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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. ====================================================================
  4. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  5. contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
  6. this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  7. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  8. (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  9. the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  11. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  12. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  13. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  14. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  15. limitations under the License.
  16. ====================================================================
  17. -->
  18. <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.3//EN" "./dtd/document-v13.dtd">
  19. <document>
  20. <header>
  21. <title>Apache POI - the Java API for Microsoft Documents</title>
  22. <authors>
  23. <person id="AO" name="Andrew C. Oliver" email=""/>
  24. <person id="GJS" name="Glen Stampoultzis" email=""/>
  25. <person id="AS" name="Avik Sengupta" email=""/>
  26. <person id="RK" name="Rainer Klute" email=""/>
  27. <person id="DF" name="David Fisher" email=""/>
  28. </authors>
  29. </header>
  30. <body>
  31. <section><title>26 March 2012 - POI 3.8 available</title>
  32. <p>The Apache POI team is pleased to announce the release of 3.8. This includes a large number of bug fixes, and some
  33. enhancements (especially text extraction). See the
  34. <link href="">release notes</link> for more details.
  35. </p>
  36. <p>A full list of changes is available in the <link href="changes.html">change log</link>.
  37. People interested should also follow the <link href="mailinglists.html">dev mailing list</link> to track further progress.</p>
  38. <p>See the <link href="download.html">downloads</link> page for more details.</p>
  39. </section>
  40. <section><title>Nightly Builds</title>
  41. <p>The POI nightly builds are run on <link href="">Jenkins</link> continuous integration server.
  42. Note that these are no official builds and they are not endorsed or even supported by the POI team.
  43. <br/>
  44. <strong>These builds should not be used in production</strong>: they are only intended for use by developers
  45. to help with resolving bugs and evaluating new features.
  46. </p>
  47. <ul>
  48. <li><link href="">
  49. Last Successful Jenkins build for POI-trunk</link></li>
  50. </ul>
  51. </section>
  52. <section><title>28 August 2011 - The Apache POI project is celebrating its 10th anniversary</title>
  53. <p>
  54. The Apache POI project is celebrating its 10th anniversary. On the 28th of August 2001, the first 0.1 alpha version of POI was released.
  55. <link href="">Read more...</link></p>
  56. </section>
  57. <section><title>Mission Statement</title>
  58. <p>
  59. The Apache POI Project's mission is to create and maintain Java APIs for manipulating various file formats
  60. based upon the Office Open XML standards (OOXML) and Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format (OLE2).
  61. In short, you can read and write MS Excel files using Java.
  62. In addition, you can read and write MS Word and MS PowerPoint files using Java. Apache POI is your Java Excel
  63. solution (for Excel 97-2008). We have a complete API for porting other OOXML and OLE2 formats and welcome others to participate.
  64. </p>
  65. <p>
  66. OLE2 files include most Microsoft Office files such as XLS, DOC, and PPT as well as MFC serialization API based file formats.
  67. The project provides APIs for the <link href="poifs/index.html">OLE2 Filesystem (POIFS)</link> and
  68. <link href="hpsf/index.html">OLE2 Document Properties (HPSF)</link>.
  69. </p>
  70. <p>
  71. Office OpenXML Format is the new standards based XML file format found in Microsoft Office 2007 and 2008.
  72. This includes XLSX, DOCX and PPTX. The project provides a low level API to support the Open Packaging Conventions
  73. using <link href="oxml4j/index.html">openxml4j</link>.
  74. </p>
  75. <p>
  76. For each MS Office application there exists a component module that attempts to provide a common high level Java api to both OLE2 and OOXML
  77. document formats. This is most developed for <link href="spreadsheet/index.html">Excel workbooks (SS=HSSF+XSSF)</link>.
  78. Work is progressing for <link href="hwpf/index.html">Word documents (HWPF+XWPF)</link> and
  79. <link href="slideshow/index.html">PowerPoint presentations (HSLF+XSLF)</link>.
  80. </p>
  81. <p>
  82. The project has recently added support for <link href="hsmf/index.html">Outlook (HSMF)</link>. Microsoft opened the specifications
  83. to this format in October 2007. We would welcome contributions.
  84. </p>
  85. <p>
  86. There are also projects for
  87. <link href="hdgf/index.html">Visio (HDGF)</link>,
  88. <link href="hmef/index.html">TNEF (HMEF)</link>,
  89. and <link href="hpbf/index.html">Publisher (HPBF)</link>.
  90. </p>
  91. <p>
  92. As a general policy we collaborate as much as possible with other projects to
  93. provide this functionality. Examples include: <link href="">Cocoon</link> for
  94. which there are serializers for HSSF;
  95. <link href="">Open</link> with whom we collaborate in documenting the
  96. XLS format; and <link href="">Tika</link> /
  97. <link href="">Lucene</link>,
  98. for which we provide format interpretors. When practical, we donate
  99. components directly to those projects for POI-enabling them.
  100. </p>
  101. <section><title>Why should I use Apache POI?</title>
  102. <p>
  103. A major use of the Apache POI api is for <link href="text-extraction.html">Text Extraction</link> applications
  104. such as web spiders, index builders, and content management systems.
  105. </p>
  106. <p>
  107. So why should you use POIFS, HSSF or XSSF?
  108. </p>
  109. <p>
  110. You'd use POIFS if you had a document written in OLE 2 Compound Document Format, probably written using
  111. MFC, that you needed to read in Java. Alternatively, you'd use POIFS to write OLE 2 Compound Document Format
  112. if you needed to inter-operate with software running on the Windows platform. We are not just bragging when
  113. we say that POIFS is the most complete and correct implementation of this file format to date!
  114. </p>
  115. <p>
  116. You'd use HSSF if you needed to read or write an Excel file using Java (XLS). You'd use
  117. XSSF if you need to read or write an OOXML Excel file using Java (XLSX). The combined
  118. SS interface allows you to easily read and write all kinds of Excel files (XLS and XLSX)
  119. using Java.
  120. </p>
  121. </section>
  122. <section><title>Components</title>
  123. <p>
  124. The Apache POI Project provides several component modules some of which may not be of interest to you.
  125. Use the information on our <link href="overview.html#components">Components</link> page to determine which
  126. jar files to include in your classpath.
  127. </p>
  128. </section>
  129. </section>
  130. <section><title>Contributing </title>
  131. <p>
  132. So you'd like to contribute to the project? Great! We need enthusiastic, hard-working, talented folks to help
  133. us on the project. So if you're motivated, ready, and have the time time download the source from the
  134. <link href="subversion.html">Subversion Repository</link>, <link href="howtobuild.html">build the code</link>,
  135. join the <link href="mailinglists.html">mailing lists</link> and we'll be happy to help you get started on the project!
  136. </p>
  137. <p>
  138. Please read our <link href="guidelines.html">Contribution Guidelines</link>. When your contribution is ready
  139. submit a patch to our <link href="">Bug Database</link>.
  140. </p>
  141. </section>
  142. </body>
  143. <footer>
  144. <legal>
  145. Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
  146. <br />
  147. Apache POI, POI, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache
  148. POI project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
  149. </legal>
  150. </footer>
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