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bug 56958: slightly improve performance when checking array formulas

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Javen O'Neal 8 years ago

+ 5
- 3
src/java/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/ View File

@@ -735,15 +735,17 @@ public final class HSSFSheet implements {

private void validateArrayFormulas(CellRangeAddress region) {
// FIXME: this may be faster if it looped over array formulas directly rather than looping over each cell in
// the region and searching if that cell belongs to an array formula
int firstRow = region.getFirstRow();
int firstColumn = region.getFirstColumn();
int lastRow = region.getLastRow();
int lastColumn = region.getLastColumn();
for (int rowIn = firstRow; rowIn <= lastRow; rowIn++) {
HSSFRow row = getRow(rowIn);
if (row == null) continue;
for (int colIn = firstColumn; colIn <= lastColumn; colIn++) {
HSSFRow row = getRow(rowIn);
if (row == null) continue;

HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(colIn);
if (cell == null) continue;

+ 8
- 6
src/ooxml/java/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/ View File

@@ -379,21 +379,23 @@ public class XSSFSheet extends POIXMLDocumentPart implements Sheet {
* @param region
* @throws IllegalStateException if candidate region intersects an existing array formula in this sheet
private void validateArrayFormulas(CellRangeAddress region){
private void validateArrayFormulas(CellRangeAddress region) {
// FIXME: this may be faster if it looped over array formulas directly rather than looping over each cell in
// the region and searching if that cell belongs to an array formula
int firstRow = region.getFirstRow();
int firstColumn = region.getFirstColumn();
int lastRow = region.getLastRow();
int lastColumn = region.getLastColumn();
// for each cell in sheet, if cell belongs to an array formula, check if merged region intersects array formula cells
for (int rowIn = firstRow; rowIn <= lastRow; rowIn++) {
XSSFRow row = getRow(rowIn);
if (row == null) continue;
for (int colIn = firstColumn; colIn <= lastColumn; colIn++) {
XSSFRow row = getRow(rowIn);
if (row == null) continue;

XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(colIn);
if(cell == null) continue;
if (cell == null) continue;

if (cell.isPartOfArrayFormulaGroup()) {
CellRangeAddress arrayRange = cell.getArrayFormulaRange();
if (arrayRange.getNumberOfCells() > 1 && region.intersects(arrayRange)) {
String msg = "The range " + region.formatAsString() + " intersects with a multi-cell array formula. " +
