2002-12-16 17:19:22 +00:00

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2001-08-14 Norman Walsh <>
* xref.xsl: Display the ID when gentext cannot be created
2001-08-11 Robert Stayton <>
* param.xsl: Removed the '?' from olink resolver parameter because
the olink template will add that (or not, depending on
how that template is customized).
2001-08-08 Norman Walsh <>
* param.xsl, verbatim.xsl: Support shade.verbatim parameter
2001-08-05 Norman Walsh <>
* param.xsl: Removed the FormatDingbatCallout classes, they were the same as the FormatUnicodeCallout classes but with a font wrapper. Added a callout.unicode.font parameter to wrap Unicode callouts
2001-08-04 Norman Walsh <>
* autotoc.xsl: Add '.' to the autotoc.label.separator; suppress the separator if there is no label
* chunker.xsl: Added a quiet parameter to suppress the Writing... message
* refentry.xsl: Don't output anchor for refsect*, the anchor is output as part of the title processing
2001-08-02 Robert Stayton <>
* sections.xsl: Allow anchors in section titles
* xref.xsl: Changed <link> to process its endterm if the element content
is empty.
2001-08-01 Norman Walsh <>
* component.xsl: Don't calculate ids where they aren't used; don't put ids on divs because anchors will be output in the component title
* footnote.xsl: Process simpara in footnote; warn if something unexpected turns up in a footnote
* formal.xsl: Allow anchors in formal object titles
* graphics.xsl: Output anchors for images that have IDs
* lists.xsl: Output anchors for list elements with IDs
* param.xsl: Leave ../ out of graphics paths by default; that doesn't make sense anymore
* param.xsl, xref.xsl: First crude beginnings of olink support
* qandaset.xsl: Remove unnecessary spaces
* titlepage.templates.xml: Don't suppress othercredit on titlepages
* titlepage.xsl: Handle othercredits on title pages
2001-07-21 Norman Walsh <>
* block.xsl, param.xsl: Fix title-end punctuation problems on formalparas
2001-07-17 Robert Stayton <>
* graphics.xsl: Fixed bug #442160. Parameter graphic.default.extension is now used also for <graphic> and <inlinegraphic> not only for <imagedata>.
* xref.xsl: xref element with endterm attribute now uses normal templates
to process the children of the element pointed to by the endterm
ID. Formerly it just used the built-in template and rendered
just the text nodes.
2001-07-16 Norman Walsh <>
* inline.xsl, param.xsl: Added and if true, wrap a span around phrase and emphasis elements with the role attribute propagated to the class attribute
* sections.xsl: added null templates for section titleabbrev in normal mode
* table.xsl: Wrap tbody around table footnotes (so that the HTML table model is not broken)
2001-07-15 Norman Walsh <>
* param.xsl: Make generate.section.toc.level 0 by default
2001-07-10 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk.xsl: Remove extension namespace declarations; they aren't actually used in this module
* chunker.xsl: Make exsl:document the first choice
* chunker.xsl: Fix EXSLT namespace name for exsl:document element
* chunker.xsl, oldchunker.xsl, param.xsl: Move declaration for default.encoding and saxon.character.representation from param.xsl to (old)chunker.xsl so that chunker.xsl can be used by any stylesheet (indepedent of docbook.xsl). Maybe this should get moved to lib...
* pi.xsl: Irrelevant encoding change
2001-07-09 Norman Walsh <>
* autotoc.xsl: Fixed typo in reference to annotate.toc variable
2001-07-08 Norman Walsh <>
* calc-chunks.xsl, chunk-experimental.xsl: Break chunk calculation and chunking into two tasks; *requires* every chunk to have an ID
* chunker.xsl: Use element-available function not vendor to find chunking elements
* exsltchunk.xsl, exsltchunker.xsl: These have been integrated into the regular chunker now that it's based on extension-available()
* keywords.xsl: Tweaked handling of keywords to avoid multiple templates
* oldchunker.xsl: New file.
* qandaset.xsl: Improve QandA formatting; make question bold if defaultlabel=none (FR #419315)
* xref.xsl: Support xref to bridgehead
2001-07-07 Norman Walsh <>
* param.xsl: Added callout.dingbats parameter (for extension support; not really used in HTML)
2001-07-06 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-experimental.xsl, expchunk.xsl: New file.
