<%= stylesheet_link_tag "wiki_syntax_detailed.css" %>

Wiki formatting (Markdown)


Redmine links

Redmine allows hyperlinking between resources (issues, changesets, wiki pages...) from anywhere wiki formatting is used.

Wiki links:

You can also link to pages of an other project wiki:

Wiki links are displayed in red if the page doesn't exist yet, eg: Nonexistent page.

Links to other resources:


External links

URLs (starting with: www, http, https, ftp, ftps, sftp and sftps) and email addresses are automatically turned into clickable links:

http://www.redmine.org, someone@foo.bar

displays: http://www.redmine.org, someone@foo.bar

If you want to display a specific text instead of the URL, you can use the standard markdown syntax:

[Redmine web site](http://www.redmine.org)

displays: Redmine web site

Text formatting

For things such as headlines, bold, tables, lists, Redmine supports Markdown syntax. See http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax for information on using any of these features. A few samples are included below, but the engine is capable of much more of that.

Font style

* **bold**
* *Italic*
* ***bold italic***
* _underline_
* ~~strike-through~~


Inline images


# Heading
## Subheading
### Subsubheading

Redmine assigns an anchor to each of those headings thus you can link to them with "#Heading", "#Subheading" and so forth.


Start the paragraph with >

> Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.


Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.

Table of content

{{toc}} => left aligned toc
{{>toc}} => right aligned toc

Horizontal Rule



Redmine has the following builtin macros:


Sample macro.


Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.


Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:

{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only
{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only

Include a wiki page. Example:


or to include a page of a specific project wiki:


Inserts of collapsed block of text. Example:

{{collapse(View details...)
This is a block of text that is collapsed by default.
It can be expanded by clicking a link.

Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image. Examples:

{{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}}

Inserts a link to an issue with flexible text. Examples:

{{issue(123)}}                              -- Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, project=true)}}                -- Andromeda - Issue #123:Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, tracker=false)}}               -- #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, subject=false, project=true)}} -- Andromeda - Issue #123

Code highlighting

Default code highlighting relies on Rouge, a pure Ruby code highlighter. Rouge supports many commonly used languages such as c, cpp (c++), csharp (c#, cs), css, diff (patch, udiff), go (golang), groovy, html, java, javascript (js), kotlin, objective_c (objc), perl (pl), php, python (py), r, ruby (rb), sass, scala, shell (bash, zsh, ksh, sh), sql, swift, xml and yaml (yml) languages - the names inside parentheses are aliases. Please refer to the list of languages supported by Redmine code highlighter.

You can highlight code at any place that supports wiki formatting using this syntax (note that the language name or alias is case-insensitive):

``` ruby
  Place your code here.


# The Greeter class
class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name.capitalize

  def salute
    puts "Hello #{@name}!"