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build.xml 1.2KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <project name="bridge" default="all" basedir=".">
  3. <import file="../build/build-common.xml"/>
  4. <import file="../util/build.xml"/>
  5. <path id="bridge.test.src.path">
  6. <fileset dir="${basedir}/../lib">
  7. <include name="junit/*.jar"/>
  8. </fileset>
  9. <path refid="bridge.src.path"/>
  10. </path>
  11. <path id="bridge.src.path">
  12. <pathelement path="../util/bin"/>
  13. </path>
  14. <target name="compile" depends="init,
  15. util.compile">
  16. <srccompile project="bridge" path="bridge.src.path"/>
  17. </target>
  18. <target name="test:compile" depends="compile">
  19. <testcompile project="bridge" path="bridge.test.src.path"/>
  20. </target>
  21. <target name="test" depends="test:compile">
  22. <testrun project="bridge" path="bridge.test.src.path" suite="BridgeModuleTests"/>
  23. </target>
  24. <target name="jar" depends="compile">
  25. <delete file="${build.ajdir}/jars/bridge.jar"/>
  26. <zip destfile="${build.ajdir}/jars/bridge.jar">
  27. <fileset dir="bin">
  28. <include name="**/*"/>
  29. </fileset>
  30. </zip>
  31. </target>
  32. </project>