib;
  4594. >
  4595. <!--end of revremark.attlist-->]]>
  4596. <!--end of revremark.module-->]]>
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  4608. %common.attrib;
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  4610. %local.revdescription.attrib;
  4611. >
  4612. <!--end of revdescription.attlist-->]]>
  4613. <!--end of revdescription.module-->]]>
  4614. <!--end of revhistory.content.module-->]]>
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  4629. %local.seriesvolnums.attrib;
  4630. >
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  4632. <!--end of seriesvolnums.module-->]]>
  4633. <!-- VolumeNum ........................ -->
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  4645. %common.attrib;
  4646. %volumenum.role.attrib;
  4647. %local.volumenum.attrib;
  4648. >
  4649. <!--end of volumenum.attlist-->]]>
  4650. <!--end of volumenum.module-->]]>
  4651. <!-- .................................. -->
  4652. <!--end of docinfo.content.module-->]]>
  4653. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  4654. <!-- Inline, link, and ubiquitous elements ................................ -->
  4655. <!-- Technical and computer terms ......................................... -->
  4656. <!ENTITY % accel.module "INCLUDE">
  4657. <![%accel.module;[
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  4661. <![%accel.element;[
  4662. <!ELEMENT accel (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4663. <!--end of accel.element-->]]>
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  4667. %common.attrib;
  4668. %accel.role.attrib;
  4669. %local.accel.attrib;
  4670. >
  4671. <!--end of accel.attlist-->]]>
  4672. <!--end of accel.module-->]]>
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  4677. <!ENTITY % action.element "INCLUDE">
  4678. <![%action.element;[
  4679. <!ELEMENT action (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4680. <!--end of action.element-->]]>
  4681. <!ENTITY % action.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4682. <![%action.attlist;[
  4683. <!ATTLIST action
  4684. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4685. %common.attrib;
  4686. %action.role.attrib;
  4687. %local.action.attrib;
  4688. >
  4689. <!--end of action.attlist-->]]>
  4690. <!--end of action.module-->]]>
  4691. <!ENTITY % application.module "INCLUDE">
  4692. <![%application.module;[
  4693. <!ENTITY % local.application.attrib "">
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  4695. <!ENTITY % application.element "INCLUDE">
  4696. <![%application.element;[
  4697. <!ELEMENT application (%para.char.mix;)*>
  4698. <!--end of application.element-->]]>
  4699. <!ENTITY % application.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4700. <![%application.attlist;[
  4701. <!ATTLIST application
  4702. class (hardware
  4703. |software) #IMPLIED
  4704. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4705. %common.attrib;
  4706. %application.role.attrib;
  4707. %local.application.attrib;
  4708. >
  4709. <!--end of application.attlist-->]]>
  4710. <!--end of application.module-->]]>
  4711. <!ENTITY % classname.module "INCLUDE">
  4712. <![%classname.module;[
  4713. <!ENTITY % local.classname.attrib "">
  4714. <!ENTITY % classname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4715. <!ENTITY % classname.element "INCLUDE">
  4716. <![%classname.element;[
  4717. <!ELEMENT classname (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4718. <!--end of classname.element-->]]>
  4719. <!ENTITY % classname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4720. <![%classname.attlist;[
  4721. <!ATTLIST classname
  4722. %common.attrib;
  4723. %classname.role.attrib;
  4724. %local.classname.attrib;
  4725. >
  4726. <!--end of classname.attlist-->]]>
  4727. <!--end of classname.module-->]]>
  4728. <!ENTITY % co.module "INCLUDE">
  4729. <![%co.module;[
  4730. <!ENTITY % "">
  4731. <!-- CO is a callout area of the LineColumn unit type (a single character
  4732. position); the position is directly indicated by the location of CO. -->
  4733. <!ENTITY % co.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4734. <!ENTITY % co.element "INCLUDE">
  4735. <![%co.element;[
  4736. <!ELEMENT co EMPTY>
  4737. <!--end of co.element-->]]>
  4738. <!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
  4739. <!-- to any related information -->
  4740. <!ENTITY % co.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4741. <![%co.attlist;[
  4742. <!ATTLIST co
  4743. %label.attrib;
  4744. %linkends.attrib;
  4745. %idreq.common.attrib;
  4746. %co.role.attrib;
  4748. >
  4749. <!--end of co.attlist-->]]>
  4750. <!--end of co.module-->]]>
  4751. <!ENTITY % command.module "INCLUDE">
  4752. <![%command.module;[
  4753. <!ENTITY % local.command.attrib "">
  4754. <!ENTITY % command.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4755. <!ENTITY % command.element "INCLUDE">
  4756. <![%command.element;[
  4757. <!ELEMENT command (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  4758. <!--end of command.element-->]]>
  4759. <!ENTITY % command.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4760. <![%command.attlist;[
  4761. <!ATTLIST command
  4762. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4763. %common.attrib;
  4764. %command.role.attrib;
  4765. %local.command.attrib;
  4766. >
  4767. <!--end of command.attlist-->]]>
  4768. <!--end of command.module-->]]>
  4769. <!ENTITY % computeroutput.module "INCLUDE">
  4770. <![%computeroutput.module;[
  4771. <!ENTITY % local.computeroutput.attrib "">
