Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

dbhierx.mod 60KB

  1. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  2. <!-- DocBook XML document hierarchy module V4.1.2 ........................... -->
  3. <!-- File dbhierx.mod ..................................................... -->
  4. <!-- Copyright 1992-2000 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
  5. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
  6. Corporation, Norman Walsh, and the Organization for the Advancement
  7. of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).
  8. $Id: dbhierx.mod,v 1.1 2002/05/15 17:22:22 isberg Exp $
  9. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
  10. and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
  11. is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
  12. notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
  13. holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
  14. any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
  15. warranty.
  16. If you modify the DocBook XML DTD in any way, except for declaring and
  17. referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
  18. additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
  19. the maintenance documentation for more information.
  20. Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
  21. changes to the mailing list. For more
  22. information, see
  23. -->
  24. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  25. <!-- This module contains the definitions for the overall document
  26. hierarchies of DocBook documents. It covers computer documentation
  27. manuals and manual fragments, as well as reference entries (such as
  28. man pages) and technical journals or anthologies containing
  29. articles.
  30. This module depends on the DocBook information pool module. All
  31. elements and entities referenced but not defined here are assumed
  32. to be defined in the information pool module.
  33. In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
  34. declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
  35. <!ENTITY % dbhier PUBLIC
  36. "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Document Hierarchy V4.1.2//EN"
  37. "dbhierx.mod">
  38. %dbhier;
  39. See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
  40. entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
  41. planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
  42. of DocBook.
  43. -->
  44. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  45. <!-- Entities for module inclusions ....................................... -->
  46. <!ENTITY % dbhier.redecl.module "IGNORE">
  47. <!ENTITY % dbhier.redecl2.module "IGNORE">
  48. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  49. <!-- Entities for element classes ......................................... -->
  50. <!ENTITY % local.appendix.class "">
  51. <!ENTITY % appendix.class "appendix %local.appendix.class;">
  52. <!ENTITY % local.article.class "">
  53. <!ENTITY % article.class "article %local.article.class;">
  54. <!ENTITY % "">
  55. <!ENTITY % book.class "book;">
  56. <!ENTITY % local.chapter.class "">
  57. <!ENTITY % chapter.class "chapter %local.chapter.class;">
  58. <!ENTITY % local.index.class "">
  59. <!ENTITY % index.class "index|setindex %local.index.class;">
  60. <!ENTITY % local.refentry.class "">
  61. <!ENTITY % refentry.class "refentry %local.refentry.class;">
  62. <!ENTITY % local.nav.class "">
  63. <!ENTITY % nav.class "toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography
  64. %local.nav.class;">
  65. <!-- Redeclaration placeholder ............................................ -->
  66. <!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
  67. retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
  68. this point -->
  69. <![%dbhier.redecl.module;[
  70. <!-- Defining rdbhier here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
  71. <!ENTITY % rdbhier "">
  72. %rdbhier;
  73. <!--end of dbhier.redecl.module-->]]>
  74. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  75. <!-- Entities for element mixtures ........................................ -->
  76. <!-- The DocBook TC may produce an official forms module for DocBook. -->
  77. <!-- This PE provides the hook by which it can be inserted into the DTD. -->
  78. <!ENTITY % forms.hook "">
  79. <!ENTITY % local.divcomponent.mix "">
  80. <!ENTITY % divcomponent.mix
  81. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  82. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  83. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  84. |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
  85. |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
  86. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  87. %forms.hook;
  88. %local.divcomponent.mix;">
  89. <!ENTITY % local.refcomponent.mix "">
  90. <!ENTITY % refcomponent.mix
  91. "%list.class; |%admon.class;
  92. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  93. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  94. |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
