Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  3. xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
  4. <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
  5. <!-- The AspectJ root POM is the parent, but this module is not a submodule -->
  6. <parent>
  7. <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId>
  8. <artifactId>aspectj-parent</artifactId>
  9. <version>1.9.7.BUILD-SNAPSHOT</version>
  10. </parent>
  11. <artifactId>asm-renamed</artifactId>
  12. <version>${asm.version}</version>
  13. <name>ASM for AspectJ</name>
  14. <description>
  15. This module relocates the original ASM artifact from package name 'org.objectweb.asm' to 'aj.org.objectweb.asm',
  16. using Maven Shade Plugin.
  17. In order to avoid committing the binary to the AspectJ SCM repository and using it as a system-scoped dependency, we
  18. deploy it to and Sonatype OSSRH separately, promoting releases to Maven Central. From there it can be consumed by
  19. the main AspectJ build.
  20. Whenever it is necessary to upgrade to a new ASM version in order to make AspectJ compatible with a new Java
  21. version, please build and deploy this module after upgrading property 'asm.version'.
  22. Caveat for IntelliJ IDEA: The project cannot be built in IDEA (Ctrl-F9) if this module is visible in the Maven view.
  23. If so, right-click it and select "Unlink Maven Projects". Unfortunately, "Ignore Projects" is not enough. If Maven
  24. knows of this Maven module, it cannot compile other modules depending on shaded class names, because it cannot find
  25. the binaries. IDEA will just stop looking at the local Maven repository in this case.
  26. </description>
  27. <url>https://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/</url>
  28. <licenses>
  29. <!--
  30. Even though we release the package-relocated version under the 'org.aspectj' group ID, we do respect the original
  31. licence, hence BSD-3 and not Eclipse
  32. -->
  33. <license>
  34. <name>BSD-3-Clause</name>
  35. <url>https://asm.ow2.io/license.html</url>
  36. </license>
  37. </licenses>
  38. <developers>
  39. <!--
  40. AspectJ developers only. For a list of original developers, mailing lists, SCM, issue management information etc.,
  41. please see the original upstream POM, e.g. https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm/9.1/asm-9.1.pom
  42. -->
  43. <developer>
  44. <id>aclement</id>
  45. <name>Andy Clement</name>
  46. <email>aclement@vmware.com</email>
  47. </developer>
  48. <developer>
  49. <id>kriegaex</id>
  50. <name>Alexander Kriegisch</name>
  51. <email>kriegaex@aspectj.dev</email>
  52. </developer>
  53. </developers>
  54. <scm>
  55. <url>https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj</url>
  56. <connection>scm:git:https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj.git</connection>
  57. <developerConnection>scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:eclipse/org.aspectj.git</developerConnection>
  58. </scm>
  59. <properties>
  60. <!-- By default, do not deploy artifacts - but deploy this one used by the main build -->
  61. <maven.deploy.skip>false</maven.deploy.skip>
  62. </properties>
  63. <build>
  64. <plugins>
  65. <plugin>
  66. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  67. <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
  68. <executions>
  69. <!-- Nothing to compile in this module -->
  70. <execution>
  71. <id>default-compile</id>
  72. <phase>none</phase>
  73. </execution>
  74. <execution>
  75. <id>default-testCompile</id>
  76. <phase>none</phase>
  77. </execution>
  78. </executions>
  79. </plugin>
  80. <plugin>
  81. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  82. <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
  83. <configuration>
  84. <!-- Re-create original source JAR in order to avoid re-shading already shaded JAR in non-clean builds -->
  85. <forceCreation>true</forceCreation>
  86. <!--
  87. Avoid attaching the source JAR here, because Maven Shade will add the source uber JAR later. Because both
  88. JARs have the same final name, Maven Install/Deploy would see two artifacts attached to the build, which
  89. would lead to double deployment and hence to an error "Transfer failed for ...-sources.jar 409 Conflict".
