Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
Alexander Kriegisch 7d19004b11 IDE.md: Remove old repo.t5.fi M2E update sites, add two more aspectj.dev 6 dias atrás
.github CI build: add Temurin JDK 22 1 mês atrás
.mvn/wrapper Remove obsolete .mvn/settings-read-github-packages.xml 2 anos atrás
ajde Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
ajde.core Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
ajdoc Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
asm Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
aspectjmatcher Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
aspectjrt Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
aspectjtools Add missing asm-commons to aspectjtools 2 semanas atrás
aspectjweaver Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
bcel-builder Minor code cosmetics 1 semana atrás
bridge Minor code cosmetics 1 semana atrás
build Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
docs IDE.md: Remove old repo.t5.fi M2E update sites, add two more aspectj.dev 6 dias atrás
installer Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
lib Implement remaining 'AspectJ_JDK_Update' tasks for 1.9.22 1 mês atrás
loadtime Revert WeavingAdaptor generated class map optimisation 2 semanas atrás
org.aspectj.ajdt.core Implement source location matching for weave messages in XML tests 1 semana atrás
org.aspectj.matcher Minor code cosmetics 1 semana atrás
run-all-junit-tests Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
runtime JoinPointImpl minor structural refactoring 1 semana atrás
taskdefs Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
testing Implement source location matching for weave messages in XML tests 1 semana atrás
testing-client Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
testing-drivers Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
testing-util Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
tests Use aspect file/line matching for weave messages in some tests 1 semana atrás
util Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás
weaver BcelObjectType: Add experimental code to set source file name for 1 semana atrás
.editorconfig Add a basic .editorconfig file 3 anos atrás
.gitignore Remove lib/jdtcore-aj 1 mês atrás
.mailmap Add Git .mailmap file 2 meses atrás
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md housekeeping 2 anos atrás
CONTRIBUTING.md Replace old by new AspectJ GitHub URL 2 meses atrás
LICENSE Upgrade license from CPLv1/EPLv1 to EPLv2 2 anos atrás
README.md README.md: Fix word order from comment in previous commit 3 semanas atrás
mvnw Update to Maven 3.6.3 3 anos atrás
mvnw.cmd Update to Maven 3.6.3 3 anos atrás
pom.xml Set version to 1.9.23-SNAPSHOT 1 mês atrás



AspectJ is:

  • a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language
  • Java platform compatible
  • easy to learn and use

AspectJ enables:

  • clean modularization of crosscutting concerns, such as error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, and multi-object protocols


AspectJ has a multi-module Maven build. Although various modules produce intermediate results, the key artifacts at the end of the build are:

  • aspectjrt - the AspectJ runtime
  • aspectjweaver - the AspectJ weaver
  • aspectjtools - the AspectJ compiler
  • aspectjmatcher - the AspectJ matcher

These are the artifacts published to Maven Central for each release. In addition, there is an installer that can be run with java -jar to install AspectJ onto Windows/Mac/Linux. This installer is produced by the installer sub-module.

In the root of a cloned AspectJ simply run:

./mvnw clean install

Please make sure that your project root directory name is either aspectj (default for git clone) or org.aspectj (case-insensitive), if you wish to run the build with tests. Some integration tests rely on this name when dynamically searching up the current path for the root folder.

You can also use a reasonably recent (3.6.3+), locally installed Maven installation instead of the Maven wrapper script.

This will build all the modules, run all the tests and install the key artifacts in your local repository. Once built, access the Maven dependencies from your local repository or run the installer to install AspectJ locally:

java -jar installer/target/aspectj-<VERSION>.jar

Running the tests in Eclipse

Once you have imported all the projects using m2e, there is a special module called run-all-junit-tests and within that a RunTheseBeforeYouCommitTests class that can be run with the JUnit launcher to execute thousands of tests. Ensure you run this with a JDK - the more recent the better since some tests will not execute on older JDKs - tests that verify language features that only exist in the more up to date JDK version.

Documentation for AspectJ users

Documentation for AspectJ developers

Maven releases

AspectJ is published to Maven Central under group ID org.aspectj.