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suiteFails.xml 4.9KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE suite [
  3. <!ELEMENT suite (ajc-test+)>
  4. <!ATTLIST suite suiteDir CDATA #IMPLIED >
  5. <!ATTLIST suite verbose CDATA #IMPLIED >
  6. <!ELEMENT ajc-test (compile, (compile | inc-compile | run )*)>
  7. <!ATTLIST ajc-test title CDATA #REQUIRED >
  8. <!ATTLIST ajc-test dir CDATA #REQUIRED >
  9. <!ATTLIST ajc-test pr CDATA #IMPLIED >
  10. <!ATTLIST ajc-test keywords CDATA #IMPLIED >
  11. <!ELEMENT compile (dir-changes*,file*,message*)>
  12. <!ATTLIST compile files CDATA #IMPLIED >
  13. <!ATTLIST compile options CDATA #IMPLIED >
  14. <!ATTLIST compile staging (true | false) #IMPLIED >
  15. <!ELEMENT inc-compile (dir-changes*,message*)> <!-- 0-1? -->
  16. <!ATTLIST inc-compile tag CDATA #REQUIRED >
  17. <!ATTLIST inc-compile changedFiles CDATA #IMPLIED >
  18. <!ATTLIST inc-compile classesAdded CDATA #IMPLIED >
  19. <!ATTLIST inc-compile classesRemoved CDATA #IMPLIED >
  20. <!ATTLIST inc-compile classesUpdated CDATA #IMPLIED >
  21. <!ELEMENT run (dir-changes*,message*)>
  22. <!ATTLIST run class CDATA #REQUIRED >
  23. <!ATTLIST run skipTester CDATA #IMPLIED >
  24. <!ATTLIST run options CDATA #IMPLIED >
  25. <!ELEMENT file (#PCDATA)>
  26. <!ATTLIST file path CDATA #IMPLIED >
  27. <!ELEMENT dir-changes (#PCDATA)>
  28. <!ATTLIST dir-changes dirToken (classes | run) #IMPLIED >
  29. <!ATTLIST dir-changes defaultSuffix CDATA #IMPLIED >
  30. <!ATTLIST dir-changes added CDATA #IMPLIED >
  31. <!ATTLIST dir-changes removed CDATA #IMPLIED >
  32. <!ATTLIST dir-changes updated CDATA #IMPLIED >
  33. <!ATTLIST dir-changes unchanged CDATA #IMPLIED >
  34. <!ELEMENT message (#PCDATA)>
  35. <!ATTLIST message kind (error | warning | info | Xlint) #REQUIRED >
  36. <!ATTLIST message line CDATA #REQUIRED >
  37. <!ATTLIST message text CDATA #IMPLIED >
  38. <!ATTLIST message file CDATA #IMPLIED >
  39. ]>
  40. <suite suiteDir="." verbose="true">
  41. <!--
  42. Using OldAjc (no inc-compile), get two errors (updated file not found (b/c cleared?),
  43. deleted file not found.
  44. -->
  45. <!--
  46. test harness ability to update and delete source files to prep for a compile
  47. -->
  48. <!--
  49. test harness ability to detect directory changes
  50. -->
  51. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected added class not added"
  52. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  53. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  54. <run class="main.Main"/>
  55. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  56. <dir-changes added="main.ExpectNotAdded"/>
  57. </inc-compile>
  58. </ajc-test>
  59. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected added class exists at start"
  60. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  61. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  62. <run class="main.Main"/>
  63. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  64. <dir-changes added="main.Main"/>
  65. </inc-compile>
  66. </ajc-test>
  67. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected unchanged class changed"
  68. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  69. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  70. <run class="main.Main"/>
  71. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  72. <dir-changes unchanged="main.Main"/>
  73. </inc-compile>
  74. </ajc-test>
  75. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected unchanged class does not exist at start"
  76. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  77. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  78. <run class="main.Main"/>
  79. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  80. <dir-changes unchanged="main.DoesNotExistAtStart"/>
  81. </inc-compile>
  82. </ajc-test>
  83. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected updated class is not updated"
  84. dir="classUnchanged" keywords="incremental" >
  85. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  86. <run class="main.Main"/>
  87. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  88. <dir-changes updated="main.Target"/>
  89. </inc-compile>
  90. </ajc-test>
  91. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected updated class does not exist at start"
  92. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  93. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  94. <run class="main.Main"/>
  95. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  96. <dir-changes updated="main.DoesNotExistAtStart"/>
  97. </inc-compile>
  98. </ajc-test>
  99. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected deleted class not deleted"
  100. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  101. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  102. <run class="main.Main"/>
  103. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  104. <dir-changes removed="main.Main"/>
  105. </inc-compile>
  106. </ajc-test>
  107. <ajc-test title="report dir-changes fail when expected deleted class does not exist at start"
  108. dir="classAdded" keywords="incremental" >
  109. <compile staging="true" files="main/Main.java"/>
  110. <run class="main.Main"/>
  111. <inc-compile tag="20" >
  112. <dir-changes removed="main.DoesNotExistAtStart"/>
  113. </inc-compile>
  114. </ajc-test>
  115. </suite>