  95. |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
  96. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  97. %local.refcomponent.mix;">
  98. <!ENTITY % local.indexdivcomponent.mix "">
  99. <!ENTITY % indexdivcomponent.mix
  100. "itemizedlist|orderedlist|variablelist|simplelist
  101. |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
  102. |%para.class; |%informal.class;
  103. |anchor|remark
  104. |%link.char.class;
  105. |beginpage
  106. %local.indexdivcomponent.mix;">
  107. <!ENTITY % local.refname.char.mix "">
  108. <!ENTITY % refname.char.mix
  109. "#PCDATA
  110. |%tech.char.class;
  111. %local.refname.char.mix;">
  112. <!ENTITY % local.partcontent.mix "">
  113. <!ENTITY % partcontent.mix
  114. "%appendix.class;|%chapter.class;|%nav.class;|%article.class;
  115. |preface|%refentry.class;|reference %local.partcontent.mix;">
  116. <!ENTITY % local.refinline.char.mix "">
  117. <!ENTITY % refinline.char.mix
  118. "#PCDATA
  119. |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
  120. |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
  121. |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
  122. |%other.char.class;
  123. |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
  124. %local.refinline.char.mix;">
  125. <!ENTITY % local.refclass.char.mix "">
  126. <!ENTITY % refclass.char.mix
  127. "#PCDATA
  128. |application
  129. %local.refclass.char.mix;">
  130. <!-- Redeclaration placeholder 2 .......................................... -->
  131. <!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
  132. retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
  133. this point -->
  134. <![%dbhier.redecl2.module;[
  135. <!-- Defining rdbhier2 here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
  136. <!ENTITY % rdbhier2 "">
  137. %rdbhier2;
  138. <!--end of dbhier.redecl2.module-->]]>
  139. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  140. <!-- Entities for content models .......................................... -->
  141. <!ENTITY % div.title.content
  142. "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
  143. <!ENTITY % bookcomponent.title.content
  144. "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
  145. <!ENTITY % sect.title.content
  146. "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
  147. <!ENTITY % refsect.title.content
  148. "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
  149. <!ENTITY % bookcomponent.content
  150. "((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
  151. (sect1*|(%refentry.class;)*|simplesect*|section*))
  152. | (sect1+|(%refentry.class;)+|simplesect+|section+)">
  153. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  154. <!-- Set and SetInfo ...................................................... -->
  155. <!ENTITY % set.content.module "INCLUDE">
  156. <![%set.content.module;[
  157. <!ENTITY % set.module "INCLUDE">
  158. <![%set.module;[
  159. <!ENTITY % local.set.attrib "">
  160. <!ENTITY % set.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  161. <!ENTITY % set.element "INCLUDE">
  162. <![%set.element;[
  163. <!ELEMENT set ((%div.title.content;)?, setinfo?, toc?, (%book.class;)+,
  164. setindex?)>
  165. <!--end of set.element-->]]>
  166. <!-- FPI: SGML formal public identifier -->
  167. <!ENTITY % set.attlist "INCLUDE">
  168. <![%set.attlist;[
  169. <!ATTLIST set
  170. fpi CDATA #IMPLIED
  171. %status.attrib;
  172. %common.attrib;
  173. %set.role.attrib;
  174. %local.set.attrib;
  175. >
  176. <!--end of set.attlist-->]]>
  177. <!--end of set.module-->]]>
  178. <!ENTITY % setinfo.module "INCLUDE">
  179. <![%setinfo.module;[
  180. <!ENTITY % local.setinfo.attrib "">
  181. <!ENTITY % setinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  182. <!ENTITY % setinfo.element "INCLUDE">
  183. <![%setinfo.element;[
  184. <!ELEMENT setinfo ((graphic | mediaobject
  185. | legalnotice | modespec | subjectset
  186. | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;)+)>
  187. <!--end of setinfo.element-->]]>
  188. <!-- Contents: IDs of the ToC, Books, and SetIndex that comprise
  189. the set, in the order of their appearance -->
  190. <!ENTITY % setinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
  191. <![%setinfo.attlist;[
  192. <!ATTLIST setinfo
  193. contents IDREFS #IMPLIED
  194. %common.attrib;
  195. %setinfo.role.attrib;
  196. %local.setinfo.attrib;
  197. >
  198. <!--end of setinfo.attlist-->]]>
  199. <!--end of setinfo.module-->]]>
  200. <!--end of set.content.module-->]]>
  201. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  202. <!-- Book and BookInfo .................................................... -->
  203. <!ENTITY % book.content.module "INCLUDE">
  204. <![%book.content.module;[
  205. <!ENTITY % book.module "INCLUDE">
  206. <![%book.module;[
  207. <!ENTITY % "">
  208. <!ENTITY % book.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  209. <!ENTITY % book.element "INCLUDE">
  210. <![%book.element;[
  211. <!ELEMENT book ((%div.title.content;)?, bookinfo?,