  4772. <!ENTITY % computeroutput.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4773. <!ENTITY % computeroutput.element "INCLUDE">
  4774. <![%computeroutput.element;[
  4775. <!ELEMENT computeroutput (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  4776. <!--end of computeroutput.element-->]]>
  4777. <!ENTITY % computeroutput.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4778. <![%computeroutput.attlist;[
  4779. <!ATTLIST computeroutput
  4780. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4781. %common.attrib;
  4782. %computeroutput.role.attrib;
  4783. %local.computeroutput.attrib;
  4784. >
  4785. <!--end of computeroutput.attlist-->]]>
  4786. <!--end of computeroutput.module-->]]>
  4787. <!ENTITY % database.module "INCLUDE">
  4788. <![%database.module;[
  4789. <!ENTITY % local.database.attrib "">
  4790. <!ENTITY % database.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4791. <!ENTITY % database.element "INCLUDE">
  4792. <![%database.element;[
  4793. <!ELEMENT database (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4794. <!--end of database.element-->]]>
  4795. <!-- Class: Type of database the element names; no default -->
  4796. <!ENTITY % database.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4797. <![%database.attlist;[
  4798. <!ATTLIST database
  4799. class (name
  4800. |table
  4801. |field
  4802. |key1
  4803. |key2
  4804. |record) #IMPLIED
  4805. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4806. %common.attrib;
  4807. %database.role.attrib;
  4808. %local.database.attrib;
  4809. >
  4810. <!--end of database.attlist-->]]>
  4811. <!--end of database.module-->]]>
  4812. <!ENTITY % email.module "INCLUDE">
  4813. <![%email.module;[
  4814. <!ENTITY % "">
  4815. <!ENTITY % email.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4816. <!ENTITY % email.element "INCLUDE">
  4817. <![%email.element;[
  4818. <!ELEMENT email (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
  4819. <!--end of email.element-->]]>
  4820. <!ENTITY % email.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4821. <![%email.attlist;[
  4822. <!ATTLIST email
  4823. %common.attrib;
  4824. %email.role.attrib;
  4826. >
  4827. <!--end of email.attlist-->]]>
  4828. <!--end of email.module-->]]>
  4829. <!ENTITY % envar.module "INCLUDE">
  4830. <![%envar.module;[
  4831. <!ENTITY % local.envar.attrib "">
  4832. <!ENTITY % envar.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4833. <!ENTITY % envar.element "INCLUDE">
  4834. <![%envar.element;[
  4835. <!ELEMENT envar (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4836. <!--end of envar.element-->]]>
  4837. <!ENTITY % envar.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4838. <![%envar.attlist;[
  4839. <!ATTLIST envar
  4840. %common.attrib;
  4841. %envar.role.attrib;
  4842. %local.envar.attrib;
  4843. >
  4844. <!--end of envar.attlist-->]]>
  4845. <!--end of envar.module-->]]>
  4846. <!ENTITY % errorcode.module "INCLUDE">
  4847. <![%errorcode.module;[
  4848. <!ENTITY % local.errorcode.attrib "">
  4849. <!ENTITY % errorcode.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4850. <!ENTITY % errorcode.element "INCLUDE">
  4851. <![%errorcode.element;[
  4852. <!ELEMENT errorcode (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4853. <!--end of errorcode.element-->]]>
  4854. <!ENTITY % errorcode.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4855. <![%errorcode.attlist;[
  4856. <!ATTLIST errorcode
  4857. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4858. %common.attrib;
  4859. %errorcode.role.attrib;
  4860. %local.errorcode.attrib;
  4861. >
  4862. <!--end of errorcode.attlist-->]]>
  4863. <!--end of errorcode.module-->]]>
  4864. <!ENTITY % errorname.module "INCLUDE">
  4865. <![%errorname.module;[
  4866. <!ENTITY % local.errorname.attrib "">
  4867. <!ENTITY % errorname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4868. <!ENTITY % errorname.element "INCLUDE">
  4869. <![%errorname.element;[
  4870. <!ELEMENT errorname (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4871. <!--end of errorname.element-->]]>
  4872. <!ENTITY % errorname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4873. <![%errorname.attlist;[
  4874. <!ATTLIST errorname
  4875. %common.attrib;
  4876. %errorname.role.attrib;
  4877. %local.errorname.attrib;
  4878. >
  4879. <!--end of errorname.attlist-->]]>
  4880. <!--end of errorname.module-->]]>
  4881. <!ENTITY % errortype.module "INCLUDE">
  4882. <![%errortype.module;[
  4883. <!ENTITY % local.errortype.attrib "">
  4884. <!ENTITY % errortype.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4885. <!ENTITY % errortype.element "INCLUDE">
  4886. <![%errortype.element;[
  4887. <!ELEMENT errortype (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4888. <!--end of errortype.element-->]]>
  4889. <!ENTITY % errortype.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4890. <![%errortype.attlist;[
  4891. <!ATTLIST errortype
  4892. %common.attrib;
  4893. %errortype.role.attrib;
  4894. %local.errortype.attrib;
  4895. >
  4896. <!--end of errortype.attlist-->]]>
  4897. <!--end of errortype.module-->]]>
  4898. <!ENTITY % filename.module "INCLUDE">
  4899. <![%filename.module;[
  4900. <!ENTITY % local.filename.attrib "">
  4901. <!ENTITY % filename.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4902. <!ENTITY % filename.element "INCLUDE">
  4903. <![%filename.element;[
  4904. <!ELEMENT filename (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  4905. <!--end of filename.element-->]]>
