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plugin.xml 12KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <plugin
  3. id="org.eclipse.jdt.core"
  4. name="%pluginName"
  5. version="2.0.0"
  6. provider-name="PARC"
  7. class="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore">
  8. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  9. <!-- Runtime Libraries -->
  10. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  11. <runtime>
  12. <library name="jdtcore.jar">
  13. <export name="*"/>
  14. </library>
  15. <!--<library name="bcweaver.jar"/>
  16. <library name="runtime.jar"/>
  17. <library name="util.jar"/>-->
  18. <library name="bcel.jar"/>
  19. </runtime>
  20. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  21. <!-- Prerequisite Plug-ins -->
  22. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  23. <requires>
  24. <import plugin="org.eclipse.core.resources"/>
  25. <import plugin="org.apache.xerces"/>
  26. <import plugin="org.eclipse.ant.core"/>
  27. <import plugin="org.aspectj.ajdt"/>
  28. </requires>
  29. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  30. <!-- -->
  31. <!-- </extension> -->
  32. <!-- class="com.example.CPVInitializer"/> -->
  33. <!-- variable="FOO" -->
  34. <!-- <classpathVariableInitializer -->
  35. <!-- point="org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariableInitializer"> -->
  36. <!-- <extension -->
  37. <!-- Example of an ClasspathVariableInitializer for a classpath variable named "FOO": -->
  38. <!-- -->
  39. <!-- 0-argument constructor. -->
  40. <!-- org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathVariableInitializer with a public -->
  41. <!-- The class must implement a public subclass of -->
  42. <!-- - class - the class that implements this classpath variable initializer. -->
  43. <!-- - variable - the name of the classpath variable -->
  44. <!-- where: -->
  45. <!-- > -->
  46. <!-- class CDATA #REQUIRED -->
  47. <!-- variable CDATA #REQUIRED -->
  48. <!-- <!ATTLIST classpathVariableInitializer -->
  49. <!-- <!ELEMENT classpathVariableInitializer> -->
  50. <!-- -->
  51. <!-- Extension Point: Initializers of Classpath Variables -->
  52. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  53. <extension-point id="classpathVariableInitializer" name="%classpathVariableInitializersName"/>
  54. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  55. <!-- -->
  56. <!-- </extension> -->
  57. <!-- class="com.example.MyInitializer"/> -->
  58. <!-- id="JDK" -->
  59. <!-- <classpathContainerInitializer -->
  60. <!-- point="org.eclipse.jdt.core.containerResolver"> -->
  61. <!-- <extension -->
  62. <!-- "JDK/1.2": -->
  63. <!-- Example of an ClasspathContainerInitializer for a classpath container named -->
  64. <!-- -->
  65. <!-- 0-argument constructor. -->
  66. <!-- org.eclipse.jdt.core.ClasspathContainerResolver with a public -->
  67. <!-- The class must implement a public subclass of -->
  68. <!-- - class - the class that implements this container resolver. -->
  69. <!-- be activated. -->
  70. <!-- - id - an unique name identifying all containers for which this resolver will -->
  71. <!-- where: -->
  72. <!-- > -->
  73. <!-- class CDATA #REQUIRED -->
  74. <!-- id CDATA #REQUIRED -->
  75. <!-- <!ATTLIST containerResolver -->
  76. <!-- <!ELEMENT classpathContainerInitializer> -->
  77. <!-- -->
  78. <!-- Extension Point: Initializers of Classpath Containers -->
  79. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  80. <extension-point id="classpathContainerInitializer" name="%classpathContainerInitializersName"/>
  81. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  82. <!-- -->
  83. <!-- </extension> -->
  84. <!-- class="com.example.MyCodeFormatter"/> -->
  85. <!-- <codeFormatter -->
  86. <!-- point="org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeFormatter"> -->
  87. <!-- <extension -->
  88. <!-- Example of an ICodeFormatter extension: -->
  89. <!-- -->
  90. <!-- 0-argument constructor. -->
  91. <!-- org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICodeFormatter with a public -->
  92. <!-- The class must be a public implementatiom of -->