  212. (dedication | toc | lot
  213. | glossary | bibliography | preface
  214. | %chapter.class; | reference | part
  215. | %article.class;
  216. | %appendix.class;
  217. | %index.class;
  218. | colophon)*)>
  219. <!--end of book.element-->]]>
  220. <!-- FPI: SGML formal public identifier -->
  221. <!ENTITY % book.attlist "INCLUDE">
  222. <![%book.attlist;[
  223. <!ATTLIST book fpi CDATA #IMPLIED
  224. %label.attrib;
  225. %status.attrib;
  226. %common.attrib;
  227. %book.role.attrib;
  229. >
  230. <!--end of book.attlist-->]]>
  231. <!--end of book.module-->]]>
  232. <!ENTITY % bookinfo.module "INCLUDE">
  233. <![%bookinfo.module;[
  234. <!ENTITY % local.bookinfo.attrib "">
  235. <!ENTITY % bookinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  236. <!ENTITY % bookinfo.element "INCLUDE">
  237. <![%bookinfo.element;[
  238. <!ELEMENT bookinfo ((graphic | mediaobject
  239. | legalnotice | modespec | subjectset
  240. | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;)+)>
  241. <!--end of bookinfo.element-->]]>
  242. <!-- Contents: IDs of the ToC, LoTs, Prefaces, Parts, Chapters,
  243. Appendixes, References, GLossary, Bibliography, and indexes
  244. comprising the Book, in the order of their appearance -->
  245. <!ENTITY % bookinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
  246. <![%bookinfo.attlist;[
  247. <!ATTLIST bookinfo
  248. contents IDREFS #IMPLIED
  249. %common.attrib;
  250. %bookinfo.role.attrib;
  251. %local.bookinfo.attrib;
  252. >
  253. <!--end of bookinfo.attlist-->]]>
  254. <!--end of bookinfo.module-->]]>
  255. <!--end of book.content.module-->]]>
  256. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  257. <!-- Dedication, ToC, and LoT ............................................. -->
  258. <!ENTITY % dedication.module "INCLUDE">
  259. <![%dedication.module;[
  260. <!ENTITY % local.dedication.attrib "">
  261. <!ENTITY % dedication.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  262. <!ENTITY % dedication.element "INCLUDE">
  263. <![%dedication.element;[
  264. <!ELEMENT dedication ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%legalnotice.mix;)+)>
  265. <!--end of dedication.element-->]]>
  266. <!ENTITY % dedication.attlist "INCLUDE">
  267. <![%dedication.attlist;[
  268. <!ATTLIST dedication
  269. %status.attrib;
  270. %common.attrib;
  271. %dedication.role.attrib;
  272. %local.dedication.attrib;
  273. >
  274. <!--end of dedication.attlist-->]]>
  275. <!--end of dedication.module-->]]>
  276. <!ENTITY % colophon.module "INCLUDE">
  277. <![ %colophon.module; [
  278. <!ENTITY % local.colophon.attrib "">
  279. <!ENTITY % colophon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  280. <!ENTITY % colophon.element "INCLUDE">
  281. <![ %colophon.element; [
  282. <!ELEMENT colophon ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%textobject.mix;)+)>
  283. <!--end of colophon.element-->]]>
  284. <!ENTITY % colophon.attlist "INCLUDE">
  285. <![ %colophon.attlist; [
  286. <!ATTLIST colophon
  287. %status.attrib;
  288. %common.attrib;
  289. %colophon.role.attrib;
  290. %local.colophon.attrib;>
  291. <!--end of colophon.attlist-->]]>
  292. <!--end of colophon.module-->]]>
  293. <!ENTITY % toc.content.module "INCLUDE">
  294. <![%toc.content.module;[
  295. <!ENTITY % toc.module "INCLUDE">
  296. <![%toc.module;[
  297. <!ENTITY % local.toc.attrib "">
  298. <!ENTITY % toc.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  299. <!ENTITY % toc.element "INCLUDE">
  300. <![%toc.element;[
  301. <!ELEMENT toc ((%bookcomponent.title.content;)?, tocfront*,
  302. (tocpart | tocchap)*, tocback*)>
  303. <!--end of toc.element-->]]>
  304. <!ENTITY % toc.attlist "INCLUDE">
  305. <![%toc.attlist;[
  306. <!ATTLIST toc
  307. %pagenum.attrib;
  308. %common.attrib;
  309. %toc.role.attrib;
  310. %local.toc.attrib;
  311. >
  312. <!--end of toc.attlist-->]]>
  313. <!--end of toc.module-->]]>
  314. <!ENTITY % tocfront.module "INCLUDE">
  315. <![%tocfront.module;[
  316. <!ENTITY % local.tocfront.attrib "">
  317. <!ENTITY % tocfront.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
  318. <!ENTITY % tocfront.element "INCLUDE">
  319. <![%tocfront.element;[
  320. <!ELEMENT tocfront (%para.char.mix;)*>
  321. <!--end of tocfront.element-->]]>
  322. <!-- to element that this entry represents -->
  323. <!ENTITY % tocfront.attlist "INCLUDE">
  324. <![%tocfront.attlist;[
  325. <!ATTLIST tocfront
  326. %label.attrib;
  327. %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
  328. %common.attrib;
  329. %tocfront.role.attrib;
  330. %local.tocfront.attrib;
  331. >
  332. <!--end of tocfront.attlist-->]]>
  333. <!--end of tocfront.module-->]]>
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  340. <!ELEMENT tocentry (%para.char.mix;)*>
  341. <!--end of tocentry.element-->]]>
  342. <!-- to element that this entry represents -->
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  346. %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
  347. %common.attrib;
  348. %tocentry.role.attrib;
