# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require File.expand_path('../../../../../test_helper', __FILE__) class Redmine::WikiFormatting::MarkdownFormatterTest < ActionView::TestCase if Object.const_defined?(:Redcarpet) def setup @formatter = Redmine::WikiFormatting::Markdown::Formatter end def test_syntax_error_in_image_reference_should_not_raise_exception assert @formatter.new("!>[](foo.png)").to_html end def test_empty_image_should_not_raise_exception assert @formatter.new("![]()").to_html end # re-using the formatter after getting above error crashes the # ruby interpreter. This seems to be related to # https://github.com/vmg/redcarpet/issues/318 def test_should_not_crash_redcarpet_after_syntax_error @formatter.new("!>[](foo.png)").to_html rescue nil assert @formatter.new("![](foo.png)").to_html.present? end def test_inline_style assert_equal "


", @formatter.new("**foo**").to_html.strip end def test_not_set_intra_emphasis assert_equal "


", @formatter.new("foo_bar_baz").to_html.strip end def test_wiki_links_should_be_preserved text = 'This is a wiki link: [[Foo]]' assert_include '[[Foo]]', @formatter.new(text).to_html end def test_redmine_links_with_double_quotes_should_be_preserved text = 'This is a redmine link: version:"1.0"' assert_include 'version:"1.0"', @formatter.new(text).to_html end def test_should_support_syntax_highlight text = <<-STR ~~~ruby def foo end ~~~ STR assert_select_in @formatter.new(text).to_html, 'pre code.ruby.syntaxhl' do assert_select 'span.k', :text => 'def' end end def test_should_not_allow_invalid_language_for_code_blocks text = <<-STR ~~~foo test ~~~ STR assert_equal "
", @formatter.new(text).to_html end def test_external_links_should_have_external_css_class text = 'This is a [link](http://example.net/)' assert_equal '

This is a link

', @formatter.new(text).to_html.strip end def test_locals_links_should_not_have_external_css_class text = 'This is a [link](/issues)' assert_equal '

This is a link

', @formatter.new(text).to_html.strip end def test_markdown_should_not_require_surrounded_empty_line text = <<-STR This is a list: * One * Two STR assert_equal "

This is a list:

\n\n", @formatter.new(text).to_html.strip end def test_footnotes text = <<-STR This is some text[^1]. [^1]: This is the foot note STR expected = <<-EXPECTED

This is some text1.

  1. This is the foot note 

EXPECTED assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), @formatter.new(text).to_html.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end STR_WITH_PRE = [ # 0 "# Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed libero.", # 1 "## Heading 2 ~~~ruby def foo end ~~~ Morbi facilisis accumsan orci non pharetra. ``` Pre Content: ## Inside pre inside pre block Morbi facilisis accumsan orci non pharetra. ```", # 2 "### Heading 3 Nulla nunc nisi, egestas in ornare vel, posuere ac libero."] def test_get_section_should_ignore_pre_content text = STR_WITH_PRE.join("\n\n") assert_section_with_hash STR_WITH_PRE[1..2].join("\n\n"), text, 2 assert_section_with_hash STR_WITH_PRE[2], text, 3 end def test_update_section_should_not_escape_pre_content_outside_section text = STR_WITH_PRE.join("\n\n") replacement = "New text" assert_equal [STR_WITH_PRE[0..1], "New text"].flatten.join("\n\n"), @formatter.new(text).update_section(3, replacement) end def test_should_support_underlined_text text = 'This _text_ should be underlined' assert_equal '

This text should be underlined

', @formatter.new(text).to_html.strip end private def assert_section_with_hash(expected, text, index) result = @formatter.new(text).get_section(index) assert_kind_of Array, result assert_equal 2, result.size assert_equal expected, result.first, "section content did not match" assert_equal Digest::MD5.hexdigest(expected), result.last, "section hash did not match" end end end