  4906. <!-- Class: Type of filename the element names; no default -->
  4907. <!-- Path: Search path (possibly system-specific) in which
  4908. file can be found -->
  4909. <!ENTITY % filename.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4910. <![%filename.attlist;[
  4911. <!ATTLIST filename
  4912. class (headerfile
  4913. |devicefile
  4914. |libraryfile
  4915. |directory
  4916. |symlink) #IMPLIED
  4917. path CDATA #IMPLIED
  4918. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4919. %common.attrib;
  4920. %filename.role.attrib;
  4921. %local.filename.attrib;
  4922. >
  4923. <!--end of filename.attlist-->]]>
  4924. <!--end of filename.module-->]]>
  4925. <!ENTITY % function.module "INCLUDE">
  4926. <![%function.module;[
  4927. <!ENTITY % local.function.attrib "">
  4928. <!ENTITY % function.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4929. <!ENTITY % function.element "INCLUDE">
  4930. <![%function.element;[
  4931. <!ELEMENT function (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  4932. <!--end of function.element-->]]>
  4933. <!ENTITY % function.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4934. <![%function.attlist;[
  4935. <!ATTLIST function
  4936. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4937. %common.attrib;
  4938. %function.role.attrib;
  4939. %local.function.attrib;
  4940. >
  4941. <!--end of function.attlist-->]]>
  4942. <!--end of function.module-->]]>
  4943. <!ENTITY % guibutton.module "INCLUDE">
  4944. <![%guibutton.module;[
  4945. <!ENTITY % local.guibutton.attrib "">
  4946. <!ENTITY % guibutton.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4947. <!ENTITY % guibutton.element "INCLUDE">
  4948. <![%guibutton.element;[
  4949. <!ELEMENT guibutton (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  4950. <!--end of guibutton.element-->]]>
  4951. <!ENTITY % guibutton.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4952. <![%guibutton.attlist;[
  4953. <!ATTLIST guibutton
  4954. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4955. %common.attrib;
  4956. %guibutton.role.attrib;
  4957. %local.guibutton.attrib;
  4958. >
  4959. <!--end of guibutton.attlist-->]]>
  4960. <!--end of guibutton.module-->]]>
  4961. <!ENTITY % guiicon.module "INCLUDE">
  4962. <![%guiicon.module;[
  4963. <!ENTITY % local.guiicon.attrib "">
  4964. <!ENTITY % guiicon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4965. <!ENTITY % guiicon.element "INCLUDE">
  4966. <![%guiicon.element;[
  4967. <!ELEMENT guiicon (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  4968. <!--end of guiicon.element-->]]>
  4969. <!ENTITY % guiicon.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4970. <![%guiicon.attlist;[
  4971. <!ATTLIST guiicon
  4972. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4973. %common.attrib;
  4974. %guiicon.role.attrib;
  4975. %local.guiicon.attrib;
  4976. >
  4977. <!--end of guiicon.attlist-->]]>
  4978. <!--end of guiicon.module-->]]>
  4979. <!ENTITY % guilabel.module "INCLUDE">
  4980. <![%guilabel.module;[
  4981. <!ENTITY % local.guilabel.attrib "">
  4982. <!ENTITY % guilabel.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  4983. <!ENTITY % guilabel.element "INCLUDE">
  4984. <![%guilabel.element;[
  4985. <!ELEMENT guilabel (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  4986. <!--end of guilabel.element-->]]>
  4987. <!ENTITY % guilabel.attlist "INCLUDE">
  4988. <![%guilabel.attlist;[
  4989. <!ATTLIST guilabel
  4990. %moreinfo.attrib;
  4991. %common.attrib;
  4992. %guilabel.role.attrib;
  4993. %local.guilabel.attrib;
  4994. >
  4995. <!--end of guilabel.attlist-->]]>
  4996. <!--end of guilabel.module-->]]>
  4997. <!ENTITY % guimenu.module "INCLUDE">
  4998. <![%guimenu.module;[
  4999. <!ENTITY % local.guimenu.attrib "">
  5000. <!ENTITY % guimenu.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5001. <!ENTITY % guimenu.element "INCLUDE">
  5002. <![%guimenu.element;[
  5003. <!ELEMENT guimenu (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  5004. <!--end of guimenu.element-->]]>
  5005. <!ENTITY % guimenu.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5006. <![%guimenu.attlist;[
  5007. <!ATTLIST guimenu
  5008. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5009. %common.attrib;
  5010. %guimenu.role.attrib;
  5011. %local.guimenu.attrib;
  5012. >
  5013. <!--end of guimenu.attlist-->]]>
  5014. <!--end of guimenu.module-->]]>
  5015. <!ENTITY % guimenuitem.module "INCLUDE">
  5016. <![%guimenuitem.module;[
  5017. <!ENTITY % local.guimenuitem.attrib "">
  5018. <!ENTITY % guimenuitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5019. <!ENTITY % guimenuitem.element "INCLUDE">
  5020. <![%guimenuitem.element;[
  5021. <!ELEMENT guimenuitem (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  5022. <!--end of guimenuitem.element-->]]>
  5023. <!ENTITY % guimenuitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5024. <![%guimenuitem.attlist;[
  5025. <!ATTLIST guimenuitem
  5026. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5027. %common.attrib;
  5028. %guimenuitem.role.attrib;
  5029. %local.guimenuitem.attrib;
  5030. >
  5031. <!--end of guimenuitem.attlist-->]]>
  5032. <!--end of guimenuitem.module-->]]>
  5033. <!ENTITY % guisubmenu.module "INCLUDE">
  5034. <![%guisubmenu.module;[
  5035. <!ENTITY % local.guisubmenu.attrib "">
  5036. <!ENTITY % guisubmenu.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5037. <!ENTITY % guisubmenu.element "INCLUDE">
  5038. <![%guisubmenu.element;[
  5039. <!ELEMENT guisubmenu (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  5040. <!--end of guisubmenu.element-->]]>