  349. %local.tocentry.attrib;
  350. >
  351. <!--end of tocentry.attlist-->]]>
  352. <!--end of tocentry.module-->]]>
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  359. <!ELEMENT tocpart (tocentry+, tocchap*)>
  360. <!--end of tocpart.element-->]]>
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  363. <!ATTLIST tocpart
  364. %common.attrib;
  365. %tocpart.role.attrib;
  366. %local.tocpart.attrib;
  367. >
  368. <!--end of tocpart.attlist-->]]>
  369. <!--end of tocpart.module-->]]>
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  372. <!ENTITY % local.tocchap.attrib "">
  373. <!ENTITY % tocchap.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
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  375. <![%tocchap.element;[
  376. <!ELEMENT tocchap (tocentry+, toclevel1*)>
  377. <!--end of tocchap.element-->]]>
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  380. <!ATTLIST tocchap
  381. %label.attrib;
  382. %common.attrib;
  383. %tocchap.role.attrib;
  384. %local.tocchap.attrib;
  385. >
  386. <!--end of tocchap.attlist-->]]>
  387. <!--end of tocchap.module-->]]>
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  394. <!ELEMENT toclevel1 (tocentry+, toclevel2*)>
  395. <!--end of toclevel1.element-->]]>
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  399. %common.attrib;
  400. %toclevel1.role.attrib;
  401. %local.toclevel1.attrib;
  402. >
  403. <!--end of toclevel1.attlist-->]]>
  404. <!--end of toclevel1.module-->]]>
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  411. <!ELEMENT toclevel2 (tocentry+, toclevel3*)>
  412. <!--end of toclevel2.element-->]]>
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  416. %common.attrib;
  417. %toclevel2.role.attrib;
  418. %local.toclevel2.attrib;
  419. >
  420. <!--end of toclevel2.attlist-->]]>
  421. <!--end of toclevel2.module-->]]>
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  428. <!ELEMENT toclevel3 (tocentry+, toclevel4*)>
  429. <!--end of toclevel3.element-->]]>
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  433. %common.attrib;
  434. %toclevel3.role.attrib;
  435. %local.toclevel3.attrib;
  436. >
  437. <!--end of toclevel3.attlist-->]]>
  438. <!--end of toclevel3.module-->]]>
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  445. <!ELEMENT toclevel4 (tocentry+, toclevel5*)>
  446. <!--end of toclevel4.element-->]]>
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  450. %common.attrib;
  451. %toclevel4.role.attrib;
  452. %local.toclevel4.attrib;
  453. >
  454. <!--end of toclevel4.attlist-->]]>
  455. <!--end of toclevel4.module-->]]>
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  462. <!ELEMENT toclevel5 (tocentry+)>
  463. <!--end of toclevel5.element-->]]>
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  467. %common.attrib;
  468. %toclevel5.role.attrib;
  469. %local.toclevel5.attrib;
  470. >
  471. <!--end of toclevel5.attlist-->]]>
  472. <!--end of toclevel5.module-->]]>
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  479. <!ELEMENT tocback (%para.char.mix;)*>
  480. <!--end of tocback.element-->]]>
  481. <!-- to element that this entry represents -->
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  485. %label.attrib;
  486. %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
  487. %common.attrib;
  488. %tocback.role.attrib;
  489. %local.tocback.attrib;
  490. >
  491. <!--end of tocback.attlist-->]]>
  492. <!--end of tocback.module-->]]>
  493. <!--end of toc.content.module-->]]>
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  495. <![%lot.content.module;[
  496. <!ENTITY % lot.module "INCLUDE">
  497. <![%lot.module;[
  498. <!ENTITY % local.lot.attrib "">
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  500. <!ENTITY % lot.element "INCLUDE">
  501. <![%lot.element;[
  502. <!ELEMENT lot ((%bookcomponent.title.content;)?, lotentry*)>
  503. <!--end of lot.element-->]]>
  504. <!ENTITY % lot.attlist "INCLUDE">
  505. <![%lot.attlist;[
  506. <!ATTLIST lot
  507. %label.attrib;
  508. %common.attrib;
  509. %lot.role.attrib;
  510. %local.lot.attrib;
  511. >
  512. <!--end of lot.attlist-->]]>
  513. <!--end of lot.module-->]]>
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  515. <![%lotentry.module;[
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  519. <![%lotentry.element;[
  520. <!ELEMENT lotentry (%para.char.mix;)*>
  521. <!--end of lotentry.element-->]]>
  522. <!-- SrcCredit: Information about the source of the entry,
  523. as for a list of illustrations -->
  524. <!-- linkend: to element that this entry represents-->
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  538. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
  539. <!-- Appendix, Chapter, Part, Preface, Reference, PartIntro ............... -->
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  591. change will not be made after all. -->
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  1282. <!-- ...................................................................... -->
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