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build.xml 579B

  1. <project name="aspectj-examples" default="spacewar" basedir=".">
  2. <!--target name="init.taskdefs"-->
  3. <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
  4. <classpath>
  5. <pathelement path="c:\aspectj1.2\lib\aspectjtools.jar"/>
  6. </classpath>
  7. </taskdef>
  8. <!--/target-->
  9. <target name="spacewar">
  10. <iajc destdir="." argfiles="Two.lst" debug="off"
  11. fork="true" forkclasspath="c:\aspectj1.2\lib\aspectjtools.jar"
  12. classpath="c:\aspectj1.2\lib\aspectjrt.jar"/>
  13. </target>
  14. </project>