  5041. <!ENTITY % guisubmenu.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5042. <![%guisubmenu.attlist;[
  5043. <!ATTLIST guisubmenu
  5044. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5045. %common.attrib;
  5046. %guisubmenu.role.attrib;
  5047. %local.guisubmenu.attrib;
  5048. >
  5049. <!--end of guisubmenu.attlist-->]]>
  5050. <!--end of guisubmenu.module-->]]>
  5051. <!ENTITY % hardware.module "INCLUDE">
  5052. <![%hardware.module;[
  5053. <!ENTITY % local.hardware.attrib "">
  5054. <!ENTITY % hardware.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5055. <!ENTITY % hardware.element "INCLUDE">
  5056. <![%hardware.element;[
  5057. <!ELEMENT hardware (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5058. <!--end of hardware.element-->]]>
  5059. <!ENTITY % hardware.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5060. <![%hardware.attlist;[
  5061. <!ATTLIST hardware
  5062. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5063. %common.attrib;
  5064. %hardware.role.attrib;
  5065. %local.hardware.attrib;
  5066. >
  5067. <!--end of hardware.attlist-->]]>
  5068. <!--end of hardware.module-->]]>
  5069. <!ENTITY % interface.module "INCLUDE">
  5070. <![%interface.module;[
  5071. <!ENTITY % local.interface.attrib "">
  5072. <!ENTITY % interface.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5073. <!ENTITY % interface.element "INCLUDE">
  5074. <![%interface.element;[
  5075. <!ELEMENT interface (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
  5076. <!--end of interface.element-->]]>
  5077. <!-- Class: Type of the Interface item; no default -->
  5078. <!ENTITY % interface.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5079. <![%interface.attlist;[
  5080. <!ATTLIST interface
  5081. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5082. %common.attrib;
  5083. %interface.role.attrib;
  5084. %local.interface.attrib;
  5085. >
  5086. <!--end of interface.attlist-->]]>
  5087. <!--end of interface.module-->]]>
  5088. <!ENTITY % keycap.module "INCLUDE">
  5089. <![%keycap.module;[
  5090. <!ENTITY % local.keycap.attrib "">
  5091. <!ENTITY % keycap.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5092. <!ENTITY % keycap.element "INCLUDE">
  5093. <![%keycap.element;[
  5094. <!ELEMENT keycap (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5095. <!--end of keycap.element-->]]>
  5096. <!ENTITY % keycap.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5097. <![%keycap.attlist;[
  5098. <!ATTLIST keycap
  5099. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5100. %common.attrib;
  5101. %keycap.role.attrib;
  5102. %local.keycap.attrib;
  5103. >
  5104. <!--end of keycap.attlist-->]]>
  5105. <!--end of keycap.module-->]]>
  5106. <!ENTITY % keycode.module "INCLUDE">
  5107. <![%keycode.module;[
  5108. <!ENTITY % local.keycode.attrib "">
  5109. <!ENTITY % keycode.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5110. <!ENTITY % keycode.element "INCLUDE">
  5111. <![%keycode.element;[
  5112. <!ELEMENT keycode (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5113. <!--end of keycode.element-->]]>
  5114. <!ENTITY % keycode.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5115. <![%keycode.attlist;[
  5116. <!ATTLIST keycode
  5117. %common.attrib;
  5118. %keycode.role.attrib;
  5119. %local.keycode.attrib;
  5120. >
  5121. <!--end of keycode.attlist-->]]>
  5122. <!--end of keycode.module-->]]>
  5123. <!ENTITY % keycombo.module "INCLUDE">
  5124. <![%keycombo.module;[
  5125. <!ENTITY % local.keycombo.attrib "">
  5126. <!ENTITY % keycombo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5127. <!ENTITY % keycombo.element "INCLUDE">
  5128. <![%keycombo.element;[
  5129. <!ELEMENT keycombo ((keycap|keycombo|keysym|mousebutton)+)>
  5130. <!--end of keycombo.element-->]]>
  5131. <!ENTITY % keycombo.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5132. <![%keycombo.attlist;[
  5133. <!ATTLIST keycombo
  5134. %keyaction.attrib;
  5135. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5136. %common.attrib;
  5137. %keycombo.role.attrib;
  5138. %local.keycombo.attrib;
  5139. >
  5140. <!--end of keycombo.attlist-->]]>
  5141. <!--end of keycombo.module-->]]>
  5142. <!ENTITY % keysym.module "INCLUDE">
  5143. <![%keysym.module;[
  5144. <!ENTITY % local.keysym.attrib "">
  5145. <!ENTITY % keysysm.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5146. <!ENTITY % keysym.element "INCLUDE">
  5147. <![%keysym.element;[
  5148. <!ELEMENT keysym (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5149. <!--end of keysym.element-->]]>
  5150. <!ENTITY % keysym.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5151. <![%keysym.attlist;[
  5152. <!ATTLIST keysym
  5153. %common.attrib;
  5154. %keysysm.role.attrib;
  5155. %local.keysym.attrib;
  5156. >
  5157. <!--end of keysym.attlist-->]]>
  5158. <!--end of keysym.module-->]]>
  5159. <!ENTITY % lineannotation.module "INCLUDE">
  5160. <![%lineannotation.module;[
  5161. <!ENTITY % local.lineannotation.attrib "">
  5162. <!ENTITY % lineannotation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5163. <!ENTITY % lineannotation.element "INCLUDE">
  5164. <![%lineannotation.element;[
  5165. <!ELEMENT lineannotation (%para.char.mix;)*>
  5166. <!--end of lineannotation.element-->]]>
  5167. <!ENTITY % lineannotation.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5168. <![%lineannotation.attlist;[
  5169. <!ATTLIST lineannotation
  5170. %common.attrib;
  5171. %lineannotation.role.attrib;
  5172. %local.lineannotation.attrib;
