require 'uri' require 'openid' require 'rack/openid' module OpenIdAuthentication def store = if store.nil? Rails.logger.warn " is nil. Using in-memory store." end, end def @@store end def*store_option) store, *parameters = *([ store_option ].flatten) @@store = case store when :memory require 'openid/store/memory' when :file require 'openid/store/filesystem''tmp/openids')) when :memcache require 'memcache' require 'openid/store/memcache' else store end end = nil class InvalidOpenId < StandardError end class Result ERROR_MESSAGES = { :missing => "Sorry, the OpenID server couldn't be found", :invalid => "Sorry, but this does not appear to be a valid OpenID", :canceled => "OpenID verification was canceled", :failed => "OpenID verification failed", :setup_needed => "OpenID verification needs setup" } def self.[](code) new(code) end def initialize(code) @code = code end def status @code end ERROR_MESSAGES.each_key { |state| define_method("#{state}?") { @code == state } } def successful? @code == :successful end def unsuccessful? ERROR_MESSAGES.keys.include?(@code) end def message ERROR_MESSAGES[@code] end end # normalizes an OpenID according to def self.normalize_identifier(identifier) # clean up whitespace identifier = identifier.to_s.strip # if an XRI has a prefix, strip it. identifier.gsub!(/xri:\/\//i, '') # dodge XRIs -- TODO: validate, don't just skip. unless ['=', '@', '+', '$', '!', '('].include?( # does it begin with http? if not, add it. identifier = +"http://#{identifier}" unless /^http/i.match?(identifier) # strip any fragments identifier.gsub!(/\#(.*)$/, '') begin uri = URI.parse(identifier) uri.scheme = uri.scheme.downcase if uri.scheme # URI should do this identifier = uri.normalize.to_s rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise"#{identifier} is not an OpenID identifier") end end return identifier end protected # The parameter name of "openid_identifier" is used rather than # the Rails convention "open_id_identifier" because that's what # the specification dictates in order to get browser auto-complete # working across sites def using_open_id?(identifier = nil) identifier ||= open_id_identifier !identifier.blank? || request.env[Rack::OpenID::RESPONSE] end def authenticate_with_open_id(identifier = nil, options = {}, &block) identifier ||= open_id_identifier if request.env[Rack::OpenID::RESPONSE] complete_open_id_authentication(&block) else begin_open_id_authentication(identifier, options, &block) end end private def open_id_identifier params[:openid_identifier] || params[:openid_url] end def begin_open_id_authentication(identifier, options = {}) options[:identifier] = identifier value = Rack::OpenID.build_header(options) response.headers[Rack::OpenID::AUTHENTICATE_HEADER] = value head :unauthorized end def complete_open_id_authentication response = request.env[Rack::OpenID::RESPONSE] identifier = response.display_identifier case response.status when OpenID::Consumer::SUCCESS yield Result[:successful], identifier, OpenID::SReg::Response.from_success_response(response) when :missing yield Result[:missing], identifier, nil when :invalid yield Result[:invalid], identifier, nil when OpenID::Consumer::CANCEL yield Result[:canceled], identifier, nil when OpenID::Consumer::FAILURE yield Result[:failed], identifier, nil when OpenID::Consumer::SETUP_NEEDED yield Result[:setup_needed], response.setup_url, nil end end end