You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

.gitignore 482B

  1. classes
  2. workbook.xls
  3. bak
  4. build.number
  5. *.el
  6. scripts
  7. untitled1.jpx
  8. log*.*
  9. *.log
  11. compile-lib/
  12. ooxml-lib/
  13. ooxml-testlib/
  14. # Eclipse
  15. /bin
  16. .settings
  17. # Tests
  18. junit*.properties
  19. TEST-org.apache.poi*.xml
  20. # Sonar
  21. .sonar
  22. sonar/main/src/
  23. sonar/ooxml/src/
  24. sonar/scratchpad/src/
  25. sonar/ooxml-full/src/
  26. sonar/examples/src/
  27. sonar/excelant/src/
  28. sonar/target
  29. sonar/*/target
  30. # IntelliJ
  31. /out/
  32. .idea
  33. *.iml
  34. *.iws
  35. *.ipr
  36. # Gradle
  37. .gradle
  38. # Ant
  39. .ant-targets-build.xml
  40. build
  41. dist
  42. lib/