  5173. >
  5174. <!--end of lineannotation.attlist-->]]>
  5175. <!--end of lineannotation.module-->]]>
  5176. <!ENTITY % literal.module "INCLUDE">
  5177. <![%literal.module;[
  5178. <!ENTITY % local.literal.attrib "">
  5179. <!ENTITY % literal.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5180. <!ENTITY % literal.element "INCLUDE">
  5181. <![%literal.element;[
  5182. <!ELEMENT literal (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  5183. <!--end of literal.element-->]]>
  5184. <!ENTITY % literal.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5185. <![%literal.attlist;[
  5186. <!ATTLIST literal
  5187. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5188. %common.attrib;
  5189. %literal.role.attrib;
  5190. %local.literal.attrib;
  5191. >
  5192. <!--end of literal.attlist-->]]>
  5193. <!--end of literal.module-->]]>
  5194. <!ENTITY % constant.module "INCLUDE">
  5195. <![ %constant.module; [
  5196. <!ENTITY % local.constant.attrib "">
  5197. <!ENTITY % constant.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5198. <!ENTITY % constant.element "INCLUDE">
  5199. <![ %constant.element; [
  5200. <!ELEMENT constant (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5201. <!--end of constant.element-->]]>
  5202. <!ENTITY % constant.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5203. <![ %constant.attlist; [
  5204. <!ATTLIST constant
  5205. %common.attrib;
  5206. %constant.role.attrib;
  5207. %local.constant.attrib;
  5208. class (limit) #IMPLIED
  5209. >
  5210. <!--end of constant.attlist-->]]>
  5211. <!--end of constant.module-->]]>
  5212. <!ENTITY % varname.module "INCLUDE">
  5213. <![ %varname.module; [
  5214. <!ENTITY % local.varname.attrib "">
  5215. <!ENTITY % varname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5216. <!ENTITY % varname.element "INCLUDE">
  5217. <![ %varname.element; [
  5218. <!ELEMENT varname (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5219. <!--end of varname.element-->]]>
  5220. <!ENTITY % varname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5221. <![ %varname.attlist; [
  5222. <!ATTLIST varname
  5223. %common.attrib;
  5224. %varname.role.attrib;
  5225. %local.varname.attrib;
  5226. >
  5227. <!--end of varname.attlist-->]]>
  5228. <!--end of varname.module-->]]>
  5229. <!ENTITY % markup.module "INCLUDE">
  5230. <![%markup.module;[
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  5233. <!ENTITY % markup.element "INCLUDE">
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  5235. <!ELEMENT markup (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5236. <!--end of markup.element-->]]>
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  5240. %common.attrib;
  5241. %markup.role.attrib;
  5242. %local.markup.attrib;
  5243. >
  5244. <!--end of markup.attlist-->]]>
  5245. <!--end of markup.module-->]]>
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  5252. <!ELEMENT medialabel (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5253. <!--end of medialabel.element-->]]>
  5254. <!-- Class: Type of medium named by the element; no default -->
  5255. <!ENTITY % medialabel.attlist "INCLUDE">
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  5257. <!ATTLIST medialabel
  5258. class (cartridge
  5259. |cdrom
  5260. |disk
  5261. |tape) #IMPLIED
  5262. %common.attrib;
  5263. %medialabel.role.attrib;
  5264. %local.medialabel.attrib;
  5265. >
  5266. <!--end of medialabel.attlist-->]]>
  5267. <!--end of medialabel.module-->]]>
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  5269. <![%menuchoice.content.module;[
  5270. <!ENTITY % menuchoice.module "INCLUDE">
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  5276. <!ELEMENT menuchoice (shortcut?, (guibutton|guiicon|guilabel
  5277. |guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|interface)+)>
  5278. <!--end of menuchoice.element-->]]>
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  5280. <![%menuchoice.attlist;[
  5281. <!ATTLIST menuchoice
  5282. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5283. %common.attrib;
  5284. %menuchoice.role.attrib;
  5285. %local.menuchoice.attrib;
  5286. >
  5287. <!--end of menuchoice.attlist-->]]>
  5288. <!--end of menuchoice.module-->]]>
  5289. <!ENTITY % shortcut.module "INCLUDE">
  5290. <![%shortcut.module;[
  5291. <!-- See also KeyCombo -->
  5292. <!ENTITY % local.shortcut.attrib "">
  5293. <!ENTITY % shortcut.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5294. <!ENTITY % shortcut.element "INCLUDE">
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  5296. <!ELEMENT shortcut ((keycap|keycombo|keysym|mousebutton)+)>
  5297. <!--end of shortcut.element-->]]>
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  5300. <!ATTLIST shortcut
  5301. %keyaction.attrib;
  5302. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5303. %common.attrib;
  5304. %shortcut.role.attrib;
  5305. %local.shortcut.attrib;
  5306. >
  5307. <!--end of shortcut.attlist-->]]>
  5308. <!--end of shortcut.module-->]]>
  5309. <!--end of menuchoice.content.module-->]]>
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  5316. <!ELEMENT mousebutton (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
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  5322. %common.attrib;
  5323. %mousebutton.role.attrib;
  5324. %local.mousebutton.attrib;
  5325. >
  5326. <!--end of mousebutton.attlist-->]]>
  5327. <!--end of mousebutton.module-->]]>
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  5334. <!ELEMENT msgtext ((%component.mix;)+)>
  5335. <!--end of msgtext.element-->]]>