2001-07-05 Norman Walsh <>
* block.xsl: Whitespace
* block.xsl, lists.xsl: FR #422097, make a listitem containing a single simpara output an li with only inline content
* chunk-common.xsl: Patch #418401, add accesskey attributes to HTML navigation
* chunk-common.xsl: Patch #428987, use the id of the root element if is non-zero; also chunk a /section properly
* param.xsl, sections.xsl: SR #431040, added generate.section.toc.level parameter to control depth of sections which get a TOC
* param.xsl, sections.xsl: Change semantics of generate.section.toc.level; 0 no longer means ignored it now means less than 1 :-)
* titlepage.xsl: Patch #415865, output contrib for authors and othercontribs
2001-07-04 <>
* autotoc.xsl: Support annotated TOCs
* biblio.xsl, param.xsl, xref.xsl: Support an external bibliography collection
* chunk-common.xsl, docbook.xsl, param.xsl: Bug #418968: replaced body.attrs attribute-set with body.attributes template
* component.xsl, sections.xsl: Remove internal references to *.titlepage.recto.mode and *.titlepage.verso.mode
* ebnf.xsl: Minor presentation bug fixes
* xref.xsl: Bug #429011, fix xref to qandset elements
2001-06-22 Norman Walsh <>
* docbook.xsl, ebnf.xsl: Support EBNF
* param.xsl: Remove unused parameter: check.idref
2001-06-21 Norman Walsh <>
* lists.xsl, param.xsl, xref.xsl: Use common code to calculate step numbers; support xref to procedures and steps; added formal.procedures parameter
2001-06-20 Norman Walsh <>
* formal.xsl: Generate formal titles correctly
* graphics.xsl: Don't put span around inlinemediaobject in programlistings or screens (causes problems with line numbering and callouts)
* refentry.xsl: Bug 434102: fix refentry inside of chapter and fix refsynopsisdiv formatting in both FO and HTML
* xref.xsl: Support xref to authorgroup
2001-06-18 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-common.xsl: Reordered erroneous test: only link to top-level sections, even if the first one is a chunk
2001-06-17 Norman Walsh <>
* exsltchunk.xsl, exsltchunker.xsl: New file.
2001-06-15 Norman Walsh <>
* component.xsl: Handle subtitle in articleinfo
2001-06-13 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-common.xsl: Make sure the root element gets processed correctly so that it generates the right titlepage
* component.xsl: Don't output ID attributes on DIVs with required titles since they conflict with the NAME attributes on the subsequently output A tags.
* docbook.xsl: Pass the current node to user.head.content
* index.xsl: Updated comment
2001-06-07 Jirka Kosek <>
* lists.xsl: Things preceding steps in procedure are placed before OL list.
2001-06-04 Norman Walsh <>
* lists.xsl: Fixed typo in compact list support; backed out procedure step changes
* sections.xsl: Fixed CSS typo; clear: all should be clear: both
2001-06-02 Jirka Kosek <>
* lists.xsl: Fixed bug #424926. Things preceding steps in procedure are not placed inside OL list.
2001-05-23 Norman Walsh <>
* component.xsl: Reorganized templates for clarity
* graphics.xsl: Fix dup. template bug with is.graphic.*
* titlepage.xsl: Added template for publisher
2001-05-21 Norman Walsh <>
* autotoc.xsl: Make the TOC label/title separator a parameter
* callout.xsl, verbatim.xsl: Move calculation of linenumber.* parameters into the number.rtf.lines template
* changebars.xsl: Add link and member as inlines
* sections.xsl: Refactor the section title code
* titlepage.templates.xml: Reworked titlepage template processing to support use of more interesting
Note: in previous versions, at most one title, subtitle, or titleabbrev
element would be processed for each title page. In the new design, if you
have multiple title, subtitle, or titleabbrev elements inside an info
wrapper (you shouldn't!), they will all be processed.
2001-05-13 Norman Walsh <>
* param.xsl: Fixed ID typo
* synop.xsl: Fixed synopfragmentref link (suggested by Philippe Martin)
2001-05-12 Norman Walsh <>
* autotoc.xsl, param.xsl: Mostly failed attempt to add bridgeheads to the automatic TOC; this option is turned off by default and you should leave it that way.
