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ajcTests.xml 3.6KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "../tests/ajcTestSuite.dtd" [
  2. <!ENTITY ajc10xTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc10x/ajc10x-tests.xml">
  3. <!ENTITY ajc11Tests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc11/ajc11-tests.xml">
  4. <!ENTITY ajc120Tests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc120/ajc120-tests.xml">
  5. <!ENTITY ajc121Tests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc121/ajc121-tests.xml">
  6. <!ENTITY aspectpathTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/aspectpath/aspectpath-tests.xml">
  7. <!ENTITY baseTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/base/baseTests-tests.xml">
  8. <!ENTITY designTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/design/designtest.xml">
  9. <!ENTITY incrementalTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/incremental-tests.xml">
  10. <!ENTITY inpathTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/inpath/inpath-tests.xml">
  11. <!ENTITY java14Tests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/java14/java14-tests.xml">
  12. <!ENTITY knownlimitationsTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/knownlimitations/knownLimitations-tests.xml">
  13. <!ENTITY optionsTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/options/options-tests.xml">
  14. <!ENTITY pre10xTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/pre10x/pre10x-tests.xml">
  15. <!ENTITY purejavaTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/purejava/pureJava-tests.xml">
  16. <!ENTITY serialVerUIDTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/serialVerUID/serialVerUID-tests.xml">
  17. <!ENTITY xlintTests SYSTEM "../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/xlint/xlint-tests.xml">
  18. ]>
  19. <!--
  20. known keywords:
  21. knownLimitation Accepted limitation of current implementation (fails)
  22. purejava Sources compile under javac as well
  23. broken-test ??
  24. messages-vary one of many (usually two) test specs that differ only in
  25. messages expected by the different compilers.
  26. Currently ajc 1.0 tests are in ajcTests10.xml,
  27. so there may only be one copy marked "messages-vary" here.
  28. new-messages-vary like messages-vary, except need to make ajcTest10 variant
  29. fail-{...} test fails in some configuration
  30. fail-unimplmented eajc throwing "unimplemented" exception
  31. fail-commandLine fails in ajc on command line (move to ajcTestsBroken.xml)
  32. fail-in-eclipse fail when harness in run from inside eclipse
  33. fail-publicType now fixed - no longer presenting error for public type in wrong file
  34. from-{file} from original {file}.txt for file in
  35. java, bigjava, resolved_1*, 14tests, errors, design, base...
  36. incremental-test uses inc-compile step
  37. command-error command-line error test
  38. knownLimitation-ajctaskCompiler
  39. Accepted limitation of the AjcTaskCompilerCommand wrapper
  40. knownLimitation-ajdeCompiler
  41. Accepted limitation of the AJDE CompileCommand wrapper
  42. poorErrorMessages test case passes but errors produced by compiler could do with
  43. improvement
  44. Test titles:
  45. Titles should be unique and not change, and related tests should have the
  46. same title prefix. This permits us to automatically compare the test results
  47. from different versions (and suites), and to see related differences together.
  48. -->
  49. <suite>
  50. &baseTests;
  51. &designTests;
  52. &pre10xTests;
  53. &ajc10xTests;
  54. &ajc11Tests;
  55. &ajc120Tests;
  56. &ajc121Tests;
  57. &aspectpathTests;
  58. &incrementalTests;
  59. &inpathTests;
  60. &java14Tests;
  61. &knownlimitationsTests;
  62. &optionsTests;
  63. &purejavaTests;
  64. &serialVerUIDTests;
  65. &xlintTests;
  66. </suite>