
update readme

Decebal Suiu 11年前
  1. 7

+ 7
- 9
README.md ファイルの表示

@@ -53,21 +53,19 @@ It's very simple to add pf4j in your application:

In above code, I created a DefaultPluginManager (it's the default implementation for
PluginManager interface) that load and start all active(resolved) plugins.
The plugins are stored in a folder. You can specify the plugins folder in constructor of DefaultPluginManager
or using the constructor without parameters (in this case plugins folder is returned by System.getProperty("pf4j.pluginsDir", "plugins")).
The plugins are stored in a folder. You can specify the plugins folder in constructor of DefaultPluginManager. If the plugins folder is not specified
than the location is returned by System.getProperty("pf4j.pluginsDir", "plugins").

The structure of plugins folder is:
- plugin1.zip (or plugin1 folder)
- plugin2.zip (or plugin2 folder)
- pluginN.zip (or pluginN folder)
* plugin1.zip (or plugin1 folder)
* plugin2.zip (or plugin2 folder)

In plugins folder you can put a plugin as folder or archive file (zip).
A plugin folder has this structure:
- `classes` folder
- `lib` folder (optional - if the plugin used third party libraries)
* `classes` folder
* `lib` folder (optional - if the plugin used third party libraries)

The plugin manager discovers plugins metadata using a PluginDescriptorFinder. DefaultPluginDescriptorFinder lookup plugin descriptor in MANIFEST.MF file.
The plugin manager discovers plugins metadata using a PluginDescriptorFinder. DefaultPluginDescriptorFinder lookup plugins descriptors in MANIFEST.MF file.
In this case the classes/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF looks like:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
