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  1. #####################################################################
  2. # Copyright (c) 2004 Contributors.
  3. # All rights reserved.
  4. # This program and the accompanying materials are made available
  5. # under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  6. # which accompanies this distribution and is available at
  7. #
  8. #
  9. # Contributors:
  10. # Adrian Colyer - Initial version
  11. #####################################################################
  12. # Messages output by the AspectJ Weaver
  13. # Pointcut related messages...
  14. argsInDeclare=args() pointcut designator cannot be used in declare statement
  15. cflowInDeclare=cflow{0}() pointcut designator cannot be used in declare statement
  16. ifInDeclare=if() pointcut designator cannot be used in declare statement
  17. thisOrTargetInDeclare={0}() pointcut designator cannot be used in declare statement
  18. abstractPointcut={0} is abstract
  19. abstractPointcutNotMadeConcrete=inherited abstract {0} is not made concrete in {1}
  20. conflictingInheritedPointcuts=conflicting inherited pointcuts in {0}
  21. circularPointcutDeclaration=circular pointcut declaration involving: {0}
  22. cantFindPointcut=can''t find pointcut ''{0}'' on {1}
  23. exactTypePatternRequired=exact type pattern required
  24. pointcutNotVisible=pointcut ''{0}'' is not visible from type ''{1}'' - cannot override
  25. cantBindType=can''t bind type name ''{0}''
  26. wildcardTypePatternNotAllowed=wildcard type pattern not allowed, must use type name
  27. fieldCantBeVoid=fields cannot have a void type
  28. noNewArrayJoinpointsByDefault=There are no join points for array construction unless -Xjoinpoints:arrayconstruction is specified
  29. unsupportedPointcutPrimitive=Pointcut expression ''{0}'' contains unsupported pointcut primitive ''{1}''
  30. missingTypePreventsMatch="Unable to determine match at this join point because the type ''{0}'' cannot be found"
  31. # Declare parents messages...
  32. decpObject=can''t change the parents of java.lang.Object
  33. cantExtendSelf=type ''{0}''can not extend itself
  34. interfaceExtendClass=interface can not extend a class
  35. decpHierarchy=can only insert a class into hierarchy, but {0} is not a subtype of {1}
  36. # declare precedence messages...
  37. multipleMatchesInPrecedence=multiple matches for {0}, matches both {1} and {2}
  38. circularityInPrecedenceStar=circularity in declare precedence, ''*'' occurs more than once
  39. nonAspectTypesInPrecedence=Non-aspect types can only be specified in a declare precedence statement when subtypes are included. Non-aspect type is : {0}
  40. circularityInPrecedenceTwo=circularity in declare precedence, ''{0}'' matches two patterns
  41. # declare soft messages...
  42. notThrowable={0} is not a subtype of Throwable
  43. # itd messages...
  44. itdConsOnAspect=can''t declare constructor on an aspect
  45. returnTypeMismatch=can''t override {0} with {1} return types don''t match
  46. paramTypeMismatch=can''t override {0} with {1} parameter types don''t match
  47. visibilityReduction=can''t override {0} with {1} visibility is reduced
  48. cantOverrideFinalMember=can''t override final {0}
  49. doesntThrow=overriden method doesn't throw {0}
  50. overriddenStatic={0} cannot override {1}; overridden method is static
  51. overridingStatic={0} cannot override {1}; overriding method is static
  52. itdConflict=intertype declaration from {0} conflicts with intertype declaration: {1} from {2}
  53. itdMemberConflict=inter-type declaration from {0} conflicts with existing member: {1}
  54. itdNonExposedImplementor=type {0} must be accessible for weaving interface inter type declaration from aspect {1}
  55. itdAbstractMustBePublicOnInterface=abstract intertype method declaration ''{0}'' on interface {1} must be declared public (compiler limitation)
  56. # advice messages...
  57. nonVoidReturn=applying to join point that doesn''t return void: {0}
  58. incompatibleReturnType=incompatible return type applying to {0}
  59. cantThrowChecked=can''t throw checked exception ''{0}'' at this join point ''{1}''
  60. circularDependency=circular advice precedence: can''t determine precedence between two or more pieces of advice that apply to the same join point: {0}
  61. # aspect messages..
  62. missingPerClause=expected per clause on super aspect not found on {0}
  63. wrongPerClause=wrong kind of per clause on super, expected {0} but found {1}
  64. # Reweavable messages...
  65. alreadyWoven=class ''{0}'' is already woven and has not been built in reweavable mode
  66. reweavableMode=weaver operating in reweavable mode. Need to verify any required types exist.