  90. See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEPLOY-254 and comments by Alexander Kriegisch.
  91. -->
  92. <attach>false</attach>
  93. <archive>
  94. <addMavenDescriptor>false</addMavenDescriptor>
  95. </archive>
  96. </configuration>
  97. <executions>
  98. <execution>
  99. <id>attach-sources</id>
  100. <phase>package</phase>
  101. <goals>
  102. <goal>jar-no-fork</goal>
  103. </goals>
  104. </execution>
  105. </executions>
  106. </plugin>
  107. <plugin>
  108. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  109. <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
  110. <configuration>
  111. <archive>
  112. <addMavenDescriptor>false</addMavenDescriptor>
  113. </archive>
  114. <!-- Re-create original JAR in order to avoid re-shading already shaded JAR in non-clean builds -->
  115. <forceCreation>true</forceCreation>
  116. </configuration>
  117. <executions>
  118. <execution>
  119. <!-- Avoid creating test JAR -->
  120. <id>test-jar</id>
  121. <phase>none</phase>
  122. </execution>
  123. </executions>
  124. </plugin>
  125. <plugin>
  126. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  127. <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
  128. <configuration>
  129. <createSourcesJar>true</createSourcesJar>
  130. <!-- Flatten Maven plugin takes care of customising the POM for deployment -->
  131. <createDependencyReducedPom>false</createDependencyReducedPom>
  132. <shadedArtifactAttached>false</shadedArtifactAttached>
  133. </configuration>
  134. <executions>
  135. <execution>
  136. <id>asm-relocate</id>
  137. <phase>package</phase>
  138. <goals>
  139. <goal>shade</goal>
  140. </goals>
  141. <configuration>
  142. <minimizeJar>false</minimizeJar>
  143. <shadeSourcesContent>true</shadeSourcesContent>
  144. <artifactSet>
  145. <excludes>
  146. <exclude>${project.groupId}</exclude>
  147. </excludes>
  148. </artifactSet>
  149. <filters>
  150. <filter>
  151. <artifact>*</artifact>
  152. <excludes>
  153. <exclude>META-INF/*</exclude>
  154. </excludes>
  155. </filter>
  156. </filters>
  157. <relocations>
  158. <relocation>
  159. <pattern>org.objectweb.asm</pattern>
  160. <shadedPattern>aj.org.objectweb.asm</shadedPattern>
  161. </relocation>
  162. </relocations>
  163. </configuration>
  164. </execution>
  165. </executions>
  166. </plugin>
  167. <plugin>
  168. <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
  169. <artifactId>truezip-maven-plugin</artifactId>
  170. <executions>
  171. <execution>
  172. <id>unzip-relocated-sources</id>
  173. <phase>package</phase>
  174. <goals>
  175. <goal>copy</goal>
  176. </goals>
  177. <configuration>
  178. <!--
  179. Skip, if javadoc generation is also meant to be skipped, which is the default unless the 'release'
  180. profile is active or the property is overridden manually to be false. See property definitions in parent
  181. POM for default case and release profile.
  182. -->
  183. <skip>${maven.javadoc.skip}</skip>
  184. <verbose>true</verbose>
  185. <fileset>
  186. <directory>${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}-sources.jar</directory>
  187. <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}/unpacked-sources</outputDirectory>
  188. </fileset>
  189. </configuration>
  190. </execution>
  191. </executions>
  192. </plugin>
  193. <plugin>
  194. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  195. <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
  196. <version>3.2.0</version>
  197. <executions>
  198. <execution>
  199. <id>javadoc-jar</id>
  200. <phase>package</phase>
  201. <goals>
  202. <goal>jar</goal>
  203. </goals>
  204. <configuration>
  205. <sourcepath>${project.build.directory}/unpacked-sources</sourcepath>
  206. <!-- Deactivate doclint checks in order to suppress errors -->
  207. <doclint>none</doclint>
  208. <subpackages>aj</subpackages>
  209. <javadocVersion>8</javadocVersion>
  210. </configuration>
  211. </execution>
  212. </executions>
  213. </plugin>
  214. <plugin>
  215. <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
  216. <artifactId>flatten-maven-plugin</artifactId>
  217. <version>1.2.2</version>
  218. <executions>
  219. <!-- Remove shaded dependencies from uber JAR -->
  220. <execution>
  221. <id>flatten</id>
  222. <phase>process-resources</phase>
  223. <goals>
  224. <goal>flatten</goal>
  225. </goals>
  226. <configuration>
  227. <flattenMode>oss</flattenMode>
  228. <pomElements>
  229. <dependencies>remove</dependencies>
  230. <repositories>remove</repositories>
  231. </pomElements>
  232. <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}</outputDirectory>
  233. <flattenedPomFilename>flattened-pom.xml</flattenedPomFilename>
  234. </configuration>
  235. </execution>
  236. </executions>
  237. </plugin>
  238. <!-- Deploy this module to Nexus (Sonatype OSSRH, releases promotable to Maven Central) -->
  239. <plugin>
  240. <groupId>org.sonatype.plugins</groupId>
  241. <artifactId>nexus-staging-maven-plugin</artifactId>
  242. </plugin>
  243. </plugins>
  244. </build>
  245. <dependencies>
  246. <dependency>
  247. <groupId>org.ow2.asm</groupId>
  248. <artifactId>asm</artifactId>
  249. </dependency>
  250. </dependencies>
  251. </project>