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  133. <h3 align="center">AspectJ Design Overview</h3>
  134. <h4>Contents</h4>
  135. <ul>
  136. <li><a href="compiler-weaver/index.html">Guide for Developers of the AspectJ Compiler and Weaver</a></li>
  137. <li><a href="modules.html">Module Structure</a></li>
  138. <li><a href="language.html">Language Design</a></li>
  139. </ul>
  140. <h4 class="paragraph">Here are some sobering words from David Parnas on
  141. &quot;Ignorant Surgery&quot; in his paper on Software Aging:</h4>
  142. <h4 class="smallParagraph">&quot;Although it is essential to upgrade software to
  143. prevent aging, changing software can cause a different form of aging. The
  144. designer of a piece of software usually had a simple concept in mind when
  145. writing the program. If the program is large, understanding the concept allows
  146. one to find those sections of the program that must be altered when an update or
  147. correction is needed. Understanding that concept also implies understanding the
  148. interfaces used within the system and between the system and its environment.&nbsp;
  149. Changes made by people who do not understand the original design concept almost
  150. always cause the structure of the program to degrade. Under those circumstances,
  151. changes will be inconsistent with the original concept; in fact, they will
  152. invalidate the original concept. Sometimes the damage is small, but often it is
  153. quite severe. After those changes, one must know both the original design rules
  154. and the newly introduced exceptions to the rules, to understand the product.
  155. After many such changes, the original designers no longer understand the
  156. product. Those who made the changes, never did. In other words, *nobody*
  157. understands the modified product.<br>
  158. Software that has been repeatedly modified (maintained) in this way becomes very
  159. expensive to update. Changes take longer and are more likely to introduce new
  160. 'bugs'.&quot;</h4>
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