  93. <!-- - class - the class that defines the code formatter implementation. -->
  94. <!-- where: -->
  95. <!-- > -->
  96. <!-- class CDATA #REQUIRED -->
  97. <!-- <!ATTLIST codeFormatter -->
  98. <!-- <!ELEMENT codeFormatter> -->
  99. <!-- -->
  100. <!-- Extension Point: Formatter of Source Code -->
  101. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  102. <extension-point id="codeFormatter" name="%codeFormatterName"/>
  103. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  104. <!-- Extension: Java Nature -->
  105. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  106. <extension
  107. id="javanature"
  108. name="%javaNatureName"
  109. point="org.eclipse.core.resources.natures">
  110. <runtime>
  111. <run
  112. class="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject">
  113. </run>
  114. </runtime>
  115. </extension>
  116. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  117. <!-- Extension: Java Builder -->
  118. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  119. <extension
  120. id="javabuilder"
  121. name="%javaBuilderName"
  122. point="org.eclipse.core.resources.builders">
  123. <builder>
  124. <run
  125. class="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.JavaBuilder">
  126. </run>
  127. </builder>
  128. </extension>
  129. <!-- Java problems -->
  130. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  131. <!-- Extension: Java Markers -->
  132. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  133. <extension
  134. id="problem"
  135. name="%javaProblemName"
  136. point="org.eclipse.core.resources.markers">
  137. <super
  138. type="org.eclipse.core.resources.problemmarker">
  139. </super>
  140. <super
  141. type="org.eclipse.core.resources.textmarker">
  142. </super>
  143. <persistent
  144. value="true">
  145. </persistent>
  146. <attribute
  147. name="id">
  148. </attribute>
  149. <attribute
  150. name="flags">
  151. </attribute>
  152. <attribute
  153. name="arguments">
  154. </attribute>
  155. </extension>
  156. <!-- Java buildpath problems -->
  157. <extension
  158. id="buildpath_problem"
  159. name="%buildPathProblemName"
  160. point="org.eclipse.core.resources.markers">
  161. <super
  162. type="org.eclipse.core.resources.problemmarker">
  163. </super>
  164. <super
  165. type="org.eclipse.core.resources.textmarker">
  166. </super>
  167. <persistent
  168. value="true">
  169. </persistent>
  170. <attribute
  171. name="cycleDetected">
  172. </attribute>
  173. </extension>
  174. <!-- Java transient problems -->
  175. <extension
  176. id="transient_problem"
  177. name="%transientJavaProblemName"
  178. point="org.eclipse.core.resources.markers">
  179. <super
  180. type="org.eclipse.core.resources.textmarker">
  181. </super>
  182. <persistent
  183. value="false">
  184. </persistent>
  185. <attribute
  186. name="id">
  187. </attribute>
  188. <attribute
  189. name="flags">
  190. </attribute>
  191. <attribute
  192. name="arguments">
  193. </attribute>
  194. </extension>
  195. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  196. <!-- Extension: Javac Ant Adapter -->
  197. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  198. <extension
  199. point="org.eclipse.ant.core.extraClasspathEntries">
  200. <extraClasspathEntry
  201. library="jdtCompilerAdapter.jar">
  202. </extraClasspathEntry>
  203. </extension>
  204. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  205. <!-- Extension: Java file types -->
  206. <!-- =================================================================================== -->
  207. <extension
  208. point="org.eclipse.team.core.fileTypes">
  209. <fileTypes
  210. type="text"
  211. extension="java">
  212. </fileTypes>
  213. <fileTypes
  214. type="text"
  215. extension="classpath">
  216. </fileTypes>
  217. <fileTypes
  218. type="text"
  219. extension="properties">
  220. </fileTypes>
  221. <fileTypes
  222. type="binary"
  223. extension="class">
  224. </fileTypes>
  225. <fileTypes
  226. type="binary"
  227. extension="jar">
  228. </fileTypes>
  229. <fileTypes
  230. type="binary"
  231. extension="zip">
  232. </fileTypes>
  233. </extension>
  234. </plugin>