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  5339. %common.attrib;
  5340. %msgtext.role.attrib;
  5341. %local.msgtext.attrib;
  5342. >
  5343. <!--end of msgtext.attlist-->]]>
  5344. <!--end of msgtext.module-->]]>
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  5348. <!ENTITY % option.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5349. <!ENTITY % option.element "INCLUDE">
  5350. <![%option.element;[
  5351. <!ELEMENT option (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5352. <!--end of option.element-->]]>
  5353. <!ENTITY % option.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5354. <![%option.attlist;[
  5355. <!ATTLIST option
  5356. %common.attrib;
  5357. %option.role.attrib;
  5358. %local.option.attrib;
  5359. >
  5360. <!--end of option.attlist-->]]>
  5361. <!--end of option.module-->]]>
  5362. <!ENTITY % optional.module "INCLUDE">
  5363. <![%optional.module;[
  5364. <!ENTITY % local.optional.attrib "">
  5365. <!ENTITY % optional.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5366. <!ENTITY % optional.element "INCLUDE">
  5367. <![%optional.element;[
  5368. <!ELEMENT optional (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  5369. <!--end of optional.element-->]]>
  5370. <!ENTITY % optional.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5371. <![%optional.attlist;[
  5372. <!ATTLIST optional
  5373. %common.attrib;
  5374. %optional.role.attrib;
  5375. %local.optional.attrib;
  5376. >
  5377. <!--end of optional.attlist-->]]>
  5378. <!--end of optional.module-->]]>
  5379. <!ENTITY % parameter.module "INCLUDE">
  5380. <![%parameter.module;[
  5381. <!ENTITY % local.parameter.attrib "">
  5382. <!ENTITY % parameter.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5383. <!ENTITY % parameter.element "INCLUDE">
  5384. <![%parameter.element;[
  5385. <!ELEMENT parameter (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5386. <!--end of parameter.element-->]]>
  5387. <!-- Class: Type of the Parameter; no default -->
  5388. <!ENTITY % parameter.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5389. <![%parameter.attlist;[
  5390. <!ATTLIST parameter
  5391. class (command
  5392. |function
  5393. |option) #IMPLIED
  5394. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5395. %common.attrib;
  5396. %parameter.role.attrib;
  5397. %local.parameter.attrib;
  5398. >
  5399. <!--end of parameter.attlist-->]]>
  5400. <!--end of parameter.module-->]]>
  5401. <!ENTITY % prompt.module "INCLUDE">
  5402. <![%prompt.module;[
  5403. <!ENTITY % local.prompt.attrib "">
  5404. <!ENTITY % prompt.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5405. <!ENTITY % prompt.element "INCLUDE">
  5406. <![%prompt.element;[
  5407. <!ELEMENT prompt (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5408. <!--end of prompt.element-->]]>
  5409. <!ENTITY % prompt.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5410. <![%prompt.attlist;[
  5411. <!ATTLIST prompt
  5412. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5413. %common.attrib;
  5414. %prompt.role.attrib;
  5415. %local.prompt.attrib;
  5416. >
  5417. <!--end of prompt.attlist-->]]>
  5418. <!--end of prompt.module-->]]>
  5419. <!ENTITY % property.module "INCLUDE">
  5420. <![%property.module;[
  5421. <!ENTITY % "">
  5422. <!ENTITY % property.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5423. <!ENTITY % property.element "INCLUDE">
  5424. <![%property.element;[
  5425. <!ELEMENT property (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5426. <!--end of property.element-->]]>
  5427. <!ENTITY % property.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5428. <![%property.attlist;[
  5429. <!ATTLIST property
  5430. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5431. %common.attrib;
  5432. %property.role.attrib;
  5434. >
  5435. <!--end of property.attlist-->]]>
  5436. <!--end of property.module-->]]>
  5437. <!ENTITY % replaceable.module "INCLUDE">
  5438. <![%replaceable.module;[
  5439. <!ENTITY % local.replaceable.attrib "">
  5440. <!ENTITY % replaceable.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5441. <!ENTITY % replaceable.element "INCLUDE">
  5442. <![%replaceable.element;[
  5443. <!ELEMENT replaceable (#PCDATA
  5444. | %link.char.class;
  5445. | optional
  5446. | %base.char.class;
  5447. | %other.char.class;
  5448. | inlinegraphic
  5449. | inlinemediaobject)*>
  5450. <!--end of replaceable.element-->]]>
  5451. <!-- Class: Type of information the element represents; no
  5452. default -->
  5453. <!ENTITY % replaceable.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5454. <![%replaceable.attlist;[
  5455. <!ATTLIST replaceable
  5456. class (command
  5457. |function
  5458. |option
  5459. |parameter) #IMPLIED
  5460. %common.attrib;
  5461. %replaceable.role.attrib;
  5462. %local.replaceable.attrib;
  5463. >
  5464. <!--end of replaceable.attlist-->]]>
  5465. <!--end of replaceable.module-->]]>
  5466. <!ENTITY % returnvalue.module "INCLUDE">
  5467. <![%returnvalue.module;[
  5468. <!ENTITY % local.returnvalue.attrib "">
  5469. <!ENTITY % returnvalue.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5470. <!ENTITY % returnvalue.element "INCLUDE">
  5471. <![%returnvalue.element;[
  5472. <!ELEMENT returnvalue (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5473. <!--end of returnvalue.element-->]]>
  5474. <!ENTITY % returnvalue.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5475. <![%returnvalue.attlist;[
  5476. <!ATTLIST returnvalue
  5477. %common.attrib;
  5478. %returnvalue.role.attrib;
