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aj.xml 1.7KB

  1. <refentry id="aj-ref" xreflabel="The aj Command-line Reference">
  2. <refnamediv>
  3. <refname>aj</refname>
  4. <refpurpose>command-line launcher for basic load-time weaving</refpurpose>
  5. </refnamediv>
  6. <refsynopsisdiv>
  7. <cmdsynopsis>
  8. <command>aj</command>
  9. <arg><replaceable>Options</replaceable></arg>
  10. <group>
  11. <arg><replaceable>arg...</replaceable></arg>
  12. </group>
  13. </cmdsynopsis>
  14. </refsynopsisdiv>
  15. <refsect1 id="aj" xreflabel="aj">
  16. <title>Description</title>
  17. <para>The
  18. <command>aj</command> command runs Java programs in Java 1.4 or
  19. later by setting up
  20. <literal>WeavingURLClassLoader</literal> as the system class
  21. loader, to do load-time bytecode weaving. </para>
  22. <para> The arguments are the same as those used to launch the Java program.
  23. Users should define the environment variables
  24. <literal>CLASSPATH</literal> and
  25. <literal>ASPECTPATH</literal>. </para>
  26. <para>For more information and alternatives for load-time weaving,
  27. see <xref linkend="ltw"/>.
  28. </para>
  29. <refsect2>
  30. <title>Examples</title>
  31. <example id="simpleajexample">
  32. <title>A simple example</title>
  33. <para>Use ajc to build a library, then weave at load time</para>
  34. <programlisting><![CDATA[
  35. REM compile library
  36. ${ASPECTJ_HOME}\bin\ajc.bat -outjar lib\aspects.jar @aspects.lst
  37. REM run, weaving into application at load-time set
  38. ASPECTPATH=lib\aspects.jar set CLASSPATH=app\app.jar
  39. ${ASPECTJ_HOME}\bin\aj.bat com.company.app.Main "Hello, World!"
  40. ]]> </programlisting>
  41. </example>
  42. </refsect2>
  43. </refsect1>
  44. </refentry>