  67. processingReweavable=processing reweavable type {0}: {1}
  68. missingReweavableType=type {0} is needed by reweavable type {1}
  69. verifiedReweavableType=successfully verified type {0} exists. Originates from {1}
  70. aspectNeeded=aspect {0} is needed when using type {1}
  71. reweavableAspectNotRegistered=aspect ''{0}'' woven into ''{1}'' must be defined to the weaver (placed on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
  72. # The infamous and deserving a category all of its own...
  73. cantFindType=can''t find type {0}
  74. cantFindCoreType=can''t find critical required type {0}
  75. cantFindTypeWithinpcd=Unable to find type {0} whilst processing within() pointcut at this source location
  76. cftDuringAroundWeave=Can't find type {0} whilst applying around advice
  77. cftDuringAroundWeavePreinit=Can't find type {0} whilst applying around advice to preinitialization join point
  78. cftExceptionType=Can't find exception type {0} whilst processing advice
  79. cftArgType=Can't find type {0} whilst processing args() pcd
  80. cantFindParentType=can''t find type {0} needed to evaluate methods inherited by subtype {1}
  81. cantFindParentTypeNoSub=can''t find type {0} when attempting to find the set of methods it declares
  82. cantFindTypeFields=can''t find fields of missing type {0}
  83. cantFindTypeSuperclass=can''t determine superclass of missing type {0}
  84. cantFindTypeInterfaces=can''t determine implemented interfaces of missing type {0}
  85. cantFindTypeMethods=can''t determine methods of missing type {0}
  86. cantFindTypePointcuts=can''t determine pointcuts declared in missing type {0}
  87. cantFindTypeModifiers=can''t determine modifiers of missing type {0}
  88. cantFindTypeAnnotation=can''t determine annotations of missing type {0}
  89. cantFindTypeAssignable=can''t determine whether missing type {0} is an instance of {1}
  90. cantFindTypeCoerceable=can''t determine whether missing type {0} can be coerced from {1}
  91. cantFindTypeJoinPoint=can''t find type {0} whilst determining signatures of call or execution join point for {1}, this may cause a pointcut to fail to match at this join point
  92. cantFindTypeInterfaceMethods=can''t find type {0} whilst determining all methods of an implementing subtype, this may cause a pointcut to fail to match at a call or execution join point, or an illegal method override via an ITD to go undetected
  93. # Implementation limitations...
  94. decpBinaryLimitation=can''t use declare parents to change superclass of binary form ''{0}'' (implementation limitation)
  95. overwriteJSR45=overwriting JSR45 information for {0} (compiler limitation)
  96. ifInPerClause=if() pointcut designator cannot be used directly in a per clause (compiler limitation). Create a named pointcut containing the if() and refer to it
  97. ifLexicallyInCflow=if not supported lexically within cflow (compiler limitation)
  98. onlyBeforeOnHandler=Only before advice is supported on handler join points (compiler limitation)
  99. noAroundOnSynchronization=Around advice is not supported on the lock and unlock join points (compiler limitation)
  100. aroundOnPreInit=around on pre-initialization not supported (compiler limitation)
  101. aroundOnInit=around on initialization not supported (compiler limitation)
  102. aroundOnInterfaceStaticInit=around on staticinitialization of interface ''{0}'' not supported (compiler limitation)
  103. unsupportedAnnotationValueType=Compiler limitation: annotation value support not implemented for type {0}
  104. # Bytecode generation nasties...
  105. problemGeneratingMethod=problem generating method {0}.{1} : {2}
  106. classTooBig=The class {0} exceeds the maximum class size supported by the JVM (constant pool too big).