  5479. %local.returnvalue.attrib;
  5480. >
  5481. <!--end of returnvalue.attlist-->]]>
  5482. <!--end of returnvalue.module-->]]>
  5483. <!ENTITY % sgmltag.module "INCLUDE">
  5484. <![%sgmltag.module;[
  5485. <!ENTITY % local.sgmltag.attrib "">
  5486. <!ENTITY % sgmltag.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5487. <!ENTITY % sgmltag.element "INCLUDE">
  5488. <![%sgmltag.element;[
  5489. <!ELEMENT sgmltag (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5490. <!--end of sgmltag.element-->]]>
  5491. <!-- Class: Type of SGML construct the element names; no default -->
  5492. <!ENTITY % sgmltag.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5493. <![%sgmltag.attlist;[
  5494. <!ATTLIST sgmltag
  5495. class (attribute
  5496. |attvalue
  5497. |element
  5498. |endtag
  5499. |emptytag
  5500. |genentity
  5501. |numcharref
  5502. |paramentity
  5503. |pi
  5504. |xmlpi
  5505. |starttag
  5506. |sgmlcomment) #IMPLIED
  5507. %common.attrib;
  5508. %sgmltag.role.attrib;
  5509. %local.sgmltag.attrib;
  5510. >
  5511. <!--end of sgmltag.attlist-->]]>
  5512. <!--end of sgmltag.module-->]]>
  5513. <!ENTITY % structfield.module "INCLUDE">
  5514. <![%structfield.module;[
  5515. <!ENTITY % local.structfield.attrib "">
  5516. <!ENTITY % structfield.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5517. <!ENTITY % structfield.element "INCLUDE">
  5518. <![%structfield.element;[
  5519. <!ELEMENT structfield (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5520. <!--end of structfield.element-->]]>
  5521. <!ENTITY % structfield.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5522. <![%structfield.attlist;[
  5523. <!ATTLIST structfield
  5524. %common.attrib;
  5525. %structfield.role.attrib;
  5526. %local.structfield.attrib;
  5527. >
  5528. <!--end of structfield.attlist-->]]>
  5529. <!--end of structfield.module-->]]>
  5530. <!ENTITY % structname.module "INCLUDE">
  5531. <![%structname.module;[
  5532. <!ENTITY % local.structname.attrib "">
  5533. <!ENTITY % structname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5534. <!ENTITY % structname.element "INCLUDE">
  5535. <![%structname.element;[
  5536. <!ELEMENT structname (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5537. <!--end of structname.element-->]]>
  5538. <!ENTITY % structname.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5539. <![%structname.attlist;[
  5540. <!ATTLIST structname
  5541. %common.attrib;
  5542. %structname.role.attrib;
  5543. %local.structname.attrib;
  5544. >
  5545. <!--end of structname.attlist-->]]>
  5546. <!--end of structname.module-->]]>
  5547. <!ENTITY % symbol.module "INCLUDE">
  5548. <![%symbol.module;[
  5549. <!ENTITY % local.symbol.attrib "">
  5550. <!ENTITY % symbol.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5551. <!ENTITY % symbol.element "INCLUDE">
  5552. <![%symbol.element;[
  5553. <!ELEMENT symbol (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5554. <!--end of symbol.element-->]]>
  5555. <!-- Class: Type of symbol; no default -->
  5556. <!ENTITY % symbol.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5557. <![%symbol.attlist;[
  5558. <!ATTLIST symbol
  5559. class (limit) #IMPLIED
  5560. %common.attrib;
  5561. %symbol.role.attrib;
  5562. %local.symbol.attrib;
  5563. >
  5564. <!--end of symbol.attlist-->]]>
  5565. <!--end of symbol.module-->]]>
  5566. <!ENTITY % systemitem.module "INCLUDE">
  5567. <![%systemitem.module;[
  5568. <!ENTITY % local.systemitem.attrib "">
  5569. <!ENTITY % systemitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5570. <!ENTITY % systemitem.element "INCLUDE">
  5571. <![%systemitem.element;[
  5572. <!ELEMENT systemitem (%smallcptr.char.mix; | acronym)*>
  5573. <!--end of systemitem.element-->]]>
  5574. <!-- Class: Type of system item the element names; no default -->
  5575. <!ENTITY % systemitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5576. <![%systemitem.attlist;[
  5577. <!ATTLIST systemitem
  5578. class (constant
  5579. |groupname
  5580. |library
  5581. |macro
  5582. |osname
  5583. |resource
  5584. |systemname
  5585. |username) #IMPLIED
  5586. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5587. %common.attrib;
  5588. %systemitem.role.attrib;
  5589. %local.systemitem.attrib;
  5590. >
  5591. <!--end of systemitem.attlist-->]]>
  5592. <!--end of systemitem.module-->]]>
  5593. <!ENTITY % token.module "INCLUDE">
  5594. <![%token.module;[
  5595. <!ENTITY % local.token.attrib "">
  5596. <!ENTITY % token.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5597. <!ENTITY % token.element "INCLUDE">
  5598. <![%token.element;[
  5599. <!ELEMENT token (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5600. <!--end of token.element-->]]>
  5601. <!ENTITY % token.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5602. <![%token.attlist;[
  5603. <!ATTLIST token
  5604. %common.attrib;
  5605. %token.role.attrib;
  5606. %local.token.attrib;
  5607. >
  5608. <!--end of token.attlist-->]]>
  5609. <!--end of token.module-->]]>
  5610. <!ENTITY % type.module "INCLUDE">
  5611. <![%type.module;[
  5612. <!ENTITY % local.type.attrib "">
  5613. <!ENTITY % type.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5614. <!ENTITY % type.element "INCLUDE">
  5615. <![%type.element;[
  5616. <!ELEMENT type (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
  5617. <!--end of type.element-->]]>
  5618. <!ENTITY % type.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5619. <![%type.attlist;[
  5620. <!ATTLIST type
  5621. %common.attrib;
  5622. %type.role.attrib;
  5623. %local.type.attrib;
