You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

selectionTest.xml 5.9KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "../tests/ajcTestSuite.dtd">
  2. <suite >
  3. <!-- .............................................................................
  4. Should get 1 tests run and passed when running with global options:
  5. -ajctestRequireKeywords=requireKeyword
  6. -ajctestSkipKeywords=skipKeyword
  7. !verbose
  8. -eclipse
  9. This is used by a JUnit test HarnessSelectionTest.
  10. Do not change the outcome or attributes without passing that test.
  11. -->
  12. <ajc-test dir="." title="run and pass"
  13. keywords="requireKeyword" >
  14. <compile files=""/>
  15. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  16. </ajc-test>
  17. <!-- .............................................................................
  18. AjcTest should skip or select based on (arbitrary) keywords
  19. -->
  20. <ajc-test dir="." pr="100" title="omit if skipKeyword" keywords="requireKeyword,skipKeyword" >
  21. <compile staging="false" files=""/>
  22. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  23. </ajc-test>
  24. <!-- .............................................................................
  25. CompilerRun should resolve soft conflicts in favor of globals. XXX
  26. -->
  27. <!-- .............................................................................
  28. CompilerRun should skip hard conflicts (both local and global use force). XXX
  29. -->
  30. <ajc-test dir="." pr="101" title="skip - conflict of local ^verbose and global !verbose XXX failing - runs"
  31. keywords="requireKeyword" >
  32. <compile files="" options="^verbose"/>
  33. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  34. </ajc-test>
  35. <!-- .............................................................................
  36. CompilerRun should skip semantic conflicts - see CompilerRun.Spec.setupArgs(..).
  37. -->
  38. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local conflict between -lenient, -strict"
  39. keywords="requireKeyword" >
  40. <compile files="" options="-lenient,-strict"/>
  41. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  42. </ajc-test>
  43. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local conflict between forced lenient, forced strict"
  44. keywords="requireKeyword" >
  45. <compile files="" options="!lenient,!strict"/>
  46. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  47. </ajc-test>
  48. <!-- ................... ajc limitations -->
  49. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced ajc with incremental tests"
  50. keywords="requireKeyword,skipUnenforcedAjcLimit" >
  51. <compile staging="true" files="" options="!ajc"/>
  52. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  53. </ajc-test>
  54. <!-- ................... eajc limitations -->
  55. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced eclipse with -strict"
  56. keywords="requireKeyword,ajcEclipseForceConflict,eclipseOptionSkip" >
  57. <compile staging="true" files="" options="-strict,!eclipse"/>
  58. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  59. </ajc-test>
  60. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced eclipse with -lenient"
  61. keywords="requireKeyword,ajcEclipseForceConflict,eclipseOptionSkip" >
  62. <compile staging="true" files="" options="-lenient,!eclipse"/>
  63. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  64. </ajc-test>
  65. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced eclipse with forced strict"
  66. keywords="requireKeyword,ajcEclipseForceConflict,eclipseOptionSkip" >
  67. <compile staging="true" files="" options="!strict,!eclipse"/>
  68. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  69. </ajc-test>
  70. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced eclipse with forced lenient"
  71. keywords="requireKeyword,ajcEclipseForceConflict,eclipseOptionSkip" >
  72. <compile staging="true" files="" options="!lenient,!eclipse"/>
  73. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  74. </ajc-test>
  75. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced eclipse with -preprocess"
  76. keywords="requireKeyword,ajcEclipseForceConflict,eclipseOptionSkip" >
  77. <compile staging="true" files="" options="-preprocess,!eclipse"/>
  78. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  79. </ajc-test>
  80. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - forced eclipse with -usejavac"
  81. keywords="requireKeyword,ajcEclipseForceConflict,eclipseOptionSkip" >
  82. <compile staging="true" files="" options="-usejavac,!eclipse"/>
  83. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  84. </ajc-test>
  85. <!-- .............................................................................
  86. CompilerRun should skip invalid options CompilerRun.Spec.INVALID_OPTIONS:
  87. { "-workingdir", "-argfile", "-sourceroots", "-outjar", "-source" }
  88. -->
  89. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local invalid option -workingdir"
  90. keywords="requireKeyword,localInvalidOption" >
  91. <compile files="" options="-workingdir,."/>
  92. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  93. </ajc-test>
  94. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local invalid option -argfile"
  95. keywords="requireKeyword,localInvalidOption" >
  96. <compile files="" options="-argfile,f"/>
  97. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  98. </ajc-test>
  99. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local invalid option -sourceroots"
  100. keywords="requireKeyword,localInvalidOption" >
  101. <compile files="" options="-sourceroots,."/>
  102. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  103. </ajc-test>
  104. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local invalid option -outjar"
  105. keywords="requireKeyword,localInvalidOption" >
  106. <compile files="" options="-outjar,foo.jar"/>
  107. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  108. </ajc-test>
  109. <ajc-test dir="." title="skip - local invalid option -source1.4"
  110. keywords="requireKeyword,localInvalidOption" >
  111. <compile files="" options="-source1.4"/>
  112. <run class="TestNoTester"/>
  113. </ajc-test>
  114. <!-- .............................................................................
  115. CompilerRun should skip invalid options specified as globals XXX
  116. -->
  117. </suite>