class ChangeChangesetsRevisionToString < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] def self.up # Some backends (eg. SQLServer 2012) do not support changing the type # of an indexed column so the index needs to be dropped first # BUT this index is renamed with some backends (at least SQLite3) for # some (unknown) reasons, thus we check for the other name as well # so we don't end up with 2 identical indexes if index_exists? :changesets, [:repository_id, :revision], :name => :changesets_repos_rev remove_index :changesets, :name => :changesets_repos_rev end if index_exists? :changesets, [:repository_id, :revision], :name => :altered_changesets_repos_rev remove_index :changesets, :name => :altered_changesets_repos_rev end change_column :changesets, :revision, :string, :null => false add_index :changesets, [:repository_id, :revision], :unique => true, :name => :changesets_repos_rev end def self.down if index_exists? :changesets, :changesets_repos_rev remove_index :changesets, :name => :changesets_repos_rev end if index_exists? :changesets, [:repository_id, :revision], :name => :altered_changesets_repos_rev remove_index :changesets, :name => :altered_changesets_repos_rev end change_column :changesets, :revision, :integer, :null => false add_index :changesets, [:repository_id, :revision], :unique => true, :name => :changesets_repos_rev end end