  5624. >
  5625. <!--end of type.attlist-->]]>
  5626. <!--end of type.module-->]]>
  5627. <!ENTITY % userinput.module "INCLUDE">
  5628. <![%userinput.module;[
  5629. <!ENTITY % local.userinput.attrib "">
  5630. <!ENTITY % userinput.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5631. <!ENTITY % userinput.element "INCLUDE">
  5632. <![%userinput.element;[
  5633. <!ELEMENT userinput (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
  5634. <!--end of userinput.element-->]]>
  5635. <!ENTITY % userinput.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5636. <![%userinput.attlist;[
  5637. <!ATTLIST userinput
  5638. %moreinfo.attrib;
  5639. %common.attrib;
  5640. %userinput.role.attrib;
  5641. %local.userinput.attrib;
  5642. >
  5643. <!--end of userinput.attlist-->]]>
  5644. <!--end of userinput.module-->]]>
  5645. <!-- General words and phrases ............................................ -->
  5646. <!ENTITY % abbrev.module "INCLUDE">
  5647. <![%abbrev.module;[
  5648. <!ENTITY % local.abbrev.attrib "">
  5649. <!ENTITY % abbrev.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5650. <!ENTITY % abbrev.element "INCLUDE">
  5651. <![%abbrev.element;[
  5652. <!ELEMENT abbrev (%word.char.mix;)*>
  5653. <!--end of abbrev.element-->]]>
  5654. <!ENTITY % abbrev.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5655. <![%abbrev.attlist;[
  5656. <!ATTLIST abbrev
  5657. %common.attrib;
  5658. %abbrev.role.attrib;
  5659. %local.abbrev.attrib;
  5660. >
  5661. <!--end of abbrev.attlist-->]]>
  5662. <!--end of abbrev.module-->]]>
  5663. <!ENTITY % acronym.module "INCLUDE">
  5664. <![%acronym.module;[
  5665. <!ENTITY % local.acronym.attrib "">
  5666. <!ENTITY % acronym.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  5667. <!ENTITY % acronym.element "INCLUDE">
  5668. <![%acronym.element;[
  5669. <!ELEMENT acronym (%word.char.mix;)*>
  5670. <!--end of acronym.element-->]]>
  5671. <!ENTITY % acronym.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5672. <![%acronym.attlist;[
  5673. <!ATTLIST acronym
  5674. %common.attrib;
  5675. %acronym.role.attrib;
  5676. %local.acronym.attrib;
  5677. >
  5678. <!--end of acronym.attlist-->]]>
  5679. <!--end of acronym.module-->]]>
  5680. <!ENTITY % citation.module "INCLUDE">
  5681. <![%citation.module;[
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  5684. <!ENTITY % citation.element "INCLUDE">
  5685. <![%citation.element;[
  5686. <!ELEMENT citation (%para.char.mix;)*>
  5687. <!--end of citation.element-->]]>
  5688. <!ENTITY % citation.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5689. <![%citation.attlist;[
  5690. <!ATTLIST citation
  5691. %common.attrib;
  5692. %citation.role.attrib;
  5693. %local.citation.attrib;
  5694. >
  5695. <!--end of citation.attlist-->]]>
  5696. <!--end of citation.module-->]]>
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  5703. <!ELEMENT citerefentry (refentrytitle, manvolnum?)>
  5704. <!--end of citerefentry.element-->]]>
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  5708. %common.attrib;
  5709. %citerefentry.role.attrib;
  5710. %local.citerefentry.attrib;
  5711. >
  5712. <!--end of citerefentry.attlist-->]]>
  5713. <!--end of citerefentry.module-->]]>
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  5720. <!ELEMENT refentrytitle (%para.char.mix;)*>
  5721. <!--end of refentrytitle.element-->]]>
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  5724. <!ATTLIST refentrytitle
  5725. %common.attrib;
  5726. %refentrytitle.role.attrib;
  5727. %local.refentrytitle.attrib;
  5728. >
  5729. <!--end of refentrytitle.attlist-->]]>
  5730. <!--end of refentrytitle.module-->]]>
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  5735. <!ENTITY % manvolnum.element "INCLUDE">
  5736. <![%manvolnum.element;[
  5737. <!ELEMENT manvolnum (%word.char.mix;)*>
  5738. <!--end of manvolnum.element-->]]>
  5739. <!ENTITY % manvolnum.attlist "INCLUDE">
  5740. <![%manvolnum.attlist;[
  5741. <!ATTLIST manvolnum
  5742. %common.attrib;
  5743. %namvolnum.role.attrib;
  5744. %local.manvolnum.attrib;
  5745. >
  5746. <!--end of manvolnum.attlist-->]]>
  5747. <!--end of manvolnum.module-->]]>
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  5754. <!ELEMENT citetitle (%para.char.mix;)*>
  5755. <!--end of citetitle.element-->]]>
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  5758. <![%citetitle.attlist;[
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  5760. pubwork (article
  5761. |book
  5762. |chapter
  5763. |part
  5764. |refentry
  5765. |section
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  5769. |manuscript) #IMPLIED
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  5838. for indexing -->
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  6140. | see | seealso+)?) | see | seealso+)?)>
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  6146. of its series (Preferred) or not (Normal, the default) -->
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  6148. or EndOfRange if StartRef is supplied; StartOfRange value
  6149. must be supplied explicitly on starts of ranges -->
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  6151. range ended by this IndexTerm -->
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  6153. and indicates that the IndexTerm applies to those entire
  6154. elements rather than the point at which the IndexTerm
  6155. occurs -->
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  6200. "fourteen" for an element containing "14" -->
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