  107. # Classpath messages
  108. zipfileEntryMissing=zipfile classpath entry does not exist: {0}
  109. zipfileEntryInvalid=zipfile classpath entry is invalid: {0} <{1}>
  110. directoryEntryMissing=directory classpath entry does not exist: {0}
  111. outjarInInputPath=-outjar cannot be a member of -injars, -inpath or -aspectpath
  112. # Lint messages
  113. problemLoadingXLint=problem loading Xlint properties file: {0}, {1}
  114. unableToLoadXLintDefault=couldn''t load
  115. errorLoadingXLintDefault=problem loading, {0}
  116. invalidXLintKey=invalid Xlint key: {0}
  117. invalidXLintMessageKind=invalid Xlint message kind (must be one of ignore, warning, error): {0}
  118. # Binding of formals
  119. unboundFormalInPC=the parameter {0} is not bound in [all branches of] pointcut
  120. ambiguousBindingInPC=the binding of parameter {0} is ambiguous in pointcut
  121. ambiguousBindingInOrPC=ambiguous binding of parameter(s) {0} across ''||'' in pointcut
  122. negationDoesntAllowBinding=cannot bind a parameter in a negated expression
  123. # Java5
  124. # Enum
  125. itdcOnEnumNotAllowed=can''t make inter-type constructor declarations on enum types
  126. itdmOnEnumNotAllowed=can''t make inter-type method declarations on enum types
  127. itdfOnEnumNotAllowed=can''t make inter-type field declarations on enum types
  128. cantDecpOnEnumToImplInterface=can''t use declare parents to make enum type {0} implement an interface
  129. cantDecpOnEnumToExtendClass=can''t use declare parents to alter supertype of enum type {0}
  130. cantDecpToMakeEnumSupertype=can''t use declare parents to make ''java.lang.Enum'' the parent of type {0}
  131. # Annotation
  132. itdcOnAnnotationNotAllowed=can''t make inter-type constructor declarations on annotation types
  133. itdmOnAnnotationNotAllowed=can''t make inter-type method declarations on annotation types
  134. itdfOnAnnotationNotAllowed=can''t make inter-type field declarations on annotation types
  135. cantDecpOnAnnotationToImplInterface=can''t use declare parents to make annotation type {0} implement an interface
  136. cantDecpOnAnnotationToExtendClass=can''t use declare parents to alter supertype of annotation type {0}
  137. cantDecpToMakeAnnotationSupertype=can''t use declare parents to make ''java.lang.annotation.Annotation'' the parent of type {0}
  138. incorrectTargetForDeclareAnnotation={0} is not a valid target for annotation {1}, this annotation can only be applied to these element types {2}
  139. referenceToNonAnnotationType=Type referred to is not an annotation type: {0}
  140. bindingNonRuntimeRetentionAnnotation=Annotation type {0} does not have runtime retention
  141. noMatchBecauseSourceRetention=Failing match because annotation ''{0}'' on type ''{1}'' has SOURCE retention. Matching allowed when RetentionPolicy is CLASS or RUNTIME
  142. # Annotation value
  143. invalidAnnotationValue=Invalid annotation value ''{0}'', expected {1} value
  144. unknownAnnotationValue=The annotation ''{0}'' does not define a value named ''{1}''
  145. # Generics
  146. cantDecpMultipleParameterizations=Cannot declare parent {0} onto type {1} since it already has {2} in its hierarchy
  147. noParameterizedTypePatternInHandler=a parameterized type pattern may not be used in a handler pointcut expression
  148. incorrectNumberOfTypeArguments=Type pattern does not match because the wrong number of type parameters are specified: Type {0} requires {1} parameter(s)
  149. violatesTypeVariableBounds=Type {0} does not meet the specification for type parameter {1} ({2}) in generic type {3}
  150. notAGenericType=Type pattern does not match because {0} is not a generic type
  151. noStaticInitJPsForParameterizedTypes=no static initialization join points for parameterized types, use raw type instead
  152. noParameterizedTypePatternInWithin=parameterized type pattern not supported by 'within', use a raw type pattern instead
  153. noParameterizedTypesInThisAndTarget=parameterized types not supported for this and target pointcuts (erasure limitation)
  154. noParameterizedTypesInGetAndSet=can't use parameterized type patterns for the declaring type of a get or set pointcut expression (use the raw type instead)
  155. noInitJPsForParameterizedTypes=no [pre]initialization join points for parameterized types, use raw type instead
  156. noGenericThrowables=invalid throws pattern: a generic class may not be a direct or indirect subclass of Throwable
  157. noParameterizedDeclaringTypesWithinCode=can't use parameterized type patterns for the declaring type of a withincode pointcut expression (use the raw type instead)
  158. noParameterizedDeclaringTypesInExecution=can't use parameterized type patterns for the declaring type of an execution pointcut expression (use the raw type instead)
  159. noParameterizedDeclaringTypesInCall=can't use parameterized type patterns for the declaring type of a call pointcut expression (use the raw type instead)
  160. noRawTypePointcutReferences=cannot use a raw type reference to refer to a pointcut in a generic type (use a parameterized reference instead)
  161. hasMemberNotEnabled=the type pattern {0} can only be used when the -XhasMember option is set
  162. # Java5 features used in pre-Java 5 environment
  163. atannotationNeedsJava5=the @annotation pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  164. atwithinNeedsJava5=the @within pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  165. atwithincodeNeedsJava5=the @withincode pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  166. atthisNeedsJava5=the @this pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  167. attargetNeedsJava5=the @target pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  168. atargsNeedsJava5=the @args pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  169. declareAtTypeNeedsJava5=declare @type is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  170. declareAtMethodNeedsJava5=declare @method is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  171. declareAtFieldNeedsJava5=declare @field is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  172. declareAtConsNeedsJava5=declare @constructor is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  173. annotationsRequireJava5=annotation type patterns are only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
  174. # @AspectJ
  175. returningFormalNotDeclaredInAdvice=the last parameter of this advice must be named ''{0}'' to bind the returning value
  176. thrownFormalNotDeclaredInAdvice=the last parameter of this advice must be named ''{0}'' and be of a subtype of Throwable