* sections.xsl: Calculate the heading level for bridgeheads
2001-05-03 Norman Walsh <>
* lists.xsl: Output anchors for procedures and steps
* table.xsl: Process head/body/foot in the right order
2001-04-29 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-common.xsl, chunk.xsl, xtchunk.xsl: Automatically make an index when chunking with a processor other than XT
2001-04-26 Norman Walsh <>
* changebars.xsl: Support a few more elements
* inline.xsl: Make glossterms hot if they're links. And make them italic.
* lists.xsl: Improve procedure step/substep enumeration
2001-04-24 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-common.xsl: Feature request 416507: added chunk.sections and chunk.first.sections to provide greater chunking flexibility
* chunk-common.xsl: Fix chunking bug
* chunker.xsl: Output ID in message
* glossary.xsl: Fix bug that caused duplicated glossary entries
* qandaset.xsl: Bug #418100: fix qandaentry anchors; also fixed formatting bug in questions with indexterms
2001-04-21 Jirka Kosek <>
* chunker.xsl, param.xsl: Added parameters for changing output encoding in chunked HTML
* inline.xsl: Improve processing of trademarks
2001-04-20 Norman Walsh <>
* inline.xsl: Restoring accidentally deleted citetitle template
2001-04-18 Norman Walsh <>
* autoidx.xsl: Fix bug: lowercase and uppercase need to be strings (not element names :-)
* inline.xsl, param.xsl: Bug #413982, easy support for man page CGI links on citerefentry
2001-04-17 Norman Walsh <>
* docbook.xsl, param.xsl: Move label.from.part parameter into param.xsl; default it to 0 so that chapters and appendixes are numbered monotonically throughout a book by default. Moved param.xsl up in the include list, just for good measure
2001-04-16 Norman Walsh <>
* component.xsl: Fix bug in processing of subtitle content on components
* glossary.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml: Fix formatting of glossarys--things were really broken
* xref.xsl: Patches Tracker #415439: support title attribute on HTML anchors associated with xrefs
2001-04-15 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-common.xsl: Process footnotes correctly when chunking; add summary attribute to navigation tables
* docbook.xsl: Support inheriting of *info keywords
* footnote.xsl, sections.xsl: Process footnotes correctly when chunking
* formal.xsl: Use gentext templates for formal object titles
* param.xsl: Added new parameters: inherit.keywords, process.source.toc, and process.empty.source.toc; changed the default for spacing.paras to 0
* table.xsl: Improve support for align attribute on tgroup
* toc.xsl: Support DocBook toc markup
* xref.xsl: Make a title attribute on HTML anchors for links to things with titles
2001-04-05 Norman Walsh <>
* table.xsl: Don't translate tgroup align into HTML table align--they don't mean the same thing
* titlepage.xsl: Suppress titleabbrev on the title page
2001-04-04 Norman Walsh <>
* chunk-common.xsl: Move xsl:message about chunks into the chunker modules
* chunker.xsl: Support indent and doctype public/system on chunks (for Saxon, anyway, Xalan's multiple-document extension doesn't seem to support this)
* xtchunker.xsl: Use xsl:choose to support xml, html, and text output methods
2001-04-03 Norman Walsh <>
* callout.xsl: Fix bug 412487, make XSL-generated callout marks honor callout mark parameters
* chunk-common.xsl: Remove unnecessary xmlns declarations
* chunker.xsl: Patch to make saxon not produce xml version=1.1 documents
* param.xsl: Documentation fixes
* qandaset.xsl: Apply patch 412510 by Jon Willeke, make xref to Question work correctly
* xref.xsl: Remove unnecessary parameter assignment
2001-04-02 Norman Walsh <>
* .cvsignore, Makefile, admon.xsl, autoidx.xsl, autotoc.xsl, biblio.xsl, block.xsl, callout.xsl, changebars.xsl, chunk-common.xsl, chunk.xsl, chunker.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, docbook.xsl, ebnf.xsl, footnote.xsl, formal.xsl, glossary.xsl, graphics.xsl, html.xsl, index.xsl, info.xsl, inline.xsl, keywords.xsl, lists.xsl, math.xsl, param.xsl, pi.xsl, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, sections.xsl, synop.xsl, table.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl, toc.xsl, verbatim.xsl, xref.xsl, xtchunk.xsl, xtchunker.xsl:
New file.
* Makefile: Use the cvstools version of saxon