
Resets strings that don't mention that an email was sent for activating the account.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/redmine/trunk@11950 e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Jean-Philippe Lang 11年前
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config/locales/bg.yml ファイルの表示

@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ bg:
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Невалиден потребител или парола.
notice_account_password_updated: Паролата е успешно променена.
notice_account_wrong_password: Грешна парола
notice_account_register_done: Профилът е създаден успешно.
notice_account_unknown_email: Непознат e-mail.
notice_can_t_change_password: Този профил е с външен метод за оторизация. Невъзможна смяна на паролата.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Изпратен ви е e-mail с инструкции за избор на нова парола.
@@ -1089,3 +1088,5 @@ bg:
notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing
the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.

+ 2
- 1
config/locales/de.yml ファイルの表示

@@ -835,7 +835,6 @@ de:
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen, ein neues Kennwort zu wählen, wurde Ihnen geschickt.
notice_account_password_updated: Kennwort wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
notice_account_pending: "Ihr Konto wurde erstellt und wartet jetzt auf die Genehmigung des Administrators."
notice_account_register_done: Konto wurde erfolgreich angelegt.
notice_account_unknown_email: Unbekannter Benutzer.
notice_account_updated: Konto wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
notice_account_wrong_password: Falsches Kennwort.
@@ -1105,3 +1104,5 @@ de:
notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing
the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.

+ 2
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config/locales/it.yml ファイルの表示

@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ it:
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Nome utente o password non validi.
notice_account_password_updated: La password è stata aggiornata.
notice_account_wrong_password: Password errata
notice_account_register_done: L'utente è stato creato.
notice_account_unknown_email: Utente sconosciuto.
notice_can_t_change_password: Questo utente utilizza un metodo di autenticazione esterno. Impossibile cambiare la password.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Ti è stata spedita una email con le istruzioni per cambiare la password.
@@ -1090,3 +1089,5 @@ it:
notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing
the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.

+ 2
- 1
config/locales/nl.yml ファイルの表示

@@ -617,7 +617,6 @@ nl:
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Er is een e-mail naar u verstuurd met instructies over het kiezen van een nieuw wachtwoord.
notice_account_password_updated: Wachtwoord is met succes gewijzigd
notice_account_pending: "Uw account is aangemaakt, maar wacht nog op goedkeuring van de beheerder."
notice_account_register_done: Account is met succes aangemaakt.
notice_account_unknown_email: Onbekende gebruiker.
notice_account_updated: Account is met succes gewijzigd
notice_account_wrong_password: Incorrect wachtwoord
@@ -1073,3 +1072,5 @@ nl:
notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing
the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.

+ 2
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config/locales/pl.yml ファイルの表示

@@ -652,7 +652,6 @@ pl:
notice_account_lost_email_sent: E-mail z instrukcjami zmiany hasła został wysłany do Ciebie.
notice_account_password_updated: Hasło prawidłowo zmienione.
notice_account_pending: "Twoje konto zostało utworzone i oczekuje na zatwierdzenie administratora."
notice_account_register_done: Konto prawidłowo utworzone.
notice_account_unknown_email: Nieznany użytkownik.
notice_account_updated: Konto prawidłowo zaktualizowane.
notice_account_wrong_password: Złe hasło
@@ -1113,3 +1112,5 @@ pl:
notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing
the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.

+ 2
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config/locales/pt.yml ファイルの表示

@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ pt:
notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Utilizador ou palavra-chave inválidos.
notice_account_password_updated: A palavra-chave foi alterada com sucesso.
notice_account_wrong_password: Palavra-chave errada.
notice_account_register_done: A conta foi criada com sucesso.
notice_account_unknown_email: Utilizador desconhecido.
notice_can_t_change_password: Esta conta utiliza uma fonte de autenticação externa. Não é possível alterar a palavra-chave.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: Foi-lhe enviado um e-mail com as instruções para escolher uma nova palavra-chave.
@@ -1098,3 +1097,5 @@ pt:
notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
notice_account_register_done: Account was successfully created. An email containing
the instructions to activate your account